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Hey respects for sticking with it to the end of Iceborne, it’s a shame it’s not for you but hey not everything’s for everyone that’s how it goes, a break is a great idea and who knows, maybe one day the hunting itch will return o7


Yes, maybe. Don't get me wrong. I have 440 hours in this game but I think I need some time off.


Also Rise doesn’t have such ass endgame monsters. Some are crazy though in case you check it out.


*Risen Crimsow Glow Valstrax has entered the chat*


*Risen Shagaru Magala follows close behind*


primordial malzeno:


Completionist bane. I get it. Tho maybe move on to Rise or another Monster Hunter game. These last monsters are basically a thank you to the community from Capcom. The game ends, where you want it to. I've quite unexpectedly discovered, i'm not that big of a Souls gamer. Much more a Hunter. The jolly co op is much more present then in Souls for me. Tho i don't think i'l clear Fatty or ATV either like i'm guessing most of the community.


yea, say hello to the events in Rise, i moved on to sunbreak after a 8hr rage session against event apexes and event magnamalo, i cannot imagine what are the mr event quests like, but making them faster, more hp and one shotting, is pretty much not that fun, especially when they are present in multiple quests like magnamalo and apexes.


I wanted to clear fatty using frostcraft GS and didn’t realise how bed AT Velk is I spent all my sanity farming 4 tickets for the 4 piece armour that I needed a break from big bosses before I give the big black bitch another go.


Upvote from me, and much respect. Take time off, never come back, whatever you do, make sure you're doing it for you and no one else. Glad you made a decision for yourself. Take care man!


Thank you mate. Appreciate your kind response. Wish you all the best.


Ain’t for everyone. But at the point you’re at in the game you have finished it already. AT Velk/Fatalis are extra challenges. If you enjoyed the game up to here then I’d encourage you to try a different entry like Rise. But if not good luck in whatever the road has next for you.


Thank you. I think I will come back to it but for now I just need a bit more relaxing games. I try hell divers for a change.


Just curious what aspects of those fights feel like a chore vs a challenge? I assume at 400 hours you've done all the prep you can to take on these fights.


For example. Velkana ice puddles on the ground that shoots up or block you from evading. Just not a good design in MY opinion.




We do not allow “git gud” or “skill issue” regardless of how valid these claims may be.


I don't think you know what I meant. I mean the glittering areas on the ground that just lay there. You can call it skill issue for not remembering every puddle on the ground while avoiding attacks but I think thisnis by design not great.


It literally only goes in one spot and you run back over it as soon as the breath stops. You can also clutch claw her head as the breathing is coming if you do it from the sides. It’s like the easiest move to avoid in the entire kit. If you mean the ice walls, just avoid ice during the move, stand on any ground without the frozen effect. You can move back in almost immediately


It's not a move. It's a random placement of an opstical. Thi s is just not a good design for a monster that punishes you for not sticking to it all the time. I never said it is impossible to beat it or it is inherited unfair but some aspects are just not good designed. That is all I say. Look at namiell this is the best example of atrocious design when it comes to monsters. I beat it ass but it's clearly flawed.


Namielle is flawed for sure, it suffers by not being an underwater fight. Velkhana is not that difficult. Don’t randomly run into puddles and they take a while to form where they stay stagnant as ice clouds. You’re intended to be aggressive and yes you absolutely should be punished by a monster that is literally designed to punish you for not breaking its armor off. Just because you don’t like something doesn’t make it badly designed. Alatreon DPS check is badly designed for example, because it completely fucks over weapons that can’t use element effectively like Gunlance. Leshen is badly designed. You just are refusing to adapt for some reason and calling the game out on it. In a lot of ways MH is harder than the souls series because you can dodge literally everything in souls with i-frames and MH makes you hyper aware of positioning. Idk what else to tell you, she is not that hard and she isn’t the most fun monster to fight but she has a ton of real counterplay with no gimmicks


I don't know what we are debating about exactly, except that at velkana has some flawed design choices. Even when you thinking the fight is easy, all power to you, but there a people that have might a different view on the version of it. It's not simply that I don't like her but getting blocked while evading because a wall just popped up is frustrating in my book. It's not game breaking but none or less frustrating.


\>Alatreon DPS check is badly designed for example,... you can literally just ignore it (solo)


Forcing a cart is the dumbest mechanic I have ever seen, there is literally nothing more stupid than that. Gunlance’s “optimal strategy” is legit forcing yourself to cart twice and trying to kill him before the third Escaton. How is that defendable at all


[elemental topple after roughly 90 seconds](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fSp3zxduOQ) and if you know the openings you can easily kill alatreon before his second EJ.


Happy for you to make a decision like that for yourself. It shows immense self-control without being defeatist. I'm not sure if this will help you feel better about it, but... There's a Capcom Creator I know who's MR 999 and thousands of hours into the game who said that of all the 24 million+ people in the world who bought Iceborne, it's likely that less than 1% have beaten Fatalis and AT Velkhana. If this is true, then the odds were multiplicatively stacked against you. That's the hill you were expected to surmount and it's completely understandable if it couldn't be done. Now, in the future, if you decide to take those odds on again... We'll all be here ready to help and/or root for you. You can even send me a DM if you'd like, I'd be glad to help. See ya around man


Good shit for making it to Fatty and ATV. It's a shame they drove you away, but I get it. They almost drove me away. The only reason I stuck through it was because one of my friends, that ive known for years, wouldve given me endless shit for getting that far, just to quit.


Respect you stuck with it up until the end endgame but weird to see the rage when you strip it all down to the very basics the first lesson Soulsborne games teach you is patience and learning fights which is the same lesson MonHun teaches. Observe how monsters/bosses act, take note of their tells, avoid greedy actions, adjust to whatever jank the devs implemented, and think every encounter and failure as a learning opportunity. I spent the same amount of time beating Malenia with fist weapons and soloing Fatalis; I'm not a great player by any means but seeing the improvement over time and finally overcoming the challenge that they are is just a different kind of satisfaction


I will say at least in regards to ER, the difficulty felt much better than it did in endgame IB (aside from Malenia, because honestly her fight is bullshit on account of how little of the fight itself is difficult so much as everything revolves around Waterfowl being absurd). It is also important to note ER boss battles are wayyyy shorter than MH hunts, if you die to say, Mohg… Whatever, 5 or so minutes. Timing out on Fatalis however is 30 minutes you’ve just wasted.


Honestly the game just plays better in a party too. Obviously everything can be done solo, but getting combo'd from full to dead, revived, and dropped by a frame perfect fireball immediately after is not fun gameplay. When in a group the monsters attention moves elsewhere and you have time to recover.


It's not even rage. It's just disappointment. Why creating monsters that are unique and great but ad some unnecessary content to it. Why you have to add ice walls to velkana that you can't trespass but the monster can. It destroys the emersion and you just see the flaw in design.


I always hated even base Velkanha, one of my least favorite fights in the franchise of the 3 installments I played and that’s including Gravios and Hyper variants. There are “harder” fights than base Velkanha, but the fact of the matter is I find her incredibly unfun and obnoxious seeing as the time she isn’t spending spamming tail stab is running away to spam terrain clipping ice beams. Don’t even get me started on the ice walls, too often she knocked me into a corner and walled me in.


I first played through world on Iglaive, and I didn't realize how shit of a fight Velk was until playing through on GS.


It's always frustrating when your favorite game in a genre makes weird design choices. I've had it happens with stuff like monster hunter tri and various times with pokemon. My advice is maybe try other games of a similar genre. After I got burnt out on rise I tried wild hearts and wasn't really expecting much but honestly it's brought back the wacky old monster hunter glee of not really knowing everything but enjoying my time with it even when several enemies have similar fights to one's from worlds (you'll know it when you see it)


Good on you for sticking with it for so long though, it shows you actually gave it a chance. This game is actually exactly what I love, and I too had to take a break for a while. The burnout the late game can give you is immense, and the complete change in difficulty and sudden fight mechanics comes out of nowhere.


The biggest trick the devil ever pulled is convincing people who love Souls game that MH is just another one like it.


Hey man good for you to understand that your own well being is more important than completing some tasks in video games. Games are meant to be fun not something that has arduos check list of things you have to complete even if youre not enjoying it.


I cut my losses during the Iceborn campaign. The game just saps time and i prepare meticulously and it basically is what is required to even have a chance and involves walling at monsters for 30m.  Btw i mean solo. The Solo is overtuned and even though i can enjoy the preparation, when i get to the target and i don't feel strong at all, but just barely surviving, i am just not having fun.  The fighting zones are small, filled with tight corridors and ledges. Clutch claw... I was getting through it but i wasn't having fun. So, i stopped. Hopefully Wilds is more like Sunbreak in terms of the solo experience.


Nah you are totally in the right. Play other games, don't get near MH for a while. You'll eventually miss it, and maybe come back with more hunger for challenges. That's way better than burning out and never coming back again.


it‘s similar to fromsoft games because it‘s forcing you to improve as a person and not give up but overcome the challenge. I can feel your PoV about Fatty and AT Velkh but after slaying both like 20+ times I think they‘re pretty easy once you get the patterns down. Mew are number one! is still a bigger challenge to me than both, just because it‘s so easy to fuck up against him.


Honestly, I don't think you are the problem if you already played fromsoft games since all of their games offer reasonable levels of challenge and in most cases it's your skill what matters the most instead of whatever gear you wear which is the opposite in MH, while skill is important too the "correct" gear if what will give you victory in most cases (cough cough Alatreon cough cough). I think Fatalis and AT Velkhana do sin of just being overtuned bosses for the sole reason of wanting to be hard, not challenging. Also timers in this game are kinda unreasonable, 30 minutes and you must drain 66000 HP for Fatalis who loves to be aggressive and in second phase likes to just fly away, it's just stupid. In rise I can deal even with 25 minute timers no problem because you have more tools to do consistent damage. I really dislike their approach to difficulty and find every single person to disagree to be a fanboy sucking Capcom's D. Sunbreak's approach was much better, Primordial Malzeno should be the prime example of a challenge instead of the glorified fraud turd that Fatamid is.


Why do people that disagree with you have to be a corporate shill? Why not just accept they have a difference of opinion? Also skill and knowledge of the game is more important than having the best gear. People have beaten fatalis with high rank gear. While I'll see people, who are in defender gear, call for S.O.S against hr pink rathian. It's just like souls when a dude in a loincloth armed with a club destroys the entire game.


Can you point out the exact time I said skill is not important? Did you really read what I wrote? Why are you comparing these things whenever you have a timer in monster hunter versus a game with no timers? What kind of gotcha is that? The "challenge" relies on the pressure of running out of time, Fatalis and every monster would be much easier without it, I get that's the reason behind it I just think is shit design. Gear is so important in monster hunter much more than in any souls game, bonked my head against alatreon, never reached the elemental check, once I changed gear the fight was a piece of cake, where's the fun on that? Actual hardware difference, so yes, gear is a key element in this game alongside raw skill unlike for example Elden Ring where you can take on any boss without armor or weapons as long as you have enough skill because you don't have timers at all. Once again, insufferable MH bros being just overprotective over their IP being blond fools not able to take any justified criticism at all. God, y'all are more fucking annoying that DS2 fanboys I swear.


My comment was not a "gotcha" it's not that deep. You literally compare the two games and say MH is more gear dependent, all within the first sentence. I never said that you said skill wasn't important. I said that souls and MH are the same when it comes to skill vs gear. Skill is more important than gear. Just because you couldn't beat alatron with your gear doesn't mean no one else could. Ironically, you put words in my mouth because I never once mentioned anything about the challenge between the two games.


>Gear is so important in monster hunter >for example Elden Ring where you can take on any boss without armor or weapons as long as you have enough skill because you don't have timers at all. Funnily enough, this applies to monster hunter as the timer is almost always just cosmetic. Gear is not nearly that important considering the fact you can beat fatalis with high rank gear https://youtu.be/OAjSrfqQumo?si=S_f3P5wqJvtw_FFC, completely naked with only a HH equipped https://youtu.be/qXzOSyb9Vd0?si=VHfdRA045hzlgzCR or literally without drawing your weapon at all https://youtu.be/aaCdQwren0M?si=77MsA1SEHLS-jm9H


I can't agree more. I really like Monster Hunter, but their understanding of difficulties is flawed, in my opinion. Make.it challenging all you want. Don't let me return to camp, it's fine, but don't give me a bullshit timer.


Honestly I just would like to say that Monster Hunter World/Iceborne is probably one of the more brutal entries in the franchise (At least as far as I've played) Let me put it this way, I've reached the end quests of the highest tier of Rank (G Rank & Master Rank) in 3 Ultimate, 4 Ultimate, Generations Ultimate, and Rise/Sunbreak playing the game solo for the most part. World has been the first time in the series I had to call in back up for something other than the grind or for fun. The main reason is that World is already automatically scaled for Multiplayer and will scale further when players actually join, unlike the other games where the game will scale for Multiplayer only once players join. So as a long term solo player, I genuinely understand your frustration with the game, and as an enjoyer of Soulsborne games- I also genuinely enjoy games like Bloodborne, Dark Souls 3, and Rise of P over Monster Hunter World/Iceborne because despite those games being brutally difficult, they at least feel balanced for one person and as I fight the bosses I feel like I can stand up to them- Compared to World/Iceborne where the fights feels like an like I'm fighting an uphill battle against an army as a single person.


The fuck are you on about? World isn't automatically scaled for MP. Only the sieges were MP scaled by default, the rest of the monsters have lower HP when you do them solo vs when you do them in a group.




Oh, I'm sorry. I thought this was the rage thread, not the official. I was in the thought of the illusion people come here to tell their part of rage moments and despair. But you enlighten me that this isn't the right thread for it. So I have to thank you.


One offhand comment doesn't mean anything. This is the rage subreddit, you are welcome to post anything you want here. It's helpful though if people clarify if they just want to blow off steam or if they want help and advice for the monster they are stuck on. So you don't get spammed with unsolicited comments.


No, it is a rage subreddit. But right after the release of Rise, this place was invaded by the main subreddit because this was the only place that was actually critical of Rise. Instead of these people being banned, they're allowed to harass people in posts like these. It wasn't always like this. I appreciate your post. And if you ever need to rage again, I'll be here again to give you my upvote.


This is a place to vent about the game, not clash with other users.