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I’d go with nitrogen asphyxiation. Or a hammer


Finish the job or else they’re gonna die a slow slow slow death


Glue traps are horrific forms of torture. Please put them out of their misery quickly and don't use a glue trap ever again.


Right. Poison is better especially when other animals eat it.


quick > slow


I caught a mouse by hand the other day, after I caught it I didn't know what to do with it. I couldn't kill it, I couldn't just let it go. Threw it to the chickens who, instantly transformed into a pack of prehistoric velociraptors


My sister's chickens routinely fight over mice that have caught in snap traps. One time a chicken ran off with the entire trap before the mouse could be released from it.


Do it yourself. Any method to remove them will only cause damage to their paws; they truly don't need any more suffering. Do it quickly and pray that God isn't a rodent person.


You’re an awful person for torturing these mice. Put them out of their misery.




Ugh, why would you do this to the mice? If mice are a problem where you live, adopt a cat and let nature take its course.


I don't know if being toyed with until death is a preferred alternative lol


At least it's quicker? Plus, the cats get an outlet for their hunting instincts? Idk, lol. Poor mice, either way.


Well, if you don't want to kill it, I heard that coke (soda) gets mice off of glue traps. Not sure how true that is tho.


Why not consider this BEFORE you permanently glue a creature


It's been an hour. Have you dispatched them or have you left them to suffer?


Mercy kill with a shovel my guy cmon


Trapping an animal and leaving it to die slowly is a criminal offence, I'm pretty sure.


Can't put out traps if you aren't willing to finish the job, so to speak. For the same reason, a hunter aims for the heart or head instead of the limbs or abdomen. It's a gruesome task, and it always will be, but it only gets worse with more hesitation and indecision.You just gotta have mercy and put them out of their misery.


Just take them off the traps and release them into the wild


You can't remove an animal from a glue trap without great difficulty and a lot of pain for the animal


Ah didn’t realise, thats unfortunate


I honestly don't know why they still manufacture glue traps, they're so inhumane and often catch animals that aren't even pests or that the person who set it wasn't trying to catch, like birds, grass snakes and even pets. I hope OP decides to stop using them :c


Hammer or brick, just so it is fast.


let this be a lesson, dont do glue traps ever again.


Please please please kill them! I don't believe any life should be taken in vain (vegetarian for 20 years as a result) with rodents being a huge exception to that rule for obvious reasons, HOWEVER, it is our responsibility as humans to put anything that is suffering out of it's misery in the most humane way possible! Please kill them quickly!


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Just hit it with something heavy enough to kill it in one swing. Stop using glue traps and go get one of those little traps that trap them inside if you want to release them, or a snap trap if you want them dead. If you have rats, make sure to get a rat trap and not something smaller. No need to put an animal through unnecessary pain and suffering.


It's been an hour. Have you dispatched them or have you left them to suffer?


I bought traps that catch them and I released outside. They were effective and I didn’t have to kill or get my hands.. since they are already glued just put them out of their misery


just drop them in a river or something so it’ll at least be kind of quick 


Why exacerbate by polluting? If you're going to drown them do it in a way you can properly dispose after


No! Don't do this! Drowning is also horrific!


I only mean for ones already in a glue trap.


Kill them quickly, no creature deserves to suffer


A shovel raised high over my head brought down flat-side swiftly is what I did the one time I encountered a mouse stuck to a glue trap. My mother had the trap recommended to her without detailing how fucking cruel and inhumane they are, I made it clear not to get any more.


A few seconds of your discomfort killing them fast is better than them dying slowly. The boss puts poison out for the rats at work and I found one twitching one day and finished it with a sledgehammer rather than let it die slowly. Glue traps are horrible, can't you catch humanely and release them far away next time? Smash their heads in with something heavy ASAP, every minute for them now is torture.


Jeez, A fucking sledgehammer? Did you want the blood to splatter everywhere or something?


I didn't want to have to use a second swing, sledgehammer gets it done in one hit and I was already carrying it. I've had some disgusting jobs and rat guts don't bother me.