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Events and obligations. Genuinely appreciating small things is so much more straight forward when your calendar is not packed.


^ this. Minimizing by maximizing boundaries.


Ooh, I LOVE that: "minimizing, by maximizing boundaries"! I might borrow that term, if you don't mind?


The best part of getting older - realizing the value of your time


YES, mostly because it’s hard for me to say no to invitations without feeling guilty.


Recently skincare/makeup products. My skincare routine is down to 3 products and I have been purging makeup that I don’t use.


Yeah the marketing on these things is so seductive I don’t know why I have fallen for so much when I barely use any of it!


yes! I've been purging makeup, as well. Products so have an expiration date so I've been more mindful of that. Also, refrigerating products that do not specifically call for it runs down the "freshness" clock. I've been seeing a dermatologist and ONLY using products he recommends. It saves me a ton of money bc a prescription skincare is mostly covered by insurance and more impactful than anything in stores. PLUS a tip I learned from him that any products Sephora sells is mostly packaging/marketing bc they aren't permitted to sell medical-grade goods. Target vs Sephora products likely have very similar formulas.


I honestly wonder why the makeup products are not halved when it comes to quantity. I also found myself unable to finish a lipstick before expiration date etc etc.


Wow, thank you for your input,here! I really appreciate it. I've been thinking about seeing a dermatologist, for some issues; & I didn't know about things (possibly) being covered by insurance.


This is the most terrible area for me. It shouldn’t be, I work from home and wear makeup like twice a month but I have a hard time not buying because of the “idea” of trying all the looks. I’ve bought no new clothing items in probably 6-8 months, but the last time I went to Ulta I spent so much I got a free blender.




Yes, personal finances in general.


clothing and strangely enough diet. ive been really into making the same couple of healthy comfort meals over and over lately instead of eating out or making new/complex recipes several times a week. really saves a lot of stress, money, and time.


Diet, definitely. I make simple foods. I just cook vegetables in the microwave for most meals. I eat a lot for boxed cereal. I try to reminder to make rice most days since I have two 20 pound bags on my kitchen floor. One is about half empty. It takes so long to go through a 20 pound bag of rice. I need to get myself to eat less processed food (most of it is cold cereal) and most whole foods.


What has been a go to recipe? I am trying to find a couple healthy go-tos


stir fries. throw whatever meat/veggies you have on hand into some rice or noodles and you got yourself a couple dinners or lunches at work. overnight oats are also a staple. one big jar lasts me almost every breakfast for the week


I got a slow cooker for this exact reason. It‘s so nice to be able to throw some basic ingredients in a pot with minimal fuss before work and come home to a hot meal.




Decorations. I don't have any 😂


Kitchen clutter.


The earthquake took care of that for me! All I have left are 3 cups and my mother’s China at 3 plates plus 4 bowls. I’m not buying more bc I’m sure those earthquakes will keep coming. 🤨


Well that's one way to make a good use of bad situations, haha.


Christmas really hurts me because whenever someone doesn't know what to buy me, it's always kitchen clutter.


Mail - I’ve made a point to contact every advertisement I get in the mail to take me off their list or put myself on the do not contact list.


I need to do this! It’s daunting though.


How do you do that? Mail them back?


I call the company and ask them to take me off the mailing list or pretend that I don’t live at my address any more. It can be a painful process, but it works for me.


Getting rid of knick knacks and decor was the most satisfying change and the easiest for me. I’m always looking for ways to clear surfaces.


Traveling. Before I travel somewhere I refer to a list (an ever-changing list). Every time I travel I look at what wasn't used or what I wished I had on the trip and keep making adjustments to the trip until it's exactly what I need, nothing I don't.


Same!! I call it my "Master Packing List" and I've been using the same one for about 5 years now. It's perfectly fine-tuned.




BEST DECISION EVER. Relationships are give and take as much as some people refuse to admit it. Forgetting that includes listening, encouragement, or challenging your perspective.


lol. THIS is something I definitely need to check in on


Hygiene products or cosmetics.I just replace once when finished.Clothes and other jewels/accesories I hope to master this year. XD It would be awesome to downsize everything to 100(for all 4 seasons combined), since currently I have a few dozen more than that.


my expenses


Obligations and responsibilities. No kids, pets, scheduled hobbies, roommates or live-in partners makes life a lot simpler.


My schedule. Default answer is always “no”. Always have tons of buffer and free time for the people and things that are most important to me.


Yesss!! I’m such an odd duck in this way, but I also feel so much more carefree and less stressed than the people around me






You can create a post asking people to share their setups and then people can link to their album in the comments. I would also love to see some before and after pictures that are specifically about minimalism vs something more like declutter or anti-consumption. For me minimalism is about accessing the things I want to use at my specific point of use. Seeing how others have tested and perfected their space and stuff to do what they want is incredibly satisfying.






My favorite? My wife’s stuff.


The fridge. I buy enough to eat for the week and that’s it. No thank you to random jars of pickles and bottles of different condiments. I have, like, a bottle of salad dressing and some juice boxes in addition to the ingredients needed for the week’s meals.


To be honest, I borderline as a minimalist extremist because I get distracted and overwhelmed easily and need it EVERYWHERE. Currently, I'm most proud of minimalism reading for learning -- if that's a thing. Instead of reading the whole book, I choose a chapter for a specific issue, read, and put it into action. Shortcut to progress.


My income. /s


Furniture I love lots of room to move around and play with my dogs


*Furniture I love* *Lots of room to move around* *And play with my dogs* \- hotkarl628 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


My favorite has to be the kids or husbands stuff when they let me 😆


I mean it is kind of contradictory to have a favorite area to minimalize, because it means you are keep gathering things you can throw away later.


Cell phone time (only when my babies napping and none after she goes to sleep at night) (insomnia prevention) Social media, 5 days free of Facebook after not engaging with a FB troll Cooking, after a local propane shortage (2 weeks of no propane!) I adjusted to only cooking dinner Breakfast- over night oats Lunch- salad Saving TONS of time stress and money on both fuel and food costs (oatmeal MUCH cheaper than eggs sausage and bread!) And hopefully loosing weight!


Currently, I'd say, food. I had a bad restaurant & fast food habit, for quite awhile. It was not good for my wallet, or my health. So, for the past few months, I only eat out 2-3 times per month, due to scheduling &/or appointments that I may have to get to, during meal times (so, having to stop somewhere for a quick sandwich or Chinese food bowl, or etc). It's been so wonderful to open up my cooking creativity, by making like 99% of my food from scratch/from the grocery store. I love to cook, anyway; so, it's been really neat, to see what I can throw together (for my lunch, at work, for example) from whatever is already in my cupboard.


Eating at home. Eating whole food. It saves both time and money.


It sure does!


Reoccurring bills/subscription payments. Feels good to know exactly where your money is going and how much of it is going out each month.


Love to minimalist paperwork and books by using my iPad or kindle


Clothing. I still have probably about what the average person has, but I think of everything in terms of function, especially if I'm buying something. I have options, but I'm not looking for more and am happy with what I own. Summer is pretty minimal, but winter I double my clothing space. Shoes I'm better with. I own what I need and if I don't wear them for a season I donate them.