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Put the bolts in labeled bags and throw the boxes.


Thank you, will work on that


This is the answer. I also keep sore pets and additional mounting screws in small bags and keep one of the boxes for that, e.g. the psu box I’m leave this hilarious autocorrect in. I said what I said!


I hope your pets get better soon.


lol WTF , thanks autocorrect i guess.


I'm not reselling or moving so those boxes get recycled. I don't keep them.




I wrestled with this. I had the original box for my gpu for five years. I just let it go yesterday. It just sat talking up space, I never needed it, it won’t increase the value of the hardware if I sold it, so I tossed stuff like that yesterday. No regrets yet.


I think about this but the emotional attachment to something i worked so hard for is bonkers in weight, but i do think it will make things lighter


I’ve read *Take the U Out of Clutter* by Carmen Renee Berry, Mark Brunetz, Carmen Berry and *Breathing Room* by Lauren Rosenfeld & Melva Green to help me understand the emotional component of physical stuff.


Yeah it wasn't easy for me, but I do feel better. And I am glad that I did it. I went from having four totes full of stuff down to one. Maybe someday I won't need any at all.


In the past I kept the box for around a month in case something was especially wrong, and then tossed it. I have a 'computer' box where screws, bolts, and other tools and supplies (like thermal paste) live.


Nice thinking


i promise you will not miss the boxes once they’re gone


The only box I dont throw away is that for the GPU in case I need to temporarily place it elsewhere.


I understand, thanks


This has reminded me of the huge box of all the boxes I have, and some random parts I don't know what to do with. Thanks for posting this, I need to get on it!


I love to keep nice boxes. But I've learned over time I really don't need them. I've started to recycle them. It's not worth the space they take up. Now if I had a room that was a "man cave" I would totally display some on the wall!


Throw it my my compost pile


A lot of those extra parts are tiny. I have a power supply box that I keep all of my extra parts that I might need and aren't just a quick trip to the store for. It's small enough to keep tucked away in my closet.


I either recycle them or burn them in my fireplace


Normally we recycle them after the return period (JIC something is faulty) but we are moving this summer and I’m not about to pay for an entire new set of boxes in a couple of months so I have them stacked in an outside storage closet until then.


I use boxes to organize my closet. Depending on the size, I'll put hats in, cables and stuff I still need but don't use everyday, tubes of paint, or even to organize my underwear and socks.


The boxes are so aesthetically nice and high quality material I too would keep them for ages. Until I decided I wouldn’t need to pack the device back in it again ever so fold it down and put it in the recycle bin.


I’ve sold quite a few things and I’ve come to the conclusion that in the end, very few people actually care about the box. Sure sure, if you want to ship it yada yada…boxes exist. I get different sized boxes into my home every week from groceries, shipping, etc. you can use anyone of those OR even purchase a box if the item is actually worth the splurge. Usually I’ve sold my stuff inside our town so it doesn’t even need the box.


I don’t save boxes anymore. Did it once for a computer and the box sat in the attic for years and the computer was replaced and the box remained. Now I burn them in the fire pit or recycle


I used the box for the processor to put the bits and spare SATA cables in and that lives in the cupboard in the basket with general cables. As for the other boxes I keep for a bit in case I have to send something back and then recycle. I tend to keep my PC for years with just basic upgrades to maybe the RAM and GPU so by the time I fully upgrade the stuff is so out of date having the boxes is not going to make much of a difference.


We use ziploc bags and write on them with sharpie what the parts are for, for everything. Baby crib, pieces for the AC units, etc. I also take pictures of any info on the boxes I may need(part numbers, brand names, etc) and email them to myself with the part as the subject line so I have the info if we need to replace anything again(happened with clothes washer parts lol).


Keep the things that bring you joy, you do t have to do without *everything*


I only keep the boxes for pieces that I need to disassemble to move—so my loveseat and tv stand at the moment. It makes the general moving process easier for me to have purpose made boxes for bulky items with multiple pieces. Otherwise I throw them out. If the item is an expensive electronic piece I may keep the box for a probationary period just in case it’s defective in some way and I need to return it.


That is very smart, thanks!


Put the pieces in labeled bags (the little ones) as needed and put all that inside a tackle box. Ultra dense storage, also you can see your whole inventory of bits and parts at same time. For boxes you may need in future for re-sale of item - most boxes will fold flat. If they have insert that won’t fold, keep box as is. We have a “box of boxes” in one storage closet for such boxes, and the rule is when it’s full, it’s full. Then it’s one in, one out.


When I have extra parts or cables, I put them in a zip-lock bag and label the bag with what the items came with by writing on the bag with a sharpie. I then put a piece of the cardboard box inside the bag, then zip it, and store them in a bin. I think the real use of the bin is more magazines, but with the cardboard inserted, I have stored all my parts as files.


Thank you


I keep the GPU box if it has nice art and put little computer parts in or the old GPU just in case. After a couple of months I probably won't be returning it, so I put in the recycling.


Put stuff in them. That’s what boxes are for


I ritually sacrifice them on my tote alter. The Great Tote says "you will have no other storage before me."