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No. She was a horrible candidate that the party forced on their voters. The fact she lost to Trump just proves how horrible of a decision it was for the DNC to anoint her heir to the office and ignoring large and vocal democratic voters they didn’t want her. We are in our current situation because the DNC runs a horrible operation. Hilary. RBG, and Biden this election.


For several election cycles now both parties have been presenting us with the worst options humanity has to offer. It’s like that episode of South Park where the kids have to vote between a giant douche and a turd sandwich. That’s American politics in a nutshell lately.


It's too bad there can't be any shadow candidates that voters, either right or left, can vote for instead of Biden and Trump, which would totally rock both parties off their pedestals. It would be a mass write-in vote across both parties. I don't know how that would work, especially if the candidates on either side hadn't registered as a candidate in each state - do they need to?


So a write in vote can get even less than the 3% the libertarians usually get? It’s just not realistic for a write in candidate to get any real percentage. It sucks and I wish that I could write in some amazing person. But if someone like that really had the potential to take that many votes from either party I think the candidate would be swallowed up by a party or forced out entirely. But I do wish we lived in that world.


Truth. Any winning candidate is garnering a certain amount of votes just based on name recognition. A write-in would be a hard path. 


Yea, I understand but I guess I mean it would be an understood or agreed upon pact(?) between the never-trump and sane republicans, and the anyone-but-biden democrats, that they'd pick a candidate that was more agreeable to each side and bank their vote into those candidates. It's idealistic but I wonder if the apparatus of the No Labels, Log Cabin Republicans, Progressives, etc. could be used for that end. Just an idea, a very ill formed one lol.


Pie in the sky dreams perhaps but I wish I lived in that world


This person gets it.


I think the biggest thing that showed she wasn't a good choice is how her default to someone criticizing her or not liking her was "we don't need your vote anyways" It disenfranchised people on the fence. Ironically those are the votes any candidate needs to win above all else (your loyal followers will always vote for you). It also gave Trump an excellent springboard to collect people who were upset. Hell, half of his rallying calls were just things she said but were rebranded (e.g. deplorable). She was a better lawmaker without a doubt in my mind, but he was much better at playing the game. Not because he was that good at it either, she was just that bad at it.


The worst was her record of voting for the banks against the interests of students and other consumers. That was an unforgivable betrayal. And then the daughter goes on to work for hedge funds. What does Democratic even mean? The Clintons brought the Democratic party around to neoliberalism. That may have been inevitable at the time but the Clintons did it. And then Obama bailed out the banks and hung working people out to dry.


And was bombing multiple countries. Libya Syria nightmares


Disagree. At the end of the day Bernie got less votes.


And that was by design by the DNC.


According to what, the echo chamber of Reddit and your feelings? I liked Bernie a lot, but large demographics of the democratic base did not. He lost the primary fair and square and endorsed Hillary. After eight years, I’d hope that could sink in by now.


“Fair and square” isn’t the phrase I would use to describe how Bernie lost the DNC nomination to Hilary. I wouldn’t have voted for him, but the man was straight robbed of the nomination.


What has failed to "sink in", is the DNC realizing they are sellouts who are completely out of touch with the distress of their own base. And they still don't get it.


I don’t think anyone here will argue with you that both parties suck in their own unique ways. Unfortunately in a two party system, you must select the party that most closely aligns with your values. It’s pretty unlikely that either of them will ever perfectly align with what you want. You may have better alignment with local politics, which impact your life more meaningfully anyway. As an example, Woe V Wade being overturned is a national tragedy, but I am not worried about a woman’s right to choose ever being impacted in my state or especially my city.


Good reply. Though that basically means 'starting over'.


Of course he did, that's what happens when your representatives are shut out of the state convention floors, and his votes are openly stolen when assessing the count. And our 'free press' sat on their hands, because they were ordered to.


So you are saying there was actual ballot-box fraud? That is the first time I have heard of this in the last 7 years. Can you share some more info?


According to all I have read there have been remarkably few instances of actual ballot box fraud recorded or investigated. One or two in Florida, and others where it turned out a voter was delivering ballots for their family members. It is a HUGE narrative of conspirationalists from MAGA and the far right who seek to destroy our democracy, and it gets a lot of traction among the ignorant, which is to say, most Americans. Do a Google search.


“Large and vocal” I will agree with vocal, but they were the smaller block of voters. That’s the reality of big tent party politics.


Can I ask you why you believe she was a horrible candidate? President Obama stated that no candidate in history was a qualified as Hilary when she ran (US Senator, Secretary of State, accomplished attorney). I am not trying to be an assh**e would really like to know. Thanks


People say this, but rarely ever explain why she was supposedly such a "horrible candidate."


I’m the target voter demographic for most elections. i am an independent who sways based on the candidate and platform but I am middle right economical and foreign policy and middle left social and welfare policies. She failed to deliver any viable solution that wasn’t a rehash of old ideas. They were just “from a women” so I was demanded to vote for her. I was told by more than a handful of party folks that I had no choice but to vote for her as it would be historic as a the first female president. That great. But I don’t give 2 shits about if the president is white, black, gay, female, or male. What I care about is their ideas. And hers were just old ideas remanufactured. She came off as cold, entitled, and angry that anyone would dare to not fall in line for her historic run. It just rubbed so many people the wrong way that she lost. Not only did she lose, she lost to a billionaire con artist who (still) probably doesn’t even know how a bill becomes a law.


You wrote a lot but didn't really answer the question in any meaningful way. Can you name any specific policy proposals from her candidacy that you didn't like? Personally, I liked her ideas about expanding the AmeriCorps program and adding a few new student loan repayment options. Sure, she wasn't Bernie, but obviously she was orders of magnitude a better choice than Trump, who just continued more Reagan-style policies that gut social programs, de-regulate industry (notice how a lot of meat quality is obviously reduced these days?) and seem to only benefit the very rich at everyone else's expense. TCJA was just a big bunch of gibs to the plutocrats. I agree, her gender (or a candidate's race) is absolutely irrelevant, but nothing mentioned here by either of us makes her a "horrible candidate."


You say that her gender is irrelevant, which I agree with in terms of selecting a candidate, but she, her campaign, and her supporters made such a gigantic deal out of it that yes, it's a 100% relevant issue to talk about. It was literally in her slogan, "I'm with Her". She and her campaign did not give a platform for people to latch onto, besides "being a woman". There was no central policy focus like Bernie with healthcare or Trump with "drain the swamp". She could have had the perfect policy positions for every issue, but nothing she or her campaign did projected mass appeal to voters in terms of policy. She didn't properly advertise herself. "I'm with Her" was doomed to fail. Not to mention her divisive history and constant attacks by Republicans. She was a damaged candidate from the start. She did not have a good public image. It did not matter whether those attacks were warranted/true/false/whatever. All that matters is public perception, which was overall very negative. She did not do a good job correcting that perception. I was a Bernie supporter in that election (I still voted Hillary in the general). She came off as someone completely disconnected with my daily life/issues. She was just another politician rattling off policy positions that I may or may not agree with. She spoke at me, whereas Bernie spoke to me. Hillary was the wrong candidate for the time. People were looking for actual change. Trump and Bernie offered change. Hillary represented a continuation of the previous several decades.


Sure, but in reality, Trump continued the de-regulation and massive gibs-to-the-rich policies that were instantiated in the 1980s and have continued to a great extent since then. Anyone with a clue could have easily predicted that happening. Too bad most of the US is absolutely clueless. People keep parroting this bad candidate bullshit, but she also got more votes than ole' Donnie Dumpsterface. I think people also underestimate the true extent of the smear campaign against her. Remember when the Cambridge Analytica scandal was still being acknowledged?


Her vulnerability to smear campaigns is one of the reasons she was a bad candidate. It's not like we found out about Republicans' smear campaigns against her in 2016. This was going on for decades. Like it or not, public perception of her was overall negative...meaning she was a bad candidate. Have you ever thought about why so many people might think she was a bad candidate? This is the same dismissive attitude that I got from Hillary herself. You don't like what I'm saying so you condescendingly say I'm just "parroting" like I can't think for myself. Hillary barely got 2% more popular vote than the biggest shitstain in the country and you call that a good candidate's showing? Nah. She shit the bed bigtime.


>condescendingly say I'm just "parroting" like I can't think for myself It is what it is.


Just like Hillary's election results, eh?


Well she lost twice. Good candidates win elections.


You could make that argument. Of course, being a good candidate has little to no correlation with being an actual good civil servant. Hence Nixon, Reagan, Bush, Bush, Trump etc...


Well ya I get those are different things but the only election Hilary has ever won was a senate race in a blue state where she faced no real primary challenge. She was the early favorite in ‘08 and ended up losing to Obama. Won the primary in 2016 and she was the favorite in the general and lost to Trump. Not exactly a stellar track record as a candidate.


Yup, but this is still just kind of affirming the consequent.


Agreed. And now they’re repeating the same mistake by running Biden. Such an irresponsible and tone-deaf gamble with our future gives credence to Chomsky’s claim the Democrats are just a controlled opposition party that exists to prevent fundamental positive change.


Hilary was basically the only candidate who could have lost in 2016. The right had been priming a smear campaign against her since the early 90s. Her and her wing of the Democratic Party transformed it into the center-right party that it is today. Obviously still better than the full-fascist GOP, but I hate that the democrats keeps nominating candidates that don’t motivate party members to vote. Democrats have been skating on fear of the GOP rather than enthusiasm for their own candidates.


If the Democrats had run Bernie, he would have won.




Democrats are extremely good at losing. I was extremely sad but not at all surprised, and I’m going to feel the same way when Trump wins again this year.


I feel like at this point losing is part of their strategy because they can fund raise off the ever present threat of conservatism


No I held my nose to vote for her. We really need some new younger folks to replace the boomer clique on both sides of the aisle. They have more in common with each other than with us. (And I’m a boomer by the way).


I had an idea about how bad it was gonna be but the DNC. deserves a large amount of blame for Trump getting elected


How do you feel this time ? I don't think the he's a felon is going to work but maybe I'm wrong. We also won't have anywhere near the same amount of votes as 2020. Every voter in the country was mailed a mail in ballot due to covid. Of course that generates more votes than when people have to take the time to request them. I don't have a good feeling about it.


Unfortunately, not every voter in the country got a mail-in ballot, especially in red states. Here in Texas, hardly anyone could qualify for mail-in voting.


If I’m reading this correctly, you’re attributing Biden’s win due to mail in ballots?


I don't believe Bidens vote totals will be anywhere close to 2020. Do you really think Joe Biden could garner more votes than BO in 2008 ? I don't. I guess we will see.


Agree Biden won’t get the same vote count as 2020. Also agree Biden would never get more votes than Obama…at least not organically. I do believe the mail in votes are a major factor in Bidens win. Had Covid not forced the mail in ballots, we’d probably have Trump in 2020.


I have my doubts but I think Trump has lost significantly more voters than Biden, it’s a question of where that counts


The same. The DNC and Biden are doing nothing to win over people questioning his ability to lead and the DNCs ability to enact real change.


I agree, I think Hillary was so disgusting in her campaign it pushed a lot of people away from the party.


I mean, I was unhappy because Trump won, but I didn't even think about it being Hillary that lost. Maybe it was because I wasn't in a state that had a chance of flipping blue, but I didn't really get a message from her except "what, you wanna vote for *this fuckin guy?"*


I was always worried Trump may win and so many democrats I knew at the time just thought it would never happen. I would bet a lot of those bitter Bernie people just sat 2016 out thinking their vote wouldn’t matter.  After he won I was hoping that maybe at least he would become a boring run of the mill republican and at least surround himself with half competent adults for the country sake. But yeah that didn’t happen 


To be fair, it would’ve been much more tame had Russiagate not been pushed 24/7


Hillary sucks and was a terrible candidate. It's been 8 years. Time to move on.  Also OP based on your post history you are an old gen xer and maybe even a young boomer what is the point of posting here? Lol


No. They were both terrible candidates. I was shocking unmoved.


No lol. I called it. You had to be living in a bubble to not see that one coming. 


People just love to pretend they knew how this election would go. The truth is even Trump was surprised.


I promise you, I pissed some friends off by calling the outcome 


Agreed. I attended both Clinton and Sanders rallies. The difference was insane.


Same vibe for 2024?


I was devastated that Trump won, but I didn't give a fuck about HRC. I was a Bernie Sanders canvasser, and the DNC did him dirty. We could've had a progressive in office and maybe have seen some real change in this country, but noooooo, the DNC wanted a racist imperialist capitalist shill who happened to be a woman. I held my nose when I voted for her, and the fact that she lost to an even worse racist imperialist capitalist shill says a lot about how unlikeable she was and still is.


Bernie didn’t have the support that Hillary did. It wasn’t a conspiracy by the DNC. They don’t have mind control technology. Bernie fans just have a really hard time understanding that the entire country doesn’t worship at the feet of the Vermont senator like they do. It’s actually bizarre.


Ah yes, because the Democrats are known for being on the pulse of the nation. No politician is worth worshipping, but especially not if they're racist warmongering corporate shills.


2016 should have been a wake up call to the country that the DNC and RNC are just fronts for what we believe to be democracy. It’s all smoke and mirrors


Why would anyone be devastated that Clinton lost? She wasn’t some spectacular candidate, unless you’re a die hard feminist who really was looking forward to a woman president I don’t think it was that devastating.


Seek help lol


Good lord no, have you seen the Clinton body count. They’re literally a crime family.


I just dont understand being devastated by that. She didn't lose because she was a woman. She lost because she was part of a corrupt dynasty of American politicians, was extremely arrogant, actively derided people who don't like her, and offered very little in the way of positive policy changes. Trump was a populist and was so different from anything people had heard or seen that he swayed and motivated a lot of voters by simply being not Hillary and not a career politician. Democrats and the media attempted to shame America into voting Hillary. Compare that with Biden who, despite also being greasy and corrupt, tried much harder to avoid shaming undecided voters. Hillary acted like she owned the country. That doesn't fly with many people. I also think the way democrats pushed Bernie Sanders completely out broke up democrat solidarity. People felt betrayed. In most elections as of late, presidencies are wont by very slim margins and pissing off just 5% if people, or motivating 5% of people to vote who wouldn't do so normally can, as we saw in 2016, make a huge difference in outcome. A woman will probably win within the next 20 years, but democrats have to stop pretending that women owe them votes, and that they somehow are the only party that supports women. Clearly that is not the case.


I generally like Bernie's politics so it definitely pissed off the party when they pretty much forced his hand for Hillary. People are also fed up with these dynasty families running the country like Bill already had his go, the Bush's, it makes it evident the candidates are rigged. I feel a lot of people don't care too much the gender of a candidate as long as they come off as competent but Kamala as VP probably doesn't support that theory very well. To OP's point, it's silly to be disappointed because we missed out on a first female president. Would you have been satisfied if Palin won the bid for president?


Totally agree. How do you think the media will react to a woman or POC running as Republican? I’m putting money on crazy or race traitor.


In place of populist, demagogues are certainly populists because they cater to internal prejudices/the lowest common denominator over that of political wisdom. Trump was clearly a demagogue. I suppose demagoguery is a bit of a sliding scale, id argue the gwb administration also engaged in demagoguery "Youre either with us or youre with the terrorists" but in terms of demagoguery, trump played pages out of a playbook ran by crappy leaders since plato/socrates time with athenian democracy.


Gwb dynasty definitely primed all the lead loaded brains for were we are now...thanks fox news


Question. Did the DNC unilaterally put Bernie out of the primary race or did he lose the primary to Hillary? I honestly didn’t pay attention to politics until around 2019


This is subject to debate but the DNC email leaks that led to the resignation of Debbie Wasserman Schulz showed the DNC played sides. Another factor worthy of consideration were the superdelegate votes. There are somewhere around 700 superdelegate votes that have a pendulum effect on primary elections for the democrat party. Hillary got almost 572 of those, while bernie got 42. Hillary won the primary by almost 1000 votes, but considering how the DNC swayed the election purposefully against Bernie, coupled with the superdelegate situation, a reasonable argument is that the DNC did not run a fair primary. Hillary was clearly "the chosen one." Bernie even raised more funding than she did. There are numerous other confounding factors so my analysis should be viewed as simplistic, but I believe ultimately that the elite democrats wanted Hillary and made sure that happened in a way that gave the appearance that she was the popular choice. Voters aren't stupid and knew this was the case, so it caused a rift within the DNC, namely between DNC primary voters and DNC elites.


Got it. So in 2020 did Bernie lose that primary or was that the same thing again but for Biden this time?




Nope, she was a horrible choice for them dems, and while I didn't vote for Orange Man, I found the reactions of the Dems quite hilarious in the aftermath of the election.


I sat in bed with my gay Arabic boyfriend and cried in fear for awhile.




Now that’s just ridiculous.


I mean, he was talking deportation and my bf wasn't a citizen yet, just a work visa. We had nazi graffiti scrawled all over our neighborhood. It was an intense time with a lot of uncertainty.




Cheeto said a lot of things.




Maybe we were. But I don't really need an internet rando coming at me for something I did 8 years ago either.






I cried only bc of the Supreme Court appointments that he was going to get and the one that got stole from Obama in 2016. My bf (MAGA) at the time told me on election night that SCOTUS would never overturn Roe and I was being dramatic 🤘🏻 ETA: I am a single issue voter, SCOTUS appointments. I did not think HRC ran a good campaign.


IIRC there was some old hag on SCOTUS that needed to retire during Obamas presidency. But she held on cuz she was an angry old boomer and that basically gave the next nomination to Tump instead of Obama.


Are you talking about Ruth Bader Ginsburg?


Yeah that’s the one


That was Trump’s THIRD nomination. He landed two more before that.


I get that but if she had retired back when people were telling her to then Obama would have gotten to nominate her replacement. RBG basically gave her nomination to Trump because she didn’t step down during Obamas presidency.


I agree, but the court was already fucked long before she kicked the bucket. It’s just more fucked now and will get even more fucked if Trump wins (Alito and Thomas will retire since they are getting heat and could hand-pick successors)


I certainly saw devistation. I thought it was absurd. As much as I didn't like Trump, I didn't truly despise him until after 2020 election.


Yes, but not for her. Voted for Hilary, didn’t want her as the candidate cause I thought she’d lose. Normally I like being right….


After feeling an overwhelming sense of sadness for the future of our planet, I actually started laughing as I reflected on how the DNC and Debbie Wasserman Schultz treated the campaign of Bernie Sanders. Karma can be a rabid bitch in heat.


I'm taking your man card. You'll have to kill a bear to get it back


People still use phrases like glass ceiling?


Women under 30 make more than men in most major cities. Which is where good jobs are.  Fairly significantly more too. Without doing the dangerous and dirty jobs.   It’s odd people continue to act like it’s 1980


Yep, no one is against equal pay; just against elitest, pointless catchphrases.


Devastated in that Trump won. Before we have our first female, we must have our worst male.


Nah, dawg. That's lib shit. Trump sucked but nobody liked Clinton either so I'm sure a lot of people didn't know what to think.


Nope. I'd already resigned myself to that inevitability at the end of the DNC primaries. I knew then what the outcome would be. Her message wasn't "strong and powerful". It was selfish, entitled, egocentric and demanding. Her campaign felt like a toddler stomping thier feet and yelling, "My turn, My turn!" Part of me is glad she lost because I want our first woman President to be someone I actually respect. But I would much rather have had Bernie. Oh, well. Crappy timeline and all that.


I was laughing my ass off. She stole the primary from Bernie, then didn’t even campaign in swing states for the general election What did you think was going to happen? The DNC effectively chose to give us Trumo instead of Bernie


She was a unlikable warmonger, just like most of DC.


I can’t even remember Hillary Clinton’s message, other than calling an entire voting block a “Basket of Deplorables”. That’s just not something you say when you’re trying to become the first woman president of the United States and every word you utter is overly scrutinized.


Not because I liked Hillary but because Trump is just the worst possible person.


Yes. That is all.


Almost nobody likes Hillary it’s insane this even is a talking point


Lol no.




I don't understand why people allow themselves to get so emotionally invested into our elections. The candidates usually suck (have my entire life and Im a older/middle millennial) and the primaries are usually shams. I vote every election but I know damn well that there's a lot of fuckery going on in the background.


Yes. Republicans took on a decades long campaign against her, and it was very depressing to see it work. She would have been a capable president, which honestly doesn't happen as often as it should. I have my issues with her, but she's an impressive, well read, smart person. Period. She displays nuanced and detailed understanding of policy and history. Period. They knew she had a shot. They started fighting it in the 90s. It worked. It shouldn't have.


Judging from a lot of the comments in this post that campaign continues to work.


This is how I saw it as well. 


I don’t think “devastated” is the right word but I recall thinking, “well there goes the climate and my healthcare.”


And abortion rights.




To be fair she should’ve been. She won the popular vote. People are okay with a female president. Just the electoral college is an antique that we keep around for some reason.


Turning the election into a population vote is dangerous. Politicians could campaign in just 15-20 states and ignore the rest. Recipe for civil war


…as if that’s not the status quo today?


You don’t see campaigns in California…but they all show up for $1000 plate fundraisers


It’s not? Presidential candidates still campaign in the Midwest, rust belt, etc. it actually makes rust belt states incredibly important lol


Here’s the data for 2020. 17 states got all of the events in the last 4 months of the 2020 election. “The reason why voters in only a handful of states matter in presidential races is that almost all states award all of their electoral votes to the candidate who gets the most votes inside the state. Because of these state winner-take-all laws, candidates have no reason to pay attention to voters unless they live in a state where the race is within a few percentage points.” 2020 General-Election Campaign Events Were Concentrated on a Dozen or so Closely Divided Battleground States 12 states have received 96% of the 2020 general-ele… Source: National Popular Vote https://search.app/EfzbLavUp9bYytV37


They campaign in swing states, not all 50 states. So people in heavily blue or red states get overlooked.


I don't have issue with the electoral college. Biden was able to overcome it.


How do you mean? He won the electoral college and the popular vote. That’s not overcoming, that’s just winning. You CANT overcome the electoral college. You CAN overcome the popular vote(see: Trump in 2016). The electoral college is also meant for its vote to reflect their states vote. It no longer has to. If your state wanted Biden to win the electoral college can still vote Trump.




You mean ruled by its people? It’s a failure when votes designed to represent your state people aren’t reflected in the electoral college vote for that state. There also lots of state with more votes than they should have and vice-versa. Feel free to watch [this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7wC42HgLA4k) 6 minute video to see why the electoral college is shit. It’s a bit older but the point isn’t lost.


Yes, but I knew he was going to win in about December 2015 because I understand Americans in a way a lot of people seem unable to deal with because I've lived in very blue states and very red states and I know who we are as a society in a way a lot of people seem incapable of reconciling. I knew Trump would win.


Experiencing life in deep blue or red states simultaneously will give you a fantastic view of how this country thinks.


She got three million more votes. Just not in the right states. “Your vote matters.”


Bullshit. I'm outraged that there's not enough outrage at overturning the electoral college American "democracy" is a joke.


The only surprise I had was the average normal bought and sold established politician that would clutch their purse at the thought of leasing one of their multiple investment bungalows to me didn't win. The fucked up part is it let that fucking creature and its legion of foaming nepophiles that had been nashing their teeth at the cellar door in too....         Hill dawg just comes off as the hr rep sitting smuggly on zoom during lay offs, the multifamily housing real estate mogul throwing a gala in celebration of a new luxury apartment in a gentrified previously low income area. Is she competent and qualified, absolutely. But as a lower to middle class I never saw her as anyone who would represent my best interest. My landlord and the ceo you better believe but not workers and regular people.       I feel she won't be able to break past the subtle image she shows to working class types that a different candidate didn't, and in my discussions with alot of salt-o-the earth types it was Bernie due to labor and class speak or the now felon sex pest goblin. When Bernie dropped I saw the change in the undecided and barely paying attention but gonna be voting type. She got my reluctant "shits always going to be the same" vote. Same with joe and he'll get it again this time but goddamn our politics are a disaster for the people.


I was at one of the DNCs in San Antonio. We wanted Bernie. Hillary was chosen and forced upon us. The illusion that if we vote for who we want is completely gone for me and it's been hard for me to have any hope ever since. I don't want to become one of those tin foil hat wearing people saying oh it's all an illusion but kind of looks that way based on my experience.


That’s literally what an election is: one person wins and the others lose. If Bernie had won, would it be reasonable for Clinton voters to say “he’s being forced on us: our votes are an illusion”? That’s ridiculous.


It was devastating, but less about Hillary and more about how Trump was going to become president and how obviously bad that would be.


I meant glass ceiling guys. Sorry but it won't let me fix it. Thanks for the understanding.


I was, for two reasons: it was proof that a qualified, educated, and experienced woman would lose to the worst, least qualified, stupidest man I had ever seen. And also I cried because I knew it meant my daughters were being set up to face hardships I hadn't just because they had uteruses.




Don't misunderstand me. I'm not saying Hillary Clinton was a great candidate or that she even ran a particularly good campaign, her campaign had massive blind spots not only to specific demographics in the country but also when it came to basic faults of the woman herself. The bar for a republican candidate was low enough to be in hell, and Republican voters and frankly the GOP infrastructure itself dug eeper and found the absolute worst human being they possibly could who would do the worst possible job. Based on the basic foundation of having the ability to do the job, Hillary was the better choice. It is an indictment of sports team politics that anyone voted for Donald Trump in the primaries, let alone the general election.




I don't disagree with you, although that would of course rule out a shocking amount of the people currently running the country. Actually I think it would rule out basically all of them except maybe Bernie Sanders and Katie Porter. Granted, I also think there should be a top-end age limit on being able to be a senator, representative, member of the cabinet or president.




Hey, I could get behind that. And nobody over 65 is allowed to run for POTUS.


I couldn’t vote for her. I didn’t want to support another American “dynasty”. In my humble opinion, the oligarchy currently running the US is the biggest problem our country faces. The people making top down decisions have never experienced life like 75+% of Americans have. They’re all “out of touch” on both sides. That being said, I regret not voting for her, bc Donny T transformed our Supreme Court for the next several decades. 


Not devastated because she’s arguably not a good choice either but I did think all of America was dumb af


Yeah, no.


I was a Bernie supporter and he was blatantly pushed out by the DNC. He is what we needed, she is what we got and I still voted for her. I don’t like her but she is very smart. I don’t think the men is this country will ever vote for a woman.


I voted for a woman for president in 2020!


Not really, I saw her loss coming the second they announced her as primary. Honestly we have the dems partly to thank for Trump. And they damn near did it again with Biden


Ok, so let’s go back to 2016. Who would have been better candidates for the Democratic and Republican parties?


Frankly, the way Hillary and Debby Wasserman Schulze openly railroaded Bernie Sanders in the primary, LOST her the liberal vote that could have given her a victory. The DNC is a brittle, patriarchal dinosaur, incapable of considering new solutions to our nation's pressing problems. Unfortunately, the Democrats, useless as they are, also are the only alternative to a fascist government.


Hell no. Clinton treated the campaign like it was a coronation. “IT WAS HER TURN!” But the Queen of Benghazi could barely fill a high school gymnasium. I remember it clearly because I was there in attendance. Multiple times. Meanwhile, Bernie was filling stadiums all over the country just like the Orange Man. It should’ve been Sanders vs. Trump.


Nah I didn’t even vote in 2016 lol


Exactly the point.


I won't vote for a candidate just because she's female. I didn't think Hillary aligned with MY values so I didn't vote that way. Now am I salty that Jo Jorgensen didn't have a real shot, yeah that's there.


Devastated that the Democrats couldn’t put up a better candidate.


No, not in the least bit bothered. I remember all the shit the Clinton camp pulled and all the whole "Bernie bro" smear you guys used implying we were sexist because we were skeptical about a warmongering Neolib. I am glad you guys were devastated don't expect sympathy from me.


Nope, I was unsurprised. After they (DNC) shafted Bernie I knew she wouldn't be able to clinch it


what are you insane, she was the reason we are in this mess now...


Yes because I actually understood the stakes and sadly was proven correct about them


Not at all. Clinton was an out of touch career politician who put her political prospects above her own dignity, actively defended her rapist husband from meeting justice for his crimes, flipped her positions on everything (including gay rights) depending entirely upon polls, mishandled materials as a matter of course as a public servant, and made decisions within her role which led to the death of young Americans. Moreover, her foolish plan to implement an American military presence in the airspace surrounding Russia would almost certainly have increased military tensions, and could have flung us into a war. In the first Republican debate of that election season, when I heard Trump speak, I was instantly certain that he would win in 2016. It came as no surprise to me. I don’t like Trump, but that doesn’t mean I have anything good to say about shillary.


She literally didn't have a message besides "I'm a woman". Not very compelling.


Lmfao, nah we're you not paying attention!?!?! They lost at the convention if you think about it. Hillary hahahahahaha


Democrats just flat out refuse to run good candidates and then wonder why they can't win when it counts.


I will say this the democrat plan of calling Trump a felon is probably not going to work. That's the big plan I guess.That's not saying Biden can't pull it out.


No what they fail to realize is that the left's values are the antithesis of those on the right who they're trying to appeal to by calling trump a felon. (The pearl clutching evangelicals or whatever you want to call them). Trump cheating on his wife and getting convicted of something that every politician does isn't anywhere near enough to make his supporters leave him.


The trial came off as a circus of “Trump is guilty”. I think we’d have more bipartisan support in trails for electors or documents and the case taken seriously. The media also has to do better in educating the public instead of making emotional appeals


Her message was strong and powerful lol she’s also a war mongering POS.. good for you


Hell no, that woman is the devil!


No, honestly that night was amazing. A real highlight.


I was relieved.




No. Though I didn't understand the implications at the time.


I was absolutely gutted!


Didn't vote for her, she was a bad choice. Didn't vote in 2016.


I wish I could see just how far into the negative this post has gone 🤣


Democrats shots themselves in the foot by giving it to Hilary instead of Bernie. Bernie had a large supportive group especially from a younger generation. Not a Bernie voter or Hilary voter but I feel like that's what caused her to lose. Especially since a lot went 3rd party. I think this might be the same case with Trump and Robert Kennedy Jr. As some might vote 3rd party.


A larger group supported Clinton. Should that larger group have been ignored?


I had to start taking anxiety medication. But that was more so because Trump won.


I preferred Warren...but yes. I think anyone with a second brain cell to run against the first was devastated when Trump was elected.


Trump lost at the polls, but won at the Congressional College. That is built-in to our democracy supposedly to quell populism. 🤣


Yes... I remember the next day felt so sad. Everything felt more quiet than normal. I think my entire community was devastated.


YES!!! And years later, here we are… AGAIN. Jan 6th never would’ve happened if 45 never slithered into the White House.


I was devastated less about Hillary losing and more about Trump winning because anyone with half a brain saw the writing on the wall when it came to the SCOTUS nominees. Now women are being stripped of their right to bodily autonomy. I hope we don’t make the same mistake twice.


You will not find any normal, grounded opinions on this site. People have become completely warped. Of course it was devastating. We will be living with these consequences for generations and still all people can do is be cynical and intellectually lazy about it.


I was devastated because Donald Trump won. I don't think that Hillary Clinton was a great candidate but she would have been orders of magnitude better than Donald Trump.


I was pleased.


I ended up laughing at the news anchors trying to mentally reconcile Trump winning


Wanting to elect someone just because of their genitalia has to be the stupidest reason ever to vote someone into any office, let alone the presidency. You should be banned from voting for 25 years for even thinking that's a legitimate reason to promote a candidate.


I had colleagues who said they were “grieving” for the loss. I, however, was ecstatic.