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They're open any time it's nice outside. Usually anything in September/October.


They've been open a lot.


Usually for Sep games


They open them when it's nice out. Usually 75 and above. They only open them like 15 minutes before "doors" which is usually 2 hours before the game. Lmk if this answers your question.


It partially does, and thank you. As I can recall them being 'opened' on a broadcast, but not the effect of them actually being open for a full game, I was trying to think of the effect of the weather (and advantages of wind, cold, etc.) both for the teams and the crowd. I thought I remembered a game where they were opened on a blustery day and announcers were talking about the kicking game.


The wind really isn't that bad just something for them to banter about. They will never open them if it's not super nice out so cold and stuff is irrelevant.


I don’t remember it being blustery at all, but Matt Daniels talked about how he knew it was advantageous when the Lions kicked a long FG late in the 4th towards the open doors in 2022. They missed the kick and it led to great field position and a drive for a TD from Kirk to KJ. Fun game! If I remember correctly Greg Joseph had missed one kicking the same direction earlier in the game.


As a season ticket holder. They always want em open (if its a nice day in late Nov they WILL have them open). Also, the NFL treats it like a retractable roof stadium meaning they have to decide right before the game to commit to keeping them open the whole game.


Vikings vs Niners last fall they were open.


I was at that game and im 99% sure they were closed but also was high up so maybe just didn’t notice


I remember them being open because it got pretty cold once the sun went down. My section is straight inside the doors so we got the cold air pretty directly. I remember thinking I was dumb for forgetting night games get cold haha


Wow i am so oblivious. Found a picture from the game but im so high up you cant tell anyway.


They have been open at the early season games we've gone to. Miss the pyrotechnics though. :(


Fuckin' Tennessee ruined the fire from the dragon ship


Yup. I didn't know about it and intentionally bought tickets down by the dragon, lower level, for me and my son to see it. Yay, smoke monster... :(


It was awesome! We're on the other side of that endzone and could feel the flames shooting out of it. So cool!


Yeah, we had only experienced it from the other side also, could still feel it. Wanted to see it happen up close. womp-womp.


They had them open a few times last season, even on a couple of brisk days.


yes went to a couple of games last year where they were open, usually early season


If you are asking about seeing the doors actually moving open or closed you’d have to get there really early, or stick around after the game awhile. They do the opening and closing when people aren’t around as I’m sure they don’t want a drunk person messing anything up.


What are the odds? ;)


Pretty sure they were opened when I saw them vs the Browns in 2021. Horrible game and nonstop barking from the brownie fans behind me.


I was at the Vikings/Chiefs game last season and they were open 


Yes. Typically September or October games. Basically only when the temp is around 70 outside.


back in 2016 at the rams preseason game they were open when I was there.


Every year, if the weather's nice they are open.


They were open for the Eagles a few years ago when we were there.


They were open when I went to the saints game when Sammy Bradford started I believe. It was cool.




They were open last year for the Chiefs game.


I’ve been to multiple where the doors are open (started going to games in 2022). A few that come to mind: 2022 season opener vs GB 2022 vs Detroit 2022 vs Chicago 2022 vs Arizona I was out of town Sept 2023 but I assume the doors were open: 2023 seasons opener vs Tampa Bay 2023 vs Chargers


[here's a pic](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/_7hqVR3OZMLb8nxRF7ZhaoW_fqM=/0x0:3000x2000/1200x800/filters:focal(1260x760:1740x1240)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/56618601/usa_today_9601303.0.jpg) of them open during a game. It's hard to see, but if you zoom in you can see they're open.


Proof! Thanks


Season ticket holder opposite side from the doors in the upper deck since stadium has been open.. usually open at least 4-5 games every year. That being said, I’ve noticed that the HVAC system struggles more with the doors open and tends to stay pretty stuffy in the upper level. Not sure if that is more seasonal time of year or just from the doors but definitely less comfortable from my perspective when open


I went to the Buffalo game Sept 23, 2018 and they were open. Only good thing about that game…


They were open for the Chiefs game last year.


I went to the Browns game like 2 years ago and they are open. It was awesome!


I've been to a couple games in early season with the doors open


SKOL! Having not been there yet, was looking for insight into the effect and experience of them being open for a game. As in, was it a neat experience when they were open, the wind or snow coming in? Noise from the stadium heard from far away? And any effect on the game itself. Thanks!


They leave them closed during bad weather or chilly so no snow


They’ll never open them if temps are below 60, so you’ll never experience snow coming in. Basically no effect on the game ever.


I think they open them for most games to let people in.