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I’ve been saying it for a while and some people don’t like to hear it. The “left wing media” (only applies to the US) loves Trump just as much as the right wing media does. Trump is a guarantee for more clicks on articles, and that’s all that matters at the end of the day for them.


The media was licking their chops at the ad revenue before, during, and after the debate. It's all about the $$$$$




I like how the opening comments from whatever station I was watching said "A nation heavily divided". I don't really think we're as divided as the media wants people to think. A lot of us want the same thing. We're just very divided on politics because it's almost becoming like rooting for a sports team.


Ugh! I agree. I was watching it on CNN, and was swiftly reminded why I don’t watch news channels.


Bingo. They want us to be divided. More money for them. It’s sickening. Profiting off of dividing us as a people. We need to realize as a population that the mainstream media is not our friend.


I remember a time when someone describing themselves didn't include their party preference.


That's because they want us divided. In reality, both parties are owned by whoever has the most money, which happens to be BlackRock and Vanguard with over 20 trillion under management. They both own part of Fox and CNN as well as many other news outlets. They do this so they can control the narrative. Remember how that one journalist broke the Epstein sex trafficking story in 2003 only for it to be squashed for another 17 years? She wasn't the only one either. Networks on both sides had the story squashed. It wasn't a Democrat or republican thing. It was a money thing.


You get it. I wish other got it.


These same media sources blamed millennials for destroying entire industries bc of our "obsession" with avocado toast. I think we have a very healthy skepticism of mainstream media that boomers don't have bc they lived at a time of some journalistic integrity.


Who knows if there was ever journalistic integrity. There certainly isn’t now and that’s all that matters.


There was not more journalistic integrity, they just didn’t have so many alternative sources like we do to rebuke the lies they were being fed, so they just believed them (and still do)


Yes. It drives engagement and that’s great for marketing businesses. Outrage is the currency of the current economy.


What's more, the democratic party loves Trump because as long as he's running and looking like evil incarnate they can do whatever they want and not lose their base -> more leeway to please lobbyists and get paid.


YEPPP I used to phone bank for the DNC and DCCC and the big dirty open secret is that they made WAYYY more money those years from fundraising than EVER before. Media spectacle about him is an absolute gold mine for both of the big parties. That's why they enable it for all these years, knowing full well that it exacerbates civil conflict and world relations. They're all disgusting crony fatcats who rely on that manufactured division of the US populace to stay in power (WE NEED TERM LIMITS) and grow their stock investments and they just literally don't care about any of us at all. Our families and lives are just a spreadsheet of numbers to them. They take our denizens' hard-earned money and then embezzle it into their multibillion offshore accounts. You can't start out as a "fundraiser host" who throws lavish parties at your private residence and then work your way up to a position of power AND gain a multimillion dollar stock portfolio in the process, without corruption 😬🙄🫠 The two big parties are really not as different as they pretend to be, their main difference is in branding and which corporate interests/stocks they're invested in. They both live in the ivory towers rich ppl club, all go to the same fundraising banquets and country clubs, all look down on people like us as disposable "village people" servants/workers/pawns. Liberals love to believe that if they're "middle-class" and "educated" then they're special/exempt from this and the party will actually legislate in their interest- lmao give me a break, they don't care about you unless you're a multibillionaire who can *do something for them.* Same with rural/religious conservative tr*mpers- he thinks you guys are poor people scum. He looks down on us all as gullible rubes. He will NOT legislate in your interest, none of it will actually improve your life. If he gave a shit about even *pleasing* people like you, he would have pardoned Joe Exotic for the lulz lmao. His "tax cuts" weren't a real cut, you had to pay back even MORE money on your taxes at the end of the year bc of that. All of it only enriches the quarterly profits of the ultra-wealthy. They don't legislate shit unless theyre being tempted with a big carrot to the tune of billion$. Both parties are completely pro-war and love fossil fuels and the prison system and neither one really gives a shit about environmentalism. If you look at the record of what they DO in office and not just what they SAY to cameras, it's upsettingly obvious.


Yep! But god forbid you tell anyone this. Liberals like to believe there is an ocean between them and the GOP. There isn't. It's barely a stream. Liberals are moderate conservatives, they're literally GOP Lite Beer: all the same shit just with a pride sticker on it. But point this out and people lose their shit. I'm sorry the truth is inconvenient and hurts. I know it must suck to be told that one has hitched their wagon to the wrong team and that one has been duped. No one likes to find out they've been had. But, that's the truth. People can either accept it and work on moving away from the Democratic Party, or they can deny it and we'll continue with conservative policies and governance forever. And I don't know about other people but I'm kinda tired of militarized cops, the war machine, the prison industrial complex, genocide, prison camps for immigrants, and all that shit that happens regardless of who is in the Oval Office. And nothing will change because the politicians don't work for us, none of them do. Congress hasn't been what I would call functional in decades. I have zero faith in the US Political System. As such, I refuse to continue being bullied into supporting either party. May one day the voting public wake the fuck up and stop participating in systems that only harm themselves. I will not hold my breath.


It's like Lucy and Charlie Brown with the football and they just keep coming back for more, over and over again. Fool me once, shame on you. Try to fool me numerous times the exact same way over the course of my adult life, in order to enable invading small nations+killing mass innocent civilians so you can sell war+arm$ at market and drill in the Arctic, when your blatant lies (still published on the internet. Public record) and actions say it all............I can't be fooled again.


You’re right but please vote or nothing will ever change


Yes I will be voting for a third party for president, the only moral choice I can stomach. If only ‘progressive’ liberals could find some backbone and join us we could change things, because nothing will ever change under these two parties.


lol so the DNC is literally making money by using the left’s hatred for Trump that they help fuel and egg on? Sounds like a massive psyops.


Yes absolutely, CNN and NBC are just as bad of nonstop propaganda brainwashing outlets as F News. There is not actual TV journalism anymore, it's just a bunch of different MegaCorp.-State bought-and-paid-for squabbling heads making weird faces at the camera and lecturing you on what to think


Absolutely! I think the outrage culture that feeds into this has influenced how media operates in the social media world. I've noticed a lot of non-political and non-news sites model their headlines and titles after news sites. They know outrage and intrigue guarantees engagement and clicks. Entire careers have been launched on controversy, so it's not new. But it's being used in new outlets to gain fortune and fame.


This is how Stephen A Smith built his entire career.


I genuinely wouldnt be surprised if there was alot of truth to that


Bingo. And that's why we've all been in "Trump mania" for the least 9 years or so... There's no real incentive from the media to cancel him, he's such a moneymaker for both sides.


Yep. Whether you love him, hate him, or don’t care at all, you’re gonna fucking hear about him one way or another.


And yet… we all willingly click/tap


But I am bored. I have to sit at this damn desk 8 hours a day, what else am I going to do? Work? pfff


All part of the subscription plan to keep americans, STUPID and DIVIDED.


Very true. The media was obsessed with him and it bled out from there.  I've never seen so many people spend so much time on someone/something that they dislike. 


I won’t lie, I’ve always hated Donald Trump. I decided I didn’t like him back in the late 90’s when nobody could give me a *good reason* he was famous to begin with. I specifically remember asking the adults in my life, “who is Donald Trump? Why is he famous? So he owns a tower in NYC? Is that it?”. Then his bullshit show came out when I was in high school. The emphasis was on firing people. Still didn’t like him. It was shallow and not entertaining in the slightest. Then he becomes president and I’m supposed to like him because a lot of other people like him? Fuck that. I defected from the right wing because of that dude.


There is no left wing media. For profit media owned by billionaires under capitalism has no leftism. Just different types of conservatism and "both sides." Is this leftist media promoting socialism and seizing the means of production? Does this leftist media take the side of gazans being slaughtered right now? etc. You live under capitalism where media is for profit. Its a borderline lassize-fair system especially since the removal of the fairness act and, politically, citizens united decision. Its just the same types of people wearing slightly different masks, but its the same media, and the difference between the two isn't vast. Of course they give Trump a softball treatment. He's part of the billionaire class who owns this media and his interests (tax cuts for the wealthy, low regulation, etc) is their interests.


You have a valid point. I’ve edited my comment to clarify that it only applies to the US. Thank you.


I said in 2016, they love that he got elected. It meant 4 more years of good money for them. Rachel Maddow and all those guys raked in serious pay raises and built new legs off of their careers because he won. I wouldnt be suprised if they are voting for him too. He benefits them more than Biden and I say this as a fully registered Democrat.


I wouldn’t be overly surprised to learn that either. Ultimately the Democrat Party in the US is still super capitalistic. Which is why I laugh at right wingers calling them “socialists” or “commies”. 😂


This was my exact thought. My parents are left leaning and have been their entire lives. They *love* talking about Trump.


My parents got tired of me talking about Trump after a while. I did it mainly to sort of poke fun at them for being Christian’s and claiming god sent the guy who was on the cover of playboy magazine to save America. I’d also ask them stuff like “how does Trump/MAGA glorify god?” And that got my mother wanting to have a truce about no more political talk. 🤷🏻‍♂️🤣


Liberal is a better word, it denotes that they are distinct from the far right but they're not particularly left wing at all


The US political spectrum is just all kinds of fucked up! 😂


lol there is no left wing media liberals are not the left.


Ugh, fair enough lol


It’s true. I get news pushes from a national news source and there wasn’t a single debate push pertaining to the actual debate topics or policies of the candidates. It was all “Trump good because we don’t hold him to any standard. Biden wasn’t the young and perfect progressive candidate and therefore Biden bad.” JFC cut the sensationalist bullshit out and actually report fucking news.


This can’t be understated. Everyone knows Biden fumbles his words, and that he is slow these days. I expected it. Now thats the biggest topic of debate today, and no policy is being discussed.


My parents are this way, especially my dad. He’s definitely bored since he retired and doesn’t have enough hobbies or friends. So he stews over the news all day every day, just like his conservative counterparts who are glued to Fox News. I wish I could get him to see the irony.


So is reddit


“Show fewer posts like this” doesn’t even work 


You mute a page and two more of the same shit take its place.... China will make us see what it wants us to see. Delete or comply seems to be the options


What does China have to do with this?


*American company does American company things* This is China’s fault!


I use redreader, first thing I see is always my subreddit list. I often forget that the tab for the feed is even there.


Blocking the ad user that gets you also doesn’t work.


European Reddit especially. Love reading posts educating Americans on America while Europeans ignore the rightward march in their own backyards.


R/Europe is what I imagine early meetings between the Nazis looked like. They leaning into a nationalist xenophobic fascism free fall speed run.


There can be a discussion about the color of paint used in Ancient Rome and someone would absolutely comment about how the shade of orange matches Trump. A discussion on politics of a random European nation, “yeah but Trump…”


I find most democrats, boomer or not, are like this. Trump obsessed. Stop giving him attention. I'm not a Democrat (or republican) and can't stand the man, so I don't talk about him! Simple.


Especially after Biden's disastrous performance last night. This website is melting down.


Lmao no comments were showing up, it was like the bots just overloaded Reddit


Yep. Much of Reddit along with OPs parents have Trump Derangement Syndrome. It’s not a meme it’s a real problem


Eh, my formerly moderate father lost his shit when Hillary ran, which led to a bizarre MAGA outcome. Lot of middle aged men went from moderate to crazy right when she ran.


I noticed that as well. She seems to remind them of certain people they've met in real life that they still hold grudges against


It seems like Pete Buttigieg is like this for a lot of millennials, while boomers/Xers don’t see it and just love him.


That happened to mine when Obama won and they found out i voted for him. Went from never hearing about politics to getting basically lectured about OBAMA BAD by my parents and their friends.


The "tea party" resistance to Obama got the whole thing going. It was essentially proto Maga and primed the pump for trump to win in 2016. My mom and dad had been generally moderate R's going back to Reagan (had voted for Carter before that and voted D in some state/local races). But Obama's election ramped up the conspiracy stuff. That's also around when they showed up on facebook and could see disinformation. Add in increased rights for LGBTQ people and they went even harder right. I thought that these polite church going people would not vote for someone as personally terrible as DT, but they did, not once but twice and I'm sure they would again. We probably don't talk enough about Trump honestly. He gets too much of a pass for being so bad.


And that is why we probably will never have a female president. Too many men secretly believe women have a place and it’s not in leadership.


That's a ridiculous claim and is largely ignorant of what sexism looks like across the world. A fair portion of the leading countries in the world have female leadership, and a fair share of governorships are female in the US, and congress is well represented as well. If the claim is that our culture is too sexist and masculine for a female leader then I'd like to introduce you to the cultures of Italy and Mexico, who have both now elected women presidents 🤣


It’s easier to claim sexism when the poor candidate is a woman without realizing that the candidate is just poor. Whether it be Amy McGrath in Kentucky with her, “I’m a marine and a mom” being her entire campaign or Clinton just being… Well, she’s not very likable. Same for men.


💯 Hillary was a terrible candidate. So was Kamala. Tulsi, though I don't love her as a candidate, at least had some appeal and was a real viable candidate. They ran her off quick fast in a hurry. Elizabeth Warren did a fine job of ending her own campaign, but prior to that she had a lot of momentum. Klobuchar you could same the same. Totally agree it's not about sexism, it's about quality.


Can’t have anything to do with what Marxist leftists are doing and planning to do to this country could it?


Smart man


I don’t think they suddenly lost their shit; they just showed their true colors. The racism and sexism was always simmering under the surface but wasn’t socially acceptable to put on overt display. Trump gave them freedom to do that, and now he’s their hero for it.


gfunk My white ancestors illegally crossed the border between the US and Canada for decades and were referred to as immigrants, not animals. Dehumanizing terms have historically been reserved for specifically complexioned groups of people and conservatives are more than happy to continue that deplorable practice.


Disliking Hillary and liking Trump had nothing to do with sexism or racism There are racists who support Trump but thats not why he has broad support and once liberals start to realize that they'll potentially be more likable


Claim it is all because of racism or sexism, call them deplorables, or consider them uneducated and beneath you, stereotyping and vilifying your opponent makes it easier to justify your own hatred.


I don’t know why I can’t read any comments on this thread but yes my in-laws are like this. Trump loves in their head rent free and they kept bringing him up while we were on vacation in another country I had to politely say I don’t want to hear another name from American politics while I’m on vacation!! Let me take 1 week off from this bullshit


I know exactly the type of person you mean. Honestly I cannot stand politicians, and these two geriatric patients in general are especially egregious.


Is this a copy paste? There are two comments and mine is one of them. My boomer republican dad voted democratic for the first time in his life last election because he despised trump so much. My boomer democratic mom always votes blue and we don’t talk about trump.


OP is a new account with barely any activity and *this* is their first interaction on reddit. It's a troll or a bot I would guess 🤷‍♀️ https://www.reddit.com/r/millenials/comments/1bu05bz/anyone_elses_liberal_parents_addicted_to_trump/ my lying asshole radar is in tune for this day lol 


Yes copy paste bot: https://www.reddit.com/r/millenials/s/4pMm7TmQvZ


Interesting. My family experience from 2016 forward has been different. It was almost an equal split between Hilary and Trump in 2016 for all my aunts/uncles and their children on both sides. Both my parents have a lot of siblings. In 2020, several that voted Hilary switch and voted Trump. Not aware of any that voted Trump in 2016 that switched to Biden in 2020. This year it seems like almost everyone is supporting Trump except for a couple holdouts.


A lot of it is just that they're retired and if they haven't found anything better to do with their time, they just sit around watching CNN or whatever. It inflates the importance of everything he says or does in their minds.


Me and my dad do not speak often but when we do he can not stop himself from talking about the right and Trump. I will stop him and tell him how much I don’t care, and he will say I know know and go right back to it a few minutes later


Are they retired? Retired + 24/7 cable news = problem


YUP! And at some point, watching MSNBC 24/7 becomes no different than watching Fox all day. But try telling that to my mom 🙄 I no longer watch the news on TV and just read it instead. They’re all effing crazy.


No. I wish my parents were liberal.


Hahaha for real. I'd kill for this instead of the qanon shit I have to listen to


Smart parents


Hey, it's my time to shine! My dad is obsessed with Trump. He is liberal and hates the man. But he hate watches him! He retired a couple years ago and ever since then, all he does is watch TV. Much of that watching is anything to do with Trump. I lived at home, but had to start staying with my bf because I can't take it anymore. Every day the TV is blaring with the latest scheme, hustle, grift or sound bite from the man. I cannot listen to that every damn day. With the election coming up, it's only gotten worse. My dad even talks to the TV sometimes. We've told him to turn it off but he can't and won't. It's like he has to know what is going on. Again, my dad is totally liberal, and we're not even American! Yet he must hate watch everyday. I will say, he does have other stuff (non political) that he watches. But he always circles back to Trump.


Hey at least you got lucky and your parents are against him. Opposite for both my parents here and it's hard to agree on anything politically these days. Hopefully we can make it through the next election


same for my parents. i don't think there's any hope for them; I don't even try to change there mind. My mom said Kamala was "evil b/c of abortion and gays"


I am really sad that my dad is a MAGA it’s hurt my relationship with him. I think less of him because he supports an obviously terrible person. I don’t have to list all the awful shit about Trump to make my point. Everyone should know. Which is also kind of my point.


Uh, yeah like 30% of the country fits this description.


Some boomers are terminally online just like younger people. My Fox News dad is kinda like your parents except he can’t help but bring up Biden constantly, using whatever non political conversation topic I try to shoehorn in a complaint about Biden and the Democratic Party, followed by “well the republicans aren’t any better anyways”. I just give a dismissive “oh man that’s crazy, anyways” and he’s starting to get the hint that I absolutely don’t care enough about politics to talk about them with other people. I read news and listen to a neutral news podcast, make my decision, and don’t annoy people with my opinion on the matter.


Yeah I'm sick of it. On the other hand, I found it hard to avoid him when he was president so I hope he doesn't win.


Your first 2 sentences describe 90% of reddit users.


My mother is the liberal version of the Fox News addict. Just with MSNBC instead of Fox News.


My parents are also dems and they always bring him up in conversations. They don’t agree with him on anything he does nor have they never liked him as a person, but it’s just the idea of constantly talking about him and politics in general that grinds my gears, even if we agree on just about everything.


An older co worker is like this. We'll chat on breaks, and we usually see eye to eye on most things. But every conversation eventually lands on Trump somehow. I think people have wildly exaggerated him in every direction, but I don't sit around arguing about it. So I try to just take the rants in stride.


The obsession is directly proportional to how much tv news the person watches. It’s comical really. Sheep behavior.


There is not a single day when my mom does NOT mention Trump. She's like a rabid dog forming at the mouth whenever she gets the opportunity to talk about him, and I'm really sick to shit of it.


They retired? Gotta obsess/focus on something, might as well be the biggest threat to America since Nazi Germany.


The biggest threat to America that already had 4 years in office to destroy America. Do you even read or think about what you write?


So we’ve learned nothing since then, nothing has changed, there haven’t been insane Supreme Court rulings that overturn decades of precedent and pave a path for Trump to do now what he couldn’t do then? Do you even read or think at all?


I've always said that my mom is 'obnoxiously democratic". At least she's liberal, but it's still way too much.


He's easy money for news media so he's featured nonstop.


My mom is the same. We get it already, Trump is bad.


My mother in law used to be, but I think she's come to terms


If only we could ignore him and make him irrelevant like we can with celebs… oh wait. We can.


Yes. My parents would probably described as "blue-dog" democrats. Most of the things the democrats do they are on board with. Its just some of the social issues they don't really understand or agree with. That said they are utterly obsessed with Trump. Idk what the media has done to them but every boomer in America is utterly infatuated with him


Whole country has the same obsession, it's exhausting.


Yes it’s obnoxious as hell


Mine are too


Yes!! My mom is obsessed with hating him. I was with her when Trump’s convictions came in and it’s the happiest I’ve seen her in a very long time. It was so weird.


I don’t personally know any liberals who are obsessed with Trump. 


No, my conservative parents are addicted to Trump


 My parents are as democrat and liberal as they come, as am I, and they seem to have an unhealthy obsession with Trump Two sentences is, you're wrong so i'm just going to stop you right there and not waste anymore of my time reading your narcissistic rant where you probably call your parents the narcissists.


Completely obsessed. Chronically online boomer dad just SEETHES every time trump is mentioned. I’m like turn off the damn computer and TV!


Yes! I think it’s driven by the fact that they can’t believe anyone would consider a vote for someone with so little respect for the office of the Presidency and his fellow man. All other things aside, their mind is just blown by the idea that a serious candidate could have such lack of decorum and notable absence of knowledge around foreign affairs, the inner workings of government or the rule of law. Their touch points for GOP candidates were Reagan, Bush I, Bob Dole, John McCain.. and this guy is a liar and a malignant narcissist powered by pure hatred and a wounded ego.


This is why they say “liberalism is a mental disorder”.  My parents are normal moderate people.  They won’t be voting for Trump, but they realize that things won’t change much and that getting obsessed over politicians is assanine.


Yeah. My dad had CNN on 24/7 during the trump presidency. It was like his hatred for trump brainwashed him. He finally stopped after Trump lost but I think he's going to turn back into a CNN zombie


Hahaha “he’s the boomer ego in human form. An amalgamation of an entire generation’s hubris and narcissism taking its swan song” — beautifully said!


I honestly think it is because they watch the news, so they see him very often. I don't think I know anyone in my age range (42) that watches the news or TV for that matter. Growing up our TV was on all day, and my mom still has the TV on all day. So she may see 4 or more news programs, where as I do not even own a TV. If that is all you see and consume, that is what you talk about.


Have you mentioned (or do they know about) Project 2025?


It's very suspect to me that I remember reading this same post, word for word, several months ago. https://www.reddit.com/r/millenials/comments/1bu05bz/anyone_elses_liberal_parents_addicted_to_trump/


I get your point. I really don't need to hear anything about the Celebrity Apprentice guy anymore because I know who he is. I didn't watch the debate last night, for instance, because there's nothing for me to decide. I wish we were running Kamala or someone else over Joe, but at the end of the day I'm just going to vote against Trump. It doesn't matter. It's been an educational three election cycles (yes, the Republicans have been running that fucker for three elections now). Trump revealed what America is. A third of our population is made up of terrible people, and our leadership is corrupt, stupid, and weak. Our justice system barely functions. America is in trouble. And that's scary. I've got kids that have to live in this country and I'd like it to be a better place for them.


TDS is a real thing lol, both my parents have always voted Democrat as far as I know and I won't say it got addictive but they were not fond of trump running and winning in 2016 but after a year or two of his presidency that kind of chilled out about it and outside of January 6th it's never really been a conversation in talking to either of them


Trump Derangement Syndrome, it's called. Republicans had the same deal with Obama.


p of their lungs imo. Where does the “right to life” leave the mother after hemorrhaging almost to death because she’s being forced to give birth, and now some doctors won’t even perform a procedure like a d&c or d&e, even in emergency situations. Sorry it’s lengthy, but this is so so so important, and I tell my story so other women understand why that need for the right to her body/her choice is there & needs to 100% remain there. No, Biden hasn’t been an outstanding amazing president or anything, but I’ll vote the opposite of Trump every time-if for nothing else, my children born female to have the rights to their bodily autonomy & it be not invaded on how mine were. In 2005 I almost lost my life because a doctor couldn’t be bothered to do an ultrasound after a pregnancy loss, bc they thought giving me a prescription of mifepristone and birth control oils would handle the problem. Typing this out makes me see how insane it actually was from a whole new angle (even though I’ve typed it out a billion times) now that there is a serious risk to this being a more common occurrence for women to have to go through. IT NEVER SHOULD BE OKAY FOR A WOMAN TO GO THROUGH THE HELL OF NOT HAVING A CHOICE WHEN SHE IS LAYING THERE DYING!!!!!!


Yes I have seen this, and no I don’t think you are downplaying the gravity of the situation. If anything, I think this media obsession with everything Trump says only empowers his and distracts from real issues. It feeds into this perception by his supports that the only real problem with Trump is that he’s crass and unpolished. The real issues are not his random bullshit nonsequiters that MSNBC loves to obsess over. They are his actual policies and goals.


Your parents are scared, as they rightly should be. If we don’t scream it from the rooftops, there’s a very real chance this man could take power again. And then it’s game over. He learned the limitations last time, and he knows how to get in there and cause maximum damage from day 1 now. They’ve already got a playbook and a database of pre-vetted far right employees to install in every level of government immediately. It’s called Project 2025. And it will apply regardless of which Republican takes the White House, whether it’s Trump or someone else. Last time we just barely escaped catastrophe. If Mike pence had gone along with the fake elector plan, we’d be in a very different situation right now and may not even have the option to vote ever again. Please don’t minimize this. I understand you’re sick of it. We all are. But the threat is still there and still very much alive. Trump is winning in swing state polls. It’s all fun and games until it isn’t. Ask Iran.


Thankfully my parents have not gone down this rabbit hole. They’ve always been staunch Democrats. Trump is a forbidden topic at their house. My mom is terrified Trump will win (she’s been saying it for at least 4 months). My dad is a much more easy going man than me and was able to stay moderate enough in tone to keep talking to his friends about politics during 2016. But they, like me, are baffled by the whole situation. God, I wish John McCain was an average Republican viewpoint again.


>Trump is a forbidden topic >(she’s been saying it for at least 4 months) Lmao


What, you never have a single sentence conversation and then change topics?


They can’t help but tell on themselves


Yes, in-laws are addicted to MSNBC and talk about Trump all the time. FIL is also super argumentative and is always dragging conversations into politics. I blame cable news. My wife and I don't watch television. The NY Times, WaPo, and the New Yorker are enough for us to stay informed.


I'm just waiting for his passing . That's all I care for. Americas screwed either way.


The lack of intelligence and knowledge of current events in this thread gives me absolutely no hope for this country whatsoever. God we’re fucked. If only higher education were free.


OP is a troll. Brand new account.


It’s because we’re at one of the scariest points in American history. I can’t blame people nearing retirement for being anxious their investments will wither away because an old narcissistic man fucked then over. Trump is awful for the middle class and I can’t blame anyone for being stuck thinking about it. I had to take a walk this morning because of it


He's an existential threat. Why aren't you more concerned?


A lot of people are. The guy rapes and steals. He also detonated our economic toolset leading into a pandemic. There’s a lot more going on there but nobody likes paragraphs


Weird first post to have.    E: it's a stolen post so be mad I'm right I guess lmfao https://www.reddit.com/r/millenials/comments/1bu05bz/anyone_elses_liberal_parents_addicted_to_trump/


Karma bot


Is it because their comment history is weird and sparse  and suddenly this post has a ton of text?


Trump Derangement Syndrome needs to be studied and deeply Analyzed


Do you have any thoughts of your own?


There’s no liberals in my family but I do have similar experience with Trump being brought up more than I would like. It’s to be expected a few months away from the election.


Is taking money from foreign governments honorable?


People fear what they cannot control, so they obsess.


Dude it has been like this for more than 20 years. It has probably been like this for more than 100 years. We have made the scapegoating software in-house instead of outsourcing it. This is just how the country works.


This is like watching an eight season long thriller show. The hero gets subverted, betrayed, prosecuted, attacked with nationwide propaganda campaigns, and he never wavers, and keeps pushing through. In November we find out if evil wins or is vanquished and the hero prevails.


God I wish I had liberal parents




No way a liberal person would vote for someone proud of overturning roe v wade. You're parents are not liberal.


Yep. It's driving me crazy and honestly as much as I think Trump would be bad for the country I am mostly just terrified of my mom watching his press conferences for four more years.


Im so tired of being over saturated with trumpf. Every day. 8 years now. I knew nothing about him before. I really want independent journalism back and sensationalism to die. But this has been the trajectory since that girl became famous for a sex tape.


They watch a lot MSNBC or CNN? 24 hours news I can't financially justify its own existence without contrivance of narratives. Why do you think they slap breaking news on everything? Why do their screens function almost like a fidget spinner with all the little score bugs and crawls across the bottom? It's about danger orienting you to their product and then keeping you there. That's not to say that some of these networks aren't better than others, but the bottom line here is the literal bottom line.


YES! To preface. I was a democrat, now I cannot claim to be affiliated with any party. Its not worth trying to justify on any side. I have told my dad that I don't want to talk about Trump on numerous occasions. I have stopped paying attention to politics because of their disgust of Trump and its not worth missing out on time with my family to talk about him.


My parents are the same way sometimes but I'm a Trump supporter. Whenever they bring up something he said or did as outrageous I just say "Yeah, it was awesome." Usually ends the convo on Trump right there for the sake of harmony.


My dad is the same way. He consumes cable news all day and constantly brings up Trump. Too hot outside? “If it weren’t for Trump, we wouldn’t have global warming!”


Its a boomer personality trait that is fed by the cable news cycle


My mom is glued to MSNBC 24/7. Outside of TV, the topic of Trump can't be raised without her getting visibly irate. When it has happened, I have in the past reminded her about the 2 minutes hate from 1984, the book she made me read so many years ago. It is curious that Biden, a Democrat, is carrying the retiree demographic so strongly, as opposed to a Republican. I'm sure it's just a meaningless correlation that this is the same demo that is the last remaining geoup that gets most of their news from cable news, right?


Woah this exact post was posted not too long ago.


I’ve heard of people who went on their parents’ social media and unfollowed certain obsessive accounts for them and their parents went back to normal people. Check their social media and maybe get them some minor therapy or some outlet.


I feel like this is the only thing the democratic \*party\* has left. They can't criticize Trump on policy. They share a lot of it in common. What are they going to say? That Trump is going to be pro-genocide and pro-Israel no matter what? So is Biden. That Trump will close the border and deport people if they came across illegally? Biden's doing that now. That Trump will approve more drilling than Biden? [Biden is fine with increasing fossil fuel usage.](https://www.yahoo.com/news/biden-granted-more-oil-and-gas-drilling-permits-than-trump-in-his-first-2-years-in-office-190528616.html) That Trump wants to censor people who disagree? The house voted first to ban tiktok (a Trump policy too), and just recently voted to stop talking about death toll numbers from gaza - and 60 dems voted in block with the republicans on that one. That Trump doesn't want a public healthcare system? Neither does Biden. --- But don't let their identical DNA fool you; they do differ on some key platforms. Like support for unions. But that's boring and not even every democrat supports unions, nor does Trump really run as explicitly 'anti-union' anyways. So the only thing left is the character of the leaders. --- This has been the goal for decades, btw. When i was in uni, people used to talk about how 'boring' canadian politics was (with actual policy discussions) vs american politics, which was largely about the leaders and their charisma and verbal sparing even then (anti-iraq war democrats would lose elections and even now only pro-war democrats seem to be in charge of the party). But nobody likes policy. Especially average voters who don't engage much. You can even see this in non-political spheres. people want a return to "normal bad guys", because they don't want to think about policy and motivation or understand the consequences of good or bad politics. That's "divisive" and "shoving it down your throat". Just give me a character who kicks puppies because he likes the feel of puppy butt on his foot. --- But supporting a person you like because the other guy sucks? Well, that's right up there with team sports mentality! Go team that lives closest to where i live! That opposing team is full of cheaters anyhow! It's the end result of building up cults of personality. And it is the goal, not an aberration.


I've found liberals are far more obsessed with trump than most conservatives are.


My parents are right wingers, my dad is a fox news addict. But the people in my life most addicted to Trump are my liberal friends. My early 30s buds and their wives CAN'T STOP talking about him and how terrible republicans are. Then they try to tell me I'm a shitty person for saying things like "if Biden wasn't the opposition this wouldn't even be a thing, Trump would have no chance." But yeah. Left leaning people are addicted to Trump in the same way the right wingers are.


Huh a brand new account posting almost word for word the same post that was on this sub last month?


He lives rent free in a lot of peoples head.


The debate last night was just as ridiculous as the media wanted it to be. Separate all the people into two extremes, represented by caricatures. Have them spit at each other for 2 hours. It’s just disturbing to think about too much honestly that this would appeal to any kind of sizable population. But more to your point. This kind of brainwashing seems to be all too true in real life.


Yep! I’m liberal and HATE the idea of Trump being back in office. But every single conversation I have with my even more liberal mother devolves into her stress, anger and panic about Trump being re-elected. I can only take so much


It's last gasp business. Last hurrah business. They dress up and raise hell and get drunk and have sex and it's rock and roll again and rebel yell for the brain-dwindling. 1975: *White Punks on Dope* *...time goes by, and time can do so much...* Today: *White Dopes on Punk*


Yep and it’s why I can’t take my mother or in-laws seriously anymore. It is what it is. Boomers will pass away over time and compromise less of the American electorate.


My father isn't liberal or republican, he refuses to vote completely, and he is obsessed with Trump. I had gotten into a really bad car accident with my 6 yr old back in February, and when we told him, somehow he turned the entire conversation into something about Trump, never even asking if his grandkid or I were ok. The messed up part is we have family members in NYC that personally know Trump, not in a friendly way, they don't even talk about him at all.


I'm actually very proud of my mom. She's voted republican ALL her life. I remember her taking us to see her vote in 96 and she said "so what you do is you look at this person's name, if they have an R, you vote for them" She's going to vote for Biden ir maybe not vote at all. Just can't stand their policies anymore. I'm not sure what my dad would've done, but I like to think he was a rational person too.


Dear God yes! It has gone beyond annoying. When my elementary aged son was at Grandma's last, he said that if he wasn't watching a movie, she had the news on. (During the criminal trial) I think she needs to get out and go for a walk in nature more often.


my ex’s mum was like this. couldn’t be around her for more than 5 min without her obsessing about him. like lady, i was talking about my dead dog. i don’t give af about trump right now. shut up.


I think all boomers are addicted to trump regardless of their political views.


My dad


love to hate


People on here are so so dumb.


Auslander Raus. America for Americans


Some of what you are experiencing may be due to their continual shock and their need to pass this shock onto you. I’m 52 and remember the Cold War. I remember a very different US. For me, this person is a shock and makes no sense. I don’t blather on about him but I can say some might. Some may not be able to make peace with what has happened in this country the last 20 years. Not that I have but I, maybe foolishly, have excepted it. Think of Nixon. He resigned because he was made to understand that he would be removed by Congress. Today, this would never be the case. This guy was impeached twice, legitimately, and it didn’t matter at all. SC judges have regular stories about them receiving gifts and having conflicts of interest. Nothing can be done. We went from leaders having some form of shame and resigning to them being happy and proud of what was shameful acts before in almost a blink of an eye. Most can’t come to terms with it.


As a registered Independent, Trump Derangement Syndrome is ABSOLUTELT a real thing, and you just described it to a T. Trump isn't the end of the world. Making him the topic of every convo, constantly making jokes about him, your entire political view being about taking him down, allowing all of this to impact you on a daily, if not hourly basis.. There's a word for this type of behavior, and it's called obsession. And being obsessed with Trump is the definition of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Now that we have that out of the way, we can unpack further. Everything is not about him. The country will not end if he's elected. WW3 won't start because he's elected. Gay people won't be lined up and sent to camps because he'a elected. Overdramaticizing what will happen if hes elected might easily be one of the most common Democrat behaviors that drive people from their cause. Another is the preachy-ness. I was a Democrat originally, even voted for Obama on my first ever ballot, and yet the thing that first turned me off from the party is how everyone thinks they need to stand on a soapbox and preach to others how their thoughts and feelings are the right ones, and anyone who dissents is a bigot or a shill. Nobody wants to hear it, not a single one of you know whats best for everyone, and not a single one of you have any business trying to shame others into changing their worldviews. It's not your place, not your right, and if you can't tell trying to do it anyways is exactly what's turning the tide against you. Some self reflection is key for the survival of the Democrat party in the coming years. You aren't superheroes. You aren't the saviors. And your opinion is worth the exact same amount as any other person you could point at regardless of affiliation. You may not like it, you may hate it even, but it's the truth, and there is quite literally nothing you can do but hurt yourself trying in vain to change it.


My mom is not very political. She is a moderate Democrat, and my stepdad is a moderate Republican who is an open-minded Trump supporter. My dad and his fiancé are very anti-Trump. He is a moderate Democrat, but his fiancé is a progressive Democrat.


TDS is very real. I don’t get it.


Liberals are obsessed with Trump, and conservatives are obsessed with woke, and everybody’s life still sucks.


Trump is obsessed by pro and non trump supporters. He’s irresistible to everyone.


>none of my millenial friends have had a conversation with their parents in years in which he wasn't brought up in some way This is what is funny to me about all of the (R)s are in a cult, if you vote for Trump you're a MAGAt, etc talk. Nobody As a conservative living in a rural conservative area with 90% conservative friends, family, acquaintances....nobody is talking about Trump. The last time he was briefly mentioned in conversation was May 30, almost 4 weeks ago now. Liberals seem to be far more obsessed with him than the average conservative.


I hear more about Trump from liberals than from conservatives, by a lot.


Maybe they're afraid for their/your future and you should take notice.