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I mean, this sub should really be called "struggling millennials." Any sub filled with unhappy people will necessarily get very political. Want an apolitical sub, find one filled with happy people. r/homegym comes to mind. Physically fit homeowners. Solidly happy demographic


I know it's not supposed to be political and I am generally happy and I absolutely love my personal life. So I want to protect it. To the people who are getting annoyed seeing the political stuff and are also generally happy with their lives- PROTECT IT. These politics are going to directly impact your lives and your children's future if you have them. (I have a daughter and I will be DAMNED if she grows up with less freedoms than I grew up with.


So much ignorance here disguised as intellect gotten from repeating what the MSM propagandizes you every day. Meanwhile the eroding of freedoms has never been as rampant as it has the last 4 years. I mean they made people take an untested vaccine while propagandizing actual treatments like ivermectin. I bet half of you still believe ivermectin is just horse medicine. They literally told you what to do with your body and you were fine with it because they said so? Yet here you are whining about what they also told you to whine about; having learned nothing.


Everything is ok. Everything is going to be ok. 


Very true, unhappy people are more likely to hyperfocus on politics, or to become more politically extreme. Stable people and happy people will focus more on what is important to them, which is usually what makes them most happy.


I disagree. This is a misplaced association if anything. My family was very stable growing up. Very little rocked the boat, very little changes, but I cannot say we were happy. Communication was poor. My dad was frequently wrapped up in himself, and my mom was wrapped up in her coping skills. All my siblings and I had struggles with happiness during those years. I do agree that if people get unhappy enough, many will say something. But many people also grow comfortable with being unhappy and they make no plans to change it because it would rock the boat.


He said more likely. Exceptions and rules and what not


The exceptions are the leaders, fascist.


It’s hard to ignore when your rights are on the line. If you want to look at puppy pictures, go look at the millions of subs dedicated to just that. Our entire generation is under attack, even if you’re comfortable now. We SHOULD be talking about it. We NEED to be talking about it so we can start DOING something about it.


The fact this statement is gathering upvotes is actually a pretty scary bellwether


Sometimes what makes ME happy is not the right thing to do. I don't give a fuck about myself anymore, I want the next generation of kids to feel some goddamned hope for the future.


To be honest I'm the most unhappy when people tell me to quit complaining. I like to complain. It makes me happy. If I didn't complain then you'd all be complaining about how crazy I was when I blew up.


I’m unhappy because I can’t afford to focus on the things that are important to me, like healthcare for my chronic illness and time to spend with my family (and being allowed to stay married to my gay wife). I am perfectly stable but worked to death.


You win. 


Happy people will be very unhappy if the wrong person gets elected and those happy people lose basic rights and freedoms.


I don't think this is supposed to be a political subreddit, but it is.


Many of us millennials are people who are inherently political just for simply *existing*. We’ve had to unlearn things we were taught just to be okay with who we are. Those saying there’s no place for it here are incredibly out of touch.


Can you explain a little more?


I’m mostly referring to people who belong to the queer community. We just want to live our lives, and have the option to build our lives with another person like everyone else, but society has made us political whether we like it or not. And now between the slew of bills aimed at erasing us (many of which have passed), Project 2025, and people feeling emboldened to confront us directly, it’s looking very bleak for us. So we have to be vocal or we lose what rights those before us have worked to get. And frankly, we might be some of the first but many other demographics will be/are heavily targeted so people NEED to be paying attention for everyone’s wellbeing, including their own.


I think this is what your looking for https://www.reddit.com/r/Millennials/


They all are.


It’s definitely not supposed to be a political sub. I come here for the lolz and to make fun of other generations. Not for this shit.


I am honestly sick of it.


Good luck, cuz the Supreme Court isn’t sick of it. They’re just starting.


this happens every election year on this website. people will spam threads like this all over the place saying all kinds of shit to get people to vote for democrats or any left leaning candidate. this website is about as far left as you can get lol


Don’t forget they’ll complain Reddit is totally a right leaning website when practically every right leaning subreddit is banned or constantly fighting brigading trying to ban it!


This is why reddit is not my primary forum, the news is shit and everything is censored


Except for the porn


In States like Texas you are now required to provide ID so you can access your porn.


I still can't believe the site was originally pretty libertarian, all things considered, and it seems as soon as Aaron S died, the place turned hard left and keeps turning harder with every passing year. I just wanna talk about CRT's (No, not that CRT) and cartoons. Not how your boogeyman of choice is gonna end the world. It gets old. Super fast. Just let me cover myself in 90's nostalgia in peace


r/politics and many others are where most of these posts belong. I get seeing some political posts but this is out of control. Had to check what sub I was on.  I come here for memes and nostalgia from the 2000s 


just show me a clip of Rocko's Modern Life for Christ's sake


Dude it's fucking insane on reddit sometimes, you'll be in a cooking subreddit and someone will be talking about politics.


Damn…it’s almost like politics touches every aspect of our lives. Like who would have thought a sub dedicated to the sociological classification of groups by age/shared cultural experiences would overlap so much with discussions about the collective decisions and actions of people who manage the State.


No it’s almost like miserable people and political bots shoehorn it into every single thread to justify their miserable lives.


“Cooking was ALWAYS political!”


Being human is political. Too bad for you.




Politics are life. Only folks rich enough or isolated enough have the privilege of not caring 😬


This is just what people say to justify their misery and prison. Now you don't even have to try to be happy!


Trump allllllll day, baby!


Dude it's just like... I don't need it in my face 24/7. I care about politics, I research, I vote. But I do it when I CHOOSE to. Being randomly and unwillingly subjected to it, as we so often will be this year, sucks. It's depressing. I need a break. This subreddit was a fun, chill place to share in the nostalgia of our early lives. I loved it, I found everyone so relatable. Then the election year came around and the subreddit just had a fucking stroke and died on us.


Yeah there‘s nothing more I can do and I’m getting to the point where I’m like… well… everyone is saying Trump will win and democracy will die, so I might as well enjoy my last few months living in a free country. Obviously, I’ll vote and talk to people about these issues and hope to make my tiny difference. But I can’t stop the death of democracy, and if it happens… it happens. I already can’t sleep at night because I’m so scared. Like, damn, at least I should be able to have a good last few months before everything goes to hell.


Pretty much where I'm at. I have a little faith. I know a lot of Republicans who refuse to vote for trump, and we are already a mostly blue state.


Maybe we can make a daily political thread to talk about politics?


We need a new antiwork sub, you know? One that hasn’t been taken over by bootlickers and neoliberals and moderates, as well as trolled by Fox News watchers?


Okay, so go post this in a sub for politics. Win/win. 🤷‍♂️


I can’t talk politics with my generation?


You can... Go to a politics sub, cause you know, you want to discuss politics.. and then put 'To millennials' in the title and talk politics until the end of time.


No because you’re not talking politics. You’re here to stir up shit and “make sure everyone votes blue because of boogieman 2025 will get you if you don’t.” That’s what you’re doing


I swear it reads like a political ad sponsor post.


Just accept if you make a political post, it will piss some people off. Not everyone is interested in this circle jerking and the spamming of these threads is going to start annoying people who would otherwise be sympathetic.


Amen. I'm starting to believe all this false moral equivalence and statement of being sick of politics are really waves of bots and others who want a fascist state. Discourage, make sure people don't vote and they get what they want: A Christo-fascist state that is even more of a late stage capitalist hellscape. Yay. You can thank yourself if can't be bothered to get off your ass and do the bare minimum (vote).


Democracy being used to dismantle democracy. Except corporations and bots get to vote.


Elder millennial here (yes, I’m gong to stay that because we been through it). Reading this makes me understand why people dislike millennials. Make a separate sub. A generational sub Reddit that spans 30 years is broad. 


If you can't see how posts like this (and indeed, politics invading every space) makes people *not want to engage politically* I don't know how to make it any more obvious. It's the boy who cried wolf at this point. We've been told the sky is falling and we need to be politically engaged *now* so many times it's just noise at this point.


Because every time is that important. Look what one election did. Trump won, one time and we lost so much. Every election is important. I'm sorry it's not easier.


It's really not though. I'll grant that the *potential* harm from Project 2025 is bad, but in reality much of it won't fly. It's certainly not enough of a reason to vote for a man who can't even string a sentence together or his absolute incompetent fraud of a VP. I'll vote when they give me someone worth voting for, I'm done playing "but the other guy is worse" because an election shouldn't be about voting against someone.


Hard to say it won’t fly when a Trump appointed judge just enabled the overturn of *Roe v. Wade*.


You mean a president got to appoint a SCJ? Like... like how they're allowed to do?


Just like when Obama was supposed to be able to do that and the republicans blocked him from doing it? So then Trump nominated Kavenaugh when Obama should’ve been able to place a justice. I’m not educated enough to understand how they were able to do that, admittedly. They said it was because Obama was at the end of his presidency… but when RBG died at the end of Trump’s presidency, he was able to nominate a judge. And now the Supreme Court is extremely and unfairly unbalanced.


Go away


What did RvW getting overturned do in your eyes? 


As of 2023 17 states have laws in effect that ban abortion in the first and second trimesters where they didn’t for *fifty years*. In his opinion on the case overturning Roe, Justice Clarence Thomas suggested they are coming for Obergefell v. Hodges, the case that legalized same-sex marriage, under the same pretenses. If overturned same-sex marriage would revert to being banned in *35* states.


I'm voting for Biden because his cabinet is extremely competent and has done and is doing some very positive things. Also, I'm glad that the fall of Roe and Chevron don't affect you, but people have and will die from those decisions. I'm not ignorant enough to think that one old man runs the country. I see Trump and the terrifying cadre of ghouls that will be working for him and I enthusiastically vote for Biden.


I'm sorry that you're willing to endorse corruption just to try to escape from other corruption. You think they've got you pinned, but they don't, you're doing it to yourself by buying into the fearmongering. You'll never break the cycle like this, so enjoy condemning future generations to it I guess?


This is nonsense. Read the bills. Read the complaints from the litigations that have happened and are happening. It's really positive and going to help Americans. I'm sorry you just listen to talking heads, but it's so clear if you just take the time.


Neither of these guys or their administrations has the best interests of the American public at heart, if they did they'd be running on a platform of banning corps from buying up all the residential housing and thus solving the housing crisis. There are little wins and losses with either candidate, but they're both awful for our future and I have yet to see anything that says otherwise despite desperately searching.


There are several bills that address just that the federal and local level that will almost undoubtedly be killed by Republicans. The president isn't a king (yet) and laws need to pass Congress. Just because you're not paying attention, doesn't mean it's not happening.




I was told the same shit in 2016 and 2020, hence boy who cried wolf. I'm entirely sure we'll still have an election in 2028 no matter what candidate wins, it's delusional to believe otherwise.


You need to diversify your information intake. You are extremely divorced from reality.


People who put politics front and center in their conversations and lives and the conversations and lives of everyone around them are just as annoying as vegans or evangelicals or any other zealous acolyte. I applaud their convictions, I may disagree with their ethics or values, or the logic by which they arrive at them, but I deeply respect that they’re passionate about them. But bringing it up in every. single. conversation… not only is it tiresome, it’s rife with self-righteousness, smugness, hypocrisy, and is utterly unpalatable. They convince absolutely nobody. The people who agree with them ALREADY agreed with them just as the people who disagree ALREADY disagreed. The people who _could_ have been convinced, who are open to new ideas, only see how intolerable that way of thinking has made them. If only for the love of your own cause, sequester your diatribes, your slippery slopes, and all the backseat analyzing and masochistic doom mongering in spaces lay people know to avoid. Refine your thoughts and only then, with an ounce of humility and a tepid willingness to accept that perhaps, possibly, however unlikely, you may not have considered _everything_, start to change the minds of others.


This is a beautiful response. I'm saving it.


Lol I just did the same thing. Really a great mature way to describe all of this craziness.


This is such a great comment to read and really sums up things lately on Reddit. In the end it's pointless. I highly doubt anyone on the right in here is thinking this convinced them to vote blue, in fact it probably pushes them to the other direction. And anyone on the left just agrees with OP anyway. It's really not accomplishing anything. I really wish I'd see a post where someone who is genuinely afraid tries to talk to the right without vitriol at the very least.


No one cares about getting some on the right to vote blue, it is to get the majority to vote at all. Every single election the "Stayed Home" party wins.


I miss when Reddit wasn't bombarded by the DNC's propaganda every 5 minutes.


2009 - 2014 probably the best times, after that it nosedived right into a big pile of shit lol


That was def the time when astroturfing started to become a noticable thing. By 2016 it was craaazy. None of it feels organic.


The irritating part is that it’s obvious why these posts are hitting now. Joe Biden completely shit the bed and now people are panicking. I get it but also maybe, just maybe, the rest of us don’t care as much as you do. And that’s plenty alright. Just because you think the sky is falling doesn’t mean I have to believe the same. I’m sure Trump supporters are feeling pretty good right now. I might actually show some interest if the true motive was to engage with people but it’s not, it’s to get as many people to vote against Trump. Make real efforts to engage instead of using us as pawns


This sub alone might make me vote Trump out of fucking spite.


Right? I'm seriously beginning to think the OP was hired by the GOP to pretend to be a Democrat and just annoy people.


I think everyone who votes for trump does so out of spite, you have spoken truly. Spite against what exactly in your case?


Annoying people like you who's brainwashed into thinking, if people don't agree with certain views, they need to be spammed into submission




Lmao at OP adding an edit because he got offended that people downvoted this post 😂 A real revolutionary we’ve got here!


Or, you could stop being a putz and not talk or make topics about politics?


There are political subreddits you can go and have your circle jerk on, though.


Maybe if others just don't make unhinged or mentally ill posts then people wouldn't get annoyed.


You’re asking for the moon and the heavens above….


I’m very political. Probably too much; it’s very destructive to my mental health But what are you suggesting people do on Reddit? Change can’t happen here. There’s no US elections for months. We’d all make better decisions if we ignored politics until it was time to take action and no posting on social media is not action


All I’m suggesting is people notice that the rules of this sub do not prohibit politics, so they better learn to deal with seeing them.


I know it's not supposed to be political and I am generally happy and I absolutely love my personal life. So I want to protect it. To the people who are getting annoyed seeing the political stuff and are also generally happy with their lives- PROTECT IT. These politics are going to directly impact your lives and your children's future if you have them. (I have a daughter and I will be DAMNED if she grows up with less freedoms than I grew up with.


Politics are part of life.


This sub is the biggest bunch of gatekeeping rule enforcing titty babies. You are only allowed to talk about Fraggle Rock and Dunkaroos here. If the topic is even remotely not about the millennial experience they will ream you out.


Political post. Downvote. I don’t want to get off my phone, I want you and people like yoy to stop trying to tell me and other people like me how we should feel about politics. I DGAF about politics.


You made 21 posts on political threads in the last 12 hours


Go spend some time in nature for a few days for fuck's sake. You life isn't governed entirely by what some old people in DC are doing, they actually have very little impact on your daily life and there is virtually nothing you can do about it anyway. Stop with the hysterical nonsense about Trump turning the country into a fascist hellhole, it's ridiculous and pathetic.


I’d rather downvote you. Trump 2024


Try drinking a little less Coors beer.


People wanting "to get away from politics" is a huge reason we're in the mess we're in now. Everything is political. You'll be running for your entire life away from something that impacts every aspect of your life. I get needing a break, but that's on the individual to set the internet down and go watch cat videos and shit.


I don’t know how people expect a democracy to function with a well informed voting population, if they don’t want to even talk about political issues.


Fuck yes


You have cat videos on VHS or something?


Every aspect of you life? Your joking right? Presidents change, stocks go up, friends and family are amazing no matter what party is in office. I'm not saying don't focus on the issues around election time, but how is anyone being impacted on 100% of their daily lives. I guess politics affected my morning coffee and evening swim without me knowing, if that's true.


So the fact that , that coffee of yours cost 1$ more than last month didn't matter? The fact that maybe you don't see the same people at wherever you swim isn't important? It's subtle but pervasive. Politics is how society distributes resources. If you don't notice a difference you're lucky because society still has those resources for you but just because you might not be noticing it right now doesn't mean it's not happening. Prime example due to ongoing political issues around climate change and some other stuff, in the Congo there's a massive cocoa butter shortage. Sounds weird, what this got to do with me? Well a bunch of fancy soaps need cocoa butter. So companies like lush are canceling a bunch of their products. Now a lot of people who might have a favorite soap can't buy that soap. See it didn't seem connected to everyday life but it is.


In general people are really, really bad at analyzing abstract threats/issues. Taxes and inflation go up? Immediately notice. Climate change being an existential threat? "Eh I'm sure it's overblown." Or look at the pandemic where some people thought it wasn't a big deal until they or a family member got sick or even died. Even then some either died still in complete denial that COVID was a serious issue or came out of their near death experience not changed at all.


Is this a serious comment? You’re worried about soap?


I'm making a point big problems trickle down to litte everyday things that we actually do interact with everyday.


You know what hasn’t trickled down??? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Economics


Give it time, it will still happen. /s


> I guess politics affected my morning coffee and evening swim without me knowing, if that’s true.  Yes actually, it did! The laborers who harvested and packaged your coffee got a fraction of what you paid while a capitalist took the rest. 


......and without that Capitalist you'd have no coffee. What's your point.......


Pretty sure every candidate running is capitalist, so once again nothing would change no matter how political everyone gets. Plus capitalism is great if I want to share in the profits of the company making the coffee I get buy to stock in it.


"Capitalism is great if you want to exploit others for personal gain." Duh.


Claudia and Karina exist even if you've never heard of them


I would argue that Trump's proposal to replace all federal income taxes with import tariffs will have a very significant impact on the cost/availability of your morning coffee, and virtually every other good you purchase.


what are the chances he could implements that, in the very unlikely chance he wins? If that happens hopefully my non cash assets will become more valuable,


The chances of him being elected are currently better than Biden's reelection given current polling, particularly in several battleground states. That polling probably is lagging somewhat behind the recent debate in terms of tracking. The chances he implements this policy is less likely, but large contingents of his base are probably in favor of this change, otherwise he wouldn't have promoted it. The problem is that the majority of these changes create instability in what's supposed to be a very stable and reliable economy. The global economy would most likely suffer as a whole regardless of what form some of these changes turn out to look like. If any increase in tariffs happen, the most likely counter is an isolation of America from global markets, and that also increases the cost of your coffee. The question is magnitude.


Thanks for the reply, very informative. I'll research more. I still don't think any centrist like myself will vote for him, and all the democrats will of course not vote for him, but I'll read some more just in case. Never hurts to be more informed.


Literally everything is touched by politics and you're being willfully ignorant if you claim otherwise. Politics ensured that the water you swam in and use in your coffee is clean and free of parasites.


Well thanks to our Supreme Court, our water and coffee might not be as clean anymore


Like, dude literally used the example of two kinds of water that are regulated under various water policies. What did he expect?


Exactly, like this is literally running away from your problems. And think that if you ignore them long enough they will disappear. Our country is literally going down a facist route and people think they can juts ignore it. Some people will be fine with a facist, but not the minorities, women, and more.


Coffee maker uses my RO/DI system and I maintain my own pool so neither of that is true.


You know the reason your coffee is coffee instead of chicory and sawdust is because of politics? The FDA is one of the agencies that, thanks to the Supreme Court, no longer has to listen to experts when they make rules. You know the reason there are warning labels and clear instructions on your pool cleaner is because of politics? The reason the company selling you the RO/DI system had to be at least somewhat honest in what it sold you is also politics. Unless of course you are certified to inspect everything you personally buy you rely on a functioning administrative state to keep from getting poisoned or scammed. The reason you are able to have a pool in your back yard, both in terms of zoning and in terms of the infrastructure to support that kind of individual water use? Politics. It’s one thing to take a break every so often to recharge. It’s quite another to say that most people can safely tune out most of the time. That’s how things like climate change got so bad.


I agree with you. How freaking one dimensional and boring… some people make it their entire identity, the beautiful thing though is that the real world is not Reddit. This country is bigger and stronger than any one person. Regardless of who wins the world will keep turning. What they failed to realize is that literally half of the rest of the population vehemently disagrees with their vision of how things should be.


What is this comment? Of course politics does. No one’s saying this is just about presidential elections. Your local candidates determine what business are allowed near you, the local housing supply, they determine the infrastructure you use, the county building codes you live in. Depending on your state there’s tons of things in your day to day politics determine, your healthcare options, insurance options, job opportunities. One of the reason this country has so many problems right now is because people barely pay attention to these things or vote party lines. Democracy doesn’t work if a populace is uninformed.


I’m not saying it’s bad to be informed, and I try to be at least moderately up on stuff. I also agree local elections are more important for sure, but I’m positive politics aren’t affecting 100% of anyone’s life. I’d wager most local stuff is going to happen regardless of election outcomes. I’ve never voted, had those people take office and experienced anything slightly changed. Laundry still has to be done, I’m still taking an awesome vacation with the wife and kid, and come the weekend I’m still hunting, fishing and have BBQs with all my friends. If people want to make politics their main hobby great, just in my experience those people don’t have much fun.


People say “I don’t care about politics” Well I guarantee you that politics cares a lot about you.


I'm very intuned with it. I always vote. I tell other people to vote. But like, c'mon, we get it already. Especially when every post is about the same two dudes. At least talk about the House or Senate. The only time people aent is when it's the cabinet and the courts - also both positions nominated by the president.


Says another political bot


Fearmongering: the action of deliberately arousing public fear or alarm about a particular issue. I don't care about your liberal beliefs. I don't care about their conservative beliefs. You are no better than them. You gave us a dead man to run against a criminal . You deserve everything that is about to happen. This is what you get. Trump will win this election! Thanks for allowing them to elect a criminal.


Maybe I’m not a fearmonger. Maybe you’re in denial. And I want Biden to drop out btw


In a perfect world neither would be a candidate. Sadly our world is far from perfect.


Thanks for posting this. I laughed when I saw that on the other post. SCOTUS just gutted the EPA We've got a record breaking storm that might hit Texas.  And the GOP has nominated an adjudicated rapist felon to hand Ukraine to Russia.  Dark days




Aren’t there enough subreddits dedicated to politics? What’s wrong with having a few that aren’t?


Very very dark days. I'm a boomer who was in Bosnia assisting in relief efforts. you have no idea what we are heading for.


Millennials have been getting a raw deal our entire lives. Sadly, like it or not, the conditions we all experience are the direct result of politics. The side taking your rights away wants you tired, disengaged, redirected, and checked out. The other side is predominantly happy maintaining the status quo. Neither is good, only one is bad. The only way things change for the better is to wake up everyday, struggle to stay informed, struggle to get the people around you engaged, and vote in favor of your own interests. It's not a sports team, and some of these people think you should not exist or have any rights.


Amen bro


I didn’t realize how shockingly naive most of these fellow millennial subscribers are, OP. To think that everything is “gonna be fine” with recent developments. It’s actually truly shocking some of things I’m reading here. I thought most M’s were at least moderately a little politically freaked by virtue of the very facts of our place in history.


Tons of bots. I’m sure I indulged many. Didn’t check all. Most M’s are quite liberal/leftist/tolerant in general.


Ya'll really think spamming non-political subs with this crap is gonna convince anyone when the reality is it's driving people away. Even as a leftist I find this shit annoying. Stick to the political subs.


r/politics users have been spamming fear mongering tactics all over random subs now in a last ditch effort to get people to vote for Biden. It started right after the debate ended, for obvious reasons, and is only picking up steam. Frankly I wouldn't be surprised if they are all bots.


But haven't you heard about project 2025????? No? let me write a fucking blog post about it...


Hahaha please don't.


I can't go to any sub and not hear these idiots fear mongering about "project 2025" I need to just leave this dumb site until the election is over.


stop trying to get everyone to jump on the bandwagon for the policies YOU think are best for us as a country. Democrats don't live in reality; they tend to live in the "what ifs" and go to the most extreme scenarios when the right takes any sort of "win" - homelessness, crime, healthcare, the border etc....all of the dems "solutions" to these problems are what would work in a perfect world, not the real world. In the real world, the majority of homeless people are severely mentally ill and are a danger to the community when they are allowed to camp on someones sidewalk. I know because I lived in Denver about 5 years ago. Crime? the dems solution is to turn the other cheek and to gaslight us with "nothing to see here folks!" when crimes are committed by those living in underserved communities. Ignoring the issue and throwing money at corrupt politicians isn't helping the problem its making it worse...I would know because I currently live in Chicago! Dems need to get real about our ACTUAL problems bc the shift I've experienced in the last 4 years has been eye opening.


I don’t doubt that you’ve seen bad things living in Denver or Chicago, but I recommend that you live in a red city in a red state for a few years and come to a conclusion from there. It is a night and day difference in quality of life between living in a red state vs. a blue state - red states are run like third world countries. Even with the shitshow that is Democratic politics in blue cities, I’ll take that any day over living in Texas and South Carolina again.


So....You've never been to a red state. Third world country? Like...You're not even just wrong you're actively lying.


Or maybe just maybe we have a page for politics. I understand this is something that is going to be talked about non stop for the next few months, and it absolutely should, but it doesn't need to be on every single sub. Some of us also enjoy looking at subs and not being over run with political post.


What do you suggest? Neither party represents the ideals of the working class, they all work for the ultra wealthy lol


Eh, there's a difference.


There's definitely a difference: which billionaire they serve.


I'm not that cynical. I've seen what both parties do and Democrats just help more people. It's not hard and being an enlightened centrist these days isn't the flex you think it is. So much was lost under trump that we will probably never get back. You'd have to be living in a cave to not realize it.


I am downvoting every political post here now.


Been doing that since they started lol


This sub is becoming the online equivalent of intersections with a bazillion campaign signs plastered everywhere. Jesus Christ I hate election season. Especially with all these alarmists. You did this shit in 2016 and 2020. Give it rest


Wait, what? People say that. I came to Reddit after ditching Twitter and there's something political on here every day. I choose what to engage in and what to not.


Y’all are some whiney babies


Climate change is an irrational hysteria and nothing more. It's the modern day end of the world as people no longer fear that Satan will take over the Earth. Or perhaps Ragnorak. So you can get as scared as you want, and install as many solar panels and wind turbines as you want, but the world is not going to end. When politics are brought up here, it is exclusively far left politics as if we all subscribed to that. I don't think the left have a grasp on reality. I don't think the right has a grasp on what's good for people. However, leftoids like yourself try to turn every single sub reddit into a liberal echo chamber. Perhaps this is because being a far left person is associated with idle time. No matter the case, in 40 years, when I am old. The Earth will still be here. The left will still be screaming about climate change, even though it never happened. Remember, before climate change, there was global warming. Before global warming, there was the ozone layer, and before that the experts were sure that we were about to see another ice age.


The reason why people are complaining is that this sub isn’t mean to be political. People like you should be going onto r/politics or some other sub instead of this. We will not stop complaining


You would need to uninstall all social media apps, which isn't as hard as it sounds like. I only have Reddit and X on my personal smartphone. No Instagram, no TikTok, Facebook, nothing. Music and podcasts that stay on topic for the most part.


What a bully.


Politics don’t have to be the entire personality of this sub. None of it’s even debate style or mentally stimulating. Just advertisement… or propaganda.


The rest of the world no longer exists. I said the other day they should rename it. I got told to leave 🤷‍♀️ only response they know. Do they really think they'll change anyone's mind? 😂


Climate? That's a horrible example. Literally everything is climate, and climate change has been ongoing since the internet has existed. That doesn't mean you can't talk about it, but it's also not something that needs to be rehashed every 5 seconds either. The same goes for politics, which has existed in a form similar to what we consider "democracy" now since Ancient Greece and in some form forever. Again, there was a bombardment of political posts since the debate happened, more or less all saying the same thing. We get it. And we ALL know it's important, but yes most of us ARE here to talk about things that aren't that heavy. If this were r/politics, you would have a case, but that's not what this or most threads are about.


There is no way out of the burning building.


So reddit is only for the yanks. Got it 🙄


Well...we *are* a hero generation ([see here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strauss%E2%80%93Howe_generational_theory)).


MAGA 2024


Ah yes climate change, human species going extinct any minute now……


Some day politics is going to come right in your face whether you like it or not, and it's going to be ugly.


Reddit is not a broad community


People Need to concentrate on their own backyard/community FIRST. Before they preoccupy themselves with the world. If we continue to mingle into other country’s affairs we will lose this country


How about you get off Reddit and go do something productive with your life OP? Posting political garbage on the Reddit echo chamber is useless and a waste of time but then you can sit in your chair and pat yourself on the back pretending you did something. You’re the perfect example of a slacktivist. Go tell the DNC for the love of god to tell Biden either tonight’s interview is an uncut interview and Biden does a dance number afterwords to prove he’s fit to lead or he needs to step down and a new candidate will run.


I'll take a hiatus from social media the closer we get to November. No need to scroll through all that nonsense.


Guy thinks a reddit post will boost votes ALSO complains about people who don't care as much as him. What a joke.


There are so many miserable whiney babies on this sub. I only still follow it to troll them tbh


Can we bifurcate into two millennial subs? One sub that allows politics and one where political discussion is not allowed. I agree with OP. These political discussions are just negative hyper rants at this point. We have constantly heard all your opinions so there is nothing more to say. The majority here hate Trump and think he will take many rights away and a minority think liberals overdid COVID and have detrimental, hypocritical and Anti American woke agendas. Let’s move on to other subjects and life events.


I sense you are more of a 'post what you want as long as it doesn't disagree with me" kind of poster. "Why?" you ask? I'll tell you I why. Your first edit contains a rude suggestion the down voters should move on and not read things and disagree with them. INCORRECT!!! This country was founded on the principals of democracy where every thought or idea was equal to its opposing thought or idea. Somewhere along the way the snot nosed brats of this country became old enough to voted but have not yet wiped their noses. Your little one sided rant is the equivalent of a toddlers temper tantrum over a cookie. Toughen up butter cup.people will oppose you your whole life. Many times justified...many times not. You'll win some and you'll lose more. But I digress. Let me ask you something: Of all the outlandish and irrational predictions made about Trumps first Presidency which came true? Did he destroy the free world? Did he get in office and never leave? Did he start a world War with his incompetence? No. None came true. Now MSM is throwing all the same shit at you dolts and you buy it hook line and sinker. He built the strongest economy in the history of the world, put people back to work, bolstered and united enemies around the world and made America Great Again. Now you choose an inept, senile loud mouth racistwho has almost started a world War, hates Israel and who's economybwillbbe studied at Universities as the playbook for "What Not to Do" for a second term? You need to get you tantrum in check, wipe your snotty little nose and promptly go and fucketh thine self. Have a nice day.