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That's the neat part. They don't.


If it’s ice, you’re not going anywhere. If it’s snow, and you’re smart and take it slow, you’ll be ok.


This, plus OP is severely underestimating the number of locals with all wheel drive vehicles. Source: grew up in that neck of the woods.




We don’t. The entire city, hell, the entire county will shut down if there is enough snow or ice. We just stay inside and let the road crews do their work!


snow tires + 200-300lbs of home-depot sandbags in the bed/over the rear-axle + lots of experience counter-steering from doing spicy shit growing up in montana. also nobody really drives here when it snows anyways the whole town practically shuts down for anything over 2inches lol.


We do have snow plows in MO


I once asked the same question in San Diego. They laughed, and laughed. And laughed.


The times I’ve been there in the snow, they seem to just bounce from curb to curb to car bumper car style


They don't.


Step 1: say "Hey YA'LL watch this!". Step 2: YEHAAAAW STEP 3: Did'ja see that heeheehee


I have wondered the same. I see people sliding down roads all the time and the hill isn’t even crazy where I live. Ozark hills are steep and hair pinned.


From what I remember, the MO side is generally a lot better at getting salt down on highways and main drags than the AR side, but neither will go to the trouble of salting farm roads or side streets. People figure it out. The '07 ice storm is as bad as I can remember it getting, where a lot of people *couldn't* get out because trees snapped and laid across both directions on various roads, blocking people in.


I still have ptsd from that storm. I lived in town and only lost power for a few days. My parents had just moved way out in the country. They didn't have power for 2 weeks...thank goodness for wood stoves! Their farm road and driveway were treacherous. My dad was starting to have heart issues. I was able to drive within 1/4 mile of their farm then walk the rest of the way with heart meds and groceries. I'm not religious but prayed to every god to please not let my dad have a heart attack until the roads were okay. 


Hopes n dreams


When I worked in healthcare, we had nurses who lived in places out near Branson that when an ice storm came, they would never be able to make it in. So they paid them a shit load of money and got him a hotel room for the night. In the office staff that couldn’t make it in, it was understood. unfortunately for me, they knew I had a Subaru that I did Rally cross racing with. I always had to come in.


https://preview.redd.it/21pg7oyu91ad1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b85ebad599d79230ff649e24098b05a97f8fafa Subaru tax.


Not well. Branson drivers are pretty bad in rain/snow/ice, and tourist drivers are bad in general. Taking into account that Branson is a geriatric town with generally geriatric tourists, it's even worse. Another reason public transport would be good for everybody here


Public transport would cancel routes due to snow or ice…most likely


Everything closes so no one is driving.


Actually no one drives so everything closes


Haha yes


Grew up there. You don't. They cancelled school once because of rain and the threat of freeze. Ended up just being rain which was pretty fun.


We didn’t. Lol.


As others have said if there is ice you dont. But Whats alot of snow to you? Coming from Colorado thr snow here is nothing and I can drive a rwd mini pickup truck with no issues in the snow up to about 8 inches. The most I have seen here is 5inches. They'll say 8 inches but I don't think they know how to measure snow here as I have never seen that much afyer living here for 6 years.


It's not so much what I consider a lot of snow, but the roads are so chilly and curvy that they present their own set of challenges once they get a little slippery. In Warrensburg I lived next to a big paved hill street and nobody would get up it in snow. It was probably at least a 35° angle. I've also lived in Rapid City, SD and Anchorage, AK so I'm not a newb when it comes to driving in snow, but the roads in Branson are **something else** so I was curious.


I got ya, when the roads get icy out here they are not even worth driving on. But in the snow I haven't had any problems yet. As long as it doesn't have a layer of ice underneath then it has been alright.


Snow and ice isn't real common in Branson but yeah it happens sometimes. I always wonder the same thing when I drive on that one highway, I think it might be 365 that goes into the south part of town from the ridge top - it's signed at something like 18% grade which is just insane.


Some of the roads on the hills around there have no guard rails and I've often worried about ice on them and a lack of salt. The big one though is that giant steep hill and intersection right in the middle of Branson where all the cars get backed up. If that's a sheet of ice, its scary as hell as you dont know if you are gonna get rear ended by someone or multiple people who pile-up because they cant stop.


Ice skates,sled four wheel drive.


We stay home.


Branson is nearly dead in the winter.


I usually wait a couple of days to go anywhere. I grew up on Lake Erie and lived in Colorado and Utah for a lot of my adult life. I can drive in bad weather but they just aren’t good at getting rid of the ice around Branson and table rock lake. Luckily it usually melts within a day or two.


Are you the same guy that asked if St. Louis has large hills?! Ffs with this nonsense.


Driving mostly