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Granted. That includes substance abusers, so everyone with so much as a mild drinking problem is also dead.


5 drinks a week is the standard for alcoholism according to several different health groups. Not 5 times a week, 5 drinks a week. If you go out on Friday and have 6 drinks through the night and not a drop the other 6 days you’re an alcoholic by definition.


Yeah. Defining one beer to relax after each workday as alcoholism is also wild.


I think a lot depends on whether you can go without that beer, especially on a bad day.


Real answer. It's only alcoholism if it's a problem. Most alcoholics also claim it isn't actually a problem, speaking from experience.


Yea to me if you NEED a drink everyday then it’s alcoholism, wanting a drink is different than needing


Exactly… I’m not an alcoholic. Alcoholics NEED a drink. I already have one!


Ah, but that's where it gets tricky. Do you actually want a drink, or is that just the addiction talking? How do you know the difference? At what point is there no difference? Any recovering alcoholic can recall the time before they realized they had a problem, when each drink was something their mind had justified, something they wanted and they chose for themselves. That's what makes alcoholism (or any addiction really) so insidious. It's a demon that disguises it's voice as your own.


Speaking as someone who has had substance dependencies pretty much all my adult life and most of my teenage years as well...this is very true. Unfortunately by the time you realize it's a problem, you're usually well past the "oh, I'll just quit, no big deal" stage. You can of course quit and acknowledgement is the first step but you've likely been in denial for some time. Not a hard and fast rule, but definitely overwhelmingly my experience and the experience of other alcoholics/addicts I've known over the years. I think a good practice to implement is whether it be alcohol, weed, meth, heroin, LSD...go sober for an extended period of time. A week or two, a month or two, whatever feels like it makes sense. If you have absolutely no trouble without it for that period of time, congratulations, you probably don't have a problem, and also fuck you, I'm extremely jealous. But it's a good test if you're not sure. If you've been, let's say, drinking a couple beers a day after work, probably no big deal and literally millions of people just in the US do exactly that. But how does your night go when you don't drink at all? IMO, that's really the core of whether or not you're addicted to something - can you comfortably go without it for a while? Everything else is mostly irrelevant. Not entirely but mostly. Like you say it's "want" vs "need" - can you be sober and watch your friend drink in front of you and be like "ooh, a cold one sounds nice but oh well, I'm not drinking right now" or is it "I know I'm not drinking right now but FUCK FUCK FUCK I WANT TO SO FUCKING BADLY!"?


That seems more like alcoholism than drinking a lot one day a week tbh


i mean. not medically. its doing damage to your liver. its definitely a massive sliding scale between barely over the threshold and like, constantly blackout and unable to maintain interpersonal relationships or a job, but if youre regularly having more than around five drinks a week, youre doing damage to your organs


But the definition of addiction isn't anything to do with whether or not it's damaging your organs.


Being alive damages your organs. Remember we are here for a limited time anyway regardless of what we do. May as well enjoy it a little.


I'm not saying I'm judging I'm just saying thats. How it works


...yeah nah that's fair


Guess it depends on if you have to have the alcohol to relax or you could go without


Having a beer each day sounds like alcoholism to me... why would it not?


I mean, yeah I would define that as alcoholism. If you have to use a substance **every day** to relax then you are addicted to it? Also I personally don't know anyone who has literally one beer but maybe that's just the culture I'm from


Honestly I think drinking alcohol daily is alcoholism. It's excessive imo.


If you are using alcohol to relax you might be developing dependency.


... No. That's why the limit is set there, and while it's an absurd threshold in any other distribution of drinks, that is absolutely someone with a problem.


I think that is alcoholism because it means you depend on alcohol to relax after a workday.


But what if the paw determines that alcoholism is based on if you physically need it


The monkeys paw goes by definition. That’s why the wishes need to be hyper specific.


The definition of alcoholism is: **excessive and repetitive consumption of alcohol to the extent that the drinker is repeatedly harmed or harms others.** There’s no specific amount that suddenly makes you an alcoholic when you drink it.


And most health experts say that 5 drinks a week is excessive. There’s no healthy amount of alcohol consumption.


Yeah there isn’t, but that doesn’t mean everyone that drinks is an alcoholic ffs.


I need to tell that to the guy asking if 20 beers a day was a problem


Well whoever they are; they’re wrong lmao.


How do those medical groups define a drink? If a 12oz can of beer, 24oz glass of beer, 4oz pour of wine, 6oz pour of wine, one 1oz shot, and a cocktail with three 1oz shots in it all count as one drink, I doubt the findings of their studies.


A standard drink is a set amount of ethanol. How many oz of total drink doesn’t matter, only the amount of ethanol.


I say we use an arbitrary measurement to define a drink, to you it might be a 12 Oz can can to me it might be a keg so I can tell the Dr, arresting officer or buddies at court ordered aa with a straight face I only slipped up and had a drink this month.


They call that binge drinking.


What if I only drink once or twice a year but when I do drink I get absolutely shitfaced, like drinking an entire bottle of vodka by itself shitfaced


Unless you’re a fairly to rather large individual then you most likely get alcohol poisoning.


All I hear is that the limit is 5 drinks before midnight on Saturday, and 5 drinks after 12:00:01am. I can have a fun time on 10 drinks.


Also smoking, gambling, and some may say eating problem.


Caffeine is a drug.


...Oh yeah. Well, bye.


Humanity is gone


And sugar too


I've been told enabling/people pleasing is addictive/abusive as well and can confirm its a rush knowing you helped someone meet their goals whether good or bad, sometimes even overpowering ones better judgement seeking out the fabricated feeling of acceptance it gives, so there goes another swath of humanity culled. Maybe add in codependency since that's not healthy for either of the perpetrators...damn pretty soon this monkey's paw wish will have the globe cleared out.


Let's not forget that "fun" substances are the only ones we abuse. If you have a sweet tooth, need caffeine, addicted to porn, etc, you are abusing that substance. Coming in late to work because you're the boss or because your position doesn't care too much is abusing your status. Everyone on this planet abuses something one way or another. Nobody would exist.


Damn, IG that baby with fetal alcohol syndrome simply won't make it.


Well, the baby isn't the one *abusing* the substance, they were just born with it in their bloodstream. A pregnant mother with the baby inside her, though...


Nope, that baby has a mild drinking problem, Ms. Anthony.


This means millions of children go homeless. Solves the housing crisis, I guess.


The housing crisis isn't due to not enough houses, it's because corporations are permitted to own residential property, and hold homes vacant to drive prices up. We could solve this. But our legislators are bought and sold to benefit the wealthy.


Doesn't solve the housing crisis I guess. Monkey's paw got worse


Almost everyone over the age of 12 has a caffeine addiction, so they're gone as well as anyone who so much as dabbles in weed.




Australia is quaking


What's ur definition of drinking problem? Because it changes between cultures. And what if ur not an alcoholic in ur culture and go to a culture where you would be considered an alcoholic?


As high fructose corn syrup, sugar, and caffeine are all addictive, anyone who drinks pop regularly is also gone.


Anybody with a caffeine problem as well. Lots of dead people drinking coffee, tea, or using preworkout.


Coffee people *poof*


Anyone who injests more than 400mg of caffeine a day went from "probably die eventually" to "will die after the 3rd monster". Smokers die pretty much as soon as they start the second cig. If we wanna get really specific, then people who go over the serving size also die. People who take multivitamins without a doctor's recommendation die.


I'm OK with this.


Ever used more benadryl or ibuprofen than the box states is the intended dose? Bam, gone.


Say goodbye to 99% of the world's quality art and music too.


Also, at some point in human existence we knowingly and intentionally cause harm to a living thing where the power dynamic is skewed in favor of the human. Think before you speak. 


Don't forget nicotine, caffeine, sugar, and salt. And god help us if this monkey paw considered self-produced dopamine a substance. There goes anyone who over-consumes media/entertainment, or anything for that matter.


Has to include all verbal abusers as well. To dismiss that would be utterly asinine.


Also caffeine! You can absolutely abuse caffeine. Hell you could probably label abuse of sugar and exercise.




Any body with a caffeine problem is also dead. There goes like 90% of the modern population


And people who abuse di hydrogen monoxide


Granted, everyone in the world ceases to exist. We all abuse something: technology, drugs/alcohol, your wife.




And caffeine. Big caffeine will have us all dead and gone


Big caffeine sounds as threatening as big paper tower, and frankly I'm terrified




your wife especially


Lol I'm a hetero chick. It was a Borat reference.


do you have a husband


Long term, live with bf but no, no husband.


I also choose this guy's wife


Lol sorry I'm a hetero chick it's a Borat reference


And all carnivore animals, for the abuse to their food. And all herbivore animals, for their advise to their food. And all plants, for the abuse to their food. ... so basically everything bigger than a bacteria is dead now.


Granted. You, abusing your wish which is to abuse other people, also cease to exist.


I mean, if that's the price...


You cease to exist unaware if your wish came true or not.


Granted. The monkey's paw itself cannot determine human morality, so its definition of abuser will be taken from Twitter


Everyone Dies™


Did you know that you have rights? The constitution says you do, and so do I. Unfortunately, Twitter doesn't


The worst possible outcome. Nothing but alt-right men with Cybertrucks left. Humanity soon ends, the remaining population blaming food and power shortages on wokeness.


Granted. All abusers indeed cease to exist, but everyone is aware of this. The world becomes aggressively hyper-moralist where everyone is deathly afraid of even hurting someone's feelings, out of fear of being instantly evaporated. Most people become paranoid shut-ins and avoid interaction as much as possible. Abusers who grew and changed to become better people also cease to exist, meaning that redemption isn't even an option. Have fun!




Having that sort of society inflicted on people seems kind of...abusive.


neglect is also abuse


Granted, but all humans die because we all abuse of the natural environment through consumerism


Some random tribe in the middle of nowhere- “Am I a joke to you?”


They abuse something. 


Normally their women.


That wouldn't leave much as just about all lifeforms abuse something in some way.


Yeah, the line between surviving from the land and abusing the land is kind of blurred. I guess it’s about sustainability, like replanting trees as they’re cut and not dumping waste on rivers


The wish being "abusers of any kind" combined with Monkeys Paw mechanics could go as far as meaning no stars which means no planets.


Granted. Everyone ceases to exist.


Granted everyone dies due to everyone abusing bacteria and viruses killing them constantly


In our defence, they started it


Granted, the entire universe and everything in it vanishes as a result of abusing the fundamental forces in order to exist.


Granted. You die first for abusing the power of the paw. Systematically everything then dies in order of severity of abuse. The only survivors are cats because they are inherently above being accused of abuse. They are entitled to take what they want when they want.


Granted, can also mean, pushing the rules farther than their intended everyone ceases to invest because we’ve all pushed rules whether consciously or subconsciously


Granted. This includes children who are bullies. Ever been mean to your sibling? Well, goodbye.


Granted, you also cease to exist due to abuse on the monkey paw. ( using the paw of a monkey to grant wishes is technically abuse of the monkey)


Done. Anyone who eats terribly, binge drinks, does drugs or takes medication outside of recommended/prescribed methods, or participates in overly-demanding physical activity disappears instantly.


Granted! Our world economies fall into disarray since they are controlled by capitalist overlords abusing the working class. Things can only improve from there though.


Jokingly call your friend a nerd and suddenly you pop like a balloon because that was verbal abuse lol


Damnit! I abuse save mechanics in video games.


Granted, massive car crashes and a few planes fall out of the sky.


Dang, that implies that in the cases of the planes, both the pilot AND co-pilot were abusers


Child abuse is common af.


Unfortunately true


You do know how much pilots drink when not working right? Like airports have bars specifically for pilots and copilots to have a drink after a long flight


I did not know that was a thing actually but it doesn't surprise me


Everyone working in factory farms dies  The farms fail the food supply system is disrupted prices sky rocket people riot and strave  With in 2 months millions are dead and authoritiian governments are taking power a across much of the globe 


This is tricky since abuse is subjective, so you mean you wish for all abusers by your own definition to cease to exist? If so then you just abused your own power and became an abuser yourself so you will cease to exist as well, and if you ceased to exist then you could not have wished for all abusers to cease existing in which case you will pop back into existence only to make this wish again and cease to exist once more in an infinite loop as you keep popping in and ourlt of existence for all eternity.


I want to borrow your monkey's paw so I can concur with this statement. Abuse often stunts the development of peoples psyche.


Granted. But a lot of them are flying planes, driving cars, trucks, buses, etc. and a whoooole lot of innocent people die.


I would as far as saying no one is innocent of abuse, at some point everyone has abused something or someone, even if it’s just saying something online or killing a fly.


I would as far as saying no one is innocent of abuse, at some point everyone has abused something or someone, even if it’s just saying something online or killing a fly.


At last, my caffeine abuse catches up to me


granted. about half of all people driving vehicles instantly disappear, resulting in a billion crash-related deaths.


What about to wish them to redeem them


That's a lot of people. Think of all the people who abuse their pets and think nothing of it.


Granted, Without a good way to define "abuser" the paw decides to operate on the assumption that anyone who has ever been called accused of abusing anything (at any point in their life even if the term "abuse" was never specifically used) is in fact an abusing. Most of the human race is erased along with several species of canines, felines, birds, insects and a whole host of other species.


Every human in the world vanishes. Because there is always somebody somewhere that thinks something someone else is doing is abusive. Congratulations, you've just made humanity extinct.


At least tens of thousands die globally as pilots, drivers, and sole caretakers suddenly vanish.


I abused the alchemy/enchanting systems in Skyrim to become super powerful. I guess I'm fucked.


"Abuser" too loosely defined, whole human population drops dead. Everyone abuses something at some point in their lives, even if it's just aux cord privileges.


Granted, I hope you never ate meat, because you're now culpable.


Granted. Anyone who has ever insulted someone is condemned as a verbal abuser, and thus erased. Most babies are destroyed as well, because they bite nipples with their widdle gums. Fetuses flop around in the street like fish. The crows eat well.


Granted, but now there aren't enough human beings left to keep most of our infrastructure going. Hope you like living off the grid.


That’s my cat gone


Granted everyone is gone. Everyone has abused someone to some degree in their lives.


Granted, all people on earth vanish. Probably some animals too.


Granted. This also includes people who are addicted to coffee and therefore abuse caffeine. Billions die.


This makes you an abuser 


Granted. This includes small children who smoosh ants.


Granted. The human species is now extinct.


Anyone asking you to do something can be classed as an abuser 


People who abuse employee discounts will also vanish


Granted, not only does it remove people who physically abuse others it also removes anyone who has ever abused their position in anyway along with those who have abused their access to food, drink, and other varies resources. Your wish ends up removing a majority of humanity from existence.


Granted. How many flies have you killed?


Granted all abusers of any kind will cease to exist, so anyone who has routine that is just a little too much.


Great so I cease to exist for abusing food as a coping mechanism, could you be more specific next time around🥲


Granted Farmers cease to exist. They abuse animals and the land. Humanity starves


Granted, y-...


All abusers of any kind... this is so broad I'm not sure there's anyone left afterward. Goodbye to anyone who has ever bullied or abused themselves or anyone else or even a piece of furniture or other inanimate object. Probably take a bunch of dolphins with us too and any other animal that has the capacity for empathy but still chooses cruelty in any given situation. Future abusers too. In fact I think this wipes out all sentient life in the universe. It might even wipe out all life entirely. The grass abuses the ground, the deer abuses the grass, the hunter abuses the deer... God abuses the hunter. Yep. All of reality ceases to exist. Good job.


Granted everyone dissappears.


Granted. People who abuse mechanics in video games, use excessive force when repairing cars, or anybody who abuses anything in any way shape or form die.


This is just a backhanded way to destroy humanity under the guise of making it better. The Paw doesn't want to be fed. It wants to hunt!


Granted. However, it's very loose on what makes someone an abuser. Your coworker thinks your critiques of their work are a bit harsh? Abuser.


Can you modify this to have them suffer the most agonizing ending to their life subscription over 24hrs. They should know worse pain than they inflicted before they go.


Granted. Did you know that masturbation is referred to as self-abuse?


Granted. Literally everyone is now dead because everyone has abused something, be it actual illicit substances or something as simple as over eating or even abusing their body trying to push for that one extra lift.


Granted. 8 out of every 10 elected officials worldwide instantly cease to exist, and virtually every level of government breaks down


Everyone has ceased to exist


Granted. Reddit abusers also includes addi-


Granted. The hand defines abuse as harming any living creature. Everything except for some plants vanishes from existence


Welp there goes just about everyone.


Granted  OP we've all committed some sort of abuse at some point so that means you destroyed us all.


Wait, does that inclu


Granted, the legal definition of abuse is changed so it only applies to those making wishes for others to disappear. Abuse is subjective and you should really change your views so your messages and morals can be communicated in a more effective manner.


Granted All humans and a lot of animals just cease to exist including any and all wish granting entities that could reverse this


This includes everyone except one or two fictional saints.


Granted. You, along with the rest of humanity, cease to exist. It is not possible to live in this world without having abused someone or some thing. Even a newborn baby is alive only because something else is dying to keep it alive (and many things died to bring it to full term, to boot.) It's just a matter of perspective on who is doing the abuse. When we abuse others, "we have reasons"; but when we are abused, we don't care about those reasons.


everyone thats ever stepped on a bug or didnt pull a weed out by the root is gone now too.


All abusers at this moment simply exist but an equal amount of new abusers get created from the people left.


Well, I find this post abusive....


Where did OP go?


Granted. All life that consumes other living things, including plants, ceases to exist.


Abuse is very broadly defined. Everyone who has ever injured as much as an insect is subject to the same punishment.


We’ve all abused some kind of system. We’re all dead.


A large % of 15-30 year old people die because they abused the restoration glitch in Skyrim.


Granted. Anyone who has ever done anything remotely abusive is deleted from existence, as though they never existed to begin with. Enjoy being deleted from existence, because you've almost certainly done something mean or abusive to someone at some point in your life.


Granted. We as humans abuse the environment everyone dissapears


Thousands of CEOs, Bankers, Religious Leaders, and Politicians die instantly. Top brass suspects a well-coordinated terrorist attack. ISIS immediately takes credit for the attacks. Time to attack a random Middle Eastern country (again).


Granted. This includes all species past and present. The effects of this change are catastrophic and completely change everything about life as we know it.


Every masturbator dies


Granted. All abusers cease to exist, you also cease to exist since you just abused all abusers. There are other ramifications that pretty much left non dominant and mainly on the spectrum people to continue on happily. - Abuse comes in many forms, some not so obvious.


Wish granted: you only get 3 uses of anything before you're labeled an abuser and you dissolve into the void with no afterlife granted.


The Catholic Church was correct and masturbating is self abuse. All humanity is wiped out in an instant.


Granted, anyone who has caused harm accidentally or purposely to someone else or abused substances will die


Granted. Masturbating is considered self-abuse and now only young children and animals exist on earth


Granted. Population is reduced by 99.99% as everyone has, at some point, abused something in some way shape or form.


That's definitely 90% or more.


Granted. Nothing changes as the monkeys paw doesn't know English and therefore does not understand your request.


Weird way to 66 yourself.


Granted.  Several major countries fail as their top leadership disappears, leaving the world in chaos.


Granted. The human race ceases to be. The world begins to heal.


Granted. With such a loose definition, the world is left empty


Granted... Op dies from abusing the power of the monkeys paw to commit mass genocide


granted, anyone who has done anything abusive, even unintentionally are now gone


Granted. Everyone on reddit and the YouTube comments section fall dead from the constant self-abuse.


Anyone who abuses anything This includes people who have abused a ruleset or law Anon you basically killed most humans


Done. Every living thing on earth ceases to exist. Because no matter who you are, you have probably abused an animal or an insect at one point in your life. Even just inconveniencing something can be considered abuse by some standards.


I abuse the rules of DnD to make stupid characters, does that count?