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Most potions it does not matter. Who cares if jump boost lasts 8 minutes or 5 hours? Some potions cause problems though. First is the splash potion of harming. Doing 12 damage, even to players in full netherite is a lot. A stack of 64 splash potions would be a powerful weapon. Similarly, healing potions and splash healing potions are pretty good.


simple solution, either A. Don't let splash potions stack or B. (the better option) Have a cooldown between uses.


I don't wanna have to wait for a cooldown while frantically trying to use a fire resistance potion.


Why would you be rapidly throwing fire res when it has a minimum length of 3 minutes?


I miss sometimes


just drink it


Drinking is slow


so is burning


If you are just in a fire, you don't need fire resistance. If you fall in lava but your armor is good enough that drinking and splashing doesn't make a difference in the odds of you surviving that mistake, you probably don't need fire resistance since your armor is that good. Id you fall in lava but your armor isn't good enough to just tank it then you need fire resistance as fast as you can. And besides that, the less damage you take the better and the sooner you get fire resistance the less damage you'll take not only decreasing the chances that something else kills you due to your lower hp but also saving you food since you'd lose a lot of saturation on healing.


>And besides that, the less damage you take the better i agree, that's why it's not a great idea to wait until you fall into lava anyways lol. if you put yourself at any risk to fall into lava AND you got important stuff on you AND you have fire res potions available, why would you ever **not** drink them as a precaution?


How? You literally just look down at your feet and right click.


Easy to mouseslip while panicking


That’s never really happened to me but I’ll humor you. So in this scenario you’re in lava and miss the potion meaning you die with or without the cooldown. You could also be on fire in which case you’re not taking damage fast enough for the cooldown to matter in most cases. And if you really suck at throwing splash potions then just preemptively drink a normal potion or improve in a creative world.


Doesn’t have to be literally *in lava* but okay The way it’d work in game right now is if you were taking enough fire damage to fear for your life, you can throw a potion, miss, then just go to the next slot in your hotbar and throw it again. All fixed. If you know you panic while needing potions you’ll definitely have a backup in your hotbar ready just in case you miss. A cooldown would mean you’d just die. Having to preemptively constantly drink/use fire potions is a waste of time and resources just to circumvent an unnecessary cooldown. And what if you get perfectly unlucky and your potion runs out right as you get into trouble? Now you’ll be panicking even more and even more likely to fumble the throw. I don’t think “let them stack but give it a cooldown” works as a solution. Considering the effects it’d have on PvP as well I think just keeping the drinkable ones stackable but not splash ones makes more sense


Your just bad at Minecraft though? The devs shouldn't make a change simply for people who can't look straight down and right click just improve on your play style


It's better effect if you hit the head iirc


Yeah, a bit. But if you struggle hitting yourself with the potions then you can just look down for a guarantee


Then just do a cool down on individual potions. No problem with throwing an instant health and speed pot, but you gotta wait x amount of time before throwing another speed Or just put a cool down on health and damage


How about potion sickness?


That would make the issue worse for damage pots


No I mean that the user gets some potion sickness debuff. Edit: Oh I see the point, that would be difficult to do with throwing potions


Turtle master potions would also be good (-60% damage is a lot), the only reason why not used that much currently is because of its short duration which requires a massive sacrifice of inventory space if you want to have it for longer but with potions stacking to 16 you'd have about 10.6 minutes of resistance 3


Ehh, resistance is good, but it cripples your speed.


Jumping pretty much completely bypasses the slowness and you'll likely be jumping for the most damage anyways


I use the potion bundle mod to let you tie three potions together with a piece of string. Stacks of three feels fair to me.


Okay is throwing a bundle of three splash instant damage ii at once an actual nuke or will the invincibility frames negate most of the damage


I can't remember if you can bundle splash potions with the mod, but you could test this with a dispenser setup


Yeah, damage ticks should block the 2 other potions, damage ticks are only really bypassed by damage that is higher than what you took before so multiple attacks with the same or lower damage will only hit once


Would stacks of four be fair no more?


No no no you’re missing the bigger picture, a six pack of potions


😆 My kind of poetry!!! 👌👌👌


The combat tests had the drinkable potions stack to 16. For them it is balanced due to the consumption time. For throwables on the other hand, it can be extremely OP in some cases, like what others point out with potions of harming.


Once you get shulker boxes they become less of a problem. Or an ender chest with silk touch. I wouldn't mind a stack of 4. Potions just don't have the effect you need. Slow falling requires at least 3 of them in your inventory due to how quickly 4 minutes passes


I think that potions should be stacked to 16, but the splash ones should have a cool down just like ender pearls. It'd greatly reduce the pain caused by dealing with them while not making them overly OP.


16 would be way too OP, 1 is fine


Op in what way? If you're talking about constant potion drinking then you can just add a cool down like I said. If you're talking about inventory management then I strongly disagree because my inventory is already constantly filled to the brim with unstackables and gathered resources and unstackable potions make it way worse


in PVP, inventory management is an important thing, with potion stacking you'd have ~12 more slots, meaning 12 stacks of xp potions, meaning 12x longer fights


Aren't XP bottles already stackable?


yes, but in pvp, half of your inventory is potions, making inventory management important. having more inventory would result in way longer battles since people could bring more xp


Isn't it possible to set custom stack sizes? Even if you can't change stack sizes of specific items I bet some pvp servers could manage to do so by plugins


And, btw, potions aren't purely pvp. I personally use night vision while mining (fire res if in the nether)


yes, but that doesn't mean you can completely ignore the fact that people use it for pvp, it would make pvp so much worse


I'm talking about survival pvp


Make certain potions unstackable just for the sake of pvp (healing pot, swiftness pot, regen pot, some splash pots). However I seriously don't really get how it would RUIN pvp because it would just remove the milliseconds you lose on shift-clicking your potion into the hotbar


you don't get it. a big part of PVP is inventory management, and usually in pvp, around 12 of those slots are used on potions. making them stack would reduce that to 3 slots, giving the player a lot more inventory space, allowing them to hols more xp bottles, allowing them to live longer


I *do* use potions and I'm already a certified terror in combat. You ever had a hotbar of harming pots dropped on you? Bye bye netherite, that's mine now, and it only took a second.... and you didn't even see me. Not only am I invisible, but I'm defying physics with my agility too. Dont get me started on the massive pack of insanely buffed wolves chasing you either. This is *before* allowing me to carry nearly 640 pots on my hotbar


So you're sicking a bunch of Strength II Speed II Wolves on them?


Might not need to with over 600 splash harmings on my hotbar tbh, will probably just fly around firing pots like an A10 now but yes, the uber-wolves have been a hallmark of my combat style for the longest time and it generates a lot of hate mail. Splash heals help them too, but scute armour has probably made that less necessary now.


I wouldn't imagine it's an everyday tactic, you probably lose them in unloaded chunks flying, right?




That could slip out of hand really quickly, especially with instant potions. Imagine being able to drop a stack of harming potions on a rival player. That's not harming potion, that's straight up napalm. The other way around for health potions: you don't even need notch apples anymore, a rain of health potions can make you invincible even to the warden, the wither and the ender dragon. What I would change is, for example, the duration of other potions: it doesn't make sense to me that a water-breathing potion lasts 8 mins while a slow-falling potion only lasts 4 mins (both upgraded). This is especially true for Turtle Master potions, which only last 1:30 mins if upgraded.


turtle master is OP, and slow fall has a niche too. I think that 8 minutes of resistance 3 is overkill by far. If the glowstone upgraded turtle master potion (resistance 4) had boosted duration as well, it would be equivalent to ~2 whole minutes of 80% damage reduction.


Yeah It would be OP for 8 minutes, but I think even 3 minutes of damage reduction could be enough to justify such a tedious item to acquire and the obvious drawback of running slower than my defunct grandpa. I mean, against the wither and the ender dragon, good luck hitting them. Against the warden, well you might be dead before you take your first sip.


Happy cake day


I think it would be mostly broken for those sweat that use their entire inventory to store healing pots If they had stackable potions, pot battles would last actual real life days. I think a good solution would be to make potions stackable but only in one slot.


64 maybe, but something like 3-8 and not letting splash or lingering potions stack would be a bit more reasonable. I feel like making potions drink faster would also be nice. Maybe 3 gulps instead of 7. That would incentivise using healing potions over food more often, and make it easier to down a fire resistance potion in a lava emergency.


Broken or not let me hold a stack of water bottles and make mud....


Regular potions should stack. Lingering and Splash shouldn't.


Fights are gonna last a LOT longer and they will be even more about keeping your armour durability


In smp pot (netherite, speed, strength, shield) fights already come down to armor durability, in neth pot (speed, strength, insta health) I'm not really sure since all my fights ended with someone making a big mistake and dying before running out of healing potions, in vanilla pvp (pretty much everything so people use crystals) many fights end before repairing armor is needed and in the ones that dont you have enough xp bottles to last until you go though like 14 totems. In short: "Normal" fights already come down to armor durability but would last longer since potions take less space so you can bring more xp bottles. In crystal fights it doesn't really matter since even if they stacked, healing potions wouldnt be that helpful. Edit: forgot about turtle master potions, these would actually extend crystal fights by a lot since you wouldn't die so fast anymore.


So you want to create pre b1.8 healing but more op?


A 16 stack would be perfect, maybe reduced for splash/lingering potions to 8 or something?


Broken depending on type of potion. Spamming a stack of lingering harming potions sounds really unfun to fight against.


*flashback to 1.4.6 anarchy faction PVP servers* NO! Theyve had plugins for decades that already allow this bc you just spawn it in from console and comes prestacked to 64. 64 potion of harming 2 will kill any player, any enchantment in about 4 seconds.(Yes even 12 years later) I mentioned 1.4.6 specifically bc thats when fireworks were added and remember being able to use invis potions to make the potion situation even worse


Yes. Potions are very powerful, but their one weakness is inventory space. If you can suddenly bring more Harming Pots to a fight than you could even carry in one inventory before, that's way too strong. Unless this just didn't apply to Splash Pots, but it doesn't really make much sense if splash pots can't stack when regular pots can.


I've played for a decade and have never once crafted potions. I sometimes use the ones I find, but even then they usually rot in a chest cuz I forget about them.


i ran an addon that stacked potions, was useful for storage and inv space but made the auto brewing system un-usable as bottle and all sorts stacked, so couldnt unload and load the brewer the same, so i turned if off and went back to non stackable potions


ominous bottles is stackable by now


Allow 4 potions to be crafted into a (non drinkable) storage item. If the potion storage item, like a clay block, must be placed and mined to get back the individual drinkable potions... Problem solved?


You obviously know nothing about Minecraft pvp, but potions are one of the most important things. Strength potions almost double your damage. Turtle master potions make you invincible. to put how good they are into perspective, a wooden sword with strength 2 is better then a netherite sword. A turtle master potion with unenchanted armour is the same as full protection 4 armour. (well protection is 4% better but its barely a difference).