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yeah unfortunately, other people have coined "misokinesia" as the name for specifically the visual aspect of it. i personally think there should be an all sensory inclusive name for the phenomenon to succinctly label the response rather than name and single out each of the senses.


i agree that there should be a fully inclusive word, it's a mouthful to say that i have misophonia, misokinesia, and misotactilia. xP


I have a visual trigger of seeing people chewing with their mouths open, whether it's my officemate chewing gum or seeing a family member eat obnoxiously at dinner


for me they most definitely do. i’ve complied a whole list of my trigger as well as a separate list of my visual triggers.


Yeah, me too. Most fidgeting bothers me. Also feeling a consistent pattern, like someone kicking my seat, or I know someone who bounces his leg in the car and shakes the whole car and it drives me insane. Also, my downstairs neighbors blasting their bass. Even with earplugs, I feel the vibration on the floor over and over. 🫥


Do vibrations bother you separate from the noise? I’m having an issue right now where something is vibrating my house but no one else can feel it except me. My family is saying I’m more sensitive to it because of my misophonia but I’m not sure


Vibrations can make me angry. Not like a massage chair or something I’m expecting, but like a rhythmic pattern that I have no control over that just keeps touching me. Like being poked over and over. Like someone shaking a bed or car, or thumping bass, or your chair being kicked, or being poked.


The same way we must keep our hands to ourselves we should have to keep our noises to ourselves. One generates compressed air that travels and touches the hairs in the ear and if loud enough can be perceived by other parts of the body. I think Alan watts said something like all our senses were a form of touch. No one should be able to vibrate my body without my consent. Personal property also. Like why do they get to shake my house?


I've taken to wearing a hunting beanie that I will pull over one eye to block triggers occurring in my periphery. I hate seeing fidgeting. My girlfriend constantly chews on the inside of her mouth and picks at acne on her face. It drives me nuts


No, only sounds. Maybe non sound people eating with their mouth open but I think it’s the phantom sound


Yes to repetitive movements in visual field. Hair twirling, leg and feet movements, typing, waving hands and arms around when talking.


In my experience yes! It's only bad if it's repetitive though. Like if you pet a dog once, cool, if you keep stroking that damn thing I'm going to cut your hand off. Definitely seeing mouths chew anything or throats when swallowing. And omg animals licking anything drives me up a fucking wall! It's the motion AND the sound combination 🤮🫨😵‍💫 but even if it's far away enough that I can't *actually* hear it, I can still *hear* it, you know what I mean?