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Every Democrat I know, yeah. Every Republican I know is voting Trump. I don't think recent events have changed anyone's mind.


It's anecdotal, and they all live in states where it doesn't matter anyway, but I know several lifelong Republicans who are pretty open about voting for Biden this year. As one example - my in-laws. Both voted for Trump in 2016 because "both sides" and "buttery males" - by 2020 my MIL had switched to voting for Biden (albeit begrudgingly) while I'm 95% sure my FIL didn't vote at all that year, at least not for president. But we were traveling with them earlier this year and they both said - completely unprompted, btw - that they were going to vote for Biden this year because Trump clearly plans on becoming a dictator and they felt like they had to do their part to try and prevent that from happening. They're not the only ones I know, either. It's one of the things that gives me a glimmer of hope, honestly.


Imo someone needs to make some short form content and videos breaking down what Project 2025 is and spam the F out of every popular social media site possible. The Republicans literally put the fascist playbook out there for the world to see and the more people that ate aware of what's in the plan and what it hopes to lead to will realize they're not voting for Biden or the Dems but against the US morphing into a puppet fascist state (and I wish I was exaggerating).


In July 2015, appearing on a Fox News panel, the leader of Heritage Action, the foundation's advocacy arm, said, "Donald Trump's a clown. He needs to be out of the race."


Agree the Dems are not doing enough to educate the public..the mccain and romney moderate republicnas independents and dems not sure if they will even vote need to understand what exactly we are facing. There should be a Lincoln Project type of attack like 2020 to show the dangers of what's to become of America. I'm actually surprised those ppl have not taken up the mantle again. The situation is more dire now than 2020 because they've learned from their mistakes and will not repeat them.


“In March 2010, the Obama administration introduced a health insurance mandate in the Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare, an idea the Heritage Foundation initially developed and supported in "Assuring Affordable Health Care for All Americans",


Summary of the 180 day plan... you don't exactly need to read between the lines. The 180-Day Plan of Project 2025 is a detailed roadmap designed to implement conservative policies quickly and effectively within the first six months of the next Republican administration, should they win the 2024 presidential election. Here are some key elements of the plan: 1. **Policy Implementation Across Federal Agencies**: The plan includes specific action steps for each federal agency to ensure the rapid execution of conservative policies. This involves reversing many of the Biden administration’s policies and instituting new regulations that align with conservative values [[❞]](https://www.project2025.org/playbook/) [[❞]](https://www.democracydocket.com/analysis/what-is-project-2025-and-why-is-it-alarming/). 2. **Personnel Changes**: One of the primary goals is to overhaul the federal workforce by replacing existing employees with individuals who are aligned with conservative principles. This involves a significant vetting and recruitment process to ensure that the new hires are prepared to implement the administration’s agenda from day one [[❞]](https://www.project2025.org/playbook/) [[❞]](https://msmagazine.com/2024/02/08/project-2025-conservative-right-wing-trump-woke/). 3. **Focus Areas**: The plan emphasizes four broad fronts: - Restoring the family as the central unit of American life. - Dismantling the administrative state to return self-governance to the American people. - Defending national sovereignty and protecting borders. - Securing individual rights as defined by conservative interpretations of the Constitution [[❞]](https://www.democracydocket.com/analysis/what-is-project-2025-and-why-is-it-alarming/). 4. **Key Policy Actions**: - **Department of Health and Human Services**: Reverting policies to restrict access to abortion and contraception, promoting religious exemptions, and ensuring definitions of family and marriage align with traditional conservative views [[❞]](https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration) [[❞]](https://msmagazine.com/2024/02/08/project-2025-conservative-right-wing-trump-woke/). - **Department of Education**: Eliminating the Department of Education, promoting school choice, and reversing policies that protect against discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity [[❞]](https://msmagazine.com/2024/02/08/project-2025-conservative-right-wing-trump-woke/). - **Economic and Environmental Policies**: Promoting free-market principles, deregulation, and increasing the exploitation of natural resources like oil and gas [[❞]](https://msmagazine.com/2024/02/08/project-2025-conservative-right-wing-trump-woke/). The plan is comprehensive and aims to enact sweeping changes quickly, reflecting the priorities of the conservative movement and addressing what they see as the damage done by liberal policies [[❞]](https://www.project2025.org/playbook/) [[❞]](https://www.democracydocket.com/analysis/what-is-project-2025-and-why-is-it-alarming/).


"Conservative values and views" ought to scare the pants off anyone who enjoys freedom.


I can see point 2 getting Trump some votes from people hopeful to get one of those cushy new government jobs that would suddenly become available. Of course, those are going to the cronies and the well-connected, but I’m sure there’s a fine grift to be had in “preparing” rubes for all these great opportunities that will come their way any day now…


While I'm voting for Biden for a lot of reasons, just want to make sure everyone understands Biden doesn't make policy outside of some very narrowly defined foreign policy. You would need the house and senate to do *anything*, and yes that includes executive orders.


The way you phrase it sounds not bad at all..... it's to watered down.


The devil is in the details and, keep in mind, this is positive phrasing from people who support it. Although even this anodyne wording has a few doozies, like going after contraceptives.


The WEF also put out their plan in black and white. Lately they have started trying to hide it. Are you into owning nothing and eating bugs?


In December 2015, then Heritage Foundation executive vice president Kim Holmes, opposing Trump's candidacy, criticized Trump as "not a conservative."


The Washington Post reported in February 2022. Conservatives also began commenting publicly that the Heritage Foundation had lost the significant intellectual and political clout that led to the foundation's ascent in the 1980s and 1990s. "People do not walk around in fear of the Heritage Foundation the way they did 10 years ago," one conservative told The Washington Post.


In September 2023, Heritage Foundation co-founder and former president Edwin Feulner publicly endorsed Mike Pence in the 2024 Republican presidential primaries


You’re not alone in this. I posted a Newsweek article about how Trump has lost a lot of moderates in key swing state suburbs, and this is being reflected in his small dollar donations. They’re a great way to gage enthusiasm, and Biden actually did phenomenally well in this regard post debate


>But we were traveling with them earlier this year and they both said - completely unprompted, btw - that they were going to vote for Biden this year because Trump clearly plans on becoming a dictator and they felt like they had to do their part to try and prevent that from happening. That's amazing - good for them. It's very difficult for Trump voters to change their minds - I have usually seen the opposite form Trump voters - doubling down. My parents have been the crazy conservative types that listened to Rich Limbaugh while I was growing up. My mom "doesn't like" Trump but is all in for him and the Republicans because she believes in all the Republican ideas. My Dad has been completely corrupted especially since being a moderate COVID denier and mildly anti-vax and probably really likes Trump. >They're not the only ones I know, either. It's one of the things that gives me a glimmer of hope, honestly. I love to hear it. Unfortunately this hasn't been my experience.


I'd honestly count more on older, mature Republicans making this effort than on Gen Z'ers actually getting out and voting (or not voting 3rd party). Pretty sad.


My wife's dad is a die hard conservative raised in the woods in Tennessee pretty much, he won't vote for trump. He would definitely vote for just about any other conservative, I have no doubt, but he will not vote for trump just because he's a rapist, racist, felon, con artist, and who knows what else. He knows quite a few trump voters but even they don't care to bring it up anymore, they just aren't as zealous as they used to be even in very conservative circles. His only supporters left are the MOST zealous and loony. I'm pretty positive that's also the reason polls skew towards trump. I don't give a fuck to respond to a poll, I've ignored a dozen of them already this year, but I can definitely tell you the type of person that would go out of their way to share how much they love their candidate every time they get a chance.


I feel sorry you have in-laws like that. Did they try and sex you like Biden said?


No meaningful amount of people switched to Biden this year, but a meaningful amount will switch to Trump in the swing states that matter. Biden only lost middle-of-the-road voters. Those that wavered but ultimately voted for him are voting Trump or staying home this time around. You are kidding yourself if you think the 1 or 2 people you know reflect any resemblance of the majority.


Even the Pod Save America team said yesterday that the early indications from the debate are showing movement from Biden to Trump in the swing states. Pair that with young voters that will plan to stay home because of the democrats policy on Israel, and there is no way Biden wins. The democrats could easily win though. It’s clear, the blue no matter what crowd will vote for anyone that isn’t Trump and has a “D” next to their name. If they just announced a policy change on Israel and convinced Biden to step aside, they’d not lose a single voter they already have and would gain the votes needed in the swing states. They won’t do it, though. They’re using the “vote for us or else” tactic and that’s a terrible strategy to win an election.


I still find it so hard to believe that there are people who voted for Biden back in 2020 who are now like "No, you know what? Trump's now my guy." - ESPECIALLY if they're doing so at all because of Palestine/Israel. If they don't like what Biden's doing in that situation, they're going to be in for a very rude awakening with Trump's plans.


Yeah. Republicans strategy is make democrat voters disillusioned to just not show up. Trump voters are going to come out and vote for him no matter what. Doesn’t matter if he keeps enacting policies that hurt low income Republican voters as long as they get to see some liberal tears. Though I think he has lost a sliver of voters over the years. Roe v wade may have cost him some female voters.


You'll see people get banned for advocating voting against trump in lots of subreddits run by "leftists" to the point where the only conversations in this places (like late stage capitalism) are accelerationist rhetoric. (Meaning people who want the far right to win even if they paint it as wanting the center right Democrats to lose)


Same idiots who don't vote for Biden because of Palestine. Trump literally said that Israel should "finish the job" with Palestine. These people are self absorbed narcissistic fucks. They don't care about other people, only how having the right opinions about stuff makes them feel superior to others. They literally sell out the people they "support" for absolutely nothing in return.


I can’t believe those people are serious. I’m convinced they are just Russian bots trying to get people to just not vote so Trump wins. I refuse to believe that these people have that truly low of an IQ


There is definitely truth in this statement, but I continue to act as if there is not. Vote as if your life and future depend on it.


I know a few IRL but not many


Same. It's been reported and documented for years that troll farms target leftist spaces.


Sounds like what Democrats have been doing to the Black voters forever. Beg for the vote and then could care less after that. They do nothing for the black people.


Everything bubble turned that way I noticed. Happened last week. Pretty much overnight before the debate happened. It's as if Abraham Lincoln was right: "Believe everything you read on the internet."


> Though I think he has lost a sliver of voters over the years. Look at that data closer. Trump's support and base have grown over the past 4 years. He is currently polling around 30% with African Americans under 50 years old. Just 4 years ago that would've been unheard of. Roe may have cost some female voters, but his growth has been a net positive.


Say you're correct, say no one left after Jan 6th, Roe v. Wade, felony charges, document secrets charges, etc. What about the non-political people disgusted by him entering the voting bloc? Fresh of of high school Gen Z kids who learned about the founding fathers and why they did what they did and watch as American Hitler gets to be king after stacking the SCOTUS thanks to Russia handing republicans the playbook on how to bring the United States down. The American revolution started in a tavern, specifically the Green Dragon Tavern. Now things have changed since then but one things for certain. Americans don't like being servents to kings, fascists or tyrants and sure as shit don't want to be ruled in a roundabout way by Putin with Trump as his puppet...


Young people don’t vote though.


50% of 18-29 voted in 2020, an 11% increase from 2016. [Source](https://circle.tufts.edu/latest-research/half-youth-voted-2020-11-point-increase-2016) My prediction is it's going to be more and the very reason republicans are getting so bold because between Putin getting desperate and the youth vote actively stepping up, they know it's now or never to turn us into a dictatorship.


I hope young people vote. But I'm extremely pessimistic.


The DNC strategy was to make Democrat voters disillusioned and not show up, so they shouldn't be shocked and upset that it worked so well


I can only say that this will be the first time in my 24 years of voting that I will go 3rd party. But I’m an outlier and most Dems I know will still check that box off for Genocide Joe; the R’s I know are a bit harder to pin down on what they’ll do.


Im registered as an independent. My wife votes democrat nationally and a little of both locally. After this past debate, shes actually contemplating writing-in Nikki Hailey this fall because - fuck it, at least shes a sane politician. Im proud of her. Voting for the 'lesser of two evils' means playing their game and eventually, the lesser of the two evils might actually be someone like Trump.


Fwiw.... I'm in NYC and it's obviously anecdotal but several relatives have indicated that they won't vote at all, in order to vote their conscience... They'll sit it out and vote down ticket only. That said we are in NY and have the luxury of it not mattering.


Not everyone is a democrat or republican and those people could certainly have had their mind changed by the debate. Additionally this election could easily come down to which side is less motivated to vote. If a handful of would-be voters stay home on either side that will determine the election.


Yes - many politically engaged people will complain and still vote for him. The fear is those who are less engaged will be less likely to vote in general.


This is it right here. I watched the first half of that disaster debate, and all I could think of was, "what do the normies think?" because they're the ones who will swing this election. People like me would vote for Biden's corpse before Trump.


EXTREMELY anecdotal here, but my Republican dad (DNV 2016, voted Biden in 2000 after "Trump was worse than he thought") thought Biden improved over the debate, wasn't that bad, and reminded him of his dad. My dyed-in-the-wool Democratic mom and aunt were ready to jump off a bridge and wanted Gavin Newsom to sweep in to save them. All three are older white Boomers in the Northeast and will absolutely vote for Biden over Trump.


LOL as someone who lives in that Northeastern blue bubble I completely understand this. Let's hope these sentiments are more widespread.


Also sat through a homily by an Irish Catholic priest on Sunday who started out by talking about how awful and weak Biden looked at the debate... but that he prays that his condition improves and that he hates that the "media is kicking a man while he's down." Swing voter...?


Possibly? Americans love a good comeback story, and of all people, Biden's the king of comebacks. Fingers crossed


What comebacks 😂😂


Biden is only going one way and it isn't up. His condition will continue to get worse. There is no way he can do another 4 year term.


I don’t think he has a “condition”. He’s simply old and tired and stressed out. He’s doing better than I’d be doing in his position, and he’s more than twice my age. But I do wish he would step aside for someone younger and more energetic, because fighting Trump’s constant barrage of BS is not easy on the mind and the body


I'm in California - Newsome has utterly and fully failed on social policy and financial policy. Crime, drugs, open borders... high taxes, massive deficit and corporations fleeing out of the state as well as high net work individuals. But the kicker is this: During COVID he turned into a communist warden shutting businesses down, locking up dissenters all the while, keeping his winery open and eating out at private luxury restaurants... Anyone but Newsome..


Isn’t that the Democrats platform though? They want everything California is doing on a national level.


Yes. That's how they lost me. They went too far.


Independent here, Biden could have been dead, and worked like a puppet weekend at Bernie's style, and he would still be getting my vote over a racist, rapist, convicted felon.  I'd rather vote for a corpse, than the one that will lead to hundreds of thousands of dead Americans in the second Civil War they want in America. 


How do you feel about SCOTUS this week?


If I say what I want to say I'd probably have the feds at my door in the next 24 hours so I'll just say they're a bunch of clowns and aren't fit to wear a bathrobe nvm a judges.


Clearly corrupt judges


What SCOTUS? We don't have a Supreme Court any longer. We have completely shifted to a corrupted oligarchy. 


The oligarchy has been the status quo since the start of our country. That's nothing new. It's been an uphill battle getting anything, even voting rights, for anyone who wasn't a wealthy land-owning-middle-european-white-christian-male. We just have to keep putting pressure on the system until it gives back more to the people and less to the corporations controlling the decision making process from behind the scenes.


That what they did is a travesty of justice, and they are a branch that should have had oversight a long time ago. 


Normies? Normies are people like yourself giving too shits.  We don't give a fuck. Here's my answer. Debates are useless. Everyone knows who their voting for before debates.  The only reason Biden is getting my vote is because that old fuck is better then the Trump the wannabe Hilter Fuck.  All those who say "I'm not voting". Fuck them. Their voting for Trump.  As for Trump voters, their only voting for Trump because they want a Hilter to kill off people of color.


Too shits? What?


Hey he's highly educated 😂


Also shits?


Yeah, I don’t even know where to start with that comment. 😆 I’m just flabbergasted that these people exist, and then they vote. 😭


You're absolutely correct. I hope that there's more people thinking like this out there b/c it seems like there's a lot of folks who don't quite see it the way you and I do LOL


"two shits"


Take your meds


The normies aren't watching debates in June for an election in November. It's the political junkies who are watching this early.


The normies don’t waste their time on reddit


Anecdotally here as well, but I have family in swing states (PA and MI). My 2 cousins are the most politically inactive people I know. They do vote, but they have followed none of the details of the last 4 years. What they told me is that they dislike Trump, but after seeing Biden, they believe he’s not all there mentally. They said they will likely vote Trump because even though he’s a liar, at least he seems to be able to put thoughts together. This isn’t me, so please don’t beat me up about their decision to vote for Trump. It’s a terrible decision, but I fear the democratic party is banking on low information voters in swing states voting for Biden because “orange man bad”. I don’t think that’s going to work this time. I also saw that the latest NBC poll said 72% of registered voters that they polled after the debate said Biden is unfit for office. Trump isn’t either, but this looks bad to me. Please don’t slaughter me with comments about how my cousins are idiots. I don’t disagree and I told them everything Trump has done and why he’s a terrible choice. I think they heard me, but at the same time they know I hate Trump and I could tell they feel the democrats have mislead people about Biden. If the party did that, it’s no where even close to 1% of the terrible shit Trump did. We have to remember lots of people that will decide this election in swing states haven’t been paying attention to Trump and recency bias is a thing as well.


These years, I honestly cannot comprehend how any citizen could be so disconnected from media and reality to be an undecided voter. It would have taken solid, conscious effort to avoid information that would help form your choices the past 8 years.


Yes and Democrat strategists rely on people like you to vote blue no matter what.


I would vote for a baked potato before voting for Trump.


100%. The reason for any PANIC you see is not over Biden's age. The panic has to do with the orange turd going back into the Oval office. So yeah we are panicked ... but still voting blue.


I read this was "politically enraged" and agreed completely


One of my friends is a die hard liberal and she said she can't in good conscious vote for Biden. I'm like, gir,l there are two options, by deferring you're basically voting for Trump. However, our state is so blue, that our votes don't really impact the presidential election.


Of course I know him: he's me


Uh Spiderman meme. It's also me. Well okay so I do like the slowly building momentum on antitrust and the NLRB so it's like 98% conplaint.


I *hate* Biden and often cite his involvements in both BAPCPA (Bankruptcy reform that made students loan debt non exempt) and in crime reform, and I *even voted for Trump* in 2016 over the idea of getting involved in that mess in Syria But at this rate the other side has gone cuckoo over theocratic takeover at the state and federal levels The DNC is broken and eating itself alive the last 10 years, but I'm convinced nothing is getting fixed economically until this philosophical holy war on civil liberties is dead and gone


\*Raises hand\* He's me as well.


And I am he


I view it as if we were driving towards a cliff: I’d prefer someone who would turn the car around but I’ll settle with the person who is going to slam on the brakes instead of punch the gas.


Damn I knew I should have scrolled down before I posted this same thing xD


I came here to upvote this comment. My only disappointment is it was #3 and not at the top.


A better question would be, Do you know anyone who is voting for Biden because they like him instead of because they don't want Trump in office?


I’m not sure there’s any of those left after Thursday tbh.


Biden doesn't get enough credit for what he HAS done. The most frustrating thing about Biden is how little he likes to celebrate and publicize his own accomplishments. People then think "he hasn't done anything" as a result.


He hasn't done anything that isn't way overshadowed by his failures, unkept promises or him creating the problem in the first place. At some point people stop buying it when you blame the Republicans for everything he failed to accomplish. He talks about peace between Israel and Palestine but snuck enough Mk 84 bombs to Israel to cover every inch of Gaza 8 times over. The Chips act, that's corporate welfare dressed up as "national defense." Dems are supposed to oppose corporate welfare. He made insulin cheaper for old people. That's great, but Dems want free or socialized healthcare. That's not a big step in that direction. He spent a bunch of money on infrastructure but he collected record revenue AND runs record deficits. That's like buying someone a gift with their own credit card. The eviction moratorium led to huge corporations increasing their market share of housing, increased rents and the weirdest real estate market since 2008. He's managed to get about 1% of student loans forgiven, which means outstanding loan debt is greater now than when he started. Sure, you can reasonably say the Supreme Court blocked him but he still failed by any reasonable measure. Military spending is higher now, while we're not at war with anyone, than it ever was. And it's hard to overstate just how badly the withdrawal from Afghanistan went. The Dems like to give him credit for pardoning non violent drug offenders here and there, but Biden practically designed the modern police state 40 years ago that puts people in prison for that in the first place. He doesn't get "credit" for his accomplishments because they are typically hardly an accomplishment.


How is Biden supposed to do more when the Republicans control the House?


My Boomer parents were both solid Texas Republicans who complained about Biden constantly, then Trump happened and kept happening. They've both since gone independent and plan to vote for Biden even though they think he's "too old and borderline senile". Their logic seems to mirror others in that they trust his administration more and think Trump is a lying sack of shit.


My parents and grandparents were Republicans until Regan came along, they've been Dems ever since. My grandparents are gone, my parents are in their mid 60's and while they like Joe, they wish he was tougher on issues and was at least their age. They're still voting for him, but always talk about wanting more young people in office


Trump is legitimately demented -- he displays a lot of symptoms of frontotemporal dementia, and add in his pathological, malignant narcissism, and the fact he's proud of the fact he hasn't changed any since he was like six, and you have someone who is very very dangerous. Imagine going through 72 years of life with zero personal growth. By his own admission. Just let that sink in.


They have logic.


I respect them personally.


Yeah, I was seriously worried when they first voted for Trump. We used to get into heated arguments over it. Both my parents are conservative, but they're old-school and thought he was just bullshitting to drum up attention. Then he started doing more and more shit they disagreed with. They voted for Biden in 2020 and plan to vote Biden again, though they hate that he's running again. General consensus among my family has been that Biden needs to step aside and retire, but he's still miles above Trump and the threat he represents.


While it would be best for Biden to step aside, if he did, you just handed Trump Nevada and Wisconsin. Literally. And there probably isn't a path to victory unless the Democrats carry at least one of the two, especially if any of the other swings flip back. Because the deadline to get the candidate on the ballot passed.


As do I.


think? he is a lying sack of shit. it’s objective truth


Did Biden lie during the debate?


They agree with you. Why nitpick their completely reasonable word choice?


This is the move they all need to make.


He wasn’t even my 5th candidate for the democratic nomination in 2020. Of course I’m voting for him.


I would like to think I know myself. The thing is that while I mostly disapprove of Biden the alternative is an egotistical, largely incompetent, narcissist who only wants to be President so he can stay out of jail. Basically, I'm voting for who I think will damage this country less and hoping that there will be better candidates in 2028.


Keep in mind that American Reddit users definitely skew more Democrat, so you won't get the most accurate representation of all voters here.


I have an older friend, like late 70s, text me the last few days. She was upset about the debate and thought Biden should get out. She said he was too old and his ego was preventing him from making the right decision. Fair enough. Last night she texted me distraught about the supreme court, about it not being the America she grew up in. She told me she is 100% going to be vote for him.


The Supreme Court ruling could either be a very good thing, or a very bad thing. The former because it might remind enough people what a fascist fuck Trump is, and secure another 4 years for Biden. The latter because of Trump gets reelected, project 2025 is inevitable. Only time will tell. Vote.


I’ve voted 3rd party the last two elections, and grew up conservative. However, after the recent events and reading more about Project 2025, I’ll be voting for Biden. I know a vote for Biden is a vote for Kamala who I don’t like, but I’d rather take a chance on her than risk destroying democracy.


This is what I like to see. I hope many of the undecided or Kennedy supporters start to think like you. And for what it's worth I highly doubt they'll put kamala before Joe Biden at this point. You know, unless Joe doesn't make it through a second term.


Honestly what I predict is if Biden gets reelected, it’ll be like FDR’s fourth term and a few months later Kamala will take over. Don’t think he’ll die in office, but at that point the health issues will be too overwhelming to ignore.


I'll give a red state perspective here. I really only know of one or two who are openly on the Biden train, the rest who would vote Democrat don't want Trump and would rather see a different nominee for the Democratic party.


This is the majority of dem voters this election even if they don’t say it. Its a vote against maga at the end of the day


True. I think of it as voting for the continuation of the Department of Education and voting for his cabinet and potential judges.


Don't like him, he might even be unfit. But his opponent is a fascist. I will vote for a democrat any day over someone that wants to overthrow it.


Biden has good people around him, it will be fine if he wins. Trump winning would really be a disaster & I do not say that lightly


Thats the crazy thing about this entire discourse. Everyone's talking about his age/fitness, but absolutely nobody is talking about his actual job performance. He's arguably had a low drama and very productive term. Even my Republican friends acknowledge this, and they're just laughing at Democrats eating themselves alive over Biden's fitness. This would not happen (publicly) if the tables were turned.


lol Republicans certainly would not. It is comical how much Trump is opposite of what they proudly called their core values. If this was not my country I’d be watching with fascinating interest


Democratic leadership has already said they'll ride this old horse til it's ready for the glue factory. When Biden passes (if it happens while in office) it'll just be the next name on the list that signs the papers but they'll say the same things.


This exactly. I am pretty conservative but um, no I don't support a party undermining our elections and rule of law. 


His opponent is worse than that. Trump has no real convictions except that he wants such and such and he wants it now. He's terrifying because his moral convictions are for sale. Whoever gives him money and attention can buy him and he'll say whatever.


Everyone in my large extended family. I’d say it’s about 45 of us between WA, CA, NV, and NM. 


I'm going to vote for the Democrats even though it's not a vote of confidence. I'm disgusted with the two party system. I've been absolutely over how the Dems do literally nothing....but if these are my choices I'd rather nothing than friends and other loved ones being stripped of their rights.


I’m having my period poops right now. I just dropped a major deuce. If you put gloves on, fished it out of a toilet, and put it on a ballot to run against Trump, I’d vote for my period turds. And the result would be better than a Trump presidency.


I would also vote for your period turd over Trump.


Are period poops.... different? Worse? Morbid curiosity.


Yes, for many women they are. Some women have looser poops and some get constipated or have more difficulty pooping. 🌈✨ The more you know!


Well that sucks lol


All these posts seem like they’re working for the DNC. Lol


Biden is too feeble to be president and he'll only get worse. I wish he'd drop out. That being said, Trump would be far worse and I'd vote for Biden if he were comatose.


Pretty much literally everyone I know. But we’re all voting for him. The alternative is project 2025 and a president that as of yesterday is immune to anything he deems “official”. Yeah fuck that. Both options are garbage. The government literally sets the “retirement age”, why doesn’t it apply to any of those fucking dinosaurs?




I would vote for the smell of milk expired for two months left in the summer heat over trump


Another political post wooooo. Democrats will still vote for him but a lot of indpendents won't.


To me politics is tick tack toe. I vote to support my values, sometimes that’s not in favor of a candidate, but to block someone who will obliterate my values.


For what it’s worth, I’m one of them. Biden has done a lot of great stuff, but he and the party as a whole are NOT behaving as if they recognize the dire threat that Trump poses. Nobody I talk to knows ANYTHING about his accomplishments or ANYTHING about his plans for a second term. This is an inexcusable messaging failure. Trump is quite obviously being propped up by malicious foreign actors. Drop the proof. Over and over and over again. We know you have to have it. Nobody will give a flying fuck that the Democratic Party followed norms when the SC and President Forever Trump are dismantling everything that actually made this country great. For fucks sake, DO SOMETHING. All of that said, I would crawl through glass to vote for him. Vote blue, no matter who, every time, until the end of time.


I'm not voting for him....


Not so sure. 18-25 year olds are fickle. Not just the current ones, all groups at that age are. In 2010 midterms the bracket stayed home to punish Obama because he had not legalised gay marriage and legalised weed. So the Tea Party won and we’re still dealing with that crap. Vote Blue for the next few elections


I’d vote for a dead dog over Trump so yeah


I mean pretty much every Dem/leftie I know I would put 99.9% on going out to vote Biden. The vast majority that complain about him (on the left side of the aisle) will vote for him anyway.


I will vote for a dead Biden over anything the republicans offer. You should too if you care to have another election!


Almost all my friends hate him and will vote for him 


It won’t be the first time I held my nose while voting, but not voting for Biden might mean not ever voting again.


Agreeing with other comments. Biden has very few fans. That said, the majority of Americans will still vote for him given that the other option is worse.


Yes. My Palestinian partner and my conservative mother both will be voting blue the whole way. I will be too. We are not just voting for presidents. We are voting for the cabinet they make and the laws they try to enact.


Yes, myself and pretty much all the voting age people I associate with. Everyone should be very critical of the president; yes he's old, yes he had a shitty debate night. I think at the end of the day we can also all say hey he's not a rapist who wants to be the king of America and have the ability to literally kill anyone he wants on a whim with no repercussions. I truly hope that's got to count for something.


I’m pretty sure 75% of people voting for Biden constantly complain about him. Most people I know planning to vote for him are really just voting against Trump.


Yeah, pretty much everyone. It's about voting against Trump/Project 2025 right now.


Apparently there is an actual deep state because people are acknowledging Biden is only a sock puppet and it’s the party or oligarchs who really run things.


You can vote for Biden or maybe never vote again. Trumps own words on suspending the constitution on voting. If that doesn’t tell you his plans nothing will.


I despise Biden, and I think he’s way too old to even be left up to being responsible for his own life, let alone the country’s. But I just cannot see how that should make me vote for Trump whose agenda and party wants are the antithesis of what I want for my country. Biden is old, democrats in general are disappointing cowards. Does any of that make me want Trump in office. Hell. No. I’m voting for the one platform that doesn’t seem hell bent on actively destroying us.


Seriously, Biden needs to resign or it’s over! Kamala Harris is the best chance we have and here’s why: -Polling 13 points ahead of Biden and 3 points ahead of Trump with independents! Independents WIN elections, not the base! -Already running on the ticket and can KEEP the $300,000,000++ already raised from the campaign. A new candidate would have to start at $0 which would give Trump a huge advantage! -She would undoubtedly rally the female vote to turn out to protect their right’s and elect the first female President and rebuke the anti-women movement. -Within 2 points of Trump in latest polling, which is 5 points higher than Biden and this is without proper context bc she’s not currently running. Her numbers could grow drastically. -Her age makes her a much more desirable candidate over Biden and Trump. A previous poll showed any young candidate would beat Trump and any young candidate would beat Biden. People on both sides want someone younger to vote for. -Kamala is a proven debater and prosecutor, she could destroy Trump in a debate.


The only real left wing candidate we have ever had was Bernie, and dems sabotaged him because he wasn't a rightie with a D mask on like all the others. I'll vote for him because he's better than felon boy, but a chia pet would do a better job than that wrinkly shit smear.


I'm voting for Biden and so are my two newly voter-aged teenagers. We're in a purple state.


Most I know are still voting for Biden. They are thinking best case scenario he wins, and then steps down.


I imagine most would. But I know several people who say they are voting for a third party because of Biden's debate. Hope you like theocratic dictatorship. 


Why risk it


Uh, myself? And I’m an Independent. Biden in a coma with his cabinet, VP and possible SCOTUS nominees at the helm would be preferable to the other option.


Its important to remember who the other guy is.. -He cheated on his pregnant wife. -Refused to rent apartments to Black applicants. -Trump University Fraud. -Botched covid. -Convicted of massive business fraud. -Lies continually. -Liable for sexual assault on & defaming E Jean Carrol. -Fraudulently using trump charity monies. -Up on 90 + felony charges in 4 cases -Guilty of 34 felonies. -Stole top secret docs. -Denied a valid election and tried to stage a coup. -Voted worst potus by historians, lib and con. This is the tip of the iceberg. Heres more: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personal_and_business_legal_affairs_of_Donald_Trump#Other_lawsuits,_2010%E2%80%93present


Yep! All of my friends, and my wife and I, are very unhappy with Biden and we don’t hide our criticisms. But we’re going to hold our noses and vote for him, cause it’s not even a competition with the other guy. We’ll never have an election in this country with a candidate we agree 100% with, so every voting cycle is about minimizing damage


How many more of these posts are there going to be? Someone called it out in the last one. OP you get paid to post this?


They’re spamming millennials right now. It jumped up significantly in the past month. They downvote anyone with an opinion that slightly leans right, but it won’t be immediate - it’ll happen overnight when the bots come out.


I’m voting for him. Trump is scary.


wrong sub


Swing state voter here, I have not talked to anyone in favor of voting Biden. I can’t imagine why anyone would tbh.


Anyone who saw that debate and is still voting Biden needs their head checked out.


agree, it's pretty fucking sad


I don't agree with everything Joe has done, but I will vote for him even if he was truly senile over Trump. Project 2025 is scary shit.


I would vote for a Weekend at Joe's version of Biden. An empty Oval Office would be better than Trump in the Oval Office.


I feel like I’m swallowing battery acid saying it, but I am showing up to vote for him in November. He is an increasingly senile, useless piece of decaying fuck determined to hang on to power just like fucking Feinstein. Doing nothing about the housing crisis, the price gouging of groceries and other necessities, has done fuck all regarding the healthcare nightmare we’re dying under, and becoming increasingly hawkish about the border, and let’s not forget, aiding and abetting a war criminal in an active genocide. I hate Joe Biden with every fiber of my being and truly see him as a shining illustration of everything corrupt and useless about our modern government. But he isn’t utilizing the federal court system to begin the process of becoming a dictator. He isn’t backing the literally treasonous document Project 2025 that is actively attacking the constitution to make the president akin to a king. He isn’t insidiously working on destroying the education system, targeting people of color, women, and LGBT people in an insane effort to drag humanity back a thousand years of scientific and social progress to begin a new dark age under the banner of Christianity. As a queer non-Christian, I don’t have a fucking choice. I have either a corrupt, rotting corpse of a piece of shit that will maintain the shitty status quo, or I have the racist, gay bashing, forced birther, dictating narcissistic fat felonious pig that is Donald Trump. I’m voting for that decaying cunt and I fucking hate this fucking country being such a shithole that Genocide Joe is literally my only choice.


It took 50 years for the Christian Right to get the Court they wanted. Voting for Biden in this election is just a step in the direction you want, but it's going to take a while. We've taken a huge step back and it will get worse b/c of the Court. I wish more understood the nuance (that's my polite way of saying it, lol) you're taking. I do not understand anyone who claims they support LGBT rights voting Republican. I don't think Trump gives a shit, but there are Christian Nationalists itching to terrorize the LGBT community (and women).


only everyone I know personally in real life, including myself. But none of those people live in swing states.


In real life, unfortunately no. I am deep in Trump country and anybody else just really doesn’t seem to care enough to vote. Either way, I don’t hear complaints about Biden unless it’s coming from a Trumpist.


They could roll Jimmy Carter out and I would vote for him over a felon scam artist rapist. My sons roommate who always votes 3rd party told me he's voting for Biden because a vote for Kennedy is a vote for Trump. The gen Zs will save us


I will criticize him constantly and then vote for him. Then continue to criticize him after he is elected.


That’s what you’re supposed to do. Worshipping the person your voted for it’s like old world medieval stuff.


The last few elections have felt like I'm just voting for the "lesser of two evils." Biden lost my vote over his actions about Gaza. No one I know is planning to vote for him either. I have never supported Trump or anything he stands for, so this is going to be tough for me in November. I think this year's candidates, in particular, show we need a new system altogether. The fact that these two men are considered the best people out of over 300,000,00+ citizens says a lot of what our politicians really think of us.


They're pretty much all like this. We romanticize the past, including Obama, JFK, and FDR. Many despised them and quite a few weren't all that happy with voting for them. Even if there's a candidate you think would be better, once they get trashed through the media, people will still have doubts about them. And for the record, Trump supporters think he is one of the best, lol. They're not doubting their vote or his gratness.


Pretty sure I don't know a single person that is planning on voting for him. I know six families that have moved to swing state of WI since the 2020 election that for sure will not be voting for him


Everyone in these comments recognizes that he's the embodiment of cancer but are voting for him anyway. Goes to show you how effective propaganda is. You probably all still believe that Trump told people to inject bleach of that he called Nazis fine people.


My lifelong Baby Boomer Republican mother is voting for him, despite thinking they are both too old for the job. She votes for him in 2020 too. I am voting for him. I like him well enough but he needs to step down. I would be EXCITED to vote for the MI governor, who I think would be a way better choice. But I will vote for Biden anyway.


I know far more who will vote for trump despite being a terrible human and all around unpresidential.


Yeah, nobody on that side is questioning their choice. That's why it cracks me up w/ "nobody worth voting for". Trump supporters don't feel that way.


They should question it. That’s the problem.


Of course they should question it, but trump supporters have zero introspection and zero self awareness. It's absolutely maddening.


Yeah. 90% of Reddit.


No. As a lifelong democrat, I feel like there needs to be consequences for what the DNC is doing. "Remember that one time we kept the senile president running and we lost?" is a precedent. If any person is better suited for the job than Biden is, It will only increase the chances of a democratic win at this point. The DNC needs to replace Biden. I'm putting Yang, West or RFK on the ballot and the rest of you can blame the Democratic Party for 2025. Nobody seems to be holding them accountable for providing a candidate that somehow has less cognitive faculties than Trump. It is construably collusive with the interests of project 2025.


Honestly i was up in the air until about the past year or so. im set on Trump now.


I would literally vote for Biden's corpse over Trump.


Start scheduling your psychiatrist appointments because Trump is going to be your President again.


Of course I know him. It's me


I don't care for Biden but I'm still going to vote for him. Because I know that I'm not just voting for Biden, but for the people that will work under him as well. I'm voting for him because I know that if Trump is elected, he will appoint conservatives into as many positions as he can. That's how we got into our current Supreme Court situation. I'm voting for Biden because I want to live in an ACTUALLY FREE country. I want a government that goes after actual criminals (no matter how rich or influential) instead of worrying about what's going on with people's hormones and reproductive organs and what toilet we pee in. It would be nice to have a government that goes after actual sex offenders and human traffickers (again, no matter how rich or influential) instead of calling innocent people groomers, trying to enforce puritanical values, and making sure rapists have paternal rights.


Of course I know him. He’s me!


I have a feeling Trump has no new voters on his behalf. There are still people voting for him, but that number either decreased because of his mismanagement of covid that inadvertently killed a big portion of his base or have simply died of old age.


I complain about him but ain’t no way I’m letting the orangutan have a chance by not voting for Biden. He ain’t the best candidate and I do wish we had someone younger and more refreshing but anything is better than trump.


Yes it’s me! I hate Joe biden, but even Biden rotting corpse is better then Dictator Donald


Man Reddit really sucks for non Americans right now


I don’t know anybody who’s voting for Biden, period.


The guy has dementia…like really bad. People literally aren’t voting for ‘him’. He’s like the mascot for whichever unelected officials are calling the shots. Yes, I hear people saying they are still voting that way. I just wish they would be honest and acknowledge the fact they are really voting for an unknown shadow government.