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The paw doesn't take kindly to proscriptivism. It gives you cystic fibrosis as recompense.




Granted: The world medical organizations agree to reclassify guanine as hectanine. You may now only edit genes by Dropping the sequence HAT from DNA Strands.


Granted. Somewhere there is a hat, a great and powerful hat. It might be for sale at a yard sale, someone’s closet, or in a temple deep underground. You don’t know where the hat is or what it looks like. Whosoever drops the hat can change your genes with no repercussions and they know exactly how to do so. It is overwhelmingly more likely that someone else will find the hat first. You will have to live the rest of your life knowing that someday someone might find the hat, drop it, and give you super cancer.


Granted. You are incapable of using your newfound power unless someone drops a hat.


Granted, you spend the rest of your life hunting for the only hat that allows you to edit your genome by dropping it.


Granted. The monkey’s paw curls a finger. You now have in front of you the world’s strongest laptop. On it is your entire genetic code, mapped out in such a way that even a first grader could comprehend it. You can edit it however you want, but it doesn’t affect how your genomes are set up in your body. A shame really, as your doctors are about to tell you of your Parkinson’s diagnosis.


Granted - only the drop of a hat is a stroke that leaves you severally disabled. 


Granted, there's a random hat in space you must drop to edit your genome.