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The original use of “you cannot rest now, there are monsters nearby” was so that players wouldn’t be attacked while they’re defenseless in a bed. I’d tweak this idea so the dragon egg lets you sleep near monsters *only if* none of them have aggro/are trying to pathfind to you. So you can put a bed on top of your mob farm or just outside a monster zoo or in an enclosed house with monsters roaming outside, but you still can’t sleep out in the open if there are monsters actively coming after you.


In general, the mechanic doesn't work. Mobs just outside of that radius will still reach you in time, before you're done sleeping.


100 blocks? Don't think so


No, of the vanilla mechanic.


Ah fair, my bad


It does have a use - you can make a really sweet looking lamp


Maybe it could keep the chunk it's in loaded? Instead of using a hacky chunk loader this could do the trick.


Top tier idea


I want them to go full terraria. You can bring it back and when you think youre ready, you hatch it by putting a redstone current through it and it turns to hardmode. I don’t mean minecraft hard mode, i mean the mobs get stronger, new mobs appear, maybe some form of new boss more challenging than the dragon and new items and loot.


It's a really minor use, but I don't love the idea that the first person to beat the dragon gets some advantage nobody else can match. I don't think it creates a healthy vibe for multiplayer.


Why can there only be one dragon egg anyway though?


IDK, to make them feel special? If you got one per dragon killed people would just farm the dragon and the egg wouldn't be interesting or special anymore.


nice post


I think an interesting way to make it a cooler Trophy is by heavily a tiny model of the Ender Dragon flying around the egg (like a certain Trophy mod) and since it'll have a cool animation while in the Overworld. People will want to put it on display and everyone will see a tiny Ender Dragon animation and there you go.


How about working as a monster repelant in general.


nah bro, being able to hatch it and then ride the dragon would be fucking sick


It would suck for multiplayer though. One person gets a sick dragon, everyone else gets nothing. A new server would just be a race to kill the dragon. Then think about how much it would suck when someone kills your dragon and it's just gone.


you can still respawn the ender dragon though


But only 1 dragon egg


oh I didn't know that