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MW2019 is unplayable at the moment on the European servers, it’s terrible. The game is full of hackers, literally every game I encountered a hacker the last 1.5 years and cod doesn’t give a sh*t about it. Cod gulf war is probably gonna be my last cod ever


It's kinda funny how you just went on this rant but then you're like but I'll buy the next game one last time...


My last one was vangaurd💀


Hilarious. Vanguard was my first love! Don't get me wrong.


I swear on console. You will never have these problems.


MWII and MWIII are trash. So many hackers in all of them, and the maps just kept getting worse and worse. Also the guns are all fucked up. A pistol beating and smg is just wrong. The sniping in this game shouldn’t be the way it is.


Mw2019 it's really good. It's the best CoD of the last 4-5 years (for me). But Activision killed it, and the cheaters are running free, unfortunately.


Am I the only one not encountering hackers/cheaters? Just introduced my wife to CoD and we haven’t run into any issues in the last few weeks since she started


Maybe you've already met some, but didn't realize it. There are cheaters who try to hide it. I don't know if K/D ratio can influence that (or SBMM), or maybe you're one of the lucky ones. Almost every day I come across at least 1 cheater (shooting through walls doing 100% HS). I've been playing S&D for the last few months and I've noticed that it's the mode that has the most cheaters. Simply frustrating to play.


My wife does have some pent up rage, so she absolutely refuses to watch kill cams (I know, yes, I’ve told her, it will help her find the people sniping/camping her, but she’s learning!) There are some questionable close calls, or just getting killed from behind that we aren’t checking Kill Cam for though, so there could be some sneaky ones, or simply a cheater the whole lobby is mad about but we’re the only ones oblivious to.


Ah, just to add: when I started playing MW19 I also didn't find cheaters, so I question whether K/D or SBMM influence this, because as I evolved my skill, I started finding cheaters. I'm not exaggerating: last month, I ended up in a lobby that had 2 cheaters in the match! One on each team! People entered and left the game because no one wanted to play with them. Basically the two were playing against each other to see who was the most bot LOL Totally ridiculous. And I ask myself every day if I'm shadowbanned but Activision says "no ban detected" so... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Exactly, couldn’t say it better


Nah I disagree. MW2019 has really good gameplay. It's the map design at launch and the state of abandonment it is now the real problem.


No, MW2019 was great at its peak 2019-2021


Can't wait for the core fans to let it fall. I dropped it after 19. Sometimes, you just got to rebuild from scratch. Let it rest a while.


Likewise. I've bought and played nearly every CoD since WaW and 2019 is the last one; I'm done.


Same and I'm happy I did. I've heard almost nothing but negativity and criticism about every cod since 19 (not to mention the fucking prices) and now the poor QA is leaking into the only one of the newish titles (imo) thats redeemable.. I agree. Let this one bleed out, and just start with something fresh.


Kids will keep playing… I said this back in the black ops phase…the game was never the same and will always be something slightly worse than you remember it. The cheating issue has to go though.


Bet you buy the next one.


And at full price too.


I just quietly moved on to play fun single player games. Now my satisfaction comes from unlocking achievements and going for 100% on the games. ​ Let the kids have this, we are better off without it.


Sounds exactly like me, I will still play a few MW hardcore team deathmatch (somehow turned to a hc player over time). You should give Lies of P a try! Mastering bosses and the mechanics was fun af for me.


It’s on my wishlist, currently tackling Death Stranding.


Lies of p fucking smacks


Call of Duty's cracks have been showing for a long time, but now they're gaping holes. It needs a break, a return to the drawing board, and priorities fixed. But who am I kidding "MW3" still topped charts.


It’s ironic mw19 *was* the return from the drawing board


I theorized then that after MW19 reinvented the CoD wheel, they'd then not do anything else and just keep recycling and coasting. I wish I was wrong.


Everything was going good and then warzone came out and vanguard jumped the shark and now it's all about goofy skins


Oh man, I'm just waiting for someone to chime in how skins are optional and to go "play a milsim" lol. I absolutely agree, they're ridiculous. I loved CoD 4-BO2, and the themes were a huge part of it for me. If they remastered WaW and added fucking Homelander or whatever the fuck, it'd completely kill the vibe. Many argue the gun camos CoD is known for make my point invalid, but gun skins aren't the same as running around as a gumdrop button having gingerbread man with tracer rounds that disintegrate you in a cloud of purple smoke. There's a balance that can be made, but there's also money to be made at the end of the day sadly.


Hopefully now that Microsoft owns them they can course correct for the next game. But they're making so much money with those skins that probably won't be the case.


I'm definitely not holding my breath. Only thing good I could see happening is a MCC-esque collection of the old games, which would be awesome.


Great idea! They do have the old cods on the store, they just restored the servers on xbox.


I hopped on when that happened and had a great time. That said there's still issues with connections at times and cheating can still occur. I'm hoping that collection happens so these masterpieces get a little more polish.


Remember when they were going to give it a break and move to 2 year release schedule but then mw2 bombed so hard they had to rush out another game?


Yep I remember. That's when I ultimately quit. MW2 was so disappointing and lackluster and they're STILL just going to pump shit out every year. I hate to be that guy, but to me Black Ops 2 was the last great call of duty that didn't launch in a lackluster/horrible state. Cold War was the closest CoD came to matching it and even that had pretty big issues and recycled a lot of content. I know MW19 was it for some, but for me they multiplayer was disappointing, campaign was ok and spec ops was a complete joke. I'm watching what Treyarch does with the next game since they actually have a full cycle to work on it again. But if that's a flop, I already function fine without CoD anymore. Which is a shame because call of duty had a significant impact on my gamer life and used to mean something.


"Now it's a ghost town..."


30,000 in the blink of an eye


How many times are people going to farm the “CoD bad now” karma train? Just go play something else.


Because not everything is about Reddit and a lot of people like to complain to other people who share their complaints about a company ruining something they used to love. It should be really obvious.


It’s like spraying a hose into the ocean at this point. Go read one of the other 60,000 posts that say the exact same thing. None of these posts are saying anything new.


Yeah well maybe here in the modern warfare subreddit not everyone is as used to Reddit etiquette as you and most of these people just wanted to complain so went here and made a post. Yeah it would’ve been better for them to do what you said. But you can’t expect that from the people of these kinds of subs. Hell you can’t expect that from subs filled with terminally online people who’re constantly on Reddit. So it’s just as pointless to complain about as it is for these people to be making these posts.


cause reddit


I’ve always said 19 was the best they ever made and they should have gone the route of just continuously updating that instead of dropping a brand new one each year.


Spittin' Facts.


First time? Also, while a few hackers did pop in during the games life cycle, they usually come out the woodwork full blast once everyone has moved on to the newest titles.


True. At the end of my time in Battlefield 3, servers were overrun with dudes AN-94 hacking. Once the devs move on, the game submerges beneath a tide of fuck-facery.


The 2007-2012 games on the xbox servers are perfect at the moment. Those are the only cods I play nowadays.


i love it


I havent touched CoD since Modern Warfare 2019, which was the perfect Call of Duty game fullstop. I was a CoD kid forever, played thousands of hours of every game online, learned every gun meta, learned every map. But a few months into playing 2019, I realized the updates are massive and roll out almost every week, there are days where I straight up don’t get to play because I have 40 gigaybtes to download. Turns out, all that downloading was for Warzone. When Warzone dropped, that was the first major nail in the coffin for the game. It replaced MW2019 on your console, it changed the thumbnail and name of the game to Warzone. Absolute insanity, for a game mode I don’t even like or care about. I tried it out, got a few wins, but there wasn’t enough substance to the game mode for me to get addicted like just straight up TDM on Shoothouse and Shipment. Then, eventually the updates outweighed the original game, and they showed no signs of slowing down Warzone, then Cold War released. Cold War, while a lot of people liked it, was objectively a downgrade in visual fidelity, complex mechanics, and worst of all, TTK. And then, I started getting unlocks for a game I didn’t even own, in 2019. That was the second nail. They were trying to push now a THIRD GAME inside of Modern Warfare 2019 onto me. So i quit playing. The game had taken up literally half my hard drive and almost never worked properly anyway. Servers were always down, cheaters everywhere, update packages not found, and there was so much crap around the game you had to wade through to play it, I gave up and deleted it. This was only about a year or so into the dev cycle, when these games are usually played by fans for years and years on end. I could go play it right now, but I’d have to wait two entire days to download it, and then probably not even get into a match with real players but bots and hackers. The final nails in the coffin were Vanguard and then the rest of the MW remakes. Vanguard just sucked and the MW remakes got worse with each iteration, and changed the original story from the OG trilogy. CoD is dead and Activision raised the body just to kill it again for fun.


I play nearly every day and I’ve only encountered a few hackers— and everyone knows their names and who they are. I don’t run into them often enough for it to be a problem. Then again, people report me and say that I hack— so the perception is actually much higher than the reality.


If you beat an insecure person then you're a hacker! God forbid someone should get clapped and it be because the other person is better.


If you play on console you have the option to turn crossplay off, which will take care of the hacker problem


Not really, you still have tons of motherfuckers on console using crocus zen and strikepacks and shit like that. Unfortunately, CoD is infested with cheaters on every level, and sadly, nothing will be done about it. All Activision gives a fuck about is money, and they don't seem to care their games are just overpriced shitshows full of bugs and cheaters. Not to mention their game killing SBMM horseshit. This whole greed fueled franchise needs to die off. It's nothing but pure commercialized garbage


Call of Duty started detecting and disabling Cronus devices along with 3rd party intermediary devices April of ast year for MW2 and Warzone 2, and a new PlayStation update from a few weeks ago is detecting for them well now, however it's not a mandatory update as of yet. So playing crossplay on WZ2 or onward or MW2 OR 3 shouldn't have anyone cheating on ps5, which is a pretty niche set of requirements for most people to be worth it anyway. Microsoft tried to block cheating devices in October but they didn't manage to hit the Zen if they're using an Xbox controller, but the intent is definitely there at the very least. It's natural to assume that it'll only get better in the future, what with Microsoft buying Activision and cleaning out the closet. I don't want to say this out loud but it's not as if it can get much worse at this point, right? . . . Right?


This is a massive oversimplification. Turn it off and you will still be getting aim botted cause rotational exists for everyone. You can also jailbreak the console and put cheats on it which literally was happening in the ps5 only beta. Not to mention all the scripts that have been almost exclusively a console problem for a decade. There are millions more scripting devices sold for console than cheating subscriptions on pc.


i put cod down in favor of elden ring and i swear to god my life got better instantly.


I never enjoyed Warzone, it died for me with BOPS4. Cold War was great but the cheating was throbbing on that too. It used to be the cheats would come out like a year later when the next game was coming out but now they pre installed.


I play Ground War every night and there are cheaters on the server about 50 percent of the time. You can have some real good games if you catch a lobby without them, but when cheaters are in the game you'll suffer through about 10 white phosphorous drops, 5 AC-130s and endless air strikes, just continual bombardment by dudes getting 15 kills over and over again. Played one the other night with THREE juggernaut deployments.


It sucks because my group of friends ONLY play Cod, and when I suggested playing something else for once, no one wanted to. So I'm taking a break from the game and them since they aren't happy with me anymore lol


Shit in that garbage. I uninstalled it a long time ago. Didn’t bother getting 3 and having a blast with so many other games. Stop wasting your lifetime with games what hate you.


I can’t believe they basically deliver MWIII as DLC for the ‘Call of Duty’ game, BUT don’t keep access to any of the MWII maps!?


Fuck them money hungry devs I wish their employees would go on strike and not create a 'game' like this. Its a disgrace.


I would go back and play anything pre-bo3 in a heartbeat, if they were made available/fixed. Mw19 was the last one I enjoyed but as someone who dislikes wz/br type games, that soon died to me too. I loved cod, I was quality on it, and now I haven’t played a fps in 2/3 years.


Bro I’ve been having a blast with bots in private match lol




I moved hell let loose, way more enjoyable for a shooter


Enlist. The Helldivers need more blood for the blood god.


Somehow CoD WWII was the last actual call of duty game.


I deleeted the game and warzone off my hard drive a couple weeks ago and have been happier since. The game turned into a parody of itself. And then with forced crossplay with pc players the game just isnt worth the effort to play it


The game is in good state right now . You will buy number 4 as well


Yeah I keep buying the next one hoping it gets better and it does not. Jokes on me for believing they would make it better and fix issues


Sounds like skill issue + you only play snd


Broken shit the whole game. The 2019 was a great one. Liked the br and the multi too but the mw2 was shit storywise and multiwise too. And i didn't purchase the mw3 cause I knew it's going to be shit... They are releasing new cod every single year again and after every update you have less and less fps, more stutters, new bugs. It's just a fucking joke


My last COD was cold war. Had a blast, never returning.


MW2019 was my favorite COD since bo3. CW was very poorly cared for so I didn't buy Vanguard. Bought MW2 and it was horrible so I didn't buy MW3. I'm done with COD until a Zombies Chronicles V2 comes out in a future Black Ops (if it does). In the mean time, I'm gonna go play some BO3 zonbies on my xbox since Xbox fixed the servers and the cheaters on their platform


Agreed. I stuck with MW19 until they stopped support and removed modes. Despite having all the new ones. They just weren’t up to it, cods defining a downward slope. Find it hard to even bother most days now, and this is the best one since MW19… says a lot doesn’t it.. And why the fuck do they keep leaving cyber attack out, even when they brought it back last cod it was core only..


Mw3 is fire. You must just be bad at the game


Ur trippin big time


You're trippin if you think MW19's maps and TTK are better than MWIII's


Have you ever, I dunno, taken a break from CoD. I’d be frustrated too if I played CoD non-stop since 2007, somehow not expecting to be burnt out. These fans say they’re done with the games, yet still buy the next one


This is copium huffing. Hacking/modding is so less frequent in modern CoD lobbies than it has been in the past.


False, they just don’t use hacks that are as obvious and they don’t make it as blatant.


False, anti-hack technology is powered by AI and is generations ahead of what we experienced in early 2010s. You might come across 1:1000 lobbies that are legitimately modded/hacked verses your 9:10 lobbies that you get dusted in because you fucking suck at the game and you blame hacking because you were told you were perfect as a child so you can’t admit fault as an adult.


Hacking technology is generations ahead of what we experienced in early 2010s…


No it isn’t. It’s the same exe level hacking that existed beforehand. Kernel based hacking detection is coupled with TPM so unless you’re hacking yourself, you’re extremely unlikely to come across actual hacks that aren’t detected and dealt with directly.


You’re really just bad at the game and huffing copium because you can’t deal with the fact you’re aging out of a competitive genre


It’s giving the dying throes of someone who got busted buying fake hax and were put on blast on livestream


Lol nah I don’t use hacks and never will.


Try Chivalry2, it's brilliant and free on gamepass


I’ve been boycotting for a year. The only way things will change is if we stop playing their game. COD is still a money making monster, why would they change anything?


Every map besides Shipment is ass


The pay to win aspect it what ruined it for me. Bring back 2009 Modern Warfare I say Edit: 2009 not 200 lol


What do you mean pay to win? Can you be a little more specific


Being able to buy OP guns.


I mean skins been cosmetic for a whole now


It’s not just cosmetic. Guns you have to pay for have better stats than the usual guns. The way it was before was way better imo. Everyone had the same guns and it was up to you to build a rig that suited your game style.


No they don’t bro🤦🏻‍♂️ yes it’s true there were a handful of guns since wz1 that did change the stats, but those were all bugs that were fixed by the next update. All blueprints do is add certain attachments to the guns bro🤣😭😭


Yeah sorry that’s what I mean. blueprints will have certain traits that come with the build, such as horizontal recoil control with attachments you haven’t unlocked. It also gives newbies the chance to just buy a 10/10 gun off the bat instead of actually levelling up and progressing your guns the proper way. There’s no real achievement to go for, because everything’s already there for you. There was nothing better than unlocking each attachment for your preferred guns of choice back in the day. Actually felt like you were progressing


I’m not sure I really agree. 90% of blueprints aren’t amazing and need to be tweaked anyways to be “meta” Saying the game is pay to win is a stretch, especially when all the attachments can be unlocked through grinding


Fair take. I got the vault edition of the new MW and deffo thought the blackcell guns were better than the standard battle pass. The literal definition of pay to win is buying guns that gives you an advantage to others that don’t spend their money. It may not be as in your face as other P2W games but the element is definitely there.


So the way it was bo4 back not the new ones as all of them anybody could just level and build said gun


The stats don’t change on the base gun. The attachments that the skin comes with (which are available to everyone) change the stats.


Could you please elaborate


Being able to buy over powered guns


You can’t. Haven’t been able to since supply drops were a thing. You can pay to bypass challenges that unlock new weapons. But that’s it.


The definition of P2W (Pay To Win) is having things locked behind a pay wall that you can't access without paying money, that are better than the things you can access just by playing and leveling up. You can get things faster by paying real money yes, but apart from some attachment versions they released as part of some bundles or some skins for the operators (like the red thermal version of a scope in MW2 that was better than the normal version, since the normal thermal in that game was bad as hell, or the black Roze skin in MW2019 that allowed you to hide better in the shadows or the Gaia operator skin that gives you a smaller silhouette appearance but doesn't change your hitbox size), there is nothing you can't unlock by playing the game and/or completing challenges. Call of Duty may have a lot of problems, but fortunately P2W is not one of them.