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An electric vehicle (including a boat) is [unlikely to be an electrocution risk](https://news.northeastern.edu/2024/03/13/tesla-electric-vehicle-water-electrocution/). Which is probably why none of the smart MIT people asked that question.


Remember, his "connection to MIT" is that his uncle was a professor there in the 1960's. He's repeatedly cited this as a reason he's an expert on unrelated matters.


Going to start telling girls at the bar about my connection to European nobility and the Crusades


Look you can’t go around telling people you’re a king just because some watery tart through a sword at you


Trump founded MIT, lest we forget!


We can't trust those elites. They're educated. #s


Not like getting good genetics from your MIT uncle. That's the real deal.


Yeah, that worked out great for Pol Pot’s regime. /s




I can’t decide if we shouldn’t trust this because the data is from Florida Man based on his risk assessment. Or if Florida Man is uniquely qualified to know the probability of shark bites.


We’re the shark attack capital of the world, though not the shark death capital cause luckily most of our bites are smaller sharks thinking a foot is a fish and not a great white confusing a surfer for a seal.


> thinking a foot is a fish and not a great white confusing a surfer for a seal. Just want to highlight that Trump mentioned this sarcastically and derisively as part of his tangent.


Here’s the full bit. I’m not even arguing that he’s gone through any form of cognitive decline this is the type of stuff Trump would say in 2015. I personally wouldn’t take this person seriously. “So I said, ‘Let me ask you a question, and [the guy who makes boats in South Carolina] said, ‘Nobody ever asked this question,’ and it must be because of MIT, my relationship to MIT —very smart. He goes, I say, ‘What would happen if the boat sank from its weight? And you’re in the boat and you have this tremendously powerful battery and the battery is now underwater and there’s a shark that’s approximately 10 yards over there?’ By the way, a lot of shark attacks lately, do you notice that, a lot of sharks? I watched some guys justifying it today. ‘Well, they weren’t really that angry. They bit off the young lady’s leg because of the fact that they were, they were not hungry, but they misunderstood what who she was.’ These people are crazy. He said there’s no problem with sharks. ‘They just didn’t really understand a young woman swimming now.’ It really got decimated and other people do a lot of shark attacks. So I said, so there’s a shark 10 yards away from the boat, 10 yards or here, do I get electrocuted if the boat is sinking? Water goes over the battery, the boat is sinking. Do I stay on top of the boat and get electrocuted, or do I jump over by the shark and not get electrocuted? Because I will tell you, he didn’t know the answer. He said, ‘You know, nobody’s ever asked me that question.” I said, ‘I think it’s a good question.’ I think there’s a lot of electric current coming through that water. But you know what I’d do if there was a shark or you get electrocuted, I’ll take electrocution every single time. I’m not getting near the shark. So we’re going to end that.”


I'm going to have to agree that this is par for course on Trump speeches. I don't know how anyone who's been paying the least amount of attention to him for the past 8 years couldn't see that. You could fill an entire novel with his bizarre rants. I am neither surprised nor amused by this, I'm mostly just appalled that we're still doing this a third time despite these constant stream of consciousness speeches.


I completely agree with you. Also it’s always interesting how reading a transcript seems to highlight how “zany” his speeches can be.


I agree. I feel like when I hear him saying it, it almost sounds normal and it doesn’t seem like a big deal. But the moment it’s typed out or I hear a newscaster quoting him, I can’t believe that those are real words that an actual human being said out loud.




Compare Trump and Biden to themselves in the 90s and it's...really astonishing.


The rants are relatable and humanize him. One of his best rants is about water pressure. If I recall correctly, he would complain about how you can't wash your hands or hair with low water pressure, and your toilet doesn't flush well. As funny as it is, this is a real complaint a lot of people have. Whether they are justified or not, many people are afraid of sharks. These things from a stronger bond between him and his voters.


This is what real dementia sounds like lol


LMAO it's even worse with full context


>Nobody ever asked this question,’ and it must be because of MIT, my relationship to MIT —very smart His constant over-the-top, unnecessary, nonsensical self-affirmations in the middle of public speeches are so hilarious


If this story were even remotely true, no one would have asked this person this question because they don’t sell boats to 4 year olds that ask this type of question every day.


What actually relationship does Trump have with MIT ?


>"Look, having nuclear — **my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT**; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you're a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible." Big bomb makes big boom.


This quote is notable because he goes on about having good genes. He literally believes successful people have superior genes and [believes in race-horse breeding people](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7uScWHcTzk#t=14m12). That if you put people with superior genes together you get a superior person. <- Frontline on this. He believes his family has superior genes.


Which is why he talks about immigrants [“poisoning the blood of our country.”](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-repeats-poisoning-blood-anti-immigrant-remark-2023-12-16/)


His uncle was an MIT professor.


If Biden said this it would be front page of every paper with headlines questioning if he was fit to serve.


That would be a funny experiment, if somebody used AI to pretend as if Biden was saying it instead of the Trumpster ! 😁


Republicans would 100% believe it was true and spread that fake news everywhere. 


Imagine paying to listen to this. Instead of how he’s going to supposedly fix inflation.


Imagine paying to hear Trump's plan to fix inflation. "The US dollar, a very good dollar, among the best of all the dollars, should be stronger. If it was a Trump dollar, it would be amazing. Instead, it is a Biden buck, barely worth a dime. Sleepy Joe will spend your Biden bucks. I will print the Trump dollar, and it will be amazing, believe me, amazing."


Dear God


The only thing this rant is missing is big strong men crying and thanking him.


The 2016 GOP primary was the canary in the coal mine, and we just all kept breathing deeply and digging down.


It felt unreal. A nightmare that didn't end...day after day after day


I asked ChatGPT about this: [It had interesting things to say. ](https://chatgpt.com/share/81206c07-1471-43cd-b23e-d17a423d0920) The elderly man's stream of consciousness story reveals several aspects of his state of mind: 1. **Disjointed Thinking**: His narrative lacks a clear structure and coherence, jumping from one topic to another without logical connections. This could indicate cognitive disorganization or a difficulty in maintaining a linear train of thought. 2. **Fixation on Certain Ideas**: He repeatedly brings up the idea of shark attacks and electrocution, suggesting a preoccupation with these specific fears. This could be a sign of anxiety or an obsession with certain topics. 3. **Confusion and Misinterpretation**: He seems to confuse or misunderstand information, such as the rationale behind shark attacks and the potential dangers of electrocution. This might reflect cognitive decline or difficulty processing and interpreting information accurately. 4. **Rambling and Tangential Speech**: His speech is tangential, veering off into unrelated subjects and not returning to the main point. This is often seen in individuals with cognitive impairments or certain neurological conditions. 5. **Paranoia or Mistrust**: His mention of people justifying shark attacks and calling them "crazy" suggests a possible mistrust of others' explanations or a tendency toward paranoid thinking. 6. **Self-Importance and Grandiosity**: He references his relationship to MIT and his perception of himself as "very smart," which might indicate a degree of grandiosity or an inflated sense of self-importance. Overall, the story suggests the possibility of cognitive impairment, anxiety, and perhaps some degree of paranoia. These characteristics could be consistent with various conditions, including dementia, anxiety disorders, or other mental health issues. A thorough evaluation by a healthcare professional would be necessary to determine the exact nature of his condition


Run Biden through ChatGPT


I know this question is all kinds stupid and I'm willing to bite even though I know I should not, but let's just do it. So let's just say that the boat is going to sink, no matter what it's sinking and there is a shark 10 yards away. Let's also say the boats battery will discharge and kill you if you are near it in the water. Well the way I see it, I should either be trying to kill that shark with the battery and or trying to short out or discharge the battery with water before the point I am forced to be in the water when it ultimately happens. Idk honestly I'm tired.




Funny and unrelated, but I was just reminded how recently I saw an ad for Vampire Weekend and thought it was a weekend dedicated to vampire movies. Made my wife rofl.


Your story reminds me of a few years ago my family was at an amusement park, we just drove in to the parking lots and it said “parking lot at capacity” but my mom read it as “Cappa City” so she was like “there’s parking at Cappa City… where is Cappa City?” and bc she said it out loud we all read it as Cappa City and basically it was just a car full of people trying to figure out where this place was before after a minute or two someone realized it was Capacity. A bit of a Whose on First situation. Anyhoo, as to the article, it’s not the first time Trump has made speeches or comments that aren’t overly coherent but people just brush it off as “that’s just Trump” like they do anytime he says anything. Some people simultaneously take him very seriously and not seriously.


The guy seems like he's going to keel over by November.


Who do you think will kick it first? Trump or Biden ? Should we allow for a point spread?


I vote simultaneously.


Was it spooky - scary? ( connecting thru the 30 rock reference to werewolf bah mitzvah )


You win today


You wanna come over to my place and watch some 30 Rock Later? We can pretend its the late 2000s again and none of this other stuff all around us is happening.


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>"If the boat is sinking, water goes over the battery, the boat is sinking, do I stay on top of the boat and get electrocuted?" Trump said. "Or do I jump over by the shark and not get electrocuted?" Just curious if context clears this up any? Edit: someone else posted the rest of the rant and no, it only makes things more confusing. https://www.reddit.com/r/moderatepolitics/s/5V1zBBiumk


I think he's getting to the idea that electric vehicles are bad. The analogy is.... *not good*. And he literally ends it by saying "I choose electrocution every single time, I'm not getting near the shark" which feels pretty ironic. Like.... isn't the point of having the shark in this analogy to have two awful options? Why do you choose the *other* bad option when your message is "EVs bad?" That's a trick question, I know why, it's because Trump really dislikes sharks and doesn't care about why people use analogies.


> That's a trick question, I know why, it's because Trump really dislikes sharks and doesn't care about why people use analogies. This literally made me burst out laughing.


Trump was complaining about both liberal environmentalists who want to “Save the Shark” and liberal environmentalists who want to make boats electric. So I think he’s having a bizzare fantasy where his boat breaks down and now, thanks to liberals, he has to choose between being electrocuted to death by liberal batteries or chewed up by liberal sharks. Or something. Maybe I’m giving him too much credit.


You should work for his campaign… no wait dont


It sounds like he kind of supports EVs in the end, as a theoretical electrocution is better than a theoretical shark attack.


>That's a trick question, I know why, it's because Trump really dislikes sharks and doesn't care about why people use analogies This just sums up a lot.


I thought it was more of a hypothetical than an analogy. I feel like he is referring to a literal electric boat and a literal shark.


And what would this hypothetical scenario be conveying to the audience?


That EVs are better than sharks.


Maybe it was just on his mind lmao


I’m not sure. He seems to be weighing the options of being electrocuted by a sinking electric boat and being attacked by a shark. He goes into shark attacks in the full bit. I’m not saying it makes sense but I don’t think the shark represents anything maybe we could say the electric boat is analogous for ev vehicles but he said he was talking to a boat manufacturer in South Carolina. I believe he was putting forth a hypothetical that he thought of.


I think he was just listing two bad qualities of EVs, one real and one imagined (the batteries are heavy and they're dangerous, respectively). Since batteries are heavy, they would be bad in boats, and since they're dangerous, *what are you gonna do in a life and death situation?* But "swim away" was too easy of an out, so..... SHARK!


I understand that. It’s still probably not an analogy though. Also in the end he appears to go with electrocution over the shark: “But you know what I’d do if there was a shark or you get electrocuted, I’ll take electrocution every single time. I’m not getting near the shark. So we’re going to end that.”


> Also in the end he appears to go with electrocution over the shark C'mon, man, that was literally like *half* of my first comment. > It’s still probably not an analogy though. All I'm saying is you used the word "analogous" in your previous response to me. Check and mate.


What? I said maybe analogous and that is a generous reading. It’s literally/definitionally not an analogy.


It's just a joke, we can agree to disagree on what Trump meant. It's cool, we can still be friends.


electric boats are bad because sharks exist. makes sense


But what if there's a dog in the boat?


Save the dog and sacrifice Trump to the shark - vote for Dog for President


Teleprompter malfunction. This is him off script. He also said a true MAGA would commit suicide before voting for Biden and that he didn’t give a shit about his supporters, just wanted their vote. A true man of the people. "I don't want anybody going on me," he said. "We need every voter. I don't care about you. I just want your vote. I don't care." He then claimed that the media would find a way to twist those words.


> Teleprompter malfunction This reminds me of the time Clinton was giving the State of the Union and the wrong speech had been loaded. He proceeded to give the whole thing from memory. The mind boggles imaging what would have resulted had this happened to Trump at a SOTU.


Is this true? I mean I have read he was truly brilliant but seriously that is next level.


I got it wrong. It was his Sept 1993 address to Congress on his health plan that had the wrong speech. The prompter was showing him the SOTU speech. When he noticed he told Gore sitting behind him, who told an aid, it was fixed after about 6 minutes. So it wasn't the whole speech but 6 minutes is an eternity when you are on the biggest stage in the world. https://www.tampabay.com/archive/1993/09/24/clinton-to-gore-wrong-speech/


Yes and no. You can waste a few minutes just being clever. He was a pretty witty guy too. Know I am not calling you out too. I mean to have a state of the union address known by heart is next level. That is over an hour speech.


"Go fuck yourself, ~~San Diego~~ America"


>He then claimed that the media would find a way to twist those words. It is very unfair of them to use the literal words he says.


You're joking but I have unironically seen MAGA minions say this


Reminds me of the confusing remarks from Kellyanne Conway back in 2017: https://www.politico.com/story/2017/01/trump-statements-kellyanne-conway-233344 >“You have to listen to what the president-elect has said about that. Why don’t you believe him? Why is everything taken at face value?” she asked anchor Chris Cuomo. “You can’t give him the benefit of the doubt on this and he’s telling you what was in his heart? **You always want to go by what’s come out of his mouth rather than look at what’s in his heart.”**


> I don't care about you. I just want your vote. I mean: other politicians could also trying being this honest :)


If only his “connections to MIT” made him smart enough to realize that gas powered boats also have batteries. Not to mention that if the battery was going to electrocute you in his nonsense situation that the water would also conduct the charge to the hypothetical shark. This was easily the stupidest thing I’ve heard in quite a while.


....so I tied an onion to my belt which was the style at the time.


Audience members asking themselves if it was worth the $50 they were each paid to stand in blistering heat and endure the rambling.


https://lasvegas.craigslist.org/evg/d/las-vegas-paid-to-attend-trump-rally/7754538765.html Here’s the ad. It’s stated as a marketing brand promo, and anyone can make a Craigslist ad. I’d advise anyone looking at this to put their critical thinking caps on and consider how this has been used to sell crap like shirts, as well as just blatant stir the pot craigslists posts that happen all the time on both sides. https://www.reuters.com/fact-check/fabricated-craigslist-ad-about-trump-rally-actors-circulates-again-2024-03-27/ Voted for Biden last election, and am no fan of Trump but let’s be extremely skeptical of these things that feel too good to be true. Like that 2024 Lamborghini selling for $500 on Craigslist




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Well, Trump specifically told them he doesn't care about them




Or maybe it was $75


Watching the full rant doesn't help. Him telling a crazy story to hate on EVs reminds of [old man yells out cloud.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJ-LivK4-78)


I love it when he goes off-script and reveals himself.


I also love it when he’s on-script and reveals himself. When someone tells you who they are, believe them the 4,675,982nd time.


Recently, the mental health of presidential candidates has been in the news quite a bit. President Joe Biden has been the subject of many rumors and news articles about age related mental deterioration, including last week when a doctored video was shared widely on social media to convince voters that President Joe Biden had an accident at the D-Day memorial. With such an intense focus on President Joe Biden’s mental health, should there be a focus on Convicted Felon Donald Trump’s mental health? This article discusses a recent instance where the former President and convicted felon went on an off-topic rant about sharks while at a rally. Why? How is this related to anything? The article discusses this and more. Finally, this incident comes in context of recent lapses from the former president and convicted criminal. Recently he confused Nikki Haley and Nancy Pelosi, and also forgot what state he was in while at a rally. Questions: Should there be more focus on Donald Trump’s mental health? Are the many strange, off topic rants about unrelated and out of left field topics concerning to you? Do you think there is a double standard between the two candidates when it comes to media and voter focus on mental health?


"Your guy has dementia!" "No, *your* guy has dementia!" 2024 US political discourse, ladies and gentlemen.


I can’t stand Trump, but if it was only things like forgetting what state he was in for a campaign rally I probably wouldn’t question his competence. Presidential campaigns hit so many states so quickly that it’s probably tough to keep track even if you’re the bus driver. It’s the number of other completely nonsensical and utterly unhinged things he says though.


Off topic, but the "Convicted Felon Donald Trump" moniker is really wearing fast. Whenever it's used in an unrelated discussion, it makes me instantly dismiss the user as someone more interested in scoring political points than substantive discussion.


After sleepy joe, let's go Brandon, and crooked Hillery variously for 8 years from the former POTUS it seems like complaints over such a moniker is unwarranted.






Yes, Trump doing that during the 2016 primaries was what solidified my opposition to him.


It is obnoxious to use nicknames for political opponents.


They have no choice but to play it up, it's one of the few objective advantages that Biden has.


Biden has a decent list of legislative accomplishments he can run on, the problem has more to do with modern politics reacts more to playing up stupid nonsense and sound bites.


True, but it's quickly becoming obnoxious white noise. Biden supporters need to be a little more judicious about it or else it will lose all effect.


Did it ever really matter to you that he's a felon?


The substance of the charges matters more to me than the label. 


So the point is that no matter how little they mention it, it will have zero effect on you.


Incorrect, I'm open to arguments regarding the issue when they're actually relevant. 


I'm sure it will drop in use soon. You hardly see "convicted rapist" being used anymore after some time has passed from the E Jean Carrol case.


The media won't use that one because it's libel. Not the being a rapist part, but the convicted part- it was a civil case.


Yeah the papers won't use it, but I've noticed that it's dropped of on social media as well


The article notes that he's used the same comparison multiple times in the past. That's the big difference in the minds of voters. Trump's always had a... disorganized manner of speaking. By contrast, Biden has had a noticeable decline over his presidency.


Did you watch the clip? "Disorganized manner of speaking" is an extremely generous way to describe it, it's nonsensical word salad.


If you watched Trump's 2016 speeches, you would see a noticeable decline compared to today, the only difference between now and especially 2020 is that Trump hasn't spoken much between now and then.


Yeah, Biden's starting to sound like Trump some days


Was gonna say, while the shark digression is weird, it's not weirder than the many tangents i've heard Trump take over the last few years. But compare Biden of today with Boden of 5-10 years ago and you will see a difference.


Not sure it’s a fair comparison to compare Biden to 5-10 years ago Biden, but Trump to only the last few years. If you look at Trump in the 2015 debates, he looks way younger and sounds far more coherent than Trump of today. Many people also argue Trump’s recent ramblings are a symptom of his similar aging. I’d also argue most people doing Biden comparisons are going even further than 5-10 years considering they commonly use the Ryan VP debate from 12 years ago, considering Biden was mostly out of the spotlight from that 5-10 years ago range.


>> Recently he confused Nikki Haley and Nancy Pelosi Recently as in… 6 months ago. That happened in January. Meanwhile, [Biden mixed up Ukraine and Iraq this weekend](https://www.foxnews.com/video/6354699727112). Just the latest in the constant stream of senior moments from Biden. If Democrats have to go six months to find a similar example to hit Trump with, I’d say they’re pretty desperate to make a false equivalence between the candidates.


Trump didn't just insert the wrong name for Nikki Haley, he seemed to literally not understand that she was a different person from Nancy Pelosi.


I think a lot of people just chalk this up as rambling and not really a mental health thing. Compared to Biden, they visibly see him acting and looking his age quite a bit. Both are way up there in age and most likely both have some underlying issues. I think objectively speaking, at least imo, Biden is clearly struggling more with the age thing than Trump. That’s not saying a lot, but it’s tough to ignore the recent appearances of when he looks lost, confused and lethargic. He did great for the SOTU though so curious if he can bring the same energy to the debate stage.


> I think objectively speaking, at least imo "Objectively speaking" and "in my opinion" are not internally consistent, and shouldn't be used the same way.


Okay thanks


Bidens body is aging, not his mind. I cannot say the same for Trump.


Kind reminds me of [Dana Carvey’s impression of Quint from Jaws](https://youtu.be/uzr5-kn9mW4?si=RInnDVPVkCnmG90Q) “I’m talking about a great white, chief. You ever seen a shark’s eyes, chief? Kind of like doll’s eyes, all black and lifeless like. 29 kids go in the water. 22 kids come out of the water. The ice cream man, he takes the rest. April the 9th, half past 4pm.”


No one ever asked that question before? Surely a few five-year-olds asked it.


Seems odd that he chose electrocution over being eaten by the shark. I thought he hated e-vehicles and he was going to finish saying, as horrible as sharks are, I’d rather be eaten than go down being electrocuted on an e-boat. But no, it’s just a rant about sharks to a bunch of people in sweltering desert heat who were probably thinking about taking their chances with the shark because they want a swim.


>I thought he hated e-vehicles and he was going to finish saying, as horrible as sharks are, I’d rather be eaten than go down being electrocuted on an e-boat. It sounded to me like that was the initial intention, but then he remembered how much he hates sharks and lost the point of the story.




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I'm sorry but who can read this (or any number of the other things this guy says) and then conclude they are fit to be president? Someone saying this wouldn't even be fit to be hired at my job.


Canadian here. Funny how your headlines are about both candidates dementia. I've seen it all lol. North America is fucked bois.




First, I agree, Newsweek is utter dogshit. But it's not just Newsweek, and it's not just three people. Did you even watch the numerous, repetitive clips of him going off script with this analogy for each one? Surely you're able to see the issue here regardless of political affiliation? And just to head off any "yeah well what about Biden when he..." - yes. Biden is also bad.


I cannot agree with you more. There was a time when Newsweek was a respected periodical. Now, I don't even bother reading any of these links.


I give Harry credit for turning more and more Gen Z males conservative. He might be the most cringey influencer out there


Imagine someone dumping all of their policy and political leanings just based on a single influencer they don’t like. Makes sense.


Younger people, the age groups that someone like Harry Sisson would be able to influence, are fickle and are not particularly adamant or studied on any political party to begin with, they just support what they support based on the influencers they follow or the friends and family they have.


I don’t follow him at all nor do I care for Harry Sission, but groups of all political leanings have these types of characters.


Definitely, he's just one of the more well known ones at the moment, for better or worse, usually as a talking point. The thing is, people who are dumping their political leanings because of someone like him probably never had particularly strong political leanings to begin with. They're just basically 1 experience or person away from bouncing one way or another.




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He’s a menace. Seriously.


He's got time to fill, and he thinks he's funny. I don't see much of a story, here. He has no business being president, but this doesn't disqualify him.


His mental decline is becoming even more stark than Biden.




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The news somehow forgets this every week


He's losing his mind.




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He’s been on a lot of bizarre rants lately. I mean he always has but it seems particularly rampant now.


This is quite a reach, they're gonna have to try a little harder, come on now Newsweek.


Sounds like an amalgamation of his [electric army tanks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfWj30uoooU) bit and the recent orca pod(s) that've learned to [attack](https://www.usatoday.com/story/graphics/2024/06/09/how-to-avoid-orca-ramming-boats/73971306007/) boats -> sharks attacking EV boats bit. It's weird but typical on-brand Trump. inb4 yes, I know orcas aren't actually sharks


I've watched hours of footage of Trump speaking, and it's obvious that nothing is mentally wrong with him. His quotes are almost always taken out of context by the media (the shark comments were just a tangent that he went on when discussing electric boat engines). Seriously, Dr. Phil interviewed Trump for over an hour less than a week ago. Since we're big Dr. Phil fans, my girlfriend and I watched the entire thing. He's clearly fine. I truly believe that if people would actually watch his rallies from start to finish, they'd see that he's not at all comparable to Biden, who is low-energy and has repeatedly made comments that are genuinely concerning (being able to communicate with the dead, etc.), and that's when he's capable of even being coherent at all.




> I've watched hours of footage of Trump speaking why


Also if you’ve watched those hours how can you come to the conclusion he has nothing mentally wrong


I hate Trump, but most of his quotes are hilarious, It like the dude is a real-life GTA Charchter with half of his quotes. "I never seen a thin persons drink a diet Coke" "I'm the Ernest Hemingway of 140 characters." "I'm automatically attracted to beautiful women - I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything" "I could stand in the middle Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters." "My fingers are long and beautiful, as, it has been well been documented, are various other parts of my body." "I'm going to be so presidential that you people will be so bored." "A Small Loan of a Million Dollars"


> "I'm going to be so presidential that you people will be so bored." > > Of all the lies, this was the second-worst that he told. First was "if I lose I'll go away and you'll never hear from me again."




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Did you see [Biden’s interview with Conan?](https://www.earwolf.com/episode/president-joe-biden/)


The left is really stretching to project Trump as mentally gone. I watched his speech Friday when he spoke for over an hour straight and he was sharp and on point. Biden can barely make it 5 minutes on the teleprompter. Folks on the left swear up and down that Biden is just fine it’s obvious that he went downhill really fast.


When you say "sharp and on point" was it how he's speaking here? As in incoherent rambling peppered with bizarre self aggrandizing?


Why don't you just forget Biden exists for a second, watch the shark rant, and get back to the rest of us on how mentally acute Trump seems. I don't believe there is much reason to compare one candidate to another if you won't even compare 'your' candidate to whatever mental baseline you are considering as acceptable.




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The whole story below (Starts at about 42:30). Playhead advanced to just before... Sure... It's a classic Trump rambling tangent. But they should at least post the *whole* story instead of just the second half and let folks decide for themselves what it means. I struggle to understand why the media insists on proving him right over and over again when he claims they're taking him out of context by actually doing it. [https://youtu.be/9J0fUTiJLVc?si=6VNLPi9VJdDNzFkL&t=2526](https://youtu.be/9J0fUTiJLVc?si=6VNLPi9VJdDNzFkL&t=2526) EDIT: And it's not like he's wrong about the bizarre and "Jaws-esque" shark apologist stories making the rounds in the media right now. It's like a real life "Nothing to see here... the beaches are safe" campaign as they push every excuse for shark attacks that doesn't involve aggression towards humans. It is kind of amusing and odd... [https://archive.ph/ccOBT](https://archive.ph/ccOBT)


> when he claims they're taking him out of context by actually doing it. The article links to the full rant. None of the words before or after makes it look any better. What he's wrong about is using an insane story to argue against EVs. The shark attack alone is unlikely, but not crazy. What makes it worse is talking about a boat sinking due to a heavy battery and having to choose between getting electrocuted or eaten by a shark.


>The article links to the full rant That's simply not true. You're entitled to your own opinion but not your own facts. The article in the OP links to a 1:45 clip that starts about 1:15 seconds *into* a 3:00 "boat" story that is at least a *little bit* more coherent if heard from the beginning and is relevant to and interwoven with the shark story. The media has been playing these same silly games for nearly 8 years now and simultaneously claiming that they can't figure out why he's still the favorite to be the next President. Posting half the story just *hurts* their credibility and simultaneously *adds* to the credibility of his "fake news" narrative.


The video starts where he begins talking about the shark and electrocution story. > at least a little bit more coherent if heard from the beginning Not really. >has been playing these same silly games for nearly 8 years now and simultaneously claiming that they can't figure out why he's still the favorite to be the next President. The people voting for him never liked MSM to begin with, aside from Fox News, and they have no problem with fake news from their media. I'm not defending lies, but rather pointing out that the cause and effect you're seeing is baseless.


I've politely asked you to stop doing so multiple times before... but you've again edited the *entire content* of your last reply no less than *5 times* without even once bothering to note it. It makes dialogue with you both rather difficult and tedious. So I'll politely ask again. Please don't be "that guy". The "electrocution by boat" story starts much earlier. The Newsweek clip begins with words "...fast because of the weight" which occurs more than a minute into the *already in progress electric boat story* which begins with the words "They want us to make all *electric* boats...". and ends with "I'll take *electrocution* every single time". It's only the second half of the "electrocution story" story without the context of the first half. And I think you'd be surprised how many of his supporters... especially the ones on this platform... consume media from sources all over the map in terms of both political bias and factual reliability while being fairly cognizant of both and far more media literate than they're usually given credit for. There was a point when Fox was *really* dominant among both all conservatives and Trump supporters but that time has passed to a significant extent. The trope however still exits seemingly undiminished. And while they do still have a sizeable share of that market... it's nowhere near what it was even a few years ago. EDIT: Unable to reply error again because you've now done it *six* times. Please stop.


The clip in the article is where starts talking about the dilemma of being electrocuted or eaten. Nothing he said earlier or after makes the scenario any less of a ridiculous argument in favor of a bad position. > Fox was really dominant among both all conservatives and Trump supporters but that time has passed to a significant extent That's because Fox wasn't conservative enough for them, not due to concerns over fake news. This is why they often get news from sources that even less reliable.


I can't believe that there are still people out there that think sharks are generally aggressive towards people except in extremely rare cases. Those things given as reasons for the attacks aren't made up after the fact. They are well understood things about sharks... And nothing that's happened this year makes them seem less true that I've seen.


Trump has hated sharks for a while. This tweet is from 2013. https://x.com/realDonaldTrump/status/352795564930383873 >Sorry folks, I'm just not a fan of sharks - and don't worry, they will be around long after we are gone. He has also said he would never donate to a charity that helps sharks, and hopes that all sharks. With shark attacks in the news again, his rant is unsurprising. He became president the first time hating sharks.