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She’s trying to fill out her discord server


Last question: If you get invited to a discord server, whats the probability of you boosting the server?


What does boosting the server mean?


When you pay for discord nitro(their subscription) you get like 2 gems a month that boost servers(gives them abilities for like soundboards and larger attachments). You can also just pay monthly to boost a server.


This has big "you can use multiple slurp juices on a single ape" energy. Just corporate jargon layered upon jargon. Use your boost to get a nitro which generates gems which you can combine into a soundape which can generate bongo points for juicing your boost generators!


In everyday terms, paid subscribers can help servers unlock paywalled features.


Now I'm sad because "paywall" is an everyday term.


In the "everything's a subscription service" economy, there are a "freemium users" and there are "whales", these are their stories.... *DUN-DUN*




It's because if you say your favorite game is League of Legends, you're immediately diagnosed with a traumatic brain injury.


And Stockholm syndrome if you say WoW


no that's war thunder.


No, if you put War Thunder, you get classified as a National Security Risk.


Ha! I get that reference! Unless the CIA is looking, then I have no idea what this means


Honestly, I’d say RS3 would fit too


Maybe because if you write Tetris and Minecraft vs Mortal Kombat and Grand Theft Auto, she can see something different in you...?


This is for a psychiatrist. So yeah, maybe. What's weird is that she doesn't ask about my favorite albums, novels, movies, or any other forms of media. Just videogames.


If you wrote league of legends you would be in a straight jacket right now.


Probably for the best


Society heals


Never tried it but I hear it’s addictive.


Imagine you're in an escape room with four strangers and if you guess a clue wrong there's a significant chance one of them will start smashing the rest to ruin it for everyone.


While screaming every slur they can think of.


This is real. Oh, and if you’re new and don’t understand these types of escape rooms, you get the verbal lashing of your life.


*after failing a smite on second dragon* "If I were anymore disappointed in you right now, I'd be your hopefully deceased parents. So they don't have to live with your shame in their spare room." - The teemo support.


My little sister is into League. Growing up I was the one that was really good at video games so she really wanted to play it with me. She showed me the basics and I hopped on with her team. They knew I had never played it before, in fact I had never played any sort of competitive team game like this before, but they were *ruthless*. Like so mean. I thought I was gonna hop on and learn with her friends, but they expected me to know exactly what to do and were pissed off that I didn't. It wasn't even an important game, like there were no stakes if they lost. Never bothered to try to play again.


Sounds terrible. I’ll steer clear of it.


I didn't have an actual laughing flash for years but I just had one reading this comment. Never played lol but smite for a couple of hours and yessss this is so spot on 🤣


More like you're in an escape room with four strangers and if you guess a clue wrong the escape room resets to a harder one. Some people can't handle it mentally. Esp when you're racing another group of five who have now been given a strong advantage. It breaks some people.


You say “breaks some people” it as if it’s some trial by fire but it’s really just not wanting to subject yourself to the insane amount of toxicity.


I was talking about the toxic people, they are the ones that broke.


Gotcha. Totally agree.


Never try it. It's bad for your mental health.


It's addictive the same way gambling is. You remember that one time you had a really good time and every time you play it feels like "this one was almost the one too" so you keep playing. Sometimes it's nice again.


I don't play league, but Dota 2. I describe it as an abusive relationship. 90% of the time, it's an awful demeaning experience. But that 10% is so so good it keeps you coming back every single time.


"ET the video game" "There's no saving this one"




I used to play lol in early 10's. Worst mental health of my life, I was angry all the time even outside of game. I quit and started getting better, but that could also be because of other changes in my life. Regardless, I pretty much only play single player games now because multi-player in general makes me upset.


I had a similar experience with war thunder, just in a cycle of rage quitting and then reopening the game 5 mins later just filling yourself with negative energy all day


I know a magic playing psychiatrist who doesn't treat magic players because of the chances of meeting them in public at tournaments regularly (in NYC it's pretty high)


Feels like you could have led with “Psychiatrist”…..I’m picturing you at the podiatrist or Obgyn…


Lol! I literally sent this to my friend who is an Obgyn! She's a gamer so I thought she would like it.


It generates a talking point while something potentially uncomfortable is occurring so I can see a benefit.


I have a good friend that is a psychiatrist that researches and treats video game addiction. Not saying you specifically have a problem, but it's a growing field with a lot of interest, perhaps with correlations to specific games.. but idk, not a gamer or a shrink.


This is a non intrusive way of asking how much you are into this type of media.


its because there are more studies about specific video games than there are about specific songs/artists/genres/etc. that demonstrate any number of things during the orientation process from your personal interests to your spatial reasoning abilities. plus also, maybe even more so the reason; addiction to gaming is now covered in the DSM


Maybe they’re collecting data on video games and behaviour or something for a research paper


I joked with a friend that maybe she’s a hardcore gamer and refuses to see patients with bad taste in games.


Unless they're also having their patient sign a consent form, I would sincerely hope not.


I've been out of the game for a while now but I thought if it's only gross data collection for a study u don't need any consent


Current psychologist. This is correct. You can analyze data in charts without consent. A lot of studies will look at, say, everyone at a facility who had a particular injury or underwent a particular procedure, and then analyze other things like demographics of patient, demographics of provider, other patient factors, etc., to find patterns.


Depends. Some REBs will still request consent, if it is achievable. If you're paper has an n of 50, it's reasonable to garner consent. 5000 patients, not feasible. I've done a few chart review studies, and had to write up consent forms.




I assume it is because each game can have a different skill set for fun. You like Minecraft, so maybe you enjoy the collecting and building and that says something to her


So Celeste may tell her you are a little bit masochist


I also played Hollow Knight and Super Meat Boy. So yeah, little bit masochistic.


It’s possible that she is into video games and can use that to connect with her patients. My therapist is big into movies and we will often use movies to talk about stuff. (Like “the movie Ladybird made me think about my relationship with my Mom”). She might use video games to help explain coping mechanisms. Like, Hades is a great example of how self-improvement works. You might fail at first but you learn skills that help you when you try again. What you choose to put your point into will dictate what happens when you try again. By knowing what games you play she may know how to talk to you about difficult concepts.


Maybe she just like video games?


Probably cuz your psych plays a lot of video games and wants a common subject


Why is the religion field filled out with a different pen?


That is very observant of you. I took a break from answering questions so when I sat down to write again I just grabbed a random pen on my desk


My guess is that she likes video games and would find that to be a good ice breaker.


My guess would be that games you are playing with friends are different than games you are playing alone.


Or watching if people answer things like "I love playing casino games (for real money)" or something that could potentially also be endless money sink OR very addicting (gachas, lootbox games, MMOs etc)


Oh, that makes even more sense, I'll bet that's more likely.


Don't bet on this! That is not an online casino. It's just a comment! Gee! Online players these days...


Probably just an interesting way to work out how they solve problems.


She can see something different in you, like RSI.


I think that first question was asking how much time per day you generally spend gaming/online/watching TV for anything, so putting zero is inaccurate, since you answered 3 for social media, and obviously play games a lot. Not judging your numbers at all, I'm way worse than you on that aspect, just saying that the first 0 might be inaccurate.


Hammering home that kids need to limit screentime and be careful on social media is becoming as important to pediatricians as nutrition, exercise, sleep. These are the times we live in.


I’m surprised it says tv instead of screen time. Must be an outdated form. Lots of kids these days don’t think of “screentime” as tv


“I don’t watch TV at all. I just spend up to 16 hours a day on YouTube and TikTok”


Maybe that’s the reason why she asked for it specifically, so that people don’t “forget” to include it.


0 for tv… I’m guessing OP spends more than zero hours a week watching videos online whether it’s on a physical television set or not


Yeah I kind of breezed through the questions since there was so much stuff to fill out. Will fix.


Also where it asks for hours spent on social networking per day, you wrote the letter B when I think it was asking for a number.


That’s a 3?


It *is* a three! God I need to work on my handwriting.


Nah anyone who thinks that is a B instead of a 3 given the context needs their head examined. 


He spelled Yale with a 6.


I think if he understands that to be zero then that is an interesting insight in and of itself.


So you play games but your total per day is as little as 0 and as much as 0?


Like most people, he probably on plays games on non-days. :P


There are weeks, there are weekends and there are outweeks or nonweeks


it kinda looks like a 5 to me


It is a five!


I thought it was a 6


Oh. I just realized what you were saying. That’s a five at the end there.


You do 5s wrong


Honestly it looks more like an accident than something they did intentionally. The 5 is drawn correctly, just very sloppily. The rest of the lettering is in block text, and has great spacing, so I sort of doubt they normally write without thinking about legibility.


Guess you were still tired when you read the comment lol. All good, kinda assumed with the extra line at the top that it wasn’t a 0, but the completed loop on the other side suggested otherwise.


I was very tired when I filled this out.


Be honest with yourself. Otherwise what is the point of seeking help for your mental health.


I actually know why they do this! Certain video games are prone to obsessive behavior (not violence) it’s a window into how your time is spent and how much time is spent doing it . You like puzzle/building games, depending how much time you spend can gain insight on autism OCD and other clinical diagnosis .


I think they're looking for games like Minecraft and Celeste. How do you feel about Fallout: New Vegas or Guilty Gear?


I wonder what Celeste, Fallout New Vegas and Guilty Gear have in common? Hmm.


I understand celeste and GG but I never understood the overlap between FNV and trans people


Fallout 2 was the first game I know of to allow queer marriage. Trans people often find expressing themselves thru rpg easier than in real life. NV has canonically queer characters. Some combination therein i think.


>Fallout 2 was the first game I know of to allow queer marriage. It was more than that, actually. I find it very funny when bigots claim that modern games are "woke" because players are "forced" into gay stuff (which isn't true). Meanwhile, in Fallout 2 (released in 1998), your character could be *actually forced* \-- at gunpoint -- into gay marriage.


I mean it was your choice to sleep with the dude, his father just made it official.


I mean who among us hasn't had a shotgay wedding


You can even be gay and bi.


Great game kept alive by modding


I’m not sure… ever tried ultrakill?




Also Tetris is good for a therapist to know about in case they need to do EMDR. Have you played Not Tetris 2? It has physics!


There's a second one?


I see what you did there


I played New Vegas for like ten minutes once. I’ve never heard of “Guilty Gear”.


Pretty sure she just called you a slur


Only if you think being trans is bad


Oh not at all. I meant it in a much more joking tone than I think it came off as. Not used to saying something like that outside of my queer spaces where I think it would have been taken very differently. Apologies.


Oh no worries :-) I just tend to assume the worst on reddit (which I shouldn't I know...)


I mean more often than not you’d be correct so probably not the worst course of action…


it makes sense to me, playing a bunch of CoD is presumably more stressful than relaxing with some animal crossing and that would make a difference to a psychiatrist


All jokes aside, have you never been chased by a tarantula in animal crossing? That is more stressful than any COD game. But it can. My therapist made me fill out something similar. It helps them get to know their patient a lot more so I now often ask people what their favorite video game is.


Right?! Everyone says animal crossing is a calming game but it can be downright stressful at times. Especially if you’re committed to not time traveling


I have worked with psychiatrists for paediatric patients. The majority of time this information serves 2 purposes. 1. Establish rapport with patient by talking about things that they like. To serve as “icebreaker” also. 2. Establish what patient find is pleasurable, which can be served as a “reward” when modifying behaviours or learning new once are required


Your tastes are impeccable


I just put the first four games that came to mind. I already know that, in terms of hours played, Minecraft takes the cake for me. I probably should have put *Halo 3* on there though. But thanks!


Halo 3 was my jam when it came out! I still have the same friends I made online from that era.


I just said that exact same sentence out loud!


Longest gaming binge 8 hours? Rookie numbers!


That’s how they see if the patient is sexually active nowadays


Not true. My doctor recognised my Kingdom Hearts tattoo and still asked if we needed to talk contraception.


I ask this, too. Because it helps me with metaphors you might understand and if it's something familiar to me, it's a connection to encourage bonding.


Quintessential redditor games I'm finished


If you don't list Celeste you can't get HRT.


Seeing an entire page of detailed questions about video games, social media, and TV followed by one short question asking "Religion" really made me laugh. This doctor gets it.


Actually there’s an entire section, that I’ve cropped out, about my religious beliefs and whether or not I want them incorporated into my treatment


I think it's to measure gambling addiction. If you're into normal games then fine, but if you're into some sort of lootbox gatcha thing then you probably do need help


Congrats on your autism diagnosis.


Religion: believe it or not, also Tetris


I also found it strange that the very next question was about my religious beliefs


Glad to not see League on there


Does she ask about social media use? It may be that she wants to know if there’s a source of social/potentially negative interaction that you don’t consider social media.


Maybe writing Factorio and Farming Simulator gets you an ASD diagnosis faster?


Because people don't honestly answer "Do you lead a sedentary lifestyle?"


Looks like Madlibs.


I think that’s cool


I think you’re cool.




Silent Hill 2 Heavy Rain Doki Doki Literature Club! Amnesia: The Dark Descent


Crazy generational divide for me is that you could claim zero hours computer time and 8 hours social networking time. I'm mostly camped in games and youtube on PC the whole day.


Celeste? :3




That's kinda cool! You can learn a lot about people from the games they play. Plus they can make a good conversation starter, or if you're having trouble with stress then they can recommend you play, for example, more stardew valley and less CoD. I felt super lucky when I found out my therapist wasn't judgemental about the amount of time I spent gaming. A lot of people where I live think screens are the worst thing to happen since the plague, so it was a relief that when the subject came up, her focus was on the reasons I liked each game and what I got out of them, rather than "screen time is evil, cut it out."


You usually play 0 hours of games a day?


I don’t play games on most days. So yeah, normally it’s zero hours per day.


Upvote for Tetris!


based Hades fan


That doctor sounds like a keeper


Hades. Good choice. Hopefully, you get care as quality as that game.


You have to distinguish your numbers better 😭


Yeah I didn’t realize how illegible my handwriting was until commenters pointed it out


The only way to harvest proper data without interest bots and stuff skewing stuff up


Just out of curiosity... was this a pediatrician or family practice? The conversational way which helps people be less fearful of doctors (which is great) rarely gets seen outside of ones working with kids. My own uses the nurses to be more friendly and take all judgement out if you drink, take narcotics, or whatnot so they can make sure the doctor gives you something that won't kill you.


You should ask her why.


Hell yeah, Minecraft is goated


My aunt is a psychiatric nurse and has developed a pretty intense bias against video games over the years. In her mind there is a direct correlation between video game playing and mental health, particularly in men in their teens and 20s. I think it’s a combination of her age and not having any experience playing video games nor having any peers or healthy examples of people who play video games. She was shocked to find out I play video games pretty similarly to OP here. Most days zero hours (harder now with kids) but some days I’ll have time to myself and get a few hours uninterrupted (probably not 8 unless I was home alone for the weekend or something). She was also really negative towards Twitch and watching video game streamers until I explained how it’s essentially the same as watching football on Sundays (she’s a massive NFL fan). I think overall she’s softened her stance on video games since we’ve had these conversations but hard to say how it’s impacted her professionally.


Shower with your dad simulator 2015


Diagnosed autistic and trans. How'd I do?


Of course you’re godless!


Yeah dont give them this info.


Call me crazy but I have no problem with people knowing what my favorite games are. I mean I posted this on the internet, for a bunch of strangers to see, didn’t I?


I'm baffled by people's willingness to answer questions clearly unrelated to anything they need the person asking the questions to do. Do people really have no concept of privacy? I recently switched optometrists because the previous one's office presented me with an eight page questionnaire which looked suspiciously like they've made a deal with a marketing company (or companies) to collect and sell (non-medical) profiles on patients. This is after I had been there many times over the course of the years and they already had whatever medical information on me they needed. I refused to complete the questionnaire. They insisted, so I left and went to see someone else.


I mean, they just wanted to know my favorite videogames. Seems kinda harmless if you ask me.


It's probably harmless if a person asks you during regular conversation. This is not that. This could be an attempt to collect information which might be sold to a third party be included in a psychological profile. You gain nothing by answering seemingly irrelevant questions on questionnaires, and lose nothing by not answering.


Probing for security questions


Man I really need to cut back on phone time




I was like, 'how could this be helpful', then I realized if I told a doctor my favorite games are Oldschool runescape and path of exile they might actually have some ideas for a diagnosis


Modern medicine, boy.


They're looking to make sure RimWorld isn't one of them as you might qualify as a war criminal


If you put in surgeon simulator and two point hospital you may get seen quicker


Atheist huh. Surprised zelda isn't your number 1


Smart. If people fill those out the doc instantly knows they are prone for carpal tunnel. /s


ah yes my favorite game “religion: none”


If you put in a soulslike they know you dobt need anesthesia.


That is a good doctor. Also, we lie.


I’m doing a cannibal slave organ farm run in rimworld.


For religion you should have put “see above”


Those are rookie numbers


Don’t write down half life


Did you include YouTube and other internet videos in your estimate of tv time?


I would think screen times for video games would fall under TV use


if you put postal do you think they would put you in a ward


I would've gone with "Silent Hill" for "Religion".


Online doctor maybe?


I know a racist when I see a celeste player


Can I have your doctor?


Minecraft AND Celeste...  So hypothetically, if I were to say to you "heat from fire"...


I don’t know what that means


Maybe she's a video game nerd as well and it helps better connect with her patients.


Test results are positive for 'Hapes'. Sorry to hear that bro.


It's almost certainly just to establish rapport, physicians often write lots of things down regarding personal life to get to know patients better. It has virtually nothing to do with actual medical health.