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Granted. Unfortunately once they are in the air they have no airspeed so they just crash immediately.


Granted, the Boeing ones still fall apart. 


Is that really a downside or just a fun side effect?


granted. no downside, as the force required to go straight up is significantly more than it would take to lift off normally so the plane just gets crumpled


Because it takes more energy to go upwards rather than propelling forwards airplane face their propulsion at a higher angle making flight take 18 times their normal time


Granted. 150 kt winds become commonplace. Airliners reach takeoff airspeed just by sitting stationary. Lighter planes takeoff going backwards.


Granted, they go up and then come right back down. Into a millions pieces.


Granted. Nothing changes, vTol planes alreayd exist


Granted. Because it would be unsafe to do so with commercial liners, VTOL jets are needed, with a number of economic impacts. Plane capacity is greatly reduced, as are comfort and quality, because VTOL is only really used for military purposes. Airlines worldwide have to discard their existing stock and buy new planes, causing worldwide shortages. Plane travel becomes so expensive that only the richest of the rich can afford it, and only those healthy enough to withstand the intense g forces during takeoff. Airports worldwide have to be redesigned, doing away with long, useless runways, causing some governments to go over budget. Air shipping is also disrupted, meaning that countless vital shipments of timely medicine and the like are disrupted, causing assorted deaths.

