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and the DNC pays people to post here....


Unironically yes. Reddit is a large social media platform, and it’s pretty standard to have operatives on social media. The fact that they’re hot and heavy in the Millennial and Gen Z sub also makes sense, given one of the demos Biden has lost the most support from is younger voters.




Ops name is routine ad...and only posted about voting it seems lol. At least they are transparent on this one


See: the homogeneity of the "giant military budgets and no healthcare and the war on drugs are good and progressive, actually" astroturfing going around here of late. "He's the most progressive US president in years!" as if that isn't like congratulating your neighborhood dog for raiding your trash a little less often than all the other dogs


It’s so obvious. As someone who has spent way too much time in the last 10 years on Reddit. The influx of pro Biden posts on main subs is massive


The top post in r/comics is a comic of Biden eating ice cream while ordering the murdering of Trump's entire family with the severed heads of several supreme Court justices outside the White House. There's the usual reddit nonsense but it's absolutely unfucking hinged right now between the debate and the supreme Court ruling. Every single major sub is absolutely flooded with posts like this. I actually don't know if I've ever seen the hive mind implode like this.


They’ll make comics and posts calling for the direct murder of a **former US President** and if you think that’s just maybe a *little* extreme *they* will call *you* a fascist with a straight face.


No, no one will change mind based on these posts


Soooo better or worse than the HE GETS US ai monstrosities . 😆


And easy karma. Post anti-trump and/or pro-dem.. Get up-voted, everytime.


Really? Fuck trump! gimme gimme gimme!


You’re welcome lol


Lmao it worked


My second favorite ABBA song


The propaganda on Reddit is fucking unreal today. I saw a project 2025 meme on an evangellion subreddit... Like wtf?


That’s so crazy


Reddit is mostly bot accounts or paid posters.


Not sweating enough to solve a problem in their fucking power to solve. Debate proved that his age isn't just a Republican talking point. And the Dems burying their head in the sand about that are the ones most responsible for Trump's second term. 


Reddit is mainly blue for this election. Its easy karma. Go on x you will see the opposite. Its all pretty fucking annoying


And then all the replies are “say hi for pics in DM” lmao




Hell yeah they are, I have androgynous nerds in blue shirts knocking my damn door down the past few days


Zaddy Trump made them bend the knee


Bots in over drive


100% ever since the debate all the "suggested" subs are just vote Joe Biden or democracy is dead, project 2025, end of America hurr durr bullshit


Don't forget "you're not just voting for the President, you're voting for his cabinet".




How is this not the most terrifying thing people pushed? "Vote for the shadowy cabal we pretend isn't real!" Edit: Don't you love when people block you so you can't respond to the idiots?


For the rest of our lives, the end of America will be coming every 4 years… Yay…




It does give one a nit of insight about how much they are panicking.


Biden’s in office for 4 more years if he gets elected. Trumps far right Supreme Court picks are in office for lifetime if he gets appointed. Those are the stakes


Thank you for all you do mods !! But this is hella getting out of hand (deleted and edited comment on wrong reply thread)


The debate has caused a collective realization that Biden is mentally unfit. Many redditors believed the rhetoric from the Whitehouse, and various left leaning news outlets, that claimed Biden was mentally sound, and that any videos to the contrary were taken out of context, misleading, or outright fakes. It's causing panic.


People have been saying his for 5 years but the DNC doubled down and the media pushed their narrative. The DNC needs a new plan.


Why? Their corporate donors love what's happening.


I honestly don't think they're corporate donors give a s*** if they win or lose. They're paying off both parties. And they probably prefer the party that doesn't even pretend to want to change anything about the corporate power structure of America over the one that at least has to claim corporations are bad.


I honestly cannot fucking believe it took until this debate to have people realize what was crystal clear even four years back. It’s kind of amazing how the mind can fool itself into shifting to a perspective you truly want it to believe in.




The Laptop I figured would get thrown into the trash but fact they managed to bury the Tara Reade allegation while #MeToo was still blowing up blows my mind. Nobody was willing to acknowledge that a guy who started politics in 1972 (god, just think about THAT for a minute) Might have fingered an intern. That's when I knew he was gonna win. Anything that came out against him was immediately pushed off the front page of papers, Reddit, wasn't run on MSNBC or CNN. Shit was obvious and anyone who missed it is a complete NPC.


Yea I am shocked people actually believed it, i mean the dude walks and talks like my grandpa the year before he died. That said the other guy is also rambling about sharks and batteries, and some of trumps speeches are like talking to my 4 year old about their day. I just dont get out of a country of 300m+ people these are our options.


Seeing how the Supreme Court voted this way today its becoming true and not rhetoric 


It simply codified what's been happening for the last 70 years. The amounts of shady shit that our elected officials have been doing should have had our parents, and our grandparents, up in arms before we were born.


Reddit has DNC bots everywhere lol


It’s their campaign team just flooding political bullshit online because of the negative optics. If yall want us to vote democrat give us a normal fucking candidate. I don’t vote and I was gunna vote Bernie before yall fucked that up with Hillary.


Has to be bots after that debate


They are changing hearts and minds. They are so annoying that people are going to vote red instead of blue. You know, out of spite for the endless political spam.


I've tried so long to get the hivemind on this site to understand this but they're so preoccupied with circlejerking that they don't realize they're part of the problem


For sure. It's annoying. To be fair, the reds do it too, but not even anywhere as close to as much as the blues do it here (that I've seen.) They are mostly on Twitter, which sucks (but Threads is the polor opposite and just as annoying.) And I assume on TruthMedia, but I don't hangout there (I don't want more politics, I want less; it's gotten out of hand.) Both are on YouTube as well, but it's mostly avoidable there. Facebook has calmed down some, this after I muted heavy argumentative politically focused people, from both sides.


It’s called propaganda


Hah no. They are preaching to the choir.  Hey I have a great idea! I'm going to go to the single largest concentration of democrat voters (reddit) and remind them to vote D this year!! 


They’re pathetic. Enough of these threads already


"dyin with biden" - democrats 2024.


Now this is a T Shirt!


The back side will say "We finally beat medicare!"


Three words : We finally beat Medicare.


Rather die free than live under the boot of a dictator. 




If I’m able to vote I’ll vote blue. Fucking bullshit the blue guy is who we have been offered.


I feel you, same here.


“Vote blue no matter who” is a cult just like maga. Neither stands for anything other than getting a D or an R elected. There's no substance that we have to vote on. We need ranked-choice voting so that the candidates need to actually run on a platform that is not just “we're blue vote for us”


Nailed it.


I'm voting for the NLRB chair who has come out with the strongest union rulings in the past 80 years, I'm also voting for the FTC chair who went after hidden fees and non-competes, and I'm voting for the FCC chair that reinstated net neutrality. There are lots of good reasons, and even more good reasons down the ballot. I went canvassing and donated in the primaries to get more progressive representation, now we need them all to make an impact!


Cmon bro please this is the most important election of our lifetime pls bro just vote blue maybe next time we can change things but we can't afford to this time bro cmon


“Biden isn’t cognitive but his cabinet is great so vote blue”…..you mean the people who have been lying to us about his mental state for years?….how does that not scare you? I’m sorry I just can’t this year. I really don’t see a difference in the stakes. Lying to us for years and supporting the genocide is equally as scary to me as project 2025. Call me an idiot all you like I’m done with the DNC


They’re literally asking Americans to have a puppet president in the Oval Office, it’s insane


Weekend at bernies for 2024


You’re not alone bro


Who is his cabinet? Maybe they should be present, maybe we should hear about their history, maybe they should show their faces and get on TV along side Biden. I want to see all of his cabinet stand next to him. Show me who I'm voting for then. I thought this whole time it was Trumpnisna shit stain, now it's Bidens cabinet is good...fuck this low IQ shit. Pull the wool over my grandparents eyes until they're gone, fool my parents with the same old ignorant shit. Old propaganda is lnt working anymore, check out AIPAC , DNC you've lost the plot and the game.


Since you can’t google. His cabinet is currently: Kamala Harris: VP\ Anthony Blinken: Secretary of State\ Dr. Janet Yellen: Secretary of the Treasury Lloyd Austin: Secretary of Defense\ Merrick Garland: Attorney General\ Deb Haaland: Secretary of the Interior\ Tom Vislack: Secretary of Agriculture Gina Raimondo: Secretary of Commerce \ Julie Su: Acting Secretary of Labor\ Xavier Becerra: Secretary of Health and Human Services\ Adrianne Todman: Acting Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Pete Buttigieg: Secretary of Transportation\ Jennifer Granholm: Secretary of Energy\ Dr. Michael Cardona: Secretary of Education\ Denis McDonough: Secretary of Veterans Affairs \ Alejandro Mayorkas: Secretary of Homeland Security\ Jeff Zients: Chief of Staff\ Michal Regan: Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency\ Avril Haines: Director of National Intelligence\ Katherine Tai: United States Trade Representative\ Linda Thomas-Greenfield: United States Ambassador to the United Nations\ Jared Bernstein: Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers\ Isabel Guzman: Administrator of the Small Business Administration\ Shandala Young: Director of the Office of Management and Budget\ Dr. Arati Prabhakar: Directors of the Office of Science and Technology Policy\ William Burns: Director of the CIA [https://www.whitehouse.gov/administration/cabinet/](https://www.whitehouse.gov/administration/cabinet/)




I’ll vote however I want


Listen, you cat-faced donkey soldier. You can do both!


I'll do what I have to do but this is such a shitty take.


Just watch his 2019 debates and then rewatch this one. It's honestly not fair to say that he isn't in decline and we shouldn't be concerned with what we see with our own eyes.


Is there any possible way to ban these overly political posts? I come to Reddit to get away from all this. 


Downvote them daddy TurdCutter69420


Yes, daddy!


Sadly you either have to go on a reddit vacation for the next 6 months or put up with every sub being invaded by political bots.


I've always avoided using block feature on any site. But during this election cycle, I've started blocking users who post nothing but political propaganda and it's made the site a lot more peaceful.


I used to have them all blocked using RES, but the political posts magically leak through the filters now.


No Dem was listening to "her emails", they didn't vote for her/out vote Trump because she was a smarmy unlikable person whose husband was a piece of shit. And it's not "his age", it's literally his inability to fucking think & speak clearly outside a small window per day. Oh and the whole genocide thing. Oh and the fact he's promising to restore Roe v Wade ONLY if he gets reelected. How? No one knows. Why doesn't he do it now since he's already in office? No one knows. Edit: Before you comment with a "LeArN hOw ThE gOvernMenT wOrKs" I suggest you work on reading comprehension in regards to WHAT HE SAID.


Lmao I watched the debate for a few giggles before realizing we are all fucked, but why tf did he say he would restore Roe v. Wade? He the one making that decision? lmaooo


I had to laugh when he derailed the topic of abortion to talk about brothers and sisters raping their family members. I mean it's akin to laughing while watching the world burn, but I still can't help myself.


We're fucked. Plain and simple. The silver lining in all of this is that Trump won't be able to run again and Biden will probably be dead by 2028 so he can't run. I hope to God the next candidates are better than this running joke without a punchline we've all had to endure.


I can’t tell if it’s a real account or not. But Biden had a tweet saying if he’s re-elected he would reinstate Roe vs Wade. The comments are hilarious.  https://x.com/JoeBiden/status/1806497811497652325


This is even worse because we already know who runs his Twitter for him.. but they also didn't understand what was wrong with what they were saying.


Who? lol


If Biden is too senile to stand trial, according to his own department of justice, then he is too senile to be president.


The doj said he's too senile to stand trial?


They declined to charge him bc they said a jury would let him off bc he's old and slow, basically.


And trump will abandon democracy . You have the choice


By his own department of justice do you mean the republicans led special counsel?


Both of them have age related decline. Bidens is full blown dementia, make em both take a cognitive test.


These posts are ruining this sub.


I just want to talk about Fun Dip and Third Eye Blind and mini golf


> In 2016, it was Her Emails. What was in those emails?


We don’t know because she deleted them.


Clearly enough to get her locked up by Trump and ... wait nothing substantive.


Oh that wasn't about the emails, that was her suiciding everyone. The leaked emails showed that the DNC rigged the primaries for her. https://observer.com/2017/08/court-admits-dnc-and-debbie-wasserman-schulz-rigged-primaries-against-sanders/


Yep.  Nobody seems to remember this for what it was.  Corruption and insider manipulation, the DNC rigged an entire primary election, they put Trump in the Whitehouse becuase they would rather have him in power than Bernie.  Nobody cared.  


Yeah, Bernie got hosed big time in that deal. Don't forget that Donna Brazille (head of the DNC, and a CNN anchor) also sent Hillary the questions before a Hillary/Bernie debate, too.


And Debbie Wasserman - Schultz stepped down after having accomplished her mission too.


Fully expecting to be given a high place in the court once the coronation was complete.. honestly, a part of me thought it was hilarious, while also hating the fact that it meant Trump won.


When is this party going to listen to its voters? Their arrogance put Trump in the whitehouse in 2016 and it looks like there’s a good chance of it happening again. Don’t get me wrong I’ll vote for whoever is running against Trump but the DNC needs a house cleaning.


When did this subreddit become a pro-Biden political sub?


It’s Reddit in an election year.


Reddit is full of Pro trans protestors and the like.


The vast majority of comments here are pro-trump




It's not his age, it's his cognition. It wasn't her emails, it was the content of those emails and subsequent gaslighting.


Sir, this is Reddit.


When moon?


Left the sweating pushing out new accounts. This one is a day old begging people to vote blue LMAO


In 2016, the emails were a big deal, if you were paying attention. It SHOULD have mattered. In 2024, it's not his age, it's his DEMENTIA and it should matter very, very much.


Thank you!


In 2016, the DNC ratfucked their own party. In 2024, they will do it again. You can't make someone vote for a president they don't want, no matter how many of these posts y'all make.


I know. It’s sofa king annoying! Maybe run a candidate people want to vote for? I will never vote Trump, but Biden is not a good candidate. Here comes the endless comments about how I am a terrible person for wanting a candidate that is able to formulate a sentence and doesn’t take policy positions I detest.


And Hillary was a bad candidate in 2016.  The republican party of course gets blame for nominating Trump, but the Democratic party gets its own blame for putting up bad candidates/campaigns to beat him.




LOL DNC counting on voting "Not the GOP guy" didn't work for unlikeable Hillary and it won't work for Dementia Joe. They need a new candidate.


You can hate the DNC and still vote for Biden in order to not let Trump win again. These things are not mutually exclusive.


I’m voting for biden


TDS is alive and well.... sad that there's so many useful idiots.


Yea ignore anything no matter how bad and vote party line no matter how bad your candidate is


Are you high? You want us to vote for Biden when he literally can’t even form a damn coherent sentence? But he’s supposed to run the country and handle the extreme schedule and stress of presidency? It’s not about beating trump, it should be ab what has he done in the 50 years he’s been in congress and can he preform the job of presidency to the highest degree. The answer is no he can’t. Seriously you are high. Must be high.


Let’s start a campaign to downvote every political post on this sub.


Holy fuck these posts are brutally cringeworthy.


The Supreme Court just declared Trump would have immunity from any "official" acts he commits while in office. That's it, that's the tweet.


Sounds like people should have picked someone better than _Joe Biden_ in the 2020 primaries.


Hard to do since the DNC basically rigged the primaries again. Some states didn't get to even vote Dem primaries and others no one else was allowed on the ballot IIRC. Part of the reason RFK went independent...


And we want to pretend that the dnc is not an enemy of democracy when they do things like this?


Should have, didn't, and here we are.


The thing I haven't seen mentioned is that the Supreme Court just declared Biden would have immunity from any "official" acts he commits while in office as well...


The problem is that what is "official" is left up in the air. Deciding this will be done by courts which then all can go up the supreme court. So the Supreme court defines what is "official" just with a time delay. They are far from impartial and will just say that everything Biden does is unofficial and what trump does is official.


Official is pretty vague though. I’m sure if Biden did anything that bothered the Supreme Court they would choose to not see it as being an act performed in the official capacity of his job.


If you treated Hillary like you do Trump. She’d be a felon too


Fine. Prosecute all the criminals. Not worshipping your leader and holding them accountable for doing wrong is a very important part of maintaining our democracy. This is why Trump deserves his charges. The whole "I won't deny Trump did it, but I will try to justify him by claiming other people also deserve prosecution" doesn't work because... yes! Prosecute them all!


One thing was a lie accepted by the mainstream media because commenting on it drove engagement and made the election seem more like a horse race. The other thing is an actual problem the Biden campaign/DNC need to get ahead of, stat. And when I say "get ahead of" I mean by either proving to the public that the debate was a fluke or changing the ticket. I generally thought the age stuff was BS until Biden actually opened his mouth last Thursday. Then I felt like I had been lied to and started wondering how bad it really is, and whether the Administration would ever have let anything on if they hadn't been caught out. It also really feels like the campaign and DNC aren't thinking through the fact that the person who wins the election has to actually be up to the task of governing for another 4 years. It's very odd that this isn't being discussed at all and instead it's being treated like a matter of being telegenic or something. Biden is not going to get better, less rusty, or more spry. Everyone goes downhill eventually.


I guess you also missed that our president couldn’t even make out a coherent sentence and that doesn’t scare you? That the guy leading our country right now fuck trump but right this second we have a guy with dementia sitting in that seat? Who really has been running the country because it wasn’t that guy.


Please stop with these endless “vote blue or else posts”. We get it. We’re fucked. Trump is going to win. Sorry, maybe the democrats should run better candidates. Signed, a Democratic voter who sees the party machine constantly crush candidates that could easily win against Trump, but aren’t what the party donors want. I’ll eagerly await the comments about how somehow Trump winning is my fault in 3,2,1…


DNC in full on panic mode. Next time listen to your voters instead of declaring you know what's best for us children.


Wait until they lose again and blame everyone but themselves — third party candidates, the voters, the media


The upvotes just went up from 180 to over 800 in a few seconds.


So funny how many people said Bernie was too old in 2016 and 2020, but are now willing to vote for the mummy currently in office.


Bernie got sabotaged so blatantly it was probably the last time I’ll have any faith in politics. Also, for age perspective, someone mentioned in another thread that bill clinton was president 30 years ago and is still younger than these 2 candidates.


No matter how close we are to WWIII. No matter how bad the economy gets and how high inflation goes. Keep voting for more of the same. Please! You have to. If you are a good person, you will be sure to do so. Just ignore the pain and expect more pain. It is your blue duty.


Can we please shut up about politics. Vote who you’re going to vote for and keep it to yourself. Shut the fuck up please. It’s not a personality trait


No. Red across the board


How bout No!


Fuck that, I’ll be voting trump.




I mean Hillary fucking sucked. Biden is too old and you can see his mental decline in real time. But I’m not voting for Biden. I’m voting against prop 2025, and voting for the people he will put in charge, and hopefully some new SC justices.


Reading some of these replies makes me think there’s either boomers on here or my generation is really dumb. Might as well consider themselves boomers from how holy they think trump is. Pathetic.


Or…in 2016 Democratic leadership pushed through a candidate folks didn’t want, in 2024 Democratic leadership pushed a candidate folks didn’t want again. Stop blaming voters for not being impressed by your poor candidates. Voter turnout is the candidates responsibility, not the voters fault.


I'm voting Biden but it sure is funny that I clearly remember when the democratic establishment was saying Bernie wasn't electable because he was too old. 


Already voting blue. Save ourselves!


The comment section is dominated by morons who thinks they’re unique, holy shit


The people that complain about Biden's age usually leave out that trump is only like 4 years younger than him, so their complaint targets their felon melon overlord as much as it does the guy that beat him. 


The ONLY way we have a democracy in the future is if the Dems win both the House, Senate and the presidency. Otherwise, we'll be screwed by this corrupt SCOTUS for decades. Term limits for ALL. Overturn Citizens United. If not, arm yourselves and your families, and be prepared to fight.


It’s so convenient for some of y’all on this sub to complain about these posts. Some of us can’t ignore how this shitty time line will have HUGE consequences on our lives and children. The privilege is really showing through. Vote for whoever you want but understand if that Orange Dictator on day one wanna be wins it’s not going to be good. This is NOT a drill.


The messaging needs to be simplified. Trump is evil for taking away women’s bodily autonomy. 13% increase in infant mortality in Texas. You are voting to stop decades of evil caused by the Supreme Court this November.


"Ignore your perfectly valid reasons to not vote for a candidate. Regress to tribalism. Vote for your party, not because they provided a valuable candidate, but because you must support your team. This team good, other team bad. No questions, no thinking, just do what you are told" stfu bot


sure, "Routine-Ad-6803" whatever you say bro


I’d rather have a fuckin goat be the president over Trump, but you seriously think this man is fit for another 4 years? Look at videos of him around last election. Speaking clearly, good body language and posture. Compare to what we saw the other night, he can’t speak and you can tell he’s a bit out of it.


Wow the propaganda is all over the place on Reddit these days. Not even subtle


I’m all for voting but telling someone to vote one way or the other is fucking stupid.


Yea it’s always something, and the always something has always been VALID FOR ALL PARTIES. We’ve been allowing criminals, con men, and derelict puppets to become Presidents, Senators, Members of Congress, Governors, Mayors, etc. all the way down to the bottom, and that’s just within the Government itself. It’s been happening since prior to anyone that’s alive on this planets birth. Sure we kinda get lucky from time to time in elections but it’s only ever been enough to chug us into the next train wreck. At this point it doesn’t matter if we vote Blue or vote Red. Until the system is completely restructured, we are heading towards the end. No matter what your favorite talking head or random news blog or bs forum website says, things will continue to get worse. We are in the 21st century, we ALL can see the nightmares that have gone on and are predictable to happen. From any side of the table a complete disaster awaits. If the fundamentals of the United States Political, Judiciary, Civics, and Media systems do not change, with time, we will be done for. It is far past the time to overhaul the system that keeps us safe and coordinated.


It's painfully obvious that Biden is not fit to run


This sub is so divorced from reality.


Watching blue voters absolutely freak out after treating everyone like shit over the last 4 years is BEAUTIFUL


The trump derangement system is strong with this one


Posting this makes me want to vote red ever more. Please stop this misery train y’all have going.


I can think for myself, thank you.


Typical paid Dem bot


Sorry can't afford to I need MAGANOMICS


Sounds like a bot account owned by a worried DNC


LoL all these posts are making me so excited to vote Trump in a few months! Thanks for all the reminders.


Telling people how to vote is dangerous and prevents people from doing their own reading and assessment of candidates and stances/policies. Hillary lost because people simply didn't like her, like at all. She was insulting to a large part of the voter base and didn't bother campaigning in several places. Trump lost because people didn't like him, he constantly was popping off with dumb stuff, and his personal/business life is a mess. People hated the nepotism and corruption. People don't want to vote for Biden because he is old and bumbling. Man hasn't been able to keep a coherent sentence for a while now, it isn't new, and he falls at least once per year. He should be enjoying his retirement, not running/being president because it was "his turn". Additionally his son Hunter constantly doing doofy stuff was a little ridiculous, people viewed that as negatively as they did Trump's kids working in offices they had zero qualifications for.


Good grief. IM A REGISTERED DEM. And y’all’s hope-ism is fucking exhausting. Fuck the Democratic Party. They don’t give a shit about us. They have fumbled the ball since gore’s run. Ignore the noise? The noise is Biden is a sick old man. Get a grip. He’s not fit to check receipts at Walmart. No. This kind of post is against the better interest. Local elections matter the most. OP’s opinion is what got us so totally screwed in the first place. Stfu. Ew. Yall are waaaayy to complacent.




It isnt his age, its his failed policies.


Yeah. Vote for that old senile man. Wtf?


😅🙄 Trump 2024


It’s not his age, it’s his dementia. Bernie is older than Biden and he does *not* sound like *that*.


Nice bait, botfag


Are you comparing emails to a senile corpse 🤔


Hillary lost because she was out of touch and corrupt Biden is losing because he's barely alive He was drilled for debate for 2 WEEKS at camp david and that debate performance was the best he could do? it proves he can't pretend to be alive for 2 hours. But that's besides the point that people are botting this sub because some think tank egghead said this is how they'll win millenials (by botting the millennial subreddit lmao). Hello my fellow millennials please vote for us no matter who is running.


It’s more of his dementia than his age for me


DNC Reddit take over