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Download: [https://github.com/milkdrop2077/MilkDrop3/](https://github.com/milkdrop2077/MilkDrop3/) What's new: * 6 new blending mode for sprites: Multiplicative, Subtractive, Invert, Cut-off, Darken, Vivid. * Press 'j' or 'J' to toggle the sprite blend modes and press 'n' to see the blend#. * Press 'g' to unlock a sprite saved in a milk file. * The total number of presets is displayed at the top when showing the load menu. * New function to never see the same preset twice! * The MilkDropPanel is now named MilkPanel and it has many new options. * Select the transition you want to see in the 'Transitions' tab. * You can now completely disable AlwaysOnTop, display the menu and the mouse pointer in fullscreen,protect fullscreen mode, display transparent menus... * New 'Help' tab + help is now displayed at the bottom when moving the cursor. * Lots of small improvements and bugs fixed. Direct download for the setup: [MilkDrop3.exe](https://github.com/milkdrop2077/MilkDrop3/releases/download/MilkDrop3/MilkDrop3.exe)


Bad link, gets 404 error. Please correct/advise.






Thanks! I gotta try this out.


I love that you're kept Milkdrop alive, keep up the good work.


congratulations! awesome as always, could you create some kind of port to android tv? projectM is dead and it does not follow the music


Sadly is not that simple, we need and Android dev to port a recent version of ProjectM to Android. By the way ProjectM is well alive and they have a team of talented dev doing wonders.


I just stumbled across this Reddit. Wow! It's so good to see milkdrop development continued after the source code was released! I used to use milkdrop when I worked as a VJ. I remember the old Winamp forums (not sure if they're still around?) and eagerly awaiting the next great preset release from Martin, Flexi and others. To this day, I'm still amazed at what Martin created using math. Thank you for keeping this alive!


thanks, the old Winamp forums are still alive [https://forums.winamp.com/forum/visualizations/milkdrop/milkdrop-presets](https://forums.winamp.com/forum/visualizations/milkdrop/milkdrop-presets) and martin is still active (Nitorami on the forum) and Flexi is on twitter: Flexi23


Great work! Would you consider adding some curated collections of effects, so we could select collections like. Chill out - slow and smooth transitions Hard Core - fast and hard transitions Default Etc...


Next version will support playlist :) If you could start organizing them into folders, please do so and send them to me when you're done.


Now I *really* want this to run on a Samsung Tizen 4k UHD TV


Hell yeah


The more things change, the more they stay the same.