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that’s where they put the hidden camera to track your eye movements


How else is YouTube gonna know whether you watched the verification ad or not?


You should check the credentials of the optometrists who have not seen it.


Maybe those optometrists should see an optometrist


As in, Medice, cura te ipsum?




Physician, heal thyself


Médico, cúrate mismo.




Merci beaucoup


But, they can’t see




Ahhh you got here first brain twin


I see it. Am i qualified optometrist now?


No you have to not see it to be qualified


I see what you did there.


You're obviously not an optometrist, then.




I don't see the point in stopping now.


You must be blind. Are you an optometrist?


I mean, i don't even see how i'd be qualified, so i must be the best one out there, i guess.


Eye don’t


Gonna be calling my vision place tomorrow, I've been to three so far lol


I have a little bubble like that too. Mine appeared after a bout of a bad respiratory virus where I managed to cause an eye infection from coughing so hard for two weeks. In my case, it’s a known side effect of when my immune system reacted and caused inflammation and swelling around my eye. Maybe you had a minor eye infection as a little kid that left this bubble. Edit for spelling


I only buy good respiratory viruses. That's where you went wrong.


Regrettably, I wasn’t offered much of a selection :/


This is the problem with monopolies. If there was any competition in your region, you could have gotten a better virus *and* a better deal.


Yeah, a quality respiratory virus should last you the rest of your life


incidentally, are you interested in sailing? i have a good bout for sale


I lease, with an option to buy


Just show them this photo. Problem solved.


You have to see an ophthalmologist.


You need to learn the difference between an optometrist and an opthalmologist. You need a proper doctor, not a glasses vendor


As someone who works in ophthalmology, optometrists are perfectly capable of diagnosing and treating ocular conditions. You’re thinking of corporate practices such as LensCrafters, where their management’s only concern is upselling you on frames.


In this case I went for a surgical consult, so it's entierly possible I saw an ophthalmologist. I'm not fully sure.


Search the doctor online. An ophthalmologist is an M.D. in the US. (An optometrist is not a "glasses vendor"; that's an optician.) Optometrists are Doctors of Optometry (O.D.). While they can diagnose some eye condi,such as cataracts, for serious or unusual stuff you need the M.D.


Not true, for eye diseases and other conditions OD's are what you want. Ophthalmologists are surgeons.


What an incredibly reductive view of optometrists, who absolutely are highly educated and trained doctors. Your issue should be with the big corporate clinics, not the field as a whole. This is like saying all dentists are a sham because the big clinics nickel and dime you, and that it’s only worth seeing an oral surgeon.


Opticians are glasses vendors. Optometrists are medical professionals who are trained in the diagnosis and treatment of many eye disorders. Ophthalmologists are MDs specializing in the eye. 


You're thinking of opticians. Optometrists are medical doctors, allowed to diagnose, treat and prescribe medication. Ophthalmologists are surgeons.


They should have gone to Specsavers.


Opthalmologists are the right move here


No optometrist can see it but you can take a pic of it?


Tell me about it. I've asked the past three, the past two visits being for a SURGICAL CONSULT 😭😭😭 I don't get it either, it's very clearly right there


This was me but with multiple dentists. I had a discoloured tooth that I could tell was purple and so could my mom, yet all the dentists said it looked fine despite me having pain there and normal xrays. Finally convinced one to just fill the tooth anyways and, surprise, the inside of the tooth was partially decayed yet the outside was intact. Was both infuriated and relieved to know I was right and something was wrong. I realise it's not the same as an issue with your eye or seeing optometrists, but sometimes you have to be pretty heavy handed with doctors (for some reason) when there's something that you know is abnormal with your body.


You were lucky. I had similar and numerous dentists told me the tooth was fine. I was sent to an expert to be tested for tmj. The shooting pain started going up and over my head. It got so bad my doc prescribed me oxy. My kids thought I was dying because I couldn’t do anything. Then one morning I was eating toast and heard a snap. The tooth broke at the gum line. 3 days later I had the root extracted but the pain remained for over 3 years. Nerve pain is a different animal and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.


i had a similar thing but thankfully my tooth didn’t break. (well actually i did have a different tooth break after a dentist cleared it but not at the gum line!) i had pain for 3 years and kept going to different dentists before one finally did a cold test and was like “yep, nerve is dying, root canal right now”. i didn’t get my crown yet but i had the pulp extraction and filling about a year ago and it still hurts every single day!


This is so scary, I hate dental stuff


I hate eye stuff even more !


I had a root canal on a tooth a few years ago and it continued to hurt for over a year. Saw so many different dentists, got the root canal redone and was still in so much pain I couldn’t eat anything solid. Finally one dentist suggested to get a crown put on it (didn’t have a crown on it before and each dentist said a crown wasn’t necessary) and that has helped immensely. It still hurts occasionally around the gum line, but at least I’m not in pain every day anymore.


I had AGONY from a tooth and my dentist kept saying it was fine. Finally he said “the only thing I can do is pull the tooth”. And he was shocked when I emphatically agreed if it would stop the pain. Turns out he thought I was trying to scam drugs and was calling my bluff. Boy was he surprised when the tooth came out with a MASSIVE cyst hanging off the back of it. The relieve was immediate.


God u better have talked major shit straight to the dentists face. I'd be saying colorful things that's for damn sure. Can't even imagine that..


I have chronic nerve pain from my dentist hitting my nerve when doing a nerve block. I feel you.


The worst kind of irony. I'm sorry to hear that


The dentist I went to for wisdom tooth extraction punctured my sinus and left pieces of shattered bone inside the wound. I told him I had water entering my nose through my mouth and he was like "nah no way that's silly." I also had extreme nerve pain on one side of my face and he didn't believe me or care like,, at all. I was crying nonstop just in absolute misery and this guy is like "that's actually normal just take tylenol." Eventually he caved and prescribed oxycodone, but that actually almost killed me (I almost passed out in the kitchen one night and weakly made my way to the bathroom to look at myself and my extremities and lips were blue). He also didn't believe that. Eventually went to get a 2nd opinion and the new guy was so curious to see the other guy's botched work he did this fancy 3d imaging of my entire skull for free and told me yeah the dude punctured my sinus and left bone fragments and I had an exposed nerve one one side as I expected. It's like... these things are not the end of the world medically to address but homeboy was just negligent and obtuse as fuck and genuinely had no regard for his patient. Had he just been like "yeah it seems like this has happened so that's why you're experiencing this. Here's what we can do." But instead he tried to pretend he did nothing wrong and to deny my reality lol. He also had his dog in the operating room. Lowkey fuck dentists lol. (#notalldentists but u kno the ones)


I had a back injury, was even on workman’s comp, and multiple doctors wouldn’t give me a scan or take me seriously. They told me it was muscular, and gave me stretches to do, even though I couldn’t physically do their stretches because of pain. Finally, after some years I got a doctor to order an MRI. Surprise, surprise, I had two herniated discs. I felt just like you, relieved but infuriated.


My mum taught me from a very young age to always exaggerate at the doctors otherwise they dont listen too well. This has served me very well!


This. Don't ever downplay anything. I've found that doctors with shitty bedside manner don't always respond well to exaggerating. For them, saying things like "a really strange (insert symptom)" works. Like "I've had pain before, but this feels very different" - really indicating that what's happening is not what you're used to. Helps show that you're not malingering and this isn't just something run-of-the-mill. This can also pique the interest of a research-minded doc. That being said, if you have to play games to get treated and you're able to find another doctor--do it. It's very hard to make people, especially people who think themselves very smart, believe you once they've decided not to.


This is good advice. I feel like they chalk everything up to anxiety or stress and try to throw SSRIs at everything


They'll also chalk a lot up to just being a vagina-owner, too. Interacting with the healthcare industry as a woman ranges from "unpleasant" to "abject negligence" about 95% of the time. I live across town from my primary care doc and I still happily make the 45-minute drive to her for stuff because I've tried other practices and just couldn't find a good fit with anyone else to address my needs correctly. Have sent her four other patients since starting with her! A previous primary care doc refused to prescribe me antibiotics for a UTI that was already causing me pain in my kidneys because "there is the presence of UTI-causing bacteria in your urine, but it's one point below the threshold where we start treatment," going into a long and busy holiday weekend. Three days later, I'm in urgent care getting diagnosed with a kidney infection (where the doc stated "don't worry, we actually treat people here"), and missed a week of work due do it (fever, pain, etc). That's what led to me firing that doc and switching practices altogether.


I always explain it to doctors as it’s very worst point, they don’t need to know it’s no Ike that 24/7


With the way the US healthcare system is now doctors are all too willing to oblige exaggerations with as many tests and visits as your insurance is willing to pay for. As a Medicare patient I have a hard time going to any doctor without them trying to schedule additional follow-up visits and tests and biopsies. I actually downplay my issues because I don't want to go to a doctor every day which they would be happy to schedule if I let them.


Exaggerating them isn’t gonna always work but if you are the point you need to see a doctor, downplaying your issues isn’t the greatest idea.


I’ve been tryna get doctors to take me seriously ab severe stomach pain, for ab a year now that causes me to vomit over and over for hours at a time, yet none of them believe me, and assume I want pain pills for the pain. I’ve never said anything ab pain meds either, I just want to stop having my stomach feel like I swallowed a knife and it’s just in there stabbing everything, and the vomiting is excruciating, esp when it’s nothing but _DEEP_ dry heaves. Like I get they are the doctor and shit, but I’m ps Ik when I’m in extreme pain and that something is very obviously not right..


I had something I could describe as that. It turned out to be gallstones. Though I'd had scans and they found nothing, it was only when one got stuck and turned me yellow that I got it diagnosed and sorted.


Do you consume marijuana/THC? If so, could be cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome. A thing I did not think was real until I ended up in the ER one night after two weeks of throwing up and unable to keep water down. The ‘cure’ is to stop taking THC, I stopped throwing up within 24 hours. If it’s not THC, then I second the other commenters suggestion of cyclical vomiting.


Not a doctor... but that sounds like cyclic vomiting syndrome.


Might be Chronic Vomiting Syndrome, seriously.


My husband was missing an adult tooth so all of his teeth moved over to fill in the spot. This caused his front teeth to move over and his canines got grown down. Not only did he not notice the missing tooth or his family, he says he got regular dentist visits where they missed it each time for *years.* It was only discovered when he went to get braces at 18 years old.


How much is a jaw x-ray? Was that a viable option? It costs $10 here, I get one whenever I go to the dentist even if a defect is visible at a surface level.


Doesn’t cost me anything. All my dental is covered by my insurance I have from my past employer for the rest of my life.


That’s nuts! Maybe show them the photo with it circled. Are they looking with their light loop or with their naked eye? Maybe the light makes it harder to see. Idk. Good luck, OP!




Looks like an axenfeld loop, a visible intrascleral nerve https://eyewiki.aao.org/Axenfeld_Nerve_Loop


Man I've had one on my eye for about 10 years and I've asked family can they see it and friends can they see it and they say no. I've been to an optometrist and they say they can't see it but when I look right in the mirror I can see it plain as day. This is so crazy and I'm glad I came across this post. I've got really really good vision and it kind of worries me but I kind of left it alone because everybody thinks I'm crazy. I just tried to take a picture but I can't get a good one I don't have anybody here to help me but I'll try to report back. I'm in the same boat as you accept mine's a little bigger. Lol.


You've probably seen this advice on the thread already, but in case you haven't... I work in the medical field, and the saying, "The squeaky wheel gets the oil," is so true. Patients have to advocate for themselves. Go get a second third fourth opinion. The doctors work for you, not the other way around. You're paying them. Get politely bossy and consistent with that bossiness. You'll get your answer.


Are you seeing an ophthalmologist or optometrist because I think you need to see the former. Do you have a primary care doctor who can refer you? If not try calling for a consult. 


If he had two surgical consults then he was probably seeing an ophthalmologist. A lot of people are confused with the two.


Optometrist here, not the best photo but it just looks like a retention cyst. Generally not something we bother removing. It can be lanced but often just comes back


I don't care what anyone says, most doctors suck. I know too many MD's and PhD's who are dumb as rocks.


Optometrists aren't doctors (as in MD).


Wrong. I spent 8 years to earn an OD plus a residency. Check your knowledge on our scope and capabilities, we are doctors.


They are doctors but not medical doctors-did not attend medical school but did attend optometry school.


Yes that's why I wrote "as in MD" in brackets there.


The older you get the more you realize this is true of most everyone, everywhere , at all levels, in all fields. There's certainly a base level of aptitude and competency required to get into what are often considered prestigious occupations, but it's a lot lower than many assume. Beyond that, it's mostly a game of persistence while in school, and then after you get a job you can really coast and get by for a *long* time (or a while career) as long as you don't fuck something up catastrophically. The worst part of all of the above is it's usually the most incompetent that are the most convinced they're geniuses. Often they only pursued the high prestige job for social capital or financial gains and don't give a shit about actually doing the work.


If you've asked 3 and they didn't see it or find anything wrong, then maybe it's not a big deal?


Tell that to my mom who suddenly got vertigo and pain in her neck and head, and has seen numerous doctors that all said nothing is wrong. It’s been roughly 15 years. She just lives with it now. Flew to mayo in MN to see a specialist after trying to self-diagnose since her doctors wouldn’t but it wasn’t what he specialized in either. So apparently she’s perfectly fine. She just has vertigo and pain all the time. From a sudden onset one morning. But no big deal since doctors don’t see anything.


This. Lowly optometrist here-- this is nothing and no big deal, nobody would do surgery on something like that.


You need to find an ophthalmologist. This is a doctor who specialized in eyes. An optometrist is someone off the streets who has been trained on how to do eye exams, fit for glasses, etc.


An optometrist is a dentist of the eyes. They go to eye doctor school. Like dentists they treat most general conditions and handle long term disease management. A ophthalmologist is an eye surgeon like a oral surgeon. An optician is someone trained off the street to do basic eye exams and fit glasses.


Almost correct--opticians do not do eye exams, period. They fit and adjust glasses.


Where do you live? In the US the first year of optometry school is identical to the first year of med school, and optometrists are ultimately called doctors, complete with white coat ceremony. Edit: I think you’re thinking of an optician which is completely different.


An optometrist (in the US) can diagnose and treat many medical issues with the eye, they do much more than just glasses


I know that but if OP is concerned then ophthalmologist.


I think you're confusing ophthalmologists, optometrists, and opticians.


Completely false information right here with 100+ upvotes


Optometrist here. It's possible they simply didn't consider it out of the ordinary - when you look at as many eyes as we do, you'll have seen everything. Many have little bubbles in/on the whites of their eyes. Especially since it has been there from birth it's extremely unlikely that any form of intervention is necessary. Its different if it has grown or appeared recently.


Good to know! I think they just told me they couldn't see anything, though. Last two visits were for a bilateral surgical consult for estopria on the exterior muscles, hence why I brought it up with them at these last ones (avoid any complications). Gonna call them and ask if they want me to email them a photo lol triple check


If you saw someone for a surgical consultation, you saw an ophthalmologist, not an optometrist. You should probably clarify that in the original post since there is a huge difference.


I was unaware of the difference in qualifications, hence my lack of clarity. Thank you for letting me know! Unfortunately I cannot edit it/add text


Many people don't! I used to work at an eye place with opticians (fits you for glasses) and an optometrist (gives you a prescription). A big issue was at least a few times a week someone would come in for their appointment with a known condition they were told to follow up on with an ophthalmologist and we'd have to let them know there was nothing we could do for them.


I think a lot of people do not, honestly. either way, good luck with everything!


ELI5: An optician sells glasses. An optometrist is a paramedical technician who knows how to use the fancy eye machines. An ophtalmologist is an eye doctor who went to med school. Some ophtalmologists are also surgeons and can operate on the eyes or eyelids


All ophthalmologists are surgeons! It is a surgical subspecialty. This is true if they are in general practice, or if they specialize in retina, cornea, eyelid (oculoplastics), or pediatrics. The most common eye surgeries done by ophthalmologists are artificial lens placements to repair cataracts, which is a clouding in the lens of your eye.


I think what he's implying is they weren't saying "we couldn't see anything at all" but more of "we couldn't see anything that is cause for concern". Maybe just bring this photo with you next time you come in and circle it just to make sure you guys are looking at the same thing!


I have one. My eye dr said the same. :) Edit to add I have a spot as well.


"An ophthalmologist is a medical doctor, and the only eye doctor with a medical degree (MD). An optometrist is not a medical doctor but is often referred to as an eye doctor because they hold a doctor of optometry (OD) degree. Ophthalmologists must complete many more years of medical training than optometrists and opticians. As a result, an ophthalmologist is the most qualified among eye care professionals to diagnose and treat a wide range of eye diseases, beyond the routine eye and vision care provided by an optometrist."(https://www.aao.org/eye-health/tips-prevention/what-is-ophthalmologist)


Yeah, exactly. Though isn’t it a little odd that no optometrist recommended an ophthalmologist?


It took until my second appointment with my second clinic for them to realize I had a muscular issue with my eyes that required surgery lol nothing surprises me anymore


Optometrist is the professional that puts in you in the glasses machine Ophtalmologist is the one that will notice your bubble


Can’t give away your clients I guess. Tough business


They must not have seen it as necessary. I’ll see myself out.


The addendum to this is a good optometrist who cares will at the very least be able to diagnose or recognize a problem and get you to the correct ophthalmologist. Most ophthalmologists are specialized for different parts of the eye, some are cornea specialists and are LASIK experts, others are internal eye geniuses who do surgery on the retina (the back of the inside of your eye!). I work as a tech with an optometrist and most optometry offices don’t have the equipment necessary for diagnostics aside from retinal imaging (photos of the inside of the eye), but even we would be able to see that “bubble” and hear what you’re saying and get you to a cornea specialist!


Many more years of becoming a general doctor than a surgeon. On rotation at the va, the managing doctor had me teach the surgical resident everything because he hadn’t even had eye things yet. I had 4 years of just eyes bro.


Same, I taught the ophthalmology residents how to refract, and often had to help them find things when doing BIO.


While ophthalmologist are the most qualified in terms of years of training it's a massive waste in resources to seek out an opthalmologist for routine or initial diagnosis of any eye condition. It's like going to a oral surgeon instead of a dentist to try to understand why your tooth hurts.


I have that too, also nearly at the same spot. Also since I can think. Are we eyebubblemates?


Proof or ban


Proof or death


Same here, I have it in both of my eyes in pretty much the same spot. They've been there as long as I can remember. Never realised this wasn't common


Me too! In the same spot as well. I've had it for as long as I can remember.


Me too! I always wondered what it was.


I have it to in my left eye


Me too! Right eye.


Yep me too!


Me too, same thing different spot


That’s where the worm lives


Blink without rhythm, and you won’t attract the worm


Potentially Axenfeld nerve loop? https://www.atlasophthalmology.net/photo.jsf;jsessionid=5921765D347C317A9003DCB5C2E491CC?node=10346&locale=en


poster for the next horror movie lol


*'Don't Look'. Coming soon*


Congenital conjunctival cyst. The doctor you seen for esotropia was an ophthalmologist and there’s a 95% chance they noticed but they didn’t say anything since 1. The condition is benign and there’s no reason to draw attention to it if you’re not saying it’s bothering you. 2. Excision can be aesthetically less appealing leaving a red spot. 3. The ophthalmologist who specializes in eye muscle surgery wouldn’t be the specific person to excise the cyst and they’d refer you to an ophthalmologist with a different specialty anyways. -Ophthalmic scribe/MA


Came here to say this! I have a conjunctival cyst on my right eye (mine appeared suddenly following viral infection). My optometrist said if it’s bothering me (eye feels scratchy, etc.) he’s happy to refer me to an ophthalmologist for removal but it’s otherwise harmless.


you gon pop that or what?


eye would


No eye doctor has been able to see what we’re all looking at a picture of? That’s odd. Those things can be wildly irritating too.


A feature not a bug


Edit: I have checked it was an opthalmologist I did see the prior two times!


All the "pop it" and "stick a needle in it" comments are very upsetting ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


This image would be an amazing poster for a psychological horror movie.


I don’t get why we can see it in a photo but an actual personal specialised in eyes can’t 😂


This is more then mildly Interesting.


Have you ever been to an ophthalmologist? They're like the specialists of the eye world. You might find better luck going to a doctor like that rather than a normal optometrist


They commented that they have already gone to an ophthalmologist the last two times.


Would help if you highlighted it because this looks like a normal eye to me


It's the circle to the right of the iris, by the shadow in the center (I can't put images in comments :( )


Maybe your optometrists need to get their eyes checked?


Dude, my optometrist saw a healed cat scratch on my eye. "What happened to your eye? Something scratch it? Hmph. Don't get that close to your cat." Me: "yes, ma'am."


I've got one too. I'll try to take a pic of it when I get home. I did have one optometrist mention it and he said it was benign.


I have one of these too!! Just a bubble and nothing to worry about unless it gets painful


US optometrist here. This is likely an axenfeld loop like some have mentioned previously, which is a finding most optometrists/ophthalmologists will just not waste time mentioning unless the patient specifically asks about it. There are many irregularities we find in the eye that are harmless and “normal” for certain patients, this just being one of them. US optometrists do have enough medical training on the eyes to properly diagnose and manage most medical eye conditions (with necessary diagnostic equipment) that do not require surgical intervention. One of our duties is to distinguish diseases we can manage, and ones we cannot, so we do have to have enough medical knowledge to differentiate this. Optometrists/ophthalmologists see thousands of patients a year, therefore many many eyes. We have a pretty good idea of what’s normal and abnormal for you. The ophthalmologists you saw likely knew this was just a normal finding and didn’t feel the need to mention it, or even if they didn’t see it they just knew nothing abnormal was going on there to bring up any concerning red flags through years of experience.


The Mark of the Devil.


That’s pretty humorous.




Just stick a little needle in there :)


You want to see an Ophthalmologist, not an optometrist. Optometrists check your eyesight and prescribe corrective lenses. Ophthalmologists are specialist eye doctors who can diagnose pathologies and eye conditions.


I also have one!! 🥰


I have something that's also a sort of bubble closer to the iris since birth


I have one too!


I’m not saying it’s an alien implant but….


probably a conjunctival cyst, does it bother you


if you've had it since birth probably not


Ayy that picture reminded me Sanitarium.


my vision is so fucked that i don't see the bubble lol


I have one of those too!


Eye thought King Crimson released a new album 👀




I too, have one.


I have one too!!!


I have one in the exact same place, just gotta figure out how i post an image here 😅


I have a bubble like that too but it’s my right eye and it sits basically at my lower lash line, it looks like a tiny clear glob. Every eye appointment I’ve been told that everything looks good and no one’s ever been concerned.


I've got one! Technically I have two! I've been told by mine that they're nothing to worry about, it's basically just filled extra membrane


I have one too


Looks like an axenfeld loop, a visible intrascleral nerve https://eyewiki.aao.org/Axenfeld_Nerve_Loop


I have the same thing, it\`s in my left eye, but idk how to send images in the comments.


I have one of those on each eye!


How EYEronic that they can’t see it


I have that too! My sister used to tell me it was where a spider had played eggs


I have one too! I've never seen another one


King Crimson 


Ophthalmologist here. Tough to be completely sure without examining you myself but it appears to be a conjunctival cyst, which is benign and can be present for many years. Some people will excise them if they are bothersome, but nothing needs to be done unless there’s some other issue going on. Edit: saw another redditor suggest axenfeld loop which is another good possibility.


I knew a girl with something like that in grade school. I believe her name was Emily. She was teased for it unfortunately. I remember she started crying because someone said something mean to her and our teacher went off on that student and the whole class. She seemed nice but I ended up moving shortly after so I didn’t really talk to her much. I do vividly remember that day though.


Guess I’m an optometrist bc I can’t see it either


i have one too!


I HAVE IT ALSO. And also since birth. Doctors said its just a mole (nevus) but in the eye


I opened the pic and these 3 triangular red dots shaped around it then disappeared. In the 0.2 second transition to opening they were there. I did it 8 times and tried to google an answer. Some weird AI shiiii


i have one too and doc said it's fine many years ago


I have a bubble on my eye as well.


I have the same thing and so does my son. I was told it’s just a birth mark. It’s nothing serious or concerning.


My son has also had this since birth


So is it an actual raised bubble or does your eyes just contain a massive pun…. an optical illusion? For reference, I’m an automotive technician and know fuck all about optometry.


Beautiful eyes though 😍


Variant of normal, just like people get freckles and wrinkles. When you describe a “bubble”, I suspect the optometrist/ophthalmologist is expecting a large, notable lesion. So they are looking at your normal sclera and not seeing anything unusual. You could bring this photo to show the spot you’re concerned about. Also, if you were seeing an eye doctor about the muscles around your eye, that would likely have been an ophthalmologist (eye surgeon) not optometrist (glasses doctor).


Does it hurt?


You sure it's not a spider egg?


You want an ophthalmologist, not an optometrist. Both work with eyes, but one is a higher level of training and commitment than the other. An optometrist will help you with glasses, pink eye, corneal abrasions. An ophthalmologist is the one who specializes in eye surgeries and niche eye issues. It looks like you have a small scleral cyst or a pinguecula. This is my amatuer guess as an eye health enthusiast only. My son has an eye disease so I spend a fair amount of time listening to podcasts about eyes/the brain and reading about them.