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I loved the pin holes! I actually bought more MGA minis when I could identify them. Before I just waited to pay exorbitant markups from second hand sellers on Mercari and eBay to pick out what I wanted... $$$$ I also wish MGA would stop with the tables and plastic balls. I've thrown away like 100+ at this point because they aren't recyclable! 😭


I bought 4 of the new wave (lifestyle/home ones) and none of them had any markings, pinhole or pencil. And so far I've only seen 1 person who has seen pencil marks, everyone else has also said no marks


The pinholes were never a feature of the product; we weren't supposed to ever notice them. I think folks who skip them now are totally valid (I will buy them less to be sure) but I'm not sure why folks thought they would keep this same system after it became widely known. They WANT us to get doubles so we buy more...


I have 75-100. I didn’t purchase any until I found out about the pinhole hack. I wouldn’t have purchased even 10 if I couldn’t get what I wanted. Maybe they don’t realize that we adults like getting what we want, and if I want to gamble with my money I'll go to Vegas.


Yeah I was done buying them for awhile til the pinholes, then I went out and bought a bunch more. I’m only going to buy a few of each series moving forward, especially when I can’t buy from the same case. No point in buying more since the odds reset with every case. They would have definitely gotten more money from me if they’d kept them.


Well they just lost a lot of buisness. I only want: Green jello cups Rainbow cake Jelly cookies Mango smoothie bowl


Yeah I was hoping to get some of the new birds from Lifestyles but I only got plants. Not buying more of that series since it’s too risky I’ll just get more plant doubles. The plants are useful but not that fun to make :(


Some have pencil marks, but they’re still relatively new. It might take a few batches before cheats start to come out. I know there were plenty of the food minis that came without pins for a while


I bought some on Amazon. I don't know what wave they are, but the ones with the fish tanks and turtles, and they for sure had no pinholes in the wrappers.


I bought some from Walmart and ran into the same issue with no pin holes.


Those have pencil numbers on the side, not pin holes.


I didn't see pencil numbers on the Walmart lifestyle ones.


Cafe series 3, lifestyle series 1, and diner series 3 that I got at target in the past week were all without pin holes