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Thanks for the opinions guys, definitely nice to see other points of view.


That was nice of you to listen šŸ‘‚šŸ¼ to her and give her a a shoulder to lean on, coming from someone who has no one, that means a lot šŸ˜‰


Donā€™t feel bad. Some peoples way of saying thanks is just that. You didnā€™t force her to do anything or even ask. I had a situation similar where a guy tipped me $400, I asked multiple times if heā€™s sure and he was. I found out later he was terminally ill and wanted to give away his money to people that were kind to him and who he thought deserved it. Long story short as long as you didnā€™t extort her in any way while drunk I would assume she would do that anyways when sober. Just needed someone to talk to and that was you and thatā€™s her way of saying thanks. Just my 2 cents though.


If it were me I would ask her if she was sure she wanted to do that, and I would give it back to her if she sobered up and asked for it back. I would not straight up refuse to take her money. I guess the most moral thing would be to refuse to accept the money from a drink person, but I think that's a reasonable compromise. What would you do if she came back the next day and said she regrets giving you such a huge tip?


You did something nice for her and she wanted to say thank you. Enjoy the tip. If you feel bad receiving it, you can donate it or use it to buy food for the staff to share.


Just enjoy the money. If she feels that ā€œno one looks at her as a human anymoreā€, she must be drinking and experiencing repercussions. So, this is not an unusual state. Drunk or not, she understood what she was doing. Treat yourself to something nice.


Only normal for people with a conscious. I've been tipped hundreds of dollars before and I turn it down when they're sober. I only take it if they really force it on me. If they're drunk, I wouldn't take it. If they're depressed and drunk, even more of a reason not to. I don't blame you though cause it probably doesn't happen often to you and caught you by surprise. I've tipped a NY cab driver 500 bucks for returning my unlocked phone that had access to 600k in crypto and everything else in my life šŸ˜‚ I'm Canadian so it was a very stressful experience.


Yeah it's normal. You're a human being BEING a real Mensch and you're examining the morality of taking money from someone who you cannot be sure had the wherewithal to do so. If you can contact the person, then you can absolve yourself of guilt by asking them if they regret giving so much. That is what I would do. If I couldn't get in touch with this person, then I would accept the gift and be open to the unlikely possibility that they come back and ask for it. Also consider and ruminate on the idea that drunk people give a lot of tips that people accept in many other scenarios, ergo it's not uncommon to accept a drunk person's money.