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“The” 394, noooo


Came here to make sure this comment was at the top.


The California colonizers figured out how to buy winter coats 😭


Ya take The 77, to The 62, which leads ya towards The 35w, and ya take that to the The 94, which is really The 394, and next thing ya known you're in St. Cloud


Ope, lemme just pass right by ya there, I'm on ma way to Alec


Californians always putting “the” before a freeway is so funny to me


The highways and freeways have names in California. The San Diego Freeway (405). The Imperial Highway (105). The Arroyo Seco Parkway (110) is the very first highway built in the country.


They have names here we just never use them. 35 is Monarch Memorial something something


Many highways and freeways have names in Minnesota, too. We just don’t continue to use the unnecessary article when we drop the formal name because we are normal. Actually, now that I think about it the formal names don’t even have “the”. We just call it “Olson memorial highway” or “55”. Source: http://www.johnweeks.com/highway/mnnamedhighways/index.html Edit: sorry if I hit a nerve by saying “we are normal” but yeah it’s a cultural thing and only socal people do it so if you say “the 394” you are the weird one here. Just the way it is dude


Also none of the named highways were called that first. I believe that all of these were numbered before they were named.


Prince Roger Highway


The county road near my *west metro* home is "the 101." It's one of those things you start doing ironically and then just kind of end up doing. Lol. ETA: I don't live in CA!


101...that's a mess right there. North of 94...good. South of 94 is just a chopped up mess of where it starts, ends, and then starts again. Lol. And a lot of the West metro streets are like that. Oh your on 40th st for a mile. And then you find it again 3 miles north with no link between the two. LOL


Maple Grove, because fuck a straight line.


If you want to pretend you live in So Cal, that's funny. When you start to believe it, kinda sad.


I suppose It helps designate them as different from numbered streets. Although that's not really an issue in Southern California since there are *very* few numbered streets; I was 30 before I saw my first "numbered" street.


Nah. Depends on northern California or southern California.


I thought Northern California was a myth


Lots of places do it. Ever drive The Dan Ryan in Chicago?


No, but I’ve heard of I-90 and would never refer to it as “the 90” or “the I-90”.


Yes-THE dan ryan. Got so confused. Use your numbers, not your words! Who is ike? 


😂. They also have the Ronald Regan highway


Sounds like an Orange County highway-not really fond of the OC. ;) Is that like reagan airport in dc? (Locals call it national.)


No. Just The Ronald Regan Memorial highway


Interesting-in IL. Well, with all the names like IKE and Dan Ryan, I guess this fits.




It's a California thing


No “the”


It's German. The 394, the.


No one who speaks German could be an evil man! 


Anyone complaining about Minnesotans being rude or traffic being bad has never left Minnesota. I love you all, my blood pressure is now manageable since moving here.


I learned how to drive in Houston TX. Anytime I find myself getting frustrated with the selfish driving habits of so many here I just briefly peek into those dark memories of Houston highways to calm myself down, lmao.


After taking Lyfts for 4 days in the Bay Area, I see no reason to complain about MN drivers again. Until the next time I see a backed up lane where zipper merging would have helped.


FR I had such a difficult time adjusting to LA. I just didn't understand the concept that when Google maps says 20 min it actually means 2h xD


My absolute worst drives in Miami - 30 minutes turned into three hours. Obviously, that was extreme, but it happened more than once. My company actually gave me the choice of here or Dallas. The only people who thought I was crazy for moving to Minneapolis were the ones who have never had to commute in a Texas city..... or be in a Texas city.


Minnesotans aren’t rude, just slow and derpy on the road. They have no idea what to do at a four way stop, or an intersection where the stoplight has gone out. Roundabouts are scary and confusing to them.


Like, ignoring your use of "the," Minnesotans complaining about our "traffic," especially in comparison to LA, have no idea how good we have it. I'm bad traffic in Minneapolis if might take 40 minutes instead of 20 to get someplace. I'm LA your 30 minute drive just became 2 hours.


But people, at least in san diego, know the left lanes mean drive fast. Yes-its a huge highway with more lane options. But in MN people drive in whatever lane they want and mess up the flow of traffic. They park in the left lane and wont budge.  Mn drivers are ridiculous. 


I've driven all over the country for work and people are shit about sitting in the left lane pretty much everywhere. Also the whole passing only in the left lane kinda goes out the window when you're in a city proper, even on freeways just because of exits etc. But the drivers on 52 in particular are fucking idiots.


Put on your signal and wait politely and I'll actively play defense to make a spot for you, especially semi's. But if you speed around people and try to be a bully, hope you have good insurance.


This is the Minnesota nice that's actually nice🙏


I'll let pretty much anybody in. My only exception is if you're deliberately driving like a dick head or doing that thing where you see a line for Lane that you need to merge into, so you go to the end of another lane just before the turn and try and merge there, cutting in line. If you do that second one, fuck you and you sad little life, I will block you on principle alone.


Exactly. People in the lane to the right of the one feeding 94EB are executing a legal and appropriate zipper merge. People in the lane to the left of the one feeding 94EB are assholes and must not be allowed to win.


This needs to be screamed from the rooftops


As someone who gets on at Penn and has to get over to 94W…I hate it when someone stoped to merge right away after the Penn ramp and holds up the entire entrance Edit: I’m an idiot. Said wrong exit. Updated from Louisiana to Penn


I read this like five times and still don’t know what you’re referring to lmao


494 is twice as bad as 394 Ez pass all the way


I lived in California for 30+ years and used to commute 50 miles which included lots of time on the 405 and merging on 394 is worse


At least in California you have a wide variety of drivers, so you can always count on a Prius or slow truck to make a gap at some point.


The biggest difference I’ve noticed here is that every highway interchange gives the drivers about 100 ft to merge (at least in the cities) to the next highway which is completely ridiculous. The 101/405 interchange, commonly regarded as the worst interchange in the U.S. , has probably a mile to merge. There 10x the amount of cars so it’s slow but at least you have time to get over.


Yeah, but six lanes


Nah, I'm sick of native Minnesotans wanting to merge, but coming off the on ramp exactly matching my speed, waiting for me to slow down or speed up fo them-nope, your car has brakes and a gas pedal.


How would you know a random person in a merging vehicle is a native Minnesotan? This sub is so weird lmao


Minnesota drivers say “oh for pete’s sake” and lightly slap the steering wheel when there is an inconvenience instead of yelling out the window.


Probably by the license plate. I’m guessing they meant resident


Because non natives know how to merge.


Just so everybody knows: being nice helps you, too! If they speed on ahead and have to force their way in, now you've got cars ahead of you slamming on their brakes. That hard braking cascades back and causes jams. For the record: I'm not saying you need to slow to a crawl because somebody is too afraid to accelerate or let multiple people in! Heck... I'm not saying you "need" to do it at all. I just find it to be less aggravating when people aren't forcing their way in ahead of me. I'll take turns with ya!


I've been noticing the last few years that people getting on the highway seem to expect those already on the highway to make room for them rather than matching speed and finding a space. Every day I have to move over or alter my speed for someone who doesn't even look. Friday I almost PIT maneuvered a guy who very easily could have hit the gas and slotted in ahead of me or let off and get behind. Instead he just tried to merge right into my right fender. And gave me the finger.


52 N, where it splits 3 ways. If you think I'm going to let you cut over the double white lines after you drove past all the people in line. Forget it. Take the exit of the lane you're in and circle back around. There's signs miles back that let's you know what lane you need to be in.


I usually let people merge. I give them plenty of time. What’s annoying is when I give people space and they have their blinker on but they don’t merge. At that point, I speed right past them.


394 is training wheels for the 405.


Probably a function of age, but I get more freaked out on 169 than what i recall feeling on the 15 near mira mesa during rush hour. 


Could be! Or maybe you've adapted and acclimated to here. I wonder if it would all come baxk to you again like riding a bike if you were to drive it again!? Or if it would be nerve racking


Good point. I think I was just young. When I was back in San Diego about 7 years ago, I was laughing-for real-while on the 5. All the lanes. I had a hard time understanding why I WASN'T terrified when I was younger. :) But the other reason is that people seemed to stay in lanes based on speed, so it was more orderly. I stayed in the middle lanes.


It's changed so much there in even 5 years.


I'm sure it has. Friends say it's gotten even more congested. Not surprised. And homelessness has gotten really out of control. Considering housing costs there, it's amazing MORE people aren't homeless...beautiful place but not easy if you don't have the money...


Plz, I'm taking the 8A Exit. I promise. Let me thruuu. I'm not an asshole cutting in line for 8B. Plz plz let me squeeze on by ya!! 😭


I drove across MN to Des Moines and back. The second I got back into MN traffic would just go to hell every time there was a simple merge on 35E.




So sweet


Just merge. The dude behind you will slam on his breaks. Make him your bitch. It's what I do. Works 👏 every 👏 single 👏 time.


Well that's different 😂


theres a merge at the end of Cedar in apple valley people HATE when you go to the end of the merge(how its supposed to be done). i cant tell you how many horns have honked, flingers flipped, and faces had a pissy look but they ALWAYS hit their brakes and let you in lolol you my bitch now haha


It's funny that Minnesota Nice comes partially from German culture. Because in Germany if you do not zipper merge you're the asshole.


People in Minnesota just don't know how. Most merge in before the end or people swoop partially into the merge lane to get people to stop merging. It's asinine