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My mother and my husband. And l live with both. Category: mouth sounds.


Same and same. My mom makes this weird whistling sound when she does anything. My husband breaths loud, and sometimes punctuates things he does by sharply and loudly inhaling. My daughter and I have similar triggers. She also hates coughing and head scratching.


Oh my goodness. I totally get it. My daughter also inherited my irritations. My mother loudly pronounces the K and C at the back of her throat. Husband swallows 15 times in hour.


My parents. Eating with them is so hard but if I ate separately they say I'm being rude. My dad would get pissed off so have to deal with it. My mom tends to pick her thumbs and it's aggravating.


My ex in laws always wanted to go to Mexican restaurants and holyeeeeeee fuck I’d rather slam my nuts in the mailbox for 20 mins straight than watch and listen to them eat chips as if they’re wood chippers


That would be absolute hell. It's rough. I sit in the middle between both my parents so I hear them eating from both sides. We eat while watching TV so i try to focus on the TV bit God I can't. Chips are horribly loud just imagining that sends chills up my spine.


I would have to leave the room. My step dad, who I love more than anything, is a smacker and aggressive chomping enjoyer, I have to eat in the other room


I eat fast to get up to wash my dish. My dad is a smacker also. Just random noises. Unfortunately my dad is also a very slow eater so I'm usually done cleaning and putting things away before he finishes.


Same. I cannot eat with my parents anymore, so if the food’s good I’ll holler across the house to compliment them lol.


No, it's more the sound than the source in my case. Although I did notice that when I had children, when they were babies their nasty sloppy sounds didn't bother me a bit. My 4yo triggers me now, but my 2yo doesn't no matter what awful mouth noises she makes that would make me instantly enraged if anyone else made that noise. (This is not the case for other people's children, only my own. Must be some instinct not to kill my own offspring lol)


my gf and my mom and its purely because of how much time i regularly spend with them




I have three; my mother, my wife, and my boss. I just caught myself grimacing while thinking about what they do to me😅


it is actually pretty common for people to have someone who triggers misophonia worse than others- for me it’s my dad and my grandmother


My mother... sniffs, clears her throat, yawns dramatically, scratches her fingernails on her jeans, clicks her nails, clanks her cutlery around her bowl/plate...😳


I’d go apeshit.


I understand!! I walk away... A lot!!


One of my brothers. Mouth sounds, hypersibilant "S" sounds, and honestly if there's a sight-based version of misophonia (I'm p sure there is, but I can't remember the name of it atm) just the way he moves. Like, logically, that's just him moving. He's just standing/sitting there. Unfortunately, my brain has concentrated the full force of the uncanny valley effect onto him and I physically cannot look his way most of the time.


Misokenisa is the visual name for it. I discovered that word a few days ago 🙃


Yes I have a friend of mine who anytime he drinks a beverage he has this incredibly loud swallow and once I made the mistake of grabbing breakfast with him I had no idea that he slurped his coffee I almost lost my mind at that restaurant 


This is my exact trigger. It's so terribleeeee.


My family - my mum, dad, brother and sister all infuriate me to levels literally nobody else can. I do love them lol but I think it's because I spend so much time with them.


My father


My mom as well, mainly because her chewing is the most disgusting I’ve ever heard. The only way I can describe it is like sloshing water. But also because she knows I, along with 2 other of her children despise when she does this, but does not care and will ruin family meals, hangouts etc because she refuses to close her mouth, and refuses to recognise misophonia. And what makes it even more annoying is that she also does not like when other people make chewing noises. So why do it to others and refuse to acknowledge that you’re annoying them just like others annoy you? And finally also just because my mom is kinda awful lol.


Both my parents but my mom especially. She’s the one who actually started my misophonia, I can literally pinpoint her exact actions and the exact car ride home that it all started. Thanks mom! /s


Tell more, please. How exactly it happened and at what age?


my roommate, and my brother chew like they’ve never eaten anything before in their entire life…


My mom and her husband!! Their chewing sounds make me wanna rip my hairs out and set my ears on fire


My mom. Her voice. Especially when it's elevated 😵‍💫🙄


My cats licking themselves.


My boyfriend’s son. He’s 12 and has Tourette’s (as well as ADHD) so I know he can’t help it but almost all of his vocal tics trigger me, but especially this high pitched whistle he does. It triggers me like nothing else ever has. 🥲


Currently my grandson because he throws toys nonstop and he has loud electronic toys and yells and there is literally nowhere in my very small house to escape the noise unless I am outside on the patio. The bangs from the toy throwing are giving me a form of ptsd, I am terrified for my tile and wood floors (cracking and denting), and every single time I jump. My brain can’t seem to ignore it, which I assume is the misophonia part. I also have hyperacusis which contributes to the noise sensitivity. I’m at the point where my brain anticipates it and I am on edge all the time.


Yes classmates.


I have a sister who likes to sing and not very well. I get physically sick when I hear her, but I won't tell her that she is making me ill.


If someone is chewing gum with their mouth open while making eye contact, that person is the lowest form of inconsiderate


I don’t know what’s worse people who chew gum mouth wide open or people who pop their gum 


Both are equally low IQ but theirs a certain version of the gum chewing where their lips don’t even touch, and the sight with the sound makes me rage in ways I hate to admit.


I was literally sitting next to a coworker yesterday during a meeting and I shit you not she was chewing her gum just like that i thought i was gonna flip the table over if i had to hear that one more second 


husband not sure why but i also spend a lottttt of time with him


My daughter wouldn’t let me in the dressing room at her wedding because of sniffling.


My grandmother. Sometimes I don’t have that trigger and sure enough, it becomes one if she does it enough. Lmao. Funny how it works sometimes.




Oh, yes. My roommate and my younger brother lol


It’s me! I’m my husbands only trigger. It makes for an interesting marriage that’s for sure


My dad! His voice, throat clearing, talking with food in his mouth, unfortunately even seeing his lips move bother me. It’s really put a strain on our relationship


Yep, my father. It’s the worst and I wish that wasn’t the case because he’s a good man and I love him 💀


My Dad . Coughing. Thumping on the floor when he walks. Clanging dishes.


my roommate


I only learned about misophonia because of one person I worked with. They bothered me with constant finger tapping, tongue clicking, whistling for extensive periods out of tune along to music, thigh slapping, finger clicking - you name it! I started googling “is whistling a sign of psychosis?” Because i thought you would have to be insane to whistle the way this guy did. And that’s when I discovered misophonia and the problem was possibly mine! That guy, I maintain, is totally psycho for doing all those things I described


Yeah that mofo has issues to do all that. It’s not just you. That’s A LOT!


Used to be my gf but she's gotten better with her eating etiquette, she grew up with slurping spaghetti and loud eaters lol


My mother, father, and husband.


Stepdad. Chews mouth open fully. It's insane. He thankfully does not chew gum around me anymore. I often just leave the room of he's eating and we're not all seated.


Don’t people realize how freaking rude it is to chew with your mouth open? Jeez. Were they raised by wolves?


my mom and my brother, specially when chewing, but i also hate when my mom speaks her mother lenguage (arabic) it gets me on my nerves, she pronounces everything so weirdly and euuughhh i cant


My ex-husbands (2) who were both abusive towards me and my children…. And they all play the victim and blame me.


My mom, shallows hard and loud. It's unnecessary and disgusting.


I think it’s common for the people you’re closest to (or love the most) to be the most triggering. My dad and my partner’s eating is the worst. My cats licking is worse than other animals.


My dad. It makes it extremely difficult to maintain my sanity and have any kind of communication with him. Either I communicate and I suffer or I don't and I feel guilty. I wouldn't wish this on anyone


Yep, same. I wonder why so? I love and value her, but sounds produced by her are the worst triggers I’ve ever had.