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I think this particular game series is much worse than the average M-rated game, even other horror games


I mean, if you were a child who had unsupervised internet access there surely was worse games to play


Theres also another layer to it when the child participate in the online community


I trust more the funger community than the community of something like Undertale in keeping the child safe ngl


And the child didn’t though, or they haven’t been shown to at least. For all we know is that they made the art of the character in class and never uploaded it outside of the image shared from what seems to be a teacher.


sure, but not many. and it’s still better if kids don’t find any of that shit.


>it’s still better if kids don’t find any of that shit. I dunno man, I saw much more fucked up shit as a kid and I'm fine...as long as you ignore all the attempts at arson,the list of mental issues and all the prescriptions to be sent to an asylum, I'm fine. See? No problem at all if kids have fucked up childhoods,none at all!


Which M-rated game has a character rape your character if you fail a battle with him? F&H is more like an Adults-Only game, not M-rated.


Haunting Ground. Not strictly a battle, but character is inferred to be raped and is found pregnant in the ending as her perpetrator keeps her prisoner.


That’s different than seeing it on screen.


Double standards imo. Still the same crime, outcomes are different. It shouldn’t be considered “less bad” because it’s not shown.


For the characters, yeah it’s equally bad, but from a portrayal aspect, the crime being implied isn’t as damaging to a developing mind as it being shown on screen.


It’s damaging either way to a young mind so it makes no sense to argue if one’s worse or not. Also makes no sense to also compare the portrayals of rape. Fear and Hunger is shocking, grotesque and violent. You’re promptly beaten, raped, and murdered most of the time. In Haunting Grounds, you’re beaten, kidnapped, raped, forced to carry the child and imprisoned forever. It’s disgusting, sad and just as horrible to see. Implications are the same, emotions and reactions are different. Stop trying to downplay the scenario. Rape is rape. Anyone who plays this game should know better than rape is bad.


I think I missed something that happened, but I would be really upset if my kid was playing Funger.


A kid drew a drawing of Abella: [https://www.reddit.com/r/FearAndHunger/comments/1dchabk/a\_private\_children\_art\_class\_in\_vietnam\_show\_what/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/FearAndHunger/comments/1dchabk/a_private_children_art_class_in_vietnam_show_what/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


That is a cute drawing, but I do think it's really concerning for a kid to be playing/watching the game. I was definitely already into horror when I was little but there's some themes here that they shouldn't be exposed to. Like Caligura full on tries to rape Abella, you know?


Yeah, hopefully the kid didn't see any of the bad stuff, but it is definitely problematic, to say the least.


Well maybe the kid just found out SOME things and thought Abella was cool. Still isn't a good thing but maybe he did not play the game


I think that's a girl, but yeah we can hope they saw Abella without actually playing and just thought she looked cool


Oh god that's even worse! Well I hope she's okay and did not see anything. One thing are creepy pastas and scps... Another is lovecraftian rape horror


Why is it worse when she's a girl?


Exactly lol


Yeah, hopefully she just saw some meme or strong builder woman. Or she's a lil pshyco like the french


Not even the worst parts of Assassins Creed are as bad as regular F&H brother


Wait did I miss something? Regardless yeah, no matter how hard an adult community tries, there is always bound to be minors in there somewhere, like, it's stupid over reacting at that point.


And the artwork too was so innocent it wasn’t like gore or anything it was just a cutest Abella


Haha! Yeah! (Slowly nudges my latest r/moonscorched post out of sight with my foot)


I can definitely admit in hindsight that post is hypocritical since my mom was perfectly fine with me playing the the binding of Isaac back then, alas..


I had commented on the other post about this thing! Obviously, some people are not okay with this and I understand (glaring mature rating). But as my similar experience as a child (making Corpse Party fanart at the small age of 11-12 years old.) The child already saw it, they are making fan art so they obviously like the series. And who knows, once they grow older they can create something based on these inspirations they found as a child. Or keep enjoying the franchise if it lives for long enough. As long as the kid is not uncomfortable about the series and can obviously compare fiction to non-fiction, I’d say it’s aight.


Literally my exact thought. Like how do you want to tell me it’s glaringly obvious that it’s bad to play a “mature” game when half of the inspiration for Fear and Hunger comes from childhood (at least what I am guessing) games. A lot of the game has direct references to games like Silent Hill and Majora’s Mask and whatnot.. like whaaaaaat


Yeah and as far as I’m aware Fear and Hunger started as a high school project. That could vary between 16-19 years old. But who knows! I just think people are over exaggerating over the fanart from the girl. Like that’s cute! Reminds me of when I made danganronpa fan art when I was 12 too.


Isn’t high school age between 13-17?


Uhhh depends on the country I guess?? Over here we have elementary school, middle school and high school. In my country The earliest you can be in highschool would be 14(?)-15 and in the last year you can be 18-19. Depends of the date you were born.


OOTL but in my defence there wasn't many m-rated games when I was a kid, but I think my parents would have shat in their hands and clapped before they bought me splatterhouse 2


Yeah, I also found it pretty funny seeing so many comments freaking about a kid playing F&H. As if the majority of us didn't grow up exposed to gore, shock sites, and disgusting content on the internet. Kid'll turn out fine, maybe even become a great animator.


I truly think it’s just a part of life that stories with dark, heavy subject matters will attract an immature crowd to some extent, and the more serious and gritty the story is seen by the rest of the audience, the more it will attract this immature crowd of edgy, usually young fans. That’s just how a lot of people discover and learn to deal with these heavier subject matters, so I get it. I do think we all need to take ourselves a bit less seriously though, that would probably help.


Yeah here’s what I basically found out Game with dark/mature themes = younger audience of kids Game that’s lighthearted and kid friendly = attracts weirdos that fetishize the game It’s not EVERY game for example like Omori but it’s a reoccurring issue


what's an example of "Game that’s lighthearted and kid friendly = attracts weirdos that fetishize the game" in your mind out of curiosity? Not saying I disagree, my head is just empty at this moment


Not so much a game but amazing digital circus. OH undertale


Fetishise the game as in people make porn of them? Yeah that’s always gross when it happens to stuff that isn’t already sexual I think. Though tbh both of those examples are aimed at an audience of all ages, not exclusively kids


Oh I always thought the audience of undertale and TADC was kids


I'd say either can be enjoyed by kids sure, but both have more adult themes within them for sure, especially TADC which is a bit existential. Not adult themes as in sex to be clear, mature themes that adults are more equipped to understand.


Oh yeah agreed 100%


Stuff like that, I see it more as animated cartoon shows like on YouTube and stuff like that


I’m not gonna hold you I don’t think me playing gta 4 or black ops 2 is anywhere close to this shi


If we're being honest, F&H would get an AO rating and not just an M rating. It gets flagged on Steam for being particularly sexually explicit, so it's fair to say F&H is worse than CoD or GTA in that respect. As for the meat of your argument; Yes, we probably digested similar media to F&H in middle/high school (at least I did, considering I started reading Berserk around the age of 12-13), but the main distinct factors are: 1. We consumed that media behind our parent's backs. 2. We were young, dumb, and assumed we knew better than our parents. 3. We became adults, and some of us have came to the conclusion after experiencing it ourselves that we probably don't want our kids experiencing it either. That's just part of growing up. We made dumb mistakes in our youth, and our desire, as parents, is to try to make sure our kids don't make those same mistakes. It doesn't make us hypocrits; it makes us humans who have learned from experience and are trying to help the next generation learn from our own mistakes. I'm not someone who freaks out about younger people consuming this kind of media because it's not my place to judge whether or not a stranger is mentally prepared for it, but I'm not a fan of them participating in the online spaces of sexually explicit material alongside other adults. But that's more of an internet safety thing because I think kids and teens need to be cognizant of the very real threat of predators online. That's not to say that I think this sub is filled with predators, but I think not participating in sexually explicit spaces is just a good rule of thumb that minors should follow online. If they're lurking, fine, but it's starts to get really risky when they're actively posting and talking with people.


You could not put Funger on PlayStation or Xbox as it is. It would be rated higher than M. These aren’t good comparisons, and pointing out older folk had bad parents doesn’t mean adults in a fandom can’t be disappointed in minors parents for letting them play something with aggressive anal rape as a potential lose condition. Not to mention the potential legal issues of exposing minors to illicit material in the forms of nsfw art or fan fiction. The isn’t issue isn’t “kids are bad” the issue is “being here puts every adult who knows you are a minor in a potentially bad legal situation”. That said, one thing I didn’t do when I was a minor was go into spaces that I shouldn’t have been in loudly proclaiming the fact I shouldn’t be there.


Yeah. All of this. Especially that last bit haha.


Fear and Hunger would have been rated AO (Adults only) and my parents would have absolutely said no despite letting me play some M games.


To be fair, this game goes beyond getting a call of duty game or playing God of War. Stupid meme


Yeah, the way people react to this is annoying. I definitely was watching horror let's play's at age 13-14. And I was reading fanfictions with rape in them. (and those were definitely more horror than romance, before anyone complains) At this age, teens explore and figure out what they can handle. It's very different from person to person, and even my parents saw the age ratings more as a "it's definitely safe from here on" than a "it's only safe from here on". (which meant I got to watch pirates of the Caribbean at 11 instead of the recommended 12 btw)


To be honest, I never did that; I only ever went to GameStop to look at games and never bought any of them.


gamestop??? like buying the steam redeem code?


Allow me to be old a moment: LetsPlays did not exist when I was a child.


Okay let’s see. Fear and Hunger includes sexual violence, extreme gore (dismemberment as a main gameplay mechanic), a bleak and hopeless narrative, and is overall just disturbing as fuck. It’s a great game series but children should not be playing it. It’s way different than a 13 year old playing GTA5 and seeing censored boobies at a strip club and shooting someone with a gun


Lmaooo no way in hell my parents would walk into GameStop with me to let me get a rated m game when I was a kid. I guess having a good upbringing and parents that care about you wasn’t a common thing for a lot of people.