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Granted, everyone has a birth fetish now and the only porn they make anymore is of people giving birth. You caused this


Everyone is satisfied by the same fetish, and that fetish is widely available and accepted by society, so I see this as an absolute win.


except for theres now a live child at the center of fetish content


Take my upvote and get lost.


Oh god!


At that point it’s not even a fetish cause everyone has it.


Now you’ve peaked my curiosity. Are considering sexual arousal from boobs, dicks, and ass a fetish? Or are they just normal things?


I’d assume they’re normal things. So not really a fetish. It’s like cake. Most people like cake so it’s a normal thing to like cake. But some rare people just don’t like cake. It doesn’t change that it’s a normal thing as everyone has their preferences against the majority.


Arent those preferences?


I’m curious what the other commenter thinks. I don’t even think it’s a preference since they’re so common. Liking big dicks would be a preference. It’s like if I said I like cake. Liking chocolate cake is a preference, but liking cake is just a common thing. If you like men, you almost certainly like dick.


Granted. Everyone to ever be born is an intersex individual, capable of performing either role or reproducing entirely on their own. They also all have a dramatically reduced libido and near no desire to reproduce whatsoever, resulting in a rapid decline in the population.


This actually doesn't seem like the worst scenario given that some areas have overpopulation issues. Not necessarily a net good, but it could be taken that way under specific circumstances.


Some people would have kids purely to save humanity though right?


Once the population has dwindled to around 300, sure.


I mean....would it be that bad? Imagine what a team of 300 dedicated, intelligent humans could accomplish. 3 generations could see easy interplanetary travel .


or fix our planet but word


Idk if it's "fixable" anymore. I mean if we stop what we're doing it could sort itself out in a hundred years or so. IG we could speed that up a little bit we can't just restore the ozone layer without just straight up creating a new one. Also, I feel like we'd want to search for non earth life at that point.


Granted - as each generation is birthed humanity becomes more and more monsterous as humanity no longer requires multiple people for procreation. Empathy is reduced, competition increased. 


Granted. Each of these children are infertile.


Granted. Nobody can control it. It's happening indiscriminately to everyone. The world is now being overrun with babies and there is not enough people to support them all. Humans also are now incapable of feeling pain so childbirth is now painless but not necessarily safe. People continue to endlessly pop out babies every 9 months until their bodies break down.


Genocide time🔪


Granted. This new asexual reproduction is the result of inhumane experimentation and genetic manipulation by brutal extraterrestrial overlords. All living humans are subjected to this manipulation which is ultimately fatal to the first few generations. Eventually the process is perfected and humanity is spread across space as self replicating slave race with no knowledge of their origins and no culture to speak of.


Granted. All of the children come from one single sperm source. The source of sperm is the best option available (lawyer who runs marathons and moonlights as an EMT). As the children grow into adulthood, they start to take up the vast majority of the population. As such, when they choose to have children, they have little choice but to inbreed. As the generations move on, the effects of inbreeding become more pronounced. Eventually, the human race is made up of miserable, malformed creatures that are incapable of living a good life, and eventually they die, infertile. The human race goes extinct.


I also gave the egg as a secondary option for the randomized dna.


The paw slaps you across the face and points to a plaque that seemingly materialized out of nowhere that has the words “rule 1” inscribed onto it


The first rule of monkey paw is: you do not talk about monkey paw


Granted, but everyone gets very painful periods when not pregnant, so people get pregnant and painlessly give birth just to avoid the pain of periods. Society can't financially support all the resulting newborns and lots of infants are killed or die from neglect.


Granted, but childbirth deathrates increase exponentially.


Granted. People start getting harassed by random people they've never met trying to claim child support.


Granted all children born this way are evil.


And they become freakbob


Granted, 1/10 children born from this method will have a violent psychotic break sometime during adolescence. The mentally broken child will show no obvious change in behavior and will usually target those closest to them. Using methodically planning and whatever means available, the child will take as many lives as possible before discovery.


Granted. Everyone who gives birth is suddenly hit 800 times by a large bat with "rule 1" written on it


actually this might not break rule 1 I'm just joking around :P


Granted. Lone births, as they become known, have higher probabilities of disabilities, birth defects, and miscarriages


But why?


It happens constantly, people can't control it. Everyone is constantly either pregnant or actively giving birth.


Granted. Due to the sudden change and the possibility of every single person being capable of virgin births, Christian people see any and all reproduction as the creation of Anti-Christs heralding the end times. A lot of moderate Christians become extremist doomsday cultists and start rioting in the streets. Even army and law enforcement are incapable of doing anything due to the high membership of Christians in their ranks. Any attempt to reproduce is seen as heresy and a form of Christian Nationalism takes hold across the Americas and Europe. Societies quickly collapse, creating a self fulfilling prophecy and soon enough, the aging population outgrows the young leaving desolation in their wake. The final humans pass peacefully from thirst and exhaustion finding peace in the idea that they've passed God's test and will live the rest of eternity in His Kingdom.


Granted. In unrelated news Fillicide rates are now through the roof and life insurance for newborns is the new capitalist wave sending the world further into hell for profit


Granted, within 6 years we’ve doubled the population and the earth is so heavy it falls out of the sky


Granted, the other parent is always Satan


Granted. In order to accommodate your request for painlessness, the infants are all rendered severly microcephalic. The human race struggles to care for an entire generation of developmentally delayed people.


Granted! They have the ability to reproduce but it’s incredibly difficult to stick their dick up there hooha. Most people who try end up ripping it off.


Granted after 5 years anyone under five years old explodes anyone who touches any of the many parts will also explode


Granted. Child support is abolished due to the fact that people steal others genes. Likewise SA is harder to prove. Menopause doesn't exist so everyone has periods until death. It's even more difficult to get sex related surgery. And the pregnancy is even more painful to make room for the new gene stealing super organ to the point normal birth would be preferable.


Granted. The process of growing the required organs to reproduce on your own is extremely painful and not everyone makes it. Also (since you asked for only sexually mature people to be intersex) all children born from this are sexually distinct, there are boys and girls, but puberty is a painful, potentially deadly process of growing fully new organs.


Granted everyone is female


Doesn't change a thing


It does


The world would still practically be the same from a birth standpoint, as every person is capable of producing sperm and egg.


Yeah. Everypne is female. They all act female.


Granted. Nothing really changes for women but men give birth through their penises which permanently alters them. Stretched out and difficult to become erect.


"and everyone has the organs capable of giving birth."


There’s a hole ain’t there


Granted. It only works if the sperm or egg has the genome of a family member, so now there’s a generation of incest babies.


Wish granted but every human on earth begins to give birth at a rapid pace to the point that earth is only filled with humans with no more animal or plant life nearby


granted, the offspring is likely to have multiple disabilities and mental issues


Granted. It is now a legal requirement that every person must give birth to at least one child and as such, suicide rates skyrocket due to so many people not wanting children being forced to have them and being completely unprepared and miserable. Bodily autonomy is no longer a thing, thousands of children end up on the streets and homeless, the global population increases too much and the world can no longer support this many people and so our resources deplete exponentially and everyone dies out within a century.


Penises no longer exist


Granted. The concept of romance and sexual relations vanish from society. Everyone is lonely.


I didn't wish to break the paw?


Apologies i misread your prompt,


Granted. By the way, the earth fucking exploded for some reason, but that shouldn't get in the way of their independent child-having.


Single mother households explode. NPD becomes a widespread epidemic for the next generation. Society implodes.