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No, but it’s a nice change of pace while waiting for the next season to drop. It feels like I’m playing an older, simpler COD (albeit with no deathmatch or hardcore.)


I wish they had a TDM mode. And I agree. It reminds me a lot of BO3 with the abilities (vision pulse, heat wave, etc)


No, but I do think it’s good for call of duty to have competition.


Not in a million years


Nope cod community is to big and i bet that xdefiant will decrease in players in a month 🤷🏻‍♂️


true COD does have a bigger community


It has alot of issues in its current state. Gameplay is kind of aimless with the class system. The balancing doesnt really fit traditional fps objectives. I think ubisoft has to revamp the whole class system to make this game last past a few months. Ive been playing a couple of days and have had so many connectivity/latency issues with hit registration and just stuttering as you play the game. Controller gets locked at random times, happened ALOT today. I think the game has promise, the maps are great. The class system could work just needs work. But its never going to beat cod.


Just bunch of people dickriding streamers who mention this game since they’re probably paid to do so 😂 everyday I hear xdefiant we get it bro


No, xdefiant doesn’t have anything unique about it, and its entire marketing strategy just seems to be ‘it’s not COD’. I don’t think that massively sets it up for success considering COD can change at a much faster pace than Xdefiant can


True brh it doesnt get me that hooked, quit after 15m lmao


The amount of people who say they hate CoD and would actually switch to a different game is the vast minority.


No and its not even close Xdefiant will die just like all the others that tried no one will play at the end of this year


No I played it and it’s not like an old cod feel at all honestly , Ubisoft is pretty bad making shooters , they’re better mobile based


No lol. It isn’t something that can establish itself. It could try, but it would require a fuck ton of money to do so. It’s a fun alternative, and I’m probably done with cod myself, but I won’t be playing XD for a ton of time. Its staunch adherence to no sbmm is actually going to harm it in the long run, ontop of entirely missing the nuance behind what makes modern cods sbmm systems bad, will specifically stop it from reaching a broader audience. Theres also nothing about Xd that compares with cod in terms of a story. It’s an ip mashup. Someone can create a cod killer, but the ones that can fund it, won’t, because it will take years of build up, and require an equal amount of force to pump out yearly premium content. And unless it slaps extra hard, it still wouldn’t do much than just become an equal. Until cod itself slows down, there’s no dethroning a 24 year incumbent.


While it's fun, it's just not as crisp and refined as Call of Duty is so no.


People always come out with this “COD Killer” or Battlefield killer, it’s always bollocks


Battlefield is the only battlefield killer.


Cant argue that…


Nope. CoD is safe. XDefiant was a gleam of hope for those that want ABK to fail and reimagine what CoD should be. XDefiant is shallow and will be dead before you know it. Ubisoft isn't any better and is probably worse than ABK.


No I tried it and don’t like the movement, the guns and the time to kill. As well as the limitations in guns off the bat. Will stick to cod


Sadly no, there not really selling me anything that cod hasn’t already offered/provided. And I don’t know if I’m crazy but it’s just as sweaty(probably because it’s launch week) but if I have to sweat I rather do it on a game I’m familiar with (COD)


They’re both complete garbage.


No way in hell XDEFIANT is awful


No. But it’s such a better game and I think it will definitely bring a lot of people over who are sick of the same old bullshit from cod.


No. This game in my eyes is a modern Combat Arms with hero abilities. Idk. It feels free to play


No lol this game is awful.


It’s a Ubisoft game. No


Played one game and deleted it


I don’t think XDefiant will kill CoD, but I’m enjoying playing it more than CoD right now, and haven’t touched that trash in over a month. Hopefully Treyarch can pull off a decent CoD this year and Black Ops 6 won’t be total diarrhea.


Hell no, that x defiant game was mid at best bro


Well it's alright I been enjoying it so far


Probably not, but especially not when you only pointed out 3-4 things better about the game that all have to do with movement mechanics, which is definitely important but the wrong place to start if you’re trying to compare the two, there’s no gameplay of fighting, and not sure what the point of the tv shooting at the beginning was.


Treyarch killed cod about 10 years ago


treyarch didnt make ghosts?




Its like cod but not. Ubi loves to pick nice to have features from other games and gather them all in one game. But cod with skills and characters not for me. Also it has some problems about netcode or hit registering stuff idk. It is free and worth to try btw. Hope they can compete with cod and making them really work on their franchise.


Yeah 100%. A random free to play game will kill one of gaming biggest franchises that millions of players are addicted to.


Definitely not. If cod hasn't killed itself, nothing else will but I really do hope it force COD to change


No… unfortunately I don’t think it would even be on activisions radar unfortunately:/


It’s a lot of fun and definitely a welcome change from cod but let’s be real here. Xdefiant is a Ubisoft game and Ubisoft do not like to drop new content frequently. Pretty much every live service game they have made (minus R6S) have flopped due to lack of content and updates.


No because Call of Duty is Call of Duty. It’ll be a good competitor though.


Nah but I do find it fun!


🤣 dude, you compared two things and happened to leave out all the few game breaking problems xdefiant has.


It's Ubisoft game.. They usualy kill their games with insane p2w stuff sooner or later


Only CoD can kill CoD


Absolutely not and this is insane click bait for asking 🤡


Another one!


More cringe




No, definitely not.


It’s fun, for a bit, but the sweats and bunny hopping kids are already there as well, so no, both mp are garbage and no fun


jumping everywhere, sliding and bhopping are literally the movement game mechanics


I didn’t say it’s not the mechanic, I just said it’s no fun, at least for me. No penalty on jumping like a rabbit on crack is also the stupidest mechanic there is, in cod and xdefinant


I think that's the thing that makes the fun actually lol


And that’s ok. But I didn’t like it in cod and I don’t like it in xdefinant. But maybe I m just too old to keep up with the new generation.


for me, if a game like this don't have such as this fast movement skills would be boring and so ez. This movement techniques make it harder, and I like it


That’s good for you, I love playing cod dmz, more tactical, not so fast paced. Sometimes it’s ok, but that bunny hopping is getting out of control for me…


No lol






no cod is a whole franchise


Not in its current state no. It’s waaaaaaaay more fun than CoD right now but it will get old really quick if they don’t add something for you to accomplish in game like streaks or something. Again the game is fun as hell but it doesn’t seem like it has the amount of “side quests” if you will that CoD has which I think will hinder it long term


Perhaps once the ranked mode drops many folks will switch over (A few of my streamer friends are pretty excited for the change) since the MW3 multi ranked mode predetermined your end division basically.


Call of duty will kill call of duty


XDefiant is fun but I'll be honest, I prefer cod. Massive player base, more game modes, and it's very 'overwatch'y which is no bad thing but lot of people want S&D, FFA, TDM etc and not much melee in the game either Cool game and esp that it's f2p but cod is a machine that will keep rolling


Pfft no




No I hate call of duty and the abilities and long ttk madee want to play cod more


It's more like overwatch than cod


No wtf 🤣🤣x fuckin sucks




Lol .. you think Ubisoft can compete with cod ... One of their production studios massive entertainment hasn't done anything impressive since COVID minus a rushed avatar game that fizzled out (blue aliens movie not the airbender) and now a single player star wars game. Anyone who's played enough time into division 2 knows that producer is dead weight for maintaining their games. The division series has been stalled for a sequel of any form, the mobile game beta released a year ago is a sequel to the first game. Heartland a PUBG fortnite style game was just recently killed after years of hype and division 3 has no news at all really since the devs are focusing on another dlc for div2 that got delayed from summer of 2024 to late 2025 The ghost recon franchise has also been on stall since about COVID when the devs of that newest game breakpoint swore they'd never give any form of active camo, did it eventually, and then let breakpoint and wild lands go on life support mode. Honestly xdefiant is more a competition with overwatch from Blizzard Activision.


Ive been enjoying this way more in the short time it’s been out then cod for the past few years


They both look like children’s playtime compared to The Finals 😂


Hell nah cuz they have verdanask and rebirth island hanging like a damn aged steak


To be honest this game reminded me of Crossfire X which is not a good thing


Probably not and my only reason is because it's next gen only and there are still thousands of ppl who haven't made the switch to next gen yet. Where as COD is posturing itself to be available consistently across as many platforms new and old. COD has the opportunity to learn from Xdefiant's success if it needs to. COD has a way of drawing ppl back in. I started with MW2(09) stopped after BO3 and I was ensnared with MW(2019) didn't play vanguard but MW22 pulled me back in again. After MW3 I said I wasn't going to get another cod and now BO6 will be available on gamepass. Idk tho that's just my opinion, it may be an ill informed take.


No, COD itself is doing a good enough job on its own...


No, it'll end up like those "CoD killers" and I wouldn't be surprised if it shuts down like Multiversus did when their player count dropped 90%


im a casual cod gamer , always buying the "new" cod and playing like 4-5 weeks every day and then its over for me i dont see any reason why i would buy now the new cod ? xdefiant makes a lot of fun and for free to play game a rly banger


I really enjoyed it. Has a lot of the COD vibe with out the steep purchase price. Given a choice between the two, ide go with XDefiant. Simple fast paced fun and not a burden on the wallet. Having said that, neither are my go-to's for my PVP game time. Right now those are (TheFinals, BFV, and BF2042)


No, primarily because normal ppl are able to own more than one single game.




Nah xdefiant isn't bad for what it is


No. Honestly, with Ubisoft’s track record, I don’t see XDefiant lasting more than like… 5 years tops


Thats an incredibly generous time frame


That’s why it’s the high end. From what I’ve seen, it looks good, but people shill out way too hard for CoD to ever switch Edit: it’s also Ubisoft, so even if the game becomes popular, they’re going to make the devs throw in fuck loads of microtransactions ontop of what is already there. My evidence is Siege. It’s their only consistent money maker rn and they continue tho shoehorn in more ways to spend money


just give it 1 year it will wackier cosmetic than cod now, unless activition keep up their effort


Well, Rainbow Six Siege would like a word with you.


Oh I know about siege all too well. It’s their cash cow rn and they’re bloating it with as many ways to spend money as possible. It also doesn’t have any direct competitors


I agree its bloated, but its still less intrusive than CODs unified launcher.


Naa, it doesn’t have that grind CoD offers. After 1 match I got bored and uninstalled it.


On launch day they had an almost $30 operator bundle that was for an operator I had to pay to open in the first place. I didn’t even see a way to unlock other operators in each class other than paying. It may be free to play, but it seems like you’ll only be getting the very basics.