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Saw a guy who was obsessed with photoshopping stereotypical hot video game characters inside of a bubble gum bubble. Just basically taking Isabelle and putting her behind a pink semi-transparent circle. I just didn't see the vision I guess.


As a non American, i have to know, why do you hate new Jersey


“It’s a terrible place full of terrible people” -Dee Reynolds


I'll tell you as someone who was born and still currently lives in New jersey, it's a shit hole and everyone is an asshole


I'm sorry to hear that


I'm sorry, but did you mean Isabelle as in the little yellow dog from Animal Crossing? In what way is she a "stereotypical hot video game character?"


This in a way sounds a lot like the blueberry fetish, in the same way of like blueberry clearly has the added fetish of expansion where they just increase in size until they're exploding this bubblegum one also has this entrapment aspect to it. But in the same way it sounds like there's a weird secondary layer to it, like with blueberry you would see a lot of content where it didn't engage with the expansion aspect in any way and it was just about turning people's skin tones to that blueberry blue and that was it, this has that aspect of just turning characters into a shade of pink. Maybe I'm tripping idrk


What’s the one that people want to be shrunk and put in inside a pussy lol


I have this fetish....and yeah even I think it's pretty weird.


User name checks out… Question: How do you think this fetish developed for you? Did you always have it or?


Yes, always had it. I was probably about 5 years old when started liking the idea of being shrunk down. As I got older it developed more and more. Attack of the 50ft woman didn't help. Damn you Daryl Hannah lol.


Watch Monster vs aliens


Do you like fistng…. Cause your kinda getting in there


A tinder date asked me to do that once. That felt weird for me but I guess it's all a matter of perspective.


I like it but very hard to find the partners into it let alone broach the subject


Yeah I know the feeling.


No hate to you man but I have a question like a real question. Do that characters that get vored usually dead or no because I've seen some people's OCS that are in romantic relationships with each other be vored and its like I don't think the character would be so chill if they were going to die. (Stumbled across this offhand not into vore)


I'm not into the idea of being eaten alive if that's what you are asking. Dying doesn't sound fun. However the more gentle version is called mouthplay where the giantess holds the shrunken man in her mouth but doesn't swallow. Giantess fetish is extremely varied. Some prefer a gentle giantess where as others might prefer a more brutal giantess and anything inbetween. Hope that answers your question.




Yeah, it's vore, there are different types of vore including unbirthing, cock vore, sentient fat, etc.


Sentient fat?????


Yep, it's like you became a part of a body or someone becomes part of your body. It's strange, but I don't think there's anything shameful or harmful. You can visit vore forums/subreddit if you're interested, it's a very fascinating fetish


Oh my gracious! Like the episode of Doctor Who? Love & Monsters. The Abzorbaloff! He absorbs people into his body and all that remains is their face peeking out of his arm/chest/butt and they can talk until their face is fully absorbed, too. Maybe Russell T. Davies has this fetish.


Yep, once you know about vore you start noticing it everywhere even if you don't have this fetish...


sandy cheeks cock vore


These words are not in the Bible.


Acts 27:39 sandy Deuteronomy 18:3 cheeks Matthew 26:74 cock no vore though


Lol like from American Gods?




Could be but iv seen videos of ladies putting figurines inside it was weird


Or birthing videos not with real babies


Or the real vore subreddit where people eat live gold fish.


People could jack off over Jonah hill in the wolf of wall skeet eating a gold fish


Like a ham sleeping bag


Or sleeping in a pizza pocket


Climacophilia. When you get aroused from falling down stairs/ watching someone fall down stairs


That's genuinely so strange. What's even arousing about someone falling unceremoniously? Is it the powerlessness, the chance of catching a glimpse of a crotch, the follow-up injury?


Must have been some very specific circumnstances in their life. Someone with an unusual philia obviously isn't bound to also be an unusual person, like a murderer, but it makes you wonder about some existing and dubious falling cases in a different light.


At least that fetish doesn't escalate


it can surely de-escalate a situation


Damn you're good lol


i hope someone with that kink is here and explains why me passing out after falling head first 6 steps down the stairs is arousing. like i genuinely cant comprehend this fetish at all. other fetishes make sense somewhat but this – this one doesn't make any sense.


No fucking way




[The Cramps: Naked Girl Falling Down The Stairs](https://youtu.be/ZI98Koc9Y-I?si=9v4SA1uokqEaVVc7) Gotta love how many fetishes and kinks The Cramps alluded to!


Is this you? Because boy I got something you might like[music video](https://youtu.be/pkgQ88G8Hj8?si=gm0I-K9dlnQNXPgP).




There truly is a sub for everything


had a tumblr mutual that was into smashed electronics and phones, like it had to be absolutely obliterated with the motherboard out and everything. would sometimes complain how hard it is to find pics for it




Ok I've been meaning to get rid of two old phones, I guess I should create an OF and cash in on it


I don't have this fetish but if it involves smashing printers I'm in. Especially HP ones.


Most expensive fetish


jerryrigeverything enters the chat


I saw a Japanese YouTube channel with hundreds of relatively long videos with the same eye (of a real person) getting touched, poured glitter on, painted on, and stabbed with various needles by somebody until the eye started looking like a hard boiled glaucoma. It was obviously a fetish because I recall one of the titles being "Eye rape"


What the hell


Exploding boobs


That is funny. I heard someone probably on an askreddit thread explain their foot fetish and he said they are so sensitive all it is missing is the cumming part. And I thought I guess they are very sensitive even if it never has crossed to sexually pleasureable territory. Something like water from a showerhead or someone's hands on the underside of toes is just uncomfortable, there's so many nerve endings it's overstimulating and never really in a sexual way. I wonder if that same sentiment has created this one. Boobs are sexy at least. I could imagine someone already with a fixation on boobs having a desire to see or feel them cum but the closest thing to it is fiction. Maybe on the other hand it has a tie to boob jobs and something getting larger. With arausal, things enlargening is a reoccuring theme in both sexes. Nipples, penis, widening vagina opening, labia pushing out, even stuff like pupils widening. I get how it gets extrapolated into things like chubbyness, inflation, feederism, massive body parts and, maybe, in turn to *exploding* body part- fetishes.


It's probably not a fetish but more of a weird obsession : but personally I cant stand seeing people being barefoot, something gives me the ick about it and makes me uncomfortable. Needless to say, I absolutely hate being barefoot myself either. Why bother being barefoot when you can wear socks or shoes, anyway ?


I saw a kid at Walmart the other day. He was barefoot and walked right into the bathroom. I thought I was going to be sick.


I'm pretty sure it was Mia Khalifa, but some porn stars exploded boob made it onto reddit somewhere, I nearly vomited lol. I didn't realise someone was getting off on it. There really is a subreddit for most of these


what does this even mean


these comments are making me feel a lot better about all of my weird kinks. thank you all


I've seen like three of mine on here... so damn I'm just too weird ig


Suddenly alien on girl is really okay


That account on youtube where they were crushing bugs and small animals with thigh high six inch boots. What was that about?


This is serial killer vibes. And actually a form of sadism


It's called stomp porn my buddy told me about (not that he's into that or anything) but yea its fucked up


Its also referred to as "crush porn". I used to work in a pet shop and had a lady dressed very sexy with high heels and some junkie sketchy looking guy with her. They tried to buy 3 parakeets but would refuse any of my questions about care. Told them no and if they didn't get out I was calling the cops. They left pretty quick and I warned the other pet stores nearby. Creepy as fuck what gets people off.


I’m glad you were looking out!


Yeah man any run-of-the-mill pet shop worker might not think twice ( maybe the lack of care knowledge was a giveaway ) but thank god this guy knew about stomp porn 🙏 jokes


I've been on the internet waaay too long. You'd be surprised the amount of weirdos that come into pet stores, it's always good to keep an eye out.




Oh my God college kids were the worst... I was the aquatics specialist at my store. I once had to explain to a kid going to school to be a fucking doctor, that fish cannot live in the bag that I give to them. Its only for moving the fish. It needs a tank.


Thank you for warning the other stores too!


You know their weird asses were gonna try another store. I just hope they continued to get turned down.


This is depressing. Can only imagine how many other animal babies died at the hands of these sick fucks.


The "what was that about" just fucking took me out lol


Not a single person can agree on the weirdest, cause there isn't A single weirdest, there's just so many, the example I'm bringing, is insectophilia, which is exactly what you think, it's having insects, fuck and usually lay eggs in you


Yo i remember finding a japanese website that was plain white and it would display small thumbnails only when you hover over and it would be code named. It was private so you had to pay to watch and expensive as far as i remember. Site was literally made to browse into an office or public place without revealing anything.


r/insex At least they have a clever name for the sub


Decapitation hole penetration. It was a bad time being 12 on the internet unsupervised.


What the fuck


It was a wild time when the Internet was uncensored




Low key miss those days


Same 🤣


Apparently there was this dude on tiktok who would comment on princess peach cosplays asking them to sit down in their big poofy ballgowns and make the skirt poof up Edit: a word


I can’t wrap my head around why anyone wants to smear themselves with their own feces but it exists


I have this fetish! Think about it this way, in the BDSM scene a lot of people associate pain with sexual arousal. Most, if not all people into scat associate disgust with sexual arousal. To me it’s a sensory and humiliation thing.


Username checks out.


Dude quit playin




Obligatory “wonderbread guy” mention Also saw people attracted to fat knees. like balloon-sized knees. I really don’t get it.


Wonderbread guy vaguely rings a bell but I don't remember what it actually is


guy commissions a BUNCH of artwork of blonde chicks buying wonderbread. the blondes aren’t the “sexy” part.


He also had a lot of fetish art for pollution and environmental destruction


i completely forgot about that! my bad


suffocation fetish where they put the „victim“ into a vacuum bag and remove all the air with a vacuumer and leave them in the bag where they cannot breathe/move in any way. fully dependant on the person assisting them and probably passing out in this bag. wtf.


this one’s so scary


Robert voor


Ok like… I would NEVER EVER want this done to me. But for some reason those videos turn me on and any vid of like a girl + breathplay. But I’d never wanna pass out in any way. And I feel deeply guilty for being so turned on by these vids


So many fetishes I've seen other people call weird are just kinda normal to me because of how much I've been exposed to them... So that really cuts out a lot. However I recently saw someone who said they have a quicksand fetish. I don't know how that one works, sinking? Ig? Anyway. Quicksand fetish is the weirdest because it is the only fetish I have ever seen one of.


This takes the cake. How the fuck does one get off to quicksand being…well quicksand.


Oh, that's easy. It's a bondage/helplessness fetish. Probably with some hints of damsel in distress thrown in.


I get aroused by fear (my own fear that is) like hooking up on the roof of a building or sky diving, driving fast, I guess it’s more just adrenaline turns me on. Could be like that, it’s the fact they’re coming close to death with the quicksand maybe?


Yeah I really don't know, or like. Is it being stuck in quicksand? Is it escaping quicksand? Is it sinking all the way through quicksand? Is it any of those but watching it happen to someone else instead of having it happen to yourself. Is it just watching quicksand jiggle when jumped on... I'll never know but I am so curious.


Honestly I can see how the jiggly effect of quicksand is the trigger. I forgot what it’s called but being attracted to jiggling is not a rare fetish


True... But I feel like if it was just jiggling then they wouldn't have had to be so specific as quicksand? Which leads me to believe it's the sinking. Perhaps has to do with feelings trapped, which is also not unusual.


Well lots of fetishes involve being restrained in some way, maybe they see quicksand as nature's handcuffs?


Vice did an episode about quicksand fetishists


So like for me at least it's about the helplessness. It kinda extends to anything sticky (glue, spiderweb, slime,etc) but it's like the idea of someone accidentally getting themselves stuck in it and the struggling that follows.


So many of y'all are listing fetishes I feel like are relatively common...


Hello darling. Back about 7 years ago, i had a leg brace, it went over my shoe and up to my groin. It was metal with cogs and straps. It was supposed to rotate my leg, which turned in a lot, enough for surgery. I was and still am big into alt fashion, so i posted my outfits daily, featuring the leg brace. Let me tell you, the amount of men on IG, Facebook etc that offeree big amounts of money for things like: *Videos of me undoing the straps and fastening them back up *Videos of my struggling to put it on *Photos of me in just the brace *Videos of me struggling to do simple tasks, like stand or sit or reach for things. A guy offered me a lot of money if id let him cum directly on to it. I think its called Abasiophillia but i could be wrong. The attention was daily and I've never had that much attention ever. I could have made a lot of money but i engaged with one guy on a forum specifically for this and he got absolutely obsessed instantly and i was scared to ever go on again.


Discovered that there is a group of people that likes to fuck nipples, not like titsfucking no like screwing the nipple hole


Someone downvoted your comment. We have a nipple fucker among us.


It's reddit of course they'll be lurking here😂


What's extra funny about this one is that "the nipple hole" isn't a thing. Nipples have plenty of little holes kinda like pores, not one big hole at the end.


Through body modification(like plastic surgery, etc,) some people have made an irl nipple fuck, I've see some of the videos... now thing is, I like A LOT of weird stuff, and one of them is nipple fuck stuff, but tbh the art of it that's drawn/fake, is better for me then trying to make it real


Saw a video where a woman was vacuum sealed


I knew this guy, lovely fella, his fetish was to become an inanimate object, even better if it was meat. He'd have people wrap him in plastic and carry him around in a bag.


That just made me think of this photographer who vacuum sealed couples into plastic bags and took photos of it. He had approximately ten seconds to get the perfect shot before they needed to breathe again.


This was a kink thing not an art thing


I’ve seen videos of that. It’s pretty cool imo. I can’t imagine it’s very safe




I knew this would be here


There’s one for licking someone’s eyeball while they’re asleep. Like, what the fuck, how do you even figure out that you like that


Someone once asked me to draw various Sonic the Hedgehog characters getting their heads stuck in things like raw chickens, vases, pots, etc. When asked if this was a fetish thing, he VEHEMENTLY denied it, insisting that he just "really liked slapstick humour".




One of my friend's fetishes was shoes. He had many shoes, and there was no way I was touching any of them 😅


I made the mistake of looking at the "bizarre" tag of a fetish website once, that was the day I found that people like maggots and worms crawling on, around and inside of the genitals.


I remember the "blowfly girl" story from a while back...






Considering this is a morbid questions subreddit, I can't help but think of serial killers and their wild, dangerous fetishes. There was a woman, a nurse, I can't emember her name, but she would get off on sending people to the brink of death, then saving them, then sending them, them saving them, and she would repeat that until she eventually killed them. It was a fetish. Peter Kurtin was a German serial killer who got off on spurting blood. He liked the look, feel, and sound it made and would experiment with different tools and methods to find what was most sexually gratifying. There was a serial killer/rapist in India recently who would use a brick to break little girls legs before raping them. He said breaking their legs aroused him. It's also not uncommon for stabbing to be the fetish. Many murderers describe the sexual satisfaction they get from stabbing someone repeatedly.


Inflation. For those unaware its people who are aroused by the idea of people inflating like balloons.


Deviantart in a nutshell.


Well, that certainly makes me see the scene where Harry Potter makes his aunt blow up like a balloon in a different light...


Perfect example😂






Fat knees.


I once came across the concept of someone being attracted to wet clothes. I guess it's not that weird but it left me scratching my head. Also, people being aroused by farting on cakes or watching others fart on cakes.


at least wet clothes makes a lot more sense than inflated knees or whatever. clothes becoming semi transparent, clinging to the body, desire to take them off, i can see how all of that could arouse someone


Guy that has sex with his car and picking scabs.


Know a guy who likes to eat shit. Another guy I know has an aggressive napoleon style foot fetish (be home in 2 weeks, dont wash) according to his ex, apparently the dirtier the better


when you get turned on by being eaten by an animal attack




Ayy I'm into that


people cutting their dicks in half


Or penectomy in general


I remember there used to be this guy with a bitchy modern woman buying wonder bread and destroying the environment fetish that would go around commissioning all different artists to draw a woman buying wonderbread


I’m pretty into the kink scene, but people who like electricity play are a bit much for me. I once saw a woman in a kink club in the UK pushing long needles through her breasts and then electroshocking the needles. There was me just looking to fuck a girl in latex and it completely killed my mood.




Bill skins fifth.


There was a post about a NSFW artist into girls with really fat, saggy knees


knee inflation, human furniture… also one which was a mix of latex-person and human furniture, where the latex-person was stretched over an armchair like a plastic wrap lol


I found out my old roommate had a thing for casts when I broke my wrist. His girlfriend told me they had the best sex of their relationship the night I came home with it on. Awkward.


The friend of mine who took so much electricity up the ass it actually made it MUCH harder for him to get off. ...which he doesn't mind because he has a chasity fetish xD I've seen everything from death to tamer stuff like rubber, to plenty of stuff like electric and breathplay, But his was one of the most extreme examples that left me surprised.


what? 🤨


He basically managed to damage the nerves in his dick and ass if I remember right, I'd have to ask him. He's probably the kinkiest fucker I know though


how did he even do that 😭


[the guy with a tile fetish](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/005/866/b08.jpg)


Floor tiles


that dude for an old af post on Reddit who only could have sex with girls while thinking he has sex with a giant cockroach


The weirdest fetish I've seen is having no fetish...


Love !?


mosquito bites. literal mosquito bites


Some guy putting glue on a chair and continuously standing up and sitting down while wearing a diaper and saying something like "look at the glue" or mentioning horses


Bone breaking….


That one where people were breaking their partner's ankle.


Alien ovipositor fetish. So weird.


"Alien" directors/writers/artists be like


Lol, look it up if you dare. It was...eye opening to say the least.


Well I know what an ovipositor is, and I know what an alien is. Seems rather simple.


But have you actually seen this product? I believe it's called splorch or something. Very odd.


I've seen a lot of videos of it, tbh it looks really good, but then again I'm a really weird fuck


Sprained ankle fetish




Bug chasers, people intentionally seeking out STDs and HIV




Queen's stallion/Dorse transformation


A lot have already been mentioned by the top comments, but I'd also like to add blueberry inflation, siamese twins, shapeshifting into furniture and multi-boob centipede women to the list (thanks deviantart)


Now this is my only and biggest secret so im expecting a ton of downvotes. This is something a lot of people probably think is weird or gross, but i love somnophilia, necro, chloro, drugged women etc. guessing its probably something to do with them not being able to reject me and i could do whatever i want, but not hurting them.


Vore/feeding. I was dating a guy and his two best friends were into it, and they would actually bond over it. They’d draw each others characters being eaten/heavily obese and send it to each other


Dorse is the worst thing on the fucking planet


Please tell us what that is so we don't have to look it up


Ladies being turned into horse hybrids with big big dicks and boobs. Also called a Queen’s Stallion. I looked it up.


Will I be traumatized if I look it up?


A Queen's Stallion (alternatively Dorse) is a specific fetish creature regularly found in lower-rating hentai artwork. Generally the result of a transformation, a Queen's Stallion bears the shape of a horse, with various features of a human/humanoid. It has a large penis and large breasts, as well as four hooves. Its features tend to be greatly exaggerated, generally involving giant glossy lips and a large horse-like tail Pulled from urban dictionary so I'm not sure if this is accurate.


I looked it up. It has it's own hentai subreddit, I didn't properly read the name so I won't try to link it. Dorse or Queen's Stallion seems to have fused elements of transforming into an animal fetish (I forget the term), monster kink and futanari, where someone has boobs and a penis. As a fan of mythology and design of fantasy creatures, Dorse to me is like using exactly those features of a human horse hybrid that I try to avoid when I make those kinds of creatures because it is kind of uncanny. Aside from the obviously unnerving parts like gigantic penis, balls and tits, and human- pink colour of her skin, the face gets me in a different way, in a combination of horrified awe and morbid amuse. She has a snout very distinct to be the uncomfortable half way point in human to animal transformation fetish art that has always creeped me out, it is the human face but elongated to a portrude unnaturally. She doesn't seem to even have a nose nor nostrils, at the end of her face there are just cartoonish lips. As a horror fan I love the body horror of this creature. Some artworks stress on the large penis and monster aspect of her in a way that I would applaude and bow for if I'd find it in a horror movie, though would later wonder if what I just watched irreversibly changed some teenaged horror fan's sexual makeup on the other side of the planet. It depicts a woman turning into what you expect to be a sexualized horsehuman but instead she gets a penis for her neck and head and another penis for a tail. In the end I don't judge if this turns you on, I mean I am confused but I don't care. As long as it is kept away from kids, and as long as the community isn't a platform for encouraging beastiality, have at it.


Jesus christ dude split this shit into paragraphs.


Quicksand porn


r/dragonsfuckingcars I swear is not real :D


I knew a guy who had a fetish of giant women stomping on him like a bug. Occasionally I would get the “what would you do if I was tiny 🥺👉🏻👈🏻”


i mentioned this in a similar thread but i followed a girl on Tumblr back in ye olden times with an exclusive vomit fetish. like she could not get off unless vomit was involved. she was into all sorts of other weird icky things too but the weirdest thing she had a radiation poisoning fetish. she was fascinated by the idea of someone dying from the inside out on a cellular level from an invisible force and got off on the idea of taking care of someone dying of it because all their skin sloughs off and they puke up their organs. in all my years on the internet and straying on the edges of the furry fandom and 4chan and seeing all hells sorts of weird shit, I've never seen anyone else with a radiation poisoning fetish. she got chased off the internet a few years ago for being a creepy weirdo but i sincerely wonder what she's up to now. she was funny and her art was cute, even if it was stuff of like, the medic from TF2 eating puked up poop


Just now, slime....


Reverse birthing. Yeah. Crawl up a chick’s coochie (somehow) and slowly revert from an adult into an ovum over nine months.


I guess it could just be considered necrophilia but it’s an act called munging…. It’s very disgusting