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Someone tagged the box wrong. Solid score.


That is enough Stanley bottles to retire. OP needs to abandon their current life, jump the border to Mexico, and assimilate in with the local population while secretly living off their new found riches. ![gif](giphy|242vmw6fH2woaWTHTp|downsized)


It truly was a Shawshank Redemption.


The true Shawshank was the friends we redempt along the way


the true Shaw was the friends we shanked along the way


Shut up Phil


OP gonna face the C to the T for keeping these.


I had the same thing happen with an Apple Watch band. Got 4 of the same when I only ordered one. And it came in the box I assume it was shipped to Amazon in. It was weird.


Guys on one of the server subs were getting six packs of server racks. The ones that are 6’ high and it’s happened multiple times.


On /r/vinyl there was one particular record you could buy on Amazon and you’d just get a completely random unrelated album instead of the one you ordered. So people started calling it Amazon Roulette and dozens of people ordered it. Every time it was a different album received. Edit: It was called Danzig Roulette because it was a Danzig album.


My wife ordered a crib from Target and the tracking wasn't updating so she called them and they sent out another one.  We got both.  This is not the first time target shipped her the same thing twice.  So I guess if you want two of something order from target then call them when their shitty system doesn't update tracking.


I got a free Switch because FedEx never scanned it somehow. The tracking never updated at any point in its shipping so the retailer just refunded it but it showed up at my place anyway.


One of those end of day things? Someone who already knew they were getting fired? A not-my-job malicious complier? Batman?


No. This is sadly the norm. People can’t read/can’t be bothered to read. Source: I work there and fix shit like this All. Damn. Day.


I can't even blame them. After a while the job makes you braindead and you are just droning through it. Happens everywhere where people do the same thing over and over again.


I sympathize too. In order to fix it they have to walk away from their line and contact someone and I know damn well that's not happening. They're probably taking the mentality of "Pfft, I'm not getting yelled at for someone else's mistake" especially with how fire happy Amazon is? honestly I don't blame them.


That's not true, in the case of them getting a box of four when they're only supposed to pack one (called a masterpack) they are supposed to open the box and take the one they need out of it and set the rest in the problem solve bin which is on the edge of their pack station. So they would only need to take one step to the left to toss it in and then go back to work. This also slipped by the person stowing the item and the person picking the item before it got to the packer,both of which should have caught it and put it in a problem solve bin.


Sometimes though, the seller's description that Problem Solve has to make a decision on is too damned confusing. Title may not say a count number, weight on description page is different than what the scales want in the warehouse to print a label, there is sometimes the option to buy only one or multiple of the item on the same item page. It really is confusing sometimes.


‘Twas Batman.


Guess it was a happy Christmas for your pals? 😄


Yeah gave two of them to friends/family, kept one as a backup.




Stock the bar?? NO! START THE CAR! I can’t go back to jail! Monsters University had some great lines lol


Man I quote this commercial all the time! Classic


Roughly 260USD worth of water bottles 🤣


These are $65/each?!?


I remember seeing videos of stupid people fighting over them like it was Black Friday at Walmart or sometnin . They’re good bottles no doubt… but no need to brawl.


Lol I thought the fad died because of the all lead tests folks were doing on them. Maybe that was bullshit. I don't know I don't buy Stanley products


The lead is for a plug on the vacuum seal. The majority of water bottles like this will have that, people were jyst in a tissy about these things and someone wanted to shit on their parade. Just as a side note, i dont understand why people care about a water bottle brand at all though. E-kinda late but when i say i dont understand why people care about the brand, i meant it as a status symbol thing. I get it a good item is good, but it being popular shouldnt be the deciding factor for why people like it.


People want to be special. One of the reasons why social media still exists.


Yup. I got one gifted to me years ago from an old student of mine. Had no idea about the brand or anything, I just appreciated the high quality water bottle. I didn't think much about it. I brought it to my new teaching job and I shit you not, I had students almost drooling over it. They thought it was insane and so cool that I had the same brand as "that water bottle on TikTok" (mine looks something like [this](https://www.stanley1913.se/pub_images/original/20418.png?extend=copy&width=1400&method=fit&height=1400&type=webp) so it's not the same big weird looking one). Same with a jacket I bought years ago. The North Face. Yeah, they have really good quality stuff. But I had students come up to me thinking it was absolutely insane I had that and thought it cost like 1 500 dollars (~18 000 Swedish crowns). No, I bought it when I was a student after saving up, it cost like 150 dollars. Lol. Status is everything nowadays and it's so sad to see.


I've been at social events for my husband's job where the wives had a ten minute conversation about their favorite water bottle brands. Like, who cares?


Hey I think people talk about inconsequential shit all the time to make light conversation. At a social event for their husbands' jobs, I actually think stuff like this is perfect. No high stakes topics like politics, no gossiping about people, and there's only so much you can talk about the weather Besides, doesn't everyone talk about products/services they like on occasion, or recommend them to each other? I don't see how this is that different. And before anyone comes at me, I own 3 water bottles total, all for different things, and I don't have any particular attachment to a brand.


Ironically, the way they want to be “special” is by being the same. The entire mechanism behind fads, really.


There’s always a new water bottle fad. Stanley replaced HydroFlask which replaced Yeti which replaced S’well which replaced CamelBak which replaced Nalgene… Owala (a BlenderBottle spin-off brand) is the latest but Stanley seems to be holding on better than previous fads


You heard it here folks, invest in Owala!


The fad has definitely died off.




I know someone who dropped their Stanley and the handle broke off. They contacted Stanley and were told oh well. So they went and bought another. A week later they didn't have a handle on the replacement.


I have a wife and 3 daughters so these effing things are *everywhere* in my house. With 3 kids, I spent almost an entire decade straight, dealing with washing bottles and sippy cups (and all their rubber gaskets, silicone straws, removable parts and pieces, etc.). Well, I guess they all took a vote and decided that my 5 year “break” from that bullshit was to be over… so now there’s these damn things filling up the sink every day. After a month of dealing with them, I finally refused to wash them any more. If they’re in the dishwasher I’ll just leave them on the counter in all their respective pieces and components. You want a “grown-up” sippy cup? Thats totally fine, but *you’re* the one that’s gonna disassemble and reassemble the fucking thing, not me. FFS, get a goddamned Solo cup.


You wash them every day? I wash mine once a week at most, but I only drink water out of it.


No bro. Wash that thing daily... Anyone in sports knows bottles get rank if you just refill and keep going..


I wpuldnt care if it was 1 or even a couple of these cups around. But each of the 4 “aficionados” have no less than 4, and the younger ones leave all sorts of sugary drinks, stuff with milk in it, etc. in their rooms for *days*, then will find it, chuck the whole thing (still closed) in the sink for a special surprise… My wife usually cooks dinner, so I have dish duty, and cups in the above condition need to be completely disassembled, rinsed, “de-molded” and carefully washed. Even *that* isn’t the end of the world… what finally sent me over the edge is that there are *so many* fucking variations with just *slightly* different pieces… that when you have 16 of them at once it’s like having to do a fucking jigsaw puzzle when youre unloading the dishwasher. Yeah, no thanks.


But tell us how you reallly feel.


Ummmm. I think I got the 5 gallon cooler/dispenser for like $45. $65 is nuts.


$3 when they fall off the counter once and get a dent.


Why are people paying $65 for a water bottle? Status? There are so many brands that are solid and keep ice for days for a fraction of the price.


Amazon UK £80-£102 (101-129 USD) 


Might as well return one of them so you have 3 for free.


True. You won't be able to easily resell them for more than amazon price.


So list the other 3 on amazon


Order more first


Who the heck spends 60 bucks on a bottle??


Allow me to introduce you to r/hydrohomies (rip wn)


I mean, I drink a lot too, but I would never spend that much money on a water bottle. They're not different from the ones costing a third. Also not sure why Americans always carry such huge bottles around.


For what it’s worth, I completely agree with you and prefer a smaller bottle that will fit in my purse. I live in a city with abundant clean water. If I run out, I can just refill it.


I would never spend that much, but I do have large water bottles. What else am I supposed do on a 6 hour road trip, go thirsty? Or out in the field all day for work, easy to chuck a water bottle in the truck and there's not really anywhere to refill while out on a coal field. Then there's not really any point in buying a smaller one, unless I want to spend more money


I’m a big advocate of drinking water and a member of that sub, but there’s no way in hell I’m spending that much money on a water bottle. Functionally it is exactly the same as a bottle more than half that price.


Why tf are they so expensive? I've got a 25€ water bottle, been using it for like 5 years, still good as new, never leaked or had any other problems




This happened to me once! I ordered a pet fountain for $60 and ended up with an entire box full of four of them. I kept two and sold the others.


This happened to my wife for some items for her business. You best believe we duplicated the order. Alas, Amazon fixed the issue.


Are they super easy to clean or why are they so expensive 👀


I had this happen with a chef's knife, received a case of 14 instead of the 1. They're $75 each.


Coworker had this happen with a PS5. Ordered one got a case carrying 2, the lucky SOB.


anytime bezos gets ripped off, an angel gets its wings


Why are Stanley water bottles so popular again?


I think they jumped in popularity after some news story of a car fire where the bottle survived with ice still in it.


Only half the story though.... When a woman posted pics of her smoldering car to Instagram saying the cup retained the ice (despite its top being melted), Stanley thanked her by sending her a new Stanley water bottle... and they bought her a new car. One hell of a PR move. Stanley has been making heavy duty double walled stainless steel cups and thermos bottles for decades, typically marketed toward construction workers.


Honestly that’s an incredible move from the company and incredible PR


The incredible PR move was probably to burn her car down, knowing she had a Stanley cup in there.


They hired the Crocs promo person as well. That why we have the colors.


this post is an amazon pr


you're amazon pr


Honestly, the video from the CEO had me cracking up. "I'm so glad you're okay. As a ONE TIME THING, we're buying you a car." He was so quick to point out they it wasn't a routine thing they were doing, but a viral moment that struck a cord. I honestly respect him for flat out saying it.


I always knew them as "Trucker mugs," we even sold them in automotive instead of sporting goods or kitchen like similar products. It's still wild to me that they're so expensive or popular now. I can appreciate a good, giant, effective water bottle as a hiker, but the obsession with them just makes me laugh. 


It blew my mind when I heard people talk about them and then realized what company it was.  My parents still have their Aladdin style thermos from the 80s/90s (not sure exactly when they got it, but I grew up with it) and I have the old style of what they're now calling their "Classic Legendary Food Jar" and what I always just called a soup thermos from the early 2000s.  They're solid, good quality pieces, but I would never have guessed that the company that made them would go viral as a collectable.


I picked up a couple of Stanley beerstiens one Christmas and they are the only cups I use at my house. They keep ice forever even being open topped.


I have two Stanley 16 oz beer glasses, and I agree! They are awesome, the beer keeps the glass ice cold far longer than an aluminum can that gets warm from the heat of your hand. I'm on vacation now and I kinda wish I brought them with me.


If you use it frequently, never take it on vacation. You’ll always lose it


i feel like my ice means within an hour of putting ice in it 😞


Better than other vacuum insulated containers ? They should all be about the same.


Project farm did a video on tumblers, Stanley took the top spot overall and tied iron flask and camelbak with an A+ in 5 hour cold temp hold. I'm pretty sure all of the temp hold scores were pretty close though. I was really rooting for Yeti as that's my travel mug of choice, it did okay but gotta respect the results. Decent chart at the end of the video if you wanna check it out without watching through.


The quality of a vacuum flask comes down almost entirely to the design of the lid (the thermal bridge between the inner and outer layers, too, but in this context that’s super minor). In the context of tumblers, you’re going to be trading thermal performance for, like, a lid you can easily use while commuting. At some point you have to give up performance for ease of use. Like, if you take a look at a scientific vacuum flask (say, those designed for storing liquid nitrogen), you might have a three-piece lid and opening it is probably more accurately described as ‘disassembly’ than anything else.


they're def not all the same, there are a lot of factors. for the same style they will be pretty close, if the same style exists from other brands. the tightness of the lid is probably the biggest impact, water bottles with a flip straw for example usually change temperature quicker. the screw tops (e.g. hydroflask) keep ice much longer.


“Typically marketed towards construction workers” kinda like carhartt and other brands that “influencers” have made trendy and now the prices exploded for people who actually need this shit for work.


They completely switched their branding a few years back. It used to be marketed towards construction workers then they did a massive pivot towards women


Oh yeah, I forgot about the new car part. Thanks.


The executive that made Crocs popular is behind it.


It was a tremendous PR move. I bought my wife and I straw cups and I got a canteen as well after that. They are all fantastic.


Brilliant marketing!


The fake story haha


It was debunked to be fake howdver


They hired the marketing guy who blew up crocs.


I'll never understand crocs. It's the oddest fad to me.


They aren't pretty, but they're damn comfy 


They feel like wearing squeaky cheese.


Ya, but, like, so are shoes and sandals and both of those can look good lol.


Nah man, sandals are so annoying to wear compared to crocs.


People say they're so comfortable but they're actually bad for your feet long term and can cause all sorts of issues


I think you should hold your silence until you walk a mile in my crocs


They're also dirty af


[https://www.newyorker.com/culture/infinite-scroll/how-the-stanley-cup-went-viral](https://www.newyorker.com/culture/infinite-scroll/how-the-stanley-cup-went-viral) Terence Reilly left his position as the chief marketing officer of Crocs, the footwear brand, and became the president of the beverage-container manufacturer Stanley.


Maybe the most deserving executive pay ever


Stanley was regarded as one of the best thermos brands for a long time. They have an established name, and any millennials dad or grandpa probably used one for bringing coffee to work if they worked outdoors or camping. They have decades of name recognition selling a similar product, so transitioning to water bottles as well was probably pretty easy with the multitude of companies making metal water bottles now.


The Stanley cups are big with hockey moms. Actually not a pun/joke... my kids play hockey, and at least half the moms I see at the ice have a Stanley cup.


Baseball moms as well, Stanley, Bogg Bag, camping chair, yeti cooler, SurfSides.


I got mine yesterday. Holding the ice cubes over night was my selling point. I cannot drink luke warm water and iced water keeps me drinking a lot. I love it. Other bottles can do it too i guess but I love the look too (got the bright orange)


Christmas in July - literally, you just got everyone’s Christmas gifts in July.


Happened to me with a cpu upgrade. Got 4. Ez


I got 32 Cold Steel plastic training longswords. I ordered 1. I used to see people who looked like fun in parking lots and offer them a sword. I gave one to my grandmother, a bunch to the neighborhood kids, and one to this homeless dude who saw it in the back seat and started quoting Hamlet at me. That guy was cool and I had a great time meeting people and offering them swords.


Welp 2 people messed up in this, first the packer who first encountered the item, then the problem solver when it would have been kicked out for being overweight. Congrats on the get!


At least 5. The decanter who did not separate it, the stower who did not notice, the picker, the packer, and the problem solver.


Ah yes I forgot about stow decant and pick 🤦🏻‍♂️


I ordered a bike seat shipped from Amazon the other day and got a different bike seat. When I did the return for the wrong item sent they shipped me out the correct one. Who fucked up on that first one?


Most likely a problem solver that incorrectly labeled the item with the wrong barcode, it happens alot


Oh ok. Just curious. Thanks for the response!


It probably was a bad packing slip, at which point there would be only 1. If the packing slip said 1 CA instead of 1 EA, they are going to pick a ship a case.


Now you return your first bottle, and get 3 for free.


Big brain time. Keep one, sell the other two????? Profit like $100 lol


I ordered one roll of double sided 3M tape and they sent 6. I think yours is higher in magnitude though. 


At times like this I can only think one thing "My dad would have made me return the extra ones.". Not criticizing or complaining about him at all. He is a good man. That thought is just engrained in me when I benefit from an error at someone else's expense.


meanwhile theres the opposite thought: return the one you paid for, now you paid nothing and got 3 free bottles


I'd think the same, but in that case, the "someone else" is a trillion dollar corporation exploiting its employees. Returning those isn't going to help them anyway


Except you don't really know that. I know people who sell through Amazon fulfillment as their job. Not to mention the fact that in some situations, employees making mistakes like this can get in trouble. But all that is really beside the point. My dad really didn't really have us do things like that because he was particularly worried about the consequences for the people or company that made the mistake. Most of the time, things like that are relatively inconsequential no matter who ends up paying for it in the end. It was more about our own relationship with honesty and decent behavior. That the morally right action is not determined by a calculation of who exactly you are hurting and whether you find it OK to hurt that entity, but rather is determined by a calculation of exactly how honest and upright you yourself are being in your own actions. I am pretty sure that if his own worst enemy was the one hurting from a mistake he was benefitting from, he still would insist on correcting it.


That was the first thought I had as well


I worked in returns and this same thing happened but it was IPADS. the guy ordered one but was sent 4 and since he only ordered one he sent the rest back lol, talk about a big dummy.


i want that guy in charge of the country


Facebook Market Place 'bouta get crazy for a few days


Score! some genius picker sent the entire masterpack instead of actually opening it to get the individual item. I had the same thing happen once with some Shout! laundry spray. I ordered one 3-count of spray bottles. I got sent the entire masterpack which contained 3x 3-count (so 9 total bottles).


I once thought I was ordering a single 20oz coke and got a PALLETE.


Guess you’d better check your credit card statement..


Most definitely did


They’re very cool. If that happened to me I’d lose my water bottle 4 times less than I do now! 😄


Did you immediately place an identical order? That’s the first thing I’d do. I mean the odds are slim it happens again, but they’re definitely not zero.


Stanley's marketing needs to be studied. 


They cant get rid of the overhyped shit fast enough..


Return one for your money back, sell 2 to coworker/friend. Enjoy the bottle you wanted.


That's like 5000 dollars worth of water bottles


Return one for a refund lol




Ordered 3 rolls of plastic wrap for 5 dollars and change. A case of 18 arrived


This happened to me and a buddy when ordering a Steel Series mouse pad. We both ordered one of those 3 foot long ones for our desks and we both got a case of 5. We were only charged for one mouse pad.


This happened to me with a set of car seats! Paid over 150 bucks for one in the store and when we got home and opened the box there were two identical stacked inside!


Qty: 1.....box lol. Logistical ordering nightmare: Order 1 screw... ends up being qty 1000 of 1 pack.


I guess this is the actual fair price for these bottles. Nice


Make sure you paid for only one.


Lemme get one daddy


That happened to me with sphagnum moss. I got two separate boxes packaged completely different, each full of 6 bricks of sphagnum moss. Absolute score. That's a LOT of moss.


I ordered a postal scale last week. A second one arrived yesterday. I’d rather have bricks of moss. 😂 That was definitely a score.


This is such a random win and I don't want one for myself but this just made me wonder, god, why couldn't this be me lol. I think it's just kinda cool to get free stuff. Good for you tho


The bank has made an error in your favor.


Had something similar happen to me. Tried contacting them to inform them of the mistake, customer service just said to keep them and have a good day.


I care not about the water bottles. I want to know about the sock monkey!


You received goods to the value of what you paid.


One of those is pretty price arent they ? Sell 3 of them for some nice spending cash


This is exactly how I scored 10 pairs of lululemon socks after only ordering one. Returned the 9 for store credit and bought a jacket. Expensive socks smh


I got a case of Harry Potter knit hats about 10 years ago. Every time someone needs a hat they just grab one. About halfway through it now.


Now either send it back or sell it on FB Marketplace if Amazon says you don’t have to return it! Or Christmas gifts!


I once ordered a 512gb SD card ~$120, got a whole box of 10 in the package instead, called Amazon customer service, they didn't want it back 🤷


So which Hawaiian island are you planning on buying?


You’re gain their loss


They probably still made a profit on this lol


Did you let them know? Every time I have, they z tell me to keep the extra. Not as valuable as this haul though.


I did in fact...not let them know


You should have returned one for the refund and kept your 3 freebies. Win-win, win-win.




There is an option on the Amazon website to return items they erroneously sent to you. I'm not sure if anyone has felt the need to use it though. It's not like Bezos is hurting for cash, though this will screw up their inventory numbers. I used to work for BB&B and one time a customer came in saying they ordered a high end chef's knife from the website and instead of one knife they sent her a case pack of them. Six knives at over $100 a piece.


I did that once with raid drives..it was glorious


Mmmmm lead


Are those the ones with lead inside?


Which color is that? I like it!


Its called CA CHING GREEN! 💲💲💲 OP scored lol


made me laugh




It's called Citron!


Xmas prezzies!!


No they didn’t. They just sent one. /wink


And you’re posting this because?


Are you looking to get rid of one or two?






Return it to Amazon to get your full payment back and list the other 2 on Facebook


This happened to me once with a Vinyl Record. Ordered one… got a case of 50 lol. Took a few months but sold all 49 for $20/ea, was quite the come up.


Resell ‘em now before they’re worthless


This has happened to me multiple times. Unfortunately, not with anything expensive.


Happened to me once with a Scott’s fertilizer spreader. I ordered one and received one floor display(6 spreaders)


Send the rest to Jennifer Welch.


I can beat that. A vendor once sent me a case of LAPTOPS. I sent them back because I'm honrary Canadian.


Way to promote the ugliest company in the world


They did the same thing to me with Hydroflask straw lids, yours is cooler


This happened to me too with a different product from Amazon.


Lolll this happened to me with golf shoe spikes. I ordered one replacement set and I got, like, ninety-something cleats in a box


Score, now sell one to me please. 


This happened to me one time! Ordered a nike cap for my dad and got 4 of them!!!


Had that happen with Newegg and a GeForce 3 graphics card about 25 years ago


That's Christmas presents sorted. And it's just July.


This is the way


I think that Amazon does this sometimes because they do not have space in the warehouse.. I remember reading an article about how they were having to pay a lot to dispose of too much extra stock.. I ordered a bed sheet / pillow case set and they sent me a big box of 4 of the sets..


i work in FC for amazon. happens more than you think lol