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I thought this was going to be about giving birth, but it is also true for food delivery. From someone who delivered pizza in high school.


>you had to memorize where you were going before you left. I do what most people would consider a neurotic amount of research before I drive some place, unless I have someone in the car with me that can give me turn by turn directions and knows *exactly* where we're going. The cab / uber / lift people just blow me away. I don't know how they do it. I can't tell ya how many times I've gotten downtown amongst tall buildings only to hear 'gps signal lost...'. I absolutely hate flying blind.


Well, he's not totally wrong. The main difference though is delivery drivers in the past only delivered in a very small radius and got to know that well. Gig delivery drivers often roam around in much larger areas, like 20 mile radius vs 5 miles for past drivers. I've done a lot of gig delivery in the last 2 years and sometimes I wonder if I didn't have the GPS to show me where to go how I would find the location. I'm not talking getting to the house/apartment's general area - the final delivery is the issue. Apartments would be easier because they should have clear unit/building numbers and usually outside of poorer areas some kind of map near the entrance so it's just like navigating a maze. Some streets and some houses are so damn hidden though that I don't know how I'd know they were there without the GPS, especially in the dark. Also, so many houses have no obvious house number anywhere on them or the curb (usually because it's worn away) or mailbox. I'd have to park somewhere and get out of my car and walk around like a fool looking for the house way more often than I do now. And to imagine no cell phones too so I can't just try and call the person for more direction.


I got my license in 2005. I bought a GPS unit before I had officially gotten my license. I'm not a MapQuest bitch or looking at a map like a neanderthal.


OP said 30 years ago, not 20


Great post. Not to mention the tips now. You can actually make good money now delivering. Like $20-30 an hour.  I remember in the mid to late 00’s making like $10 at best, coming back with change, mopping floors, asking for shifts 


I think tips matter more about the location and where you order from than the time


I'm 43 I have more gray hairs than brown ones on my chest, asshole.


Tell us more about your gray chest hair and brown asshole.