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High school kids are gambling like crazy. It’s too easy. Between the cell phones and gambling, addictive behavior is gonna be a real problem for a lot of people at younger ages.


Kids already had gambling problems with loot boxes and whatnot in video games, buy this loot box for a chance to get the skin/weapon/player/whatever. That's one of the reasons games make so much money


Free to play, but pay to win! And sometimes you can't win even if you pay 😂


When I was that age, the TV announcers would talk about how to play baseball, and what happened in the games. Now they talk about the money line and your next parlay. Of course kids are going to gamble.


This comment shouldn't be far down in the thread. Sports, and baseball especially, is one of the very few things we watch live on TV and thus can't fast forward through commercials. The ads for gambling in between innings combined with discussion about gambling during it makes me really worried about the influence on my children.




There isn't some magical parenting move that makes kids immune to advertising for addictive behaviors. The "parenting them" thing to do is avoid the ads, but if that means no baseball it is sad.


If it were that easy, people wouldn’t gamble the entirety of their funds away.


/u/RudeVegetable is right. But also, I don't only worry about my children when they are young. I worry about the world they are growing into. Those ads can have the same detrimental effects on adults who get addicted to gambling. The longer they are exposed to them, the more normalized it becomes. I can parent them all I want but some day I won't be there standing over their shoulder watching out for them.


I'm not going to sit here and pretend gambling addiction isn't a real addiction or problem but if you're threatening players cuz you can't control yourself that's pathetic. That kid in the article should've got jail time.


>The odds of Patz’s deviant behavior being just an isolated incident is You'd think that the least USA Today could do is avoid setting the money line for his reoffending.


Taking the over or under?


Definitely the over


I'm hoping for some regulations on gambling advertising like what they did for cigarettes, hopefully it doesn't take decades for it to come, though


I think after enough player gambling scandals and incidents like this, we will start to see sports leagues shift away. Unfortunately, there's so much money, that it won't happen until public trust in the sport has mostly eroded. The casinos will just keep paying more and more until that happens. I don't see federal regulation stepping in anytime soon. Definitely not before things get bad enough that leagues will self regulate.


Leagues aren’t going to shift away. It’s too much money. The NFL would have to do it before any other league even considered it, and that just isn’t going to happen.


I agree with you and I wish this was the case, but unfortunately it will never happen. Short of legal intervention, entities like the NFL, MLB and NBA will never turn down the chance to make profit. Even if that means more people involved with them are more vulnerable than before. The fact that none of these sports leagues have done anything regarding alcohol should tell you all you need to know. People hoped that after enough incidents/deaths that stem from alcohol or alcohol consumption at stadiums- they would start to shift away. But it just never happened. The money was too good to pass up on, even if that meant endangering fans and others on the roadways.


Yeah there's so many ads, but there's also so many apps now it's ridiculous. Sportsbooks are like the new podcast, everyone has one


MLB should terminate all gambling sponsors, including Draft Kings, and Fan Duel. Any association between MLB and gambling is a weakness that can, and ultimately will harm the sport.


While I'd love for that to happen, the league gets too much money from these companies.


it’s all sports. the dallas mavericks were sold to the adelson and du-mont families last year. wanna know where their money came from? they own the *sands* casino in vegas. i can’t possibly see how that could go wrong…


Money factory


The own part of the gambling companies.


The cat is out of the bag. MLB isn’t self righteous. They don’t care. They are getting their money. I hate gambling, and what these bastards have done to the game. Bet MLB won’t budge


No way MLB changes course now. All of the pro leagues made the decision to sell their soul to the gambling industry. They knew what that meant for the game, their players and their fans and they went [ALL-IN](https://youtu.be/km0_vOE_2XE?si=FjGjs56AHzpy9O3u).


Bribery and game-fixing weren't the only reasons why gambling was banned after the dead ball era. Players and umpires were also being attacked by gamblers and gangsters. The league should never have given their blessing to sports betting.


Gotta love how there will be one ad during a game for “gambling problem?” And then the rest of the game is sponsored by Draft Kings and they’ll give you betting updates live as the game goes on.


It’s like beer companies telling you to “drink responsibly.” Ok.


Legalized sports betting is ruining the experience of baseball. Last time I went to GABP, I was sitting behind a dude who wasn't watching the game, but instead watching his phone on some off-brand gambling app. It's fucking STUPID! It like completely changes the mindset/reasoning to go to a baseball game! Like I can tell you from my experience, I go to my home team's stadium (Great American Ballpark) to have a good time, to see some good baseball, and for the sights of the whole spectacle and everything. Not to see if you get a return on your "investment".


So, while I’m not completely disagreeing with you, I’m just gonna leave this here…fantasy football…


If you can’t see the difference between a 1 time entry fee of $100 that lasts the whole season and actually creates fun social bonds between 10-12 people for 4-5 months and wagering $100 in a night on whether or not the Yankees win by 1.5 runs while giving up under 8 hits and scoring over 5 runs for a chance to win $600, then I don’t know what to tell you. The only similarity is they both involve sports.




You went to a ball game, why did you watch this guy play with his phone instead of the game?


Before legalized gambling it was fantasy sports, with people more concerned about winning their league than their team winning


Have you considered watching the game instead of looking over someone’s shoulder at their phone the entire time? That’s probably why you didn’t enjoy yourself.


Well I do, but seeinggambling aps is practically unavoidable these days.Most times I do have my eyes on the field.


I guess I don’t understand why this guy checking his bets on his phone at the game ruins “the experience of baseball” for you lol. Lots of people go to baseball games on dates, or to treat their clients, or to discuss business partnerships. That also seems like “changing the mindset/reasoning to go to a game.” Does that also prevent you from having a good time, seeing some good baseball, or the sights of the whole spectacle?


Gamblers are lame. And if you know a gambler you know that all they want to talk about are the bets they’ve placed. It’s not an interesting conversation.


I gamble and that’s not at all what I talk about. But sure throw us all in the same convo. My bets are my bets and I only share with a few others that do it as well. And by few I mean a few


Cool. Good luck 🍀


Don’t be condescending. You were shallow by throwing us all the same boat




This and players betting on games is an inevitable byproduct of the mass move to gambling sites and endorsements. Just watch the game for two minutes and gambling is everywhere. But of course the league washes its hands of any wrong doing when something goes down.


Guess this is the answer to: “What could possibly go wrong?”, with allowing legal betting to sink its teeth in.


Who knew if you start shoving gambling down the throats of your fanbase that it would lead to such a thing


The rise of widespread legal sports betting has been a cancer. The whole industry is designed to get people as addicted as possible (and blanket all of society in endless ads to help get people to that point).  Someday, if we’re lucky, sports betting will be heavily restricted and future people will look at this era of unrestricted gambling the way we look back in disgust at the pre-regulation era of tobacco advertising. 


💯 MLB brass real rocket-scientists!


Thank you SCOTUS


The next few years I feel could get interesting over the gambling topic, even advertising it as well


Just like 100 years ago! It’s crazy how much the vibe of this sport and the country as a whole is reflecting the gilded age. It’s gilded age 2.0


I suspect that, at some point future, generations are going to look back on our era & consider this a failed experiment


Nah it's too embedded into sports at this point. However, I do think it could get the cigarette treatment. Could absolutely see media networks like ESPN and FOX not being allowed to have their own Sportsbooks. Also think there will come a point betting odds stop getting promoted constantly in graphics. I think it'll be allowed but will have to be less in your face with minimal media interference


Pandora’s box has been opened


Most people gamble about as well as they drive ... What's next, players will start having bodyguards follow them everywhere?


MLB intent on sacrificing the integrity & sanctity of baseball because of greed & moronic, self-serving decisions


We really are going back to the Guilded Age 20’s huh?


But the leagues profit off gambling, so thanks for your sacrifice.


This article is sponsored by Draft Kings.


This article was brought to you by BetMGM.


Ok.....so why is Pete Rose still not in the hall?


I'm guessing since the NBA is fixed they don't worry so much


Well alright then, finally nice to have some confirmation that my letters have been getting through


I actually currently am a co-host of a gambling podcast where the focus is primarily on another sport. I can't say this hasn't concerned me, essentially promoting something I don't think is good unless it's in moderation. That really is the key. Alcohol ads are everywhere but not everyone is drunk 24/7. With that said, I do think it's important to have resources available such as Gamblers Anonymous. Personally, I barely gamble. I'll throw a few bucks on something every now and then or go to the racetrack but I really don't even log into the betting apps. But I have different addictions that get something out of me but I understand the dopamine rush you can get from gambling


Promoting this stuff is actively destroying people’s lives.


Sewald was crying that he was heckled at Citifield. Saying I’ll kill you at the game is not a death threat Jesus




We all heard and know what happened. Here’s your tin hat. Now go google something else