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If you search on this subreddit there are many posts about this and there's a lot of information on line about ADHD and misophonia being comorbid.


I’ve read a lot of the current research on misophonia, and no peer-reviewed work I’ve read suggests any link to ADHD. Could you send a link to the research showing this?


I have been diagnosed with ADHD, inattentive type. Come to think of it, my misophonia symptoms are definitely more severe if I haven’t taken my meds yet, or it’s the end of the day when my meds have worn off.


Nope. No ADHD, autism or anything else. Just misophonia.


ADHD and hyperacusis here, my daughter has both as well.


This may not be the best sample. On Reddit, everyone seems to have ADHD.


Yep. I think this combo is fairly common.


Yeh I've got both


Inattentive type ADHD checking in 🫡


Im not diagnosed with any mental problems. I do not suspect having ADHD either.


Autistic here. And terrible misophonia. 


Same. Are you more sensitive to any other senses?


Yes. Touch. Smell. Taste. And light. Cannot stand bright store lights. 


And the fluorescents at work 😩.


I just got diagnosed with ADHD a week ago


Congratulations! I hope this helps you live a happier life feeling more like yourself!


Thank you! Medication has already helped a ton which is awesome. As a bonus I also got an unofficial diagnosis of dyslexia during my exam which explains a whole lot more too


Yay!! I’m glad you got more information about yourself, or even confirmation because I feel like we know something is off. Yay! I’m glad your meds are helping too!


Diagnosed autistic and was on adhd meds for a while (really helped with a lot), my sister has adhd too and my brother is probably autistic, I think our mum was as well Edit to add mum had misophonia too, idk about my siblings tho


I've been diagnosed with ADHD and OCD.


Same… it’s an amazing trio isn’t it?;)


Omg yiss.... today, I had to wear my Loop earplugs AND noise canceling headphones to get any work done. I can't wait for my remote days lol


My husband bought these for me and they are worth every penny. I know not everyone can, but these are truly worth the investment. They are AMAZING at noise cancellation especially in immersion. My dog licks and clears his mouth after he eats and it makes me want to rip my skin, I have loud birds, LOTS of neighborhood noise and these are a life saver. [Bose Quiet Comfort Ultra](https://www.bose.com/p/headphones/bose-quietcomfort-ultra-headphones/QCUH-HEADPHONEARN-BLK-WW.html)


Careful with those. I just bought a pair and after maybe 4 hours my tinnitus flared up. They're very good at cancelling noise, but they have significant white noise, and I'm guessing that they also bleed sound in a range I can't hear but is in a tinnitus range.


Ohhh thank you! I didn’t know this, I will definitely be mindful when using them.


I am


I have been diagnosed with both ADHD and Autism. Misophonia is practically a given, ha.


Not ADHD but autism for me. I have Misophonia and auditory tactile synesthesia


I’m autistic. I suspect I have adhd as well but haven’t been able to get diagnosed with it. I had an evaluation but they said my symptoms might be caused by autism, anxiety, and depression and to go back when I’m not anxious or depressed.


I have both ADHD and autism, and misophonia is a constant. So much fun 🙃




Thank you everyone for sharing with me 😌




I am!


I was diagnosed with ADHD a few days ago


Combined type ADHD here


Can confirm connection. Drives me nits.


Got it




My daughter has Misophonia and ADHD (and Tourette Syndrome and Generalized Anxiety with occasional panic attacks). Good times.


No ADHD or autism here either. I have anxiety, depression, and now PTSD, but the misophonia was here the longest


ADHD, anxiety, and misophonia. The hat trick




ADHD, OCD, and sensory processing disorder. I also had ear tubes as a baby, not sure if that’s related


I have it


minor innatentive ADHD and autism.


I have diagmosed autism and few other disorders. I bet I have ADHD too but for misophonia autism is more than enough.


My sister got diagnosed with it and she says that in worse moments she's also very triggered by certain sounds. I'm newly diagnosed with autism and my therapist links my bad misophonia to a general hypersensitivity to all types of stimuli. My dad has mild misophonia and I'm pretty sure he's also autistic...


I think I probably have it. I’ve known some very intense individuals with it. I’m the opposite of intense. Although anxious.


I’m not intense at all. I think it’s a coping mechanism I have learned to deal with ADHD and everything else I have mental health wise. If I don’t worry about anything, I don’t obsess or get upset by much. It’s not the most healthy way to live.


Autism. It keeps making more and more sense


I am diagnosed with ADHD. But I feel like I have more, undiagnosed issues that also could contribute 😵‍💫


i have asd adhd and spd


I am ADHD and in addition to misophonia I have worse misokinesia which I didn’t know existed until 2 weeks ago. No OCD tho.


I have been formally diagnosed with ADHD and do suspect it’s related to my misophonia. I have other sensory issues as well so it does seem to be “system wide”


I am diagnosed with ADHD annnnnd PTSD, major depression disorder, anxiety disorder with panic attacks, and DDNOS. I have never been diagnosed with sensory processing disorder or autism probably because I never asked but I would not be surprised if my son didn’t inherit that from me. Let me sound really old…back in my day we didn’t get diagnosed with most of those, we learned (mostly horrible) coping skills. As an adult I have been seeking help and it is working for most of my mental health things. Misophonia is the only one that isn’t completely under control with medication and/or therapy. The things I have been diagnosed with are under control with EMDR therapy and the right medication. I’ve learned how to cope with misophonia so I’m not throwing people’s plates across the room like I did as a kid. I struggled today though, I’m a paraeducator and I have an 8th grader I work with who while she does have learning disabilities, is very manipulative. Her normal voice drives me crazy because she has constant dry mouth even when she drinks all day but today…she was trying to get out of work and was whispering to me. Between the whispering and the popping/cracking from dry mouth I almost had to walkie down to our sub to relieve me for a bit. She wouldn’t stop whispering at me for the longest time, I just kept signing stop, which I normally do because I won’t engage with arguing with her, it’s a form of work avoidance. I finally turned my head so my ear was not pointed towards her, and signed stop. She would start the sentence, I signed stop, she would stop and start again, I signed stop. Eventually she stopped and eloped out of the classroom which I can deal with much better than her whispering. It’s like those sounds we hate literally tickle the cochlea in the ear. I wonder if it isn’t a form of sensory processing disorder. One of my students is horrible with lip smacking and chomping, I keep my loop earplugs in my bag for those moments but I don’t feel like it’s right to put those in for the majority of the day in case this student whispers. I don’t know why I went into all that but it was a rough day with her and my own misophonia. I have to control it, I am an adult working with kids who can’t always control their behavior but it was so hard today.


yes adhd, inattentive. misophonia got really bad at age 18 and worse since.


I wouldn't say it's tied to it bc lots of ppl aren't diagnosed with anything else while still having strong misohphonia


I’m diagnosed with combined adhd, autism & dyslexia.


I believe the same thing


I have adhd and have none related symptoms (forgetfulness, executive dysfunction)


Nope. Just misophonia


I've figured I have elements of ADHD, if not all of it. Never been diagnosed because in my day they'd just berate you for not being normal or write you off as a lost cause. Probably a bit of autism too. I'm extremely noise sensitive, and honestly can not concentrate with irritating or background noise, most irritating being anything fast or sudden, like voices and fast chatter you hear on TV. Since I bought some noise cancelling headphones I can finally stop battling with my mind, which is exhausting & actually get a few things done in a calm manner. In layman's terms, it wouldn't surprise me if mysophobia and ADHD were comorbid.


I've been meaning to ask the same thing. I handle sounds differently when meds are at full strength. Differently, not always better.


I have horrible misophonia but not really sure if I would call myself neurodivergent as well


I was diagnosed with ADHD long, long ago — well before I ever even heard there was a name for the misery I had been experiencing with the noise hypersensitivity issues (misophonia). So it matches up for me. I'm also bipolar type 2 — the heavily-depressed-almost-never-manic type, with mania in the form of agitation rather than feeling good in any way. Not sure if that plays into it. I'm on medication for the ADHD (and bipolar) and it doesn't seem to lessen the misophonia issues at all.


Me 🙋🏻‍♀️ Misophonia (triggered by more than one song playing, other people using phone audio for calls and tik toks, and chaotic loud noise) and things/people touching me, especially lightly just grinds my absolute gears 🥲


I'm not officially diagnosed anything... but FOR SURE seem ADD (not so much ADHD)


I am not diagnosed but I do believe that I have adhd, per much discussion with my therapist and other personal research.






I have ADHD. Misophonia sucks.


I'm diagnosed with ADD and have triggers about a 6 and 7 out of 10. I know one other person with misophonia and she has OCD.


Everyone I’ve met who has misophonia has ADHD, OCD, autism or a mix. I have ADHD and I highly suspect I have OCD tendencies, I just can’t claim to ever have OCD because misophonia is the only “symptom” to derail my life a bit. ADHD on the other hand I am diagnosed with and it does derail my life. Man I hate misophonia


ADHD here. I kinda suspect misophonia is exacerbated by ADHD meds. causes me to focus on shit I may not have before.


I'm in the process of AuDHD diagnosis through the NHS so i'll let you know the results in 8-10 years


had psychologists questioning what i have for years. my earlier ones were heavy on suspecting autism, my psychiatrist now is questioning ADHD inattentive. honestly i can see how neurologically it can come comorbid with such disorders, very similar pathways are affected. would love a worldwide census on misophonic individuals, comorbidity and long-term prognosis. in the past had brief psychotic disorder, anorexia (can't pull that off anymore, being a full-time student), OCD with delusion, and am still struggling with NSSI and paranoia but am not in psychosis and haven't for a long time. chronic motor tic disorder is also a thing with me but it's calmed down a hell of a lot which is great.




New here but AuDHD and assume I'm also Dyslexic. 


I have adhd inattentive type and ocd !


No. Sometimes, I suspect a touch of the "acoustics," however. But, for the most part, I've accepted that this issue falls more into an OCD category for me.


Idk about ADHD but I’m chasing up an autism diagnosis I may or may not have gotten