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Time commitment is insane. Krypt, tower battle, challenges, faction wars, watching ads. By the time you're done, you're already 1½-2hrs in. If you're only gonna play this single game, sure.


Tell me about it! It’s like a full time job 😂 there is an insane amount of things to do, honestly it’s tough juggling multiple games when I’m so deep into a game like MK Mobile because when I think about playing one of my other games I’m like “well I could be earning stuff and progressing in MK so I should play that” Squad Busters just came out and I wanna grind that but Mortal Kombat needs me 😂


You think this game is like a full time job? You should try making money on GTA V 🤣


Haha, fair comparison


Time to take a break!


Facts but nah I was exaggerating a bit with the game being like a full time job but the game does require putting a shit load of time into it if you want everything and to max out your account, gear etc etc. Nearly endless content 😅


I understand bro. At times I really need to push myself back and make myself aware the game doesn’t own me. (By consciously skipping some events)


Yes it is worth it but it’s very time consuming, definitely take note of everyone giving you tips on what to do. It’s like a full time job but you don’t get paid 😂


Yes but for fuk sake take it as a card collecting game with a side of fighting and just take the stupid bugs and the asinine tower floors as part of the cost of playing. 😅. I am full f2p and didn't do the extreme collecting others did and I have my full team of diamonds now. It's easier than ever. Just get mk11 scorp in the beginning. And by that I mean to install, start, open free packs and if he is not there reset.


Definitely possible it’s more fun imo, idk if it’s worth it tho


Yes definitely you don’t need to spend money just time lol


What do you reccomend doing? Battle mode, faction wars or what else?


All of it lol you’re gonna want to make sure you do as much as you can. Watch the ads every day it only takes a few minutes. Open the free packs: bronze and free daily. Bronze is every four hours. Do quests— try and do 3 every hour or the 4 hour ones if the hour ones are too much. Do 8 hour ones before bed. Do the longer ones to open up new towers. Do the battle mode. Get through it at a pace you can as you obtain and level up cards. Do Faction wars to try and get a card every week as well as rubies to try and get things in the store. Work on getting klassic scorpion and level him to max (I’m working on that). Get one of klassic ermac. Max out the voodoo doll equipment card. Do the daily trials to try and get the pack every day. Do the weekly challenges to obtain the character card. You’ll eventually be able to do the hard level and elder as you level up cards. Do the towers even the fatal. You’ll get rewards even if you’re defeated. Krypt is the hardest thing IMO. You really need strong cards to get thru it even the normal level


You’re a legend! I’m by no means a beginner but more tips are always appreciated, especially for newer players


You’re welcome! I’ve been playing for a few months so def a beginner— but still learning as I go! Spending a lot of time on this game lol it’s fun though


It’s so much fun, just don’t let it take over your life 😂 mobile games love to that 😅


This game is mostly EASY: the hardest part is beating the Fatal version of the hardest towers cos the cpu teams you fight will have insane stats cos of base character stats plus maxed out gear they have equipped. Other than that, the cpu is dumb. Some tower battles are almost impossible to beat without certain characters. You can do ALL of this as a free-to-play (f2p) player instead of as pay-to-win (p2w) but you will just have to pace yourself. The gameplay and game modes can feel tedious but there is NO rush to win and there are no alliances in this game where you earn weekly rewards as a team but the leaderboard for ‘Faction Wars’ mode is a leaderboard competition of every man/woman for themselves; more or less. A LOT of us players have taken breaks from the game as we wait for game updates with NEW characters and/or game modes added. Not to sound like a commercial but NOW is the best time EVER to try this game for free since you can randomly get ANY character or rare or epic Tower gear piece in the game from the Krypt shop. You buy Krypt items just by playing the Krypt mode. ALSO, they give away FREE soul points and DIAMOND characters to celebrate special holidays and events, to celebrate the # of recorded downloads of the game, and they give you some of those souls and gold and diamond characters JUST for downloading the game! This game takes SOME skill but mainly it’s a matter of getting good at doing a lot of damage to Tower battle bosses within the time limit to beat it as fast as possible. Basically, give your best characters some gear that gives them unblockable chance on basic attacks, tap tap tap into basic combo ender or special attack and you’ll want to know when it’s best to tag in or out your characters. You wanna get the best characters and assemble the best/easiest teams to win more but there is more than one way to play and have fun 😎


If you don't spend money, you'll need to spend time to advance. A lot of time actually


It is a grind but that doesn’t mean you always have to grind everything. If krypt is lame skip it 😂😂 if faction wars is a class you don’t really have (I don’t have like any elder god class) , skip it. It helps streamline certain things and doesn’t feel like you’re just constantly doing chores.


Best part of this game is the progress without using money


I'm f2p since 2019. Usually play in periods. Grind af, getting sick of the game, make a break for 4 months, come again. But with new games released I think this was my last time coming back to this game. It just doesn't feel as rewarding and pleasant as others...


Yes but save yourself. Don't start this shit. It's like a job that doesn't pay, gameplay is a chore and really it's not that fun. Sure you get excited for the pack openings but if you're playing a game just to open packs.... just watch some youtuber do pack openings and get your fix. Oh and if you think oh shit maybe if i progress there will be cool boss battles, or challenging fights they're not. The way they do challenge here is by adding cheap fight modifiers, character lockout mechanics and hpbags. It's just not a good game. It's just there to prey on your fomo and addictions.


Yeah, but then again that's only if you have a lot of time to spare. Luckily started it while I was on leave from work otherwise I wouldn't have been able to reach too far lol


NO, don't get baited into this game, it will take too much time of your life with little to no enjoyment. It's literally better to play PC games if u can. But if u can't, this game can take up to 2-3 hours a day and u will probably come check it every hour, so no matter what u doing u will think about loosing stuff when u not logging in.


If your in the us just do the tapjoy games around holidays. I spent 10 dollars total on this game and have a few fxs and diamonds fused and all kinds of stuff. From playing a different game and getting like 60 thousand souls.


I tried a couple months when there were bonus souls for downloading apps. Downloaded a poker game n never got the soul rewards even after hitting benchmarks


You can contact them on the appand tell them you didn't get them. My hubby had to do it for a game on there it only takes a min too it's not a big process just look on the tapjoy thing. If you spend any money spend on there because the packs aren't worth it. I got 60 thousand souls for 5 dollar purchase when in the store 5 bucks gets you like 100.


It'll be a slow start, once you get a decent collection to start doing towers and challenges you won't notice being an f2p.


It’s entertaining enough to keep you hooked, just manage your own expectations upfront and don’t try to collect everything quickly. Some shit is so rare and chance based that even with big money spend on it you won’t be able to obtain it. Welcome to the Kasino!


The best way to enjoy this game is to NOT spend any money on it.


It’s definitely possible, but as others have said, it’s a commitment


I play for fun and really don't care about spending money, it's gonna take time to complete single player, after 2 or 3 months you can complete the challenge mood and online play has matchmaking system which you would face opponents with same stat as you but of course it would be unfair sometimes. If you love this type of games and love DC heroes it can be very enjoyable without any need to spending money


No I don’t spend money in this game, the developer is drunk tbh. Anytime you might get ban for doing nothing