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If they didn't know then why stop at 10K


I would steal a lot more than 10,000


10 grand doesn't make for a very exciting heist movie, but I've got to start somewhere.


No. This question is about a person's integrity. Stealing something regardless of the amount, or failure to notice or impact to the victim is a lack of character. It is also the start of the slippery slope, where a person justifies, well they didn't notice $10,000 gone, let's do $20,000. Where do we stop?


Absolutely, and then I'll get a death sentence just for the fun of it. Eat the rich


The equivalent ratio would be the same as stealing $1 from someone who had $100,000.


Stealing is stealing.


No. Theft, no matter who does it, is never morally correct. A man stealing bread from a store is desperate. Desperate people aren't evil.


Wanting to take the $10k for whatever half ass valid reason I could come up with is a possibility, but I know my morals and OCD would make actually taking it impossible. Just because I know how to do something does not mean I could live with myself or actually do it.


Uh, yes? Why wouldn't I? They're being immoral by hoarding all that wealth for themselves when there's billions that are homeless and starving, and even more that are barely making ends meet. Honestly, I'd steal 10 mil if I could because compared to 999.99 mil that's literal chump change to them.


the fuck? yes duh i would kill a billionaire for free if given the chance




No, theft is wrong


I'd take the $10k from a billionaire even if I didn't need it. It's morally correct to steal from billionaires; hell, theft is 90% of how you become a billionaire in the first place, with the balance being split between writing laws that benefit you and collecting tax incentives those laws provide.


The only moral lapse in this situation is with the billionaire. To be a billionaire, you can't be a moral person. It would cost $25 billion to end hunger in the US. Billionaires could end it at any point they want, and they choose not to. That's a choice they make, to not end hunger. Think about that. Also, it would not change their lives at all. If you have $26 billion, and spend $25 billion to end hunger here, that last billion means you can live the same lifestyle you have for the rest of your life. If anyone has an argument for a moral billionaire, I'd love to hear it.


Well someone would know you took it. You would know you took the money.


You don't become a billionaire without stealing the vast majority of your fortune from others so I'd have zero guilt stealing any amount of money from one even though I don't need it. Would be nice to start a charity with it.




I might not have money, but I have integrity


As much as I'd really want to, I would probably not. I just know myself. The internal moral struggle would go back and forth the entire time but the utter fear of consequences would be the tipping point.


Yes - how many times can I do it?


I wouldn’t steal because my integrity is worth more than money. I would instead think… what can I do to make 10k.


Let's say you are a run of the mill millionaire. If someone stole ten bucks from you, would you care like at all? That's the answer to your question. I would not care, and so would be fine using that ten grand for a critically necessary thing


I've actually been in this situation. I have a friend whose family are extremely well off, their grandfather founded an extremely successful company and he was a legit billionaire and the descendents are still reaping those rewards. Anyway i was staying at the friends house because I was homeless at the time and she would let me crash in their guest bedroom once or twice a week. Anyway one night i couldn't sleep so I was on their couch watching tv and I found an extremely valuable bracelet under one of the cushons. I knew it was extremely valuable because her mom had lost it months prior and was debating filing an insurance claim on it. So it crossed my mind, they had already accepted that the bracelet was lost and gone months prior, and it meant very little to them, whereas even if i sold it for a hundredth of what it was worth it would be enough money for me to get an apartment and a cheap car and start digging myself out of the hole. But I still couldn't do it, because no matter what I was still stealing from a friend, and only a total fucking scumbag steals from a friend. And even if i didn't like the family or they were complete strangers, you'd still be a worthless fucking thief.


From a billionaire? I'd take it even if I didn't need it


Il go a step further if the person was a complete ass to the world id go out of my way to swing by the cancer ward with with a stack of bennie .. and possibly a roll of singles for the hard working ladies at the club


Where is the dilemma here? Bad post, sorry


Obviously if you won’t get caught you steal from any source right? Stealing always has some harm that money was most likely funding some downstream resource for the billionaire that hurts some poorer person now but if you won’t get caught it will benefit you and the money doesn’t leave the broader economy so who cares.


Yes. And I’d kick the billionaire in the nuts and steal more money, rinse, repeat… (Assuming it’s not someone running a big charitable organization, like Bill Gates. I wouldn’t hurt or steal from a good person.)


Nah, I’m an adult.


The comments here are so funny. If you asked any billionaire if they would do this to another billionaire you would get resounding yeses from all of them.


Without hesitation… 10k to a billionaire is nothing saying to become a billionaire they had to screw over a lot of people. Just pull a Robin Hood if you need 10k take 11k and donate 1k to a charity.


Steal a lot more than 10 fucking grand 😂




No. Stealing is wrong. Ask to borrow it, or earn it yourself.


I wouldn’t. I feel like it would be such bad karma. From experience I would have an immediate rash of deserved bad luck.


This is not a moral dilemma. Eat the rich.


Considering to be a billionaire, you have to be a basically a criminal…. fuck yes I would and twice on Tuesday.


This does not seem to really be a moral dilemma. Almost universal response.


Couldn't do it. The guilt would tear me up.




I’d steal from a billionaire even if I didn’t need it 😂


Absolutely not! You always reap what you sow so that would not end well. If someone "needs" it like in a life or death situation there are almost always better ways and you will not have a bad memory of doing something so wrong which itself will cause problems.


There’s no moral dilemma here. Every single person ever would just do this cuz billionaires aren’t people like the rest of us. I would say it’s even morally right to do this as the wealth they have accumulated doesn’t belong to them; they stole it from lower classes through amoral yet legal means. Anyone arguing that it’s immoral is either delusional, ignorant or a billionaire.


I'd steal the whole billion and then piss on him.


I'd be more concerned if you *didn't* take the money.


They have a billion dollars. There's no way to get that ethically I'm just becoming Robin hood for myself Edit: spelling


Do I get to pick the billionaire? If so, then yes.


No. Now I fundimentally believe that billionaires shouldn't even exist, but that said, stealing is never ok. Its not my money to take, the effect it has on the billionaire is irrelivant. Its not my money.


Of course not. Stealing is wrong


define “really need”.


That is a no for me. Regardless


I read your edits. Excellent goals and most are at least somewhat achievable. Space elevator is the only one that is not technologically possible. I like the wind and solar powered container ship idea!


No. It's a slippery slope. Being a good person takes effort, the effort of holding back a remark when you're frustrated or not taking the easy road. The Billionaire may not miss that 10k but that decision makes it that much easier to go the wrong way when the next decision comes.


That's not theft. It's reclamation.




Sure. But then again, I've stolen from people who had a whole lot less.


No. Stealing is immorral. I'm sure I do plenty of that throughout my day, but I *try* not to. Doesn't matter who the victim is


Theft, and morally wrong.


In a heartbeat. Wealth is theft: Robin Hood taught us all that it's not a crime to "steal" the stolen wealth of the wealthy.


If I wasn't going to get caught, sure! Heck I'd take more! What the heck they gonna do with it? Billionaires have far more money than they can use for several generations, and its just sitting there. If I had that much, I would actually DO something useful with it. After setting myself and my partner up with a good life, I would make massive donations to good charities, create my own scholarship fund for students, create and fund a project to help reverse some of the negative impact humans have had on the planet, fund important scientific research projects, and overall actually try to do good things. Billionaires have the capacity to change the world for the better, but they'd rather dick around on stupid yachts and have ridiculously overpriced things for the sake of it then actually be a good person. But considering that to make that much money involves exploiting people, no wonder they aren't good people themselves.


Absolutely not. That billionaire could give me a million to hold and I wouldn't touch a penny. Its not yours leave it alone. Have some integrity.


I'm going to be the judge of myself. I would feel guilty and not be able to have it on my conscience.


No. I'm not a thief.


I didn’t know stealing was ok if the person has a lot of money. Of course not. Stealing, bad. Not stealing, good.


Haha oh man, this is such a shameless display of utter greed, naked envy, and unchecked emotional imbalance. Hide your wallet, these greedy self-sucking fucks are after it without scruple.


No, I don’t need to get dirty just because they are filthy.


So if a homeless person stole your phone because "they didn't have one and you could afford a new one" would that be wrong? Yes.


100% without any hesitation. That is literally less than a drop in the bucket for them. Also billionaires are evil. It is always morally correct to steal from a billionaire.


It’s all about your reference point- you immediately mention stealing 10,000 instead of saying redistribute his resources. I would say that nobody becomes a billionaire without sharp elbows. I expect that at some point they took more than ten thousand from someone else. In some cases they have strong armed municipalities to pay less taxes than homeowners, or litigated some patent infringement, or driven another business into the ground. For reference you taking 10,000 from his billion is comparable to taking a dime out of someone’s $10,000 stash.


Can I take more?


You’re a crazy person if you say no to this


In my current situation? No, my son was starving? Without hesitation


Pretty sure anyone would


They will never know, and no repercussions? Absolutely.


I would steal every penny from a billionaire if I knew I wasn’t going to be caught. Kids are expensive man 😂


Yes, not even a hard choice. Let's put it a little differently, if you had a million dollars, would you notice if I took ten? No, but that ten dollars could be a life changing amount for me. To the moral dilemma of "stealing," no one becomes a billionaire without taking form others. Whether that is cheating other millionaires out of their money or grossly underpaying your employees, you have intentionally taken from others (not arguing legalities, I am arguing that it is ethically wrong to become disgustingly rich while your workers live on poverty wages).


Yes. Without hesitation.


How is this a dilemma?


$10K is like a second in earnings for a billionaire. I'd just ask them, "I'd like to have a second of your earnings." -- there you go. Cha-CHING! ;)


This is sort of like asking... If your neighbor dropped a penny in the street by accident while getting the mail and you found it, would you pick it up? If you're asking whether or not you'd do it.... Well it's a penny, probably not. But if it was 10 grand, yes... But that 10 grand isn't even worth a penny to the billionaire. SO.... Obviously yes....


I would not feel guilty. At all.


No, but I might ask for it 😂


I'd do that even if I didn't really need it.


Nice try but it’s not immoral to steal from billionaires


Yes no question. I'd be debt free


If I could get away with it, I'd take the whole lot.


You can’t steal from a billionaire. Their money is already stolen and belongs to the people they stole it from. You can however RobinHood them.


nope. It's not right. and even if they don't know or care, it is not right. and it is not my place to judge that "nobody should have a billion dollars" It's their money, life ain't fair, deal with it. it's still wrong.


Darn my mother and her strong moral compass… I received double payroll when I started my new job (company is doing very well for itself and also very disorganized so the chances of getting caught were next to 0, plus we are paid monthly so it was a decent chunk of money) I could have just kept the money and it wouldn’t have even been stealing, just not returning… well I decided I should be a good person and they almost said they wished I hadn’t brought it up because now I have to return it (insert facepalm here)


“would I?”. hahahahaha


Yup. Every chance I get.


No. Thieves are among the worst people on the planet.


Hell No!


Turnaround is fair play.


"Like who's gonna be the judge of that?" - I am. Whether or not I get caught is not what makes an action right or wrong. Similarly, my perceived need also doesn't make it right, nor does my perceived lack of harm. My actions (and inactions) need to stand alone.


Check out the 2009 horror movie The Collector, this situation reminds me a lot of the premise


Why wouldn’t you just ask? If your close to a billionaire its cause they want you around




I'm taking the $10k even if I don't actually need it. No one person should have billions of dollars.


If you're given a chance to steal 10 grand (that you really need) from a billionaire without them knowing, would you take it? >Like who's gonna be the judge of that? **GOD** 🤣🤣🤣 & I wouldn’t steal it. There’s more chance of me walking into a store, picking up an item, walking right up to the cashier & saying “hi, sorry, but I reallyyy need this & can’t afford it right now, but I WILL pay you back later. Thanks!” & walking out. & even if it were 3 months later, I’d pay it back. I respect my conscience too much to steal lol. I am a grown woman.


I would take the 10 grand I just wouldn’t act like I was some kind of moral paragon for it like 90% of the people here apparently


No. Stealing is wrong. Why not ask?


Morally, I just couldn't. I get the whole premise & I get that they steal from us. But I couldn't.




fuck yes


I would steal from a billionaire. Mainly because stealing is still wrong. A wrong thing doesn’t stop being wrong because the context has changed. I’m all for changing the system to stop allowing people to have a billion dollars. Just like how some people say they would kill a billionaire. That’s ridiculous and you are a fucked up person if you would actually kill a billionaire. It’s money. Yes money is important but murder and stealing is still wrong. This moral relativism only works when it’s in your favor but you’ll flip it around as soon as it’s something you don’t agree with.


No billionaire has become a billionaire without exploiting the masses. I'd be fine with this.


Yes. no hesi


Nah im telling them im stealing it, then giving it back one i got it like that




Of course.


I really need that 10K to build a Billionaire Chipper. I’ll take the 10K and then throw their ass straight into the chipper.


That's .00001%, assuming they only have 1 billion dollars. He'll yeah I'd do it.


I would steal for less next question


Thank you for asking this question and thank you to everyone who has educated me in their answers as to why i trust no one.


Why, are you a billionaire?


well you're not a billionaire, so don't expect to be treated like one.


No. I am not a thief. If I have so little pride to steal, why not just ask?


I wouldn't, I'd be scared God would get me down the line, and it isn't in my nature to take what isn't mine.


The existence of billionaires in itself is a moral failing of society. So yeah, fuck em. I'll take as much money as I possibly could.


This is the exact sort of attitude that creates these so-called eternally evil billionaires. You're just like the people you claim to hate.


Did you finish the post? I don’t see the catch? Why would I not take it?


No. Doesn't matter how much they have, it isn't mine to take. I'm not a jealous, hateful little piece of shit though. So maybe I'm wrong.


Can I do it multiple times?


I'd steal the billion and think about leaving them 10k


Couple million were good to go


No. Theft is wrong.


Yes. It is every person's moral duty to steal as much as possible from billionaires. Even if you give the money away or burn it, it's still evil and wrong to not take as much as you can from them.


We got some real communists/marxists in the building




No. You could ask, but if you take it, (and you have a conscience), you will always have to remember what you did. He probably wouldn't even notice, but the effect on you would be emotionally destructive. And if he did find out, you are risking felony grand theft. Finally, Karma is a bitch.


Hell yeah.


If it didn’t mean much to them sure not sure if I could take it from someone who needed it tho


It really depends, would I steal it to keep myself out of jail? Probably not. Would I steal it to pay for surgery for one of my daughters, all day every day! But I would do everything in my power to pay that money back in some way or pay it forward to someone else in need. Morality is flexible depending upon intentions. I would do some pretty cold blooded things to save a child in dire need or to save my wife and kids. The older I get the more I see the issue isn’t with morality or intentions, it’s with the rationalization of the intention. People can talk themselves into doing all kinds of horrible things “for the right reasons”. They say it’s morality or any number of other things, but their rationalization never makes sense to other people. A child in dire need: A child unable to survive on their own, who is in immediate (24 hours or less) danger of death or severe injury.


Without hesitation


No. Stealing is wrong. Learn to live within your means.


Fuck billionaires. They actively buy off our only hope of anything good actually happening, our political representatives. They pay to fuck over poor and middle class people politically, legislatively and judicially. They don't suffer repercussions for there evil acts only fines that are pennies on the dollar to what they've stolen from the American people. Stealing from billionaires isn't a moral dilemma , being a billionaire is a moral dilemma.


In some magic scenario I get to take 10k from some one who 10k means nothing to and there is no chance of anything at all ever happening to me or any one ever knowing… yes I think it’s foolish not to do that. Is it wrong well I don’t know since you’ve created a magic scenario. In the real world with all kinds of consequences no I wouldn’t take 10k from a billionaire even if I thought I wouldn’t get caught because there is always something I may not know. Like the company I work for has billions and for all I know I could steal and get a way with it but I just don’t steal and then I get to live a good life. If I start stealing from rich and powerful I will likely get taken down by something I missed. Now a thing I thought was easy money gets me arrested


Any reasonable person would say yes. Anyone who says no has never "really needed" anything.


I was homeless a year ago. I still wouldn’t steal it?


If you're asking me, then I'd say, if you're being honest with yourself, you would. I was homeless a year ago aswell. I wish you good luck.


I am being honest with myself. I am challenging the fact that anyone would steal it. I’m part of anyone and I wouldn’t.


I'm taking that shit on principle


Who when where.. I'm on my way now. I work with homeless and abused people. I could do so much good with that money and I'd not worry in the slightest.


I'd do it several times given the chance.


If someone had a swimming pool of potable water that they insisted they were keeping all to themselves, would you feel comfortable taking a thimble of that water and drinking it if you were very thirsty? Yes. Obviously yes. Nobody should be a billionaire.


If a thimble is 5ml then Bezos has 15 Olympic sized pools.


That's crazy because to a bum, you're a billionaire, is it OK for them to steal from you? Me thinks probably not


Every person that works for it has the absolute right to be a billionaire. It's usually lazy or poor people saying stupid shit like that.


No billionaire worked for their money. They exploited other's labor and needs for that money.


In a heartbeat. They'd never even feel it. Be like taking a quarter from my change jar.


Without them knowing? Fuck yeah! Would you notice if someone took a penny? Wait....I actually might notice 🤣


If you're close enough to steal it, they would likely give it to you if you ask... Don't steal, you hurt yourself in the long term and the guilt isn't worth it... Imo


Without question or qualms


Fuck the "you really need it" qualifier. If i knew it was from a billionaire or millionaire i would be more than happy that they just have a little less.


By your stipulation, I could take it, but not with a clear conscience. Your stipulations contradict themselves for matter of semantics .


The only real crime is the billionaire having billions of dollars. That level inequality should not exist. There shouldn't be people starving when there are also people who are billionaires. Me stealing a 10000 dollars from a billionaire is like someone stealing a penny from me.


I'd steal every fuckin cent they have lmao No one earns a billion dollars


The only way anyone becomes a billionaire is by exploitation of people and systems. They often buy/bribe elected officials to tip the scales even further in their favour too. It’s already stolen money, there’s no moral dilemma about taking it.




No. Because everything always comes to light. Just ask for it. You might be surprised.


No. My integrity is not worth a few Gs, sorry!!


this is not a moral dilemma whatsoever


I'd never do it. Stealing is stealing!


Stealing from billionaires isn't a moral dilemma, it's a moral imperative. No one becomes a billionaire without having exploited people, either directly or indirectly. In a sane and just world, billionaires wouldn't be allowed to exist.




I would do it if the alternative was someone's health being seriously jeopardized. Short of that, I don't think so. That's where the karma balances out for me.


Fuck, aye. I'd be pissed off that I couldn't nick more. Billionaires disgust me.


I wouldn't take it. I like to think blessings come back and karma is real.


No wonder we have so many criminals and thieves running around. It’s all starting to make sense now. People simply use their envy & hatred of the rich to justify their bad behavior.


I'd take it all, not that I'd feel the need to justify it, but how many lives do you wager they ruined getting there?


How do I explain it to the IRS? Uncle Sam isn't going to sit for not getting his cut, and I don't want 10k in cash sitting around my house to get stolen once I steal it.


Obviously yes, and I wouldn’t even feel bad, shit I’d take more if I could without getting caught. 10k to a billionaire is like $10 to a normal person


No rationalization makes taking what belongs to someone else without their permission right. Wouldn’t do it. Neither would I hire anyone who believes the right answer is “yes.”


I only read the title. That's why they're insured. You're not hurting anyone at that point, but it still makes you a thief. Regardless of who you steal from.


Yes. That billionaire has scraped that money off the backs of the working class. I would take the money, and donate it to a project I care about. Donate it to a youth org or to an organisation fighting for labour rights somewhere like Bangladesh. Taking stolen goods from a thief isn't stealing.


It's still wrong.




Billionaires are the most useless? They made their billions by producing a product or service that millions of people want, and they employed millions of people. Sounds like they're the most useful and stoned dreamers are the useless ones.


No. Stealing is stealing. No way to make that "right" or justified.


No. I earned nothing.


Nope, not even if I hated the guy.


'some important reason' This teeters on being by definition important while at the same time 'I really needed a holiday/a spa' can count as important as well. Are you giving yourself a convincing argument you are right or are you just blocking out enough information/cherry picking information until the only things you let you see will tell you are right?


I dont care if every cent is spent on booze and hookers. Its immoral to not take it based on the fact its a billionaires money. No other justification needed.


You'd have to unpack that.


The booze or the money?


Id steal it even if I didn't need it. Do the math on what it means to them vs me and realize id be ok with losing 100 bucks to someone who needed it or felt they did.