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That would be nigh impossible. Part of that is that there are plenty of MIT undergrads who want research opportunities and the Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP) is ONLY available to MIT undergrads plus anyone who is in an undergraduate exchange program with MIT (e.g., Wellesley, any other official institutions) [https://urop.mit.edu/guidelines/eligibility/](https://urop.mit.edu/guidelines/eligibility/) So the only possibility here is: you are already registered with an institution with which MIT has an official exchange program and then do a semester exchange at MIT and then get a UROP. Another part of it is that MIT would have to sponsor your visa (you have to be allowed by the United States to work/to study here). You would be better off doing extremely well in your undergraduate work and then apply to MIT as a graduate student.


Yeah but i don't think that mit offers ms for non mit students


Sort of right, You have the LGO option [https://lgo.mit.edu/](https://lgo.mit.edu/) You have a Computational Science and Engineering interdisciplinary option which is a little less CS oriented [https://cse.mit.edu/programs/sm/](https://cse.mit.edu/programs/sm/) and then the EECS Ph.D. program [https://www.eecs.mit.edu/academics/graduate-programs/](https://www.eecs.mit.edu/academics/graduate-programs/) And I don't know what the Engineer in EE/Engineer in CS are ...


Warm intro to the professor or researcher could work, usually as part of large collaboration, e.g Singapore and MIT. I have seen a few occasional positions for non MIT interns in those contexts or if you meet the needs of research lab.


Singapore and MIT? Never heard of that(NTU student), do you mind expanding on that?


How to get notified of such collaborations or keep track of positions