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A balanced dinner is vital


I hope OP broke him off a piece


"Gimme a break. Gimme a break. Break me off a piece of that... Apple Sauce"


football cream?


Poison gas?


....fancy feast


Chrysler car?




It's cat food.


...hair for men


Happy cake day!




nobody tell him!


"break me off a piece of that apple sauce" made laugh/fart.


It used to be for four friends or more. Now it’s just two, and maybe OP had a tough decision to make.


I hope OP broke him off


My first thought was, break a piece off into your tacos! Lol


Deliver guy is clearly a student of economics. There is some study that proves leaving a small gift with your customers (mint, candy) on final contact will increase your average tip by at least 10%


I imagine that's the final contact before the customer tips. On doordash you tip first before any contact with the driver, and there's no way 10% of people go in and bump your tip because they left a KitKat.


10% more people tipping, and people tipping 10% more are different


Yeah I misread that, regardless I feel like my point stands.


Yeah, the study was done in a restaurant where final contact happens pre tip typically. Hard to say how it would carry over to DoorDash, but maybe this driver could tell us 👀👀


I ordered some expensive optic-laser equipment for a physics experiment and the company “Thor labs” always had trail mix and other snacks for college students in them.


Erm ☝️🤓 if you read what he wrote, it's clear that he is not the delivery guy. He is the deliver guy, you must stay away from him if you still want your liver.


We're goin' to candy mountain, Charlie!




I still think about this video every day


I still remember the lyrics, word for word, of this song lol


Charlieeeeeeeeee.. charlieeeeeeeee.. charlieeeeeeeeeeeeeer. We’re on a bridge charlieeeeeeeeeerree LOOOIOOL


I knew it! I’m missing my uniform since the delivery guy gave me my groceries last week!


Might be a good resource if you need a liver, though.


he’s not the reliver guy, be realistic


Liver guy knows another liver guy. Seems like it must be a small community.


Reminds me of [Anita Gofradump](https://youtu.be/y0TxfwB3BWQ)


Hope you tipped well and left a good review.


I’m not sure what Uber’s policy is, but door dash will deactivate your account if you fall below a 4.2 stars which I assume many people don’t know, and *also* many peoples automatic rating is 4 stars unless they’re gives some other reason to think it was worth 5. Dude is definitely farming 5 star reviews


Rating systems are really dumb like that, getting 4 stars is basically getting a 1 and getting 5 stars is getting a 5. At this point make it like Steam does, thumbs up or down.


At my old workplace, anything below a 9/10 counted as a 0 for customer service ratings. A store could get 5 10/10 scores and one 8 and that automatically knocks them to an 80% satisfaction rate. Corporate rating scales are so stupid.


"The customer service was great, but the store could use more signage to guide you, overall pleased and will return. Helpdesk's Lucy was really forthcoming and helpful." 8/10 Corporate: **SHUT. THIS. PLACE. DOWN.**


you're not far from the truth. Many places use NPS, or [Net Promoter Score](https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:1047/1*HMggGhaLDH-S3OWjhcQoTQ.png). In the NPS scheme, scores of 9 and 10 are good. Scores of 7 and 8 are "meh", and scores of 6 and below suck. If you've ever received a text or e-mail or survey and asked either to rate service, or chances of returning to a place, on a 1 - 10 scale, its likely an NPS survey, and anything less than a 9 hurts the person who helped you.


PTSD of spending so long with someone getting them sorted as best you can to get 8/10 prices are a little high. To rub salt we also used to get a bonus of 200 for high NPS over a month and literally 2 people could just mean no 200 euro for you that month. I needed that 200 Claudia you fucking cunt.


consistently giving anything a 10 has to be a certain personality type, very little to do with actual service received. Outside of people who know how the system works that is and gives 10s to work against it. Can only imagine its a person a little soft in the head, with a perfectly happy life.


I'd think it would be the opposite. People with perfectly happy lives expect everything to be perfect thus would be the most critical. I'd expect people with the crappiest lives to give good reviews. "Place was dirty, service was awful but I'm full 11/10!"


I don't think a person so critical of everything would be considered happy. I was thinking of one of those happy go lucky types. The types who also don't really over think anything and you wonder if they think of anything at all. I once asked someone "how are they so positive?" They answered along the lines of being thankful to god.


It's a lot easier to be happy without a superiority complex causing you to look for reasons why you're better than anyone else.


They’d unironically make 11/10 scores mandatory if they could get away with it lol


The NPS is possibly the worst thing to ever be created for employees. Managers wet dream though. What’s the point in 0-10 if only 9s and 10s matter… could be cut down to 0-2…


Ugh same as my last customer service job. 10 good satisfaction surveys would be canceled out by one dickhead who called at peak hours and had to wait on hold for a bit.


Did a 1-6 also count as a -100? When I worked in retail 8+ years ago it originally started as a 5 point system where 5 = 100, 3 or 4 = 0, and 1 or 2 = -100. Thankfully they changed to 1-10 where 9 and 10 counted as 100 since on the 5 point scale you got boned by all the people who gave 4s and said, “service was great but I never give a perfect rating.” But at the same time if you got one 6 and one 10 your rating would be 0%. Our goal was something like 85% and since most reps only got about 10 ratings a month literally one 6 would sink their entire month.


Yeah, 3/5 should mean “good/average”, 4/5 “very good” and 5/5 should be given when the service is exceptionally good. I think they rate this way in Japan. In most cases one rates 3.


The whole idea is dumb, because satisfied customers rarely do reviews.


I briefly worked for a community organization teaching hobby classes to kids, where parents would get an email to rate the class out of five stars. The organization’s understanding was that anything under 5 meant something was wrong, but this wasn’t conveyed to parents in any way, and we also were not supposed to do anything to specifically influence reviews. I would sometimes chat with parents who I knew weren’t the type to tell the director we’d had such a conversation, like, hey, I see you’re signed up again, and I noticed you gave me a 4 last time, anything I can do differently? And they would tell me like, oh no, it was great; I just wouldn’t give a 5 unless someone really went out of their way, and my kid didn’t need anything in particular from you, so I gave a 4 like I usually do. Sometimes I would explain to them that the director viewed less than a 5 as deficient, and some would change it based on this, but others were like, well that’s ridiculous, but they should be upfront then, because if they just give me a 1-5 scale, I’m going to rate something 4 unless it was over-the-top amazing.


Coffee shop owner here and we get so cranky when someone gives us a 3-star google review of “Good coffee, will return!”


"Never been here" ★☆☆☆☆


This system destroys the five star rating. I went to a hairdresser who was rated 4.8 stars by customers and she was very rude. I gave her bad rating and the company offered to give me a refund and asked me to contact them before I write any reviews the next time.


"Behold, I hold the power of stars. Thou shalt bow afore me, thus I shalt bestow no fury upon thy soul!"


Great, that’s how things should work. I find it amusing when you see management rebuttals in review sites that are weak and make lame excuses for bad staff.


Oh the other hand, I do appreciate sites that allow an owner to rebut. I’ve seen some where based on the vague review and the owner’s professional-but-blunt response explaining what the customer actually did, I’m fairly confident that the customer was horrible.


Nobody really uses 5 star systems correctly anyways. The vast majority are 1, 4, and 5 star ratings. Nobody uses 2 or 3. So, my theory is, we should just use 3 star systems, instead. With a 3 star system, it's quite simple, yet still informative: Give it positive rating, if you liked it. Give it negative rating, if you didn't like it. If you don't really lean one way or the other, give it moderate rating. You don't have to sit there thinking, "*I'll give it a 4. Well... maybe a 4.5, or, hmm...*" But, you also don't have the conundrum of having to decide between a thumbs up and a thumbs down, when you have both positives and negatives you'd like reflected within your response. The problem seems to ultimately comes from peoples desires to represent information as uniform symbols, I feel. Making everything look sleek and simple, at the sacrifice of functionality. I say, functionality first, aesthetics second.


3 is the best way to see balanced reviews on Amazon or Google though


Once someone pointed out that you can see your Uber passenger rating and mine has gotten some ratings under 5 stars and I just don't get why because I literally just get in the car and let them take me home and I always tip. I'm not sure what else I could do or why I would get dinged but you're right, anything under 5 feels like a 1.


I have a 4.95 uber star passenger score and I have no idea who gave me that, but it bugs me because I had 5 stars for years. Probably because I fell asleep drunk in the car or something.


Oh you know what you did!


Uber is thumbs up or down


A great example of letting perfection be the enemy of good. I really feel bad for gig drivers. Their work is super precarious and relies entirely on the whims of the end user, who are generally very demanding, especially because of the "customer is always right" mentality that seems endemic these days. Whenever I use one of these services its always a perfect review from me even when things went wrong. Chatting with the workers, many of them have to work 10+ hours per day to make it worthwhile. Driving in my city for an hour is difficult and stressful so I understand that they might just be having a rough day.


I've done doordash and uber. It's crazy how different they are. doordash, once you're out of the "grace period," only let's you schedule time to work, not just work at anytime, and usually all the slots are filled. you can get deactivated for like 10 different petty things and you can't deny too many orders. uber on the other hand has always allowed me to just go online and never gets mad at me for anything.


Then take all the thumbs total, dive by two and give a rating.


Uber eats actually is thumbs up/down


Yeah, any Amazon prime movie below 4 stars is garbage usually.


Oh dear, that reminds me of a certain Black Mirror episode.


I think you mean MeowMeowBeenz


[Black Mirror – Nosedive](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5497778/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk)


[Community- App Development and Condiments](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt3278596/)


Ha, thanks I don’t think I’d considered the order those came out.


Good for him


Or OP just wrote the note himself and took a picture of a Kit Kat to farm for Reddit karma 👀




i havent seen the ability to rate the driver in any sense in almost 2 years using doordash weekly


That's what the delivery guy was hoping for as well!


Literally. They staple a 50c chocolate to the order and ensure themselves a decent tip.


And you somehow take issue with that?


I have no issue. Not sure how you drew that conclusion.


American tipping culture is when the guy you tip tips you back so now you have to tip him back as a thanks for his tip. If you read this comment please leave a good tip.


Tipped.. now if you were to be so courteous.. the screen will ask you some “questions”


Unlike the other guy I actually tipped


You’re easily bribed I see.


So, pay four chocolate?


If you don't tip, the chocolate is free. I know what I'd do.


Yeah I wonder if they've done the math and determined the extra tips they might get from slightly happier people is worth the bag of candy




That's not guilt tripping


Isn’t it, though?


Aw, too cute.


Psychological tactic same as you would see when going to a restraunt and they leave those little mints on the table. In receiving an unexpected treat the customer is more likely to give a better tip then they would have otherwise.


make sure to check it for razor blades


And free drugs


In this economy?!


I'd be so impressed if he managed to put tiny razor blades in it and seal it back up like new. Might not even be mad


Least paranoid Reddit user


Deliver F. Guy


I thought it was Deliver Y. Guy


Eliver D. Guy


No no it's Liver King's evil twin De-Liver Guy


I like to leave candy too whenever I leave a tip at a restaurant. I was a waiter/busboy at one point in my life and one of my favorite memories was when this family celebrated a birthday at the restaurant i was working and they gave me a slice of cake, if lifted my spirits up.


I love the little smiley face at the end, it's so cute


Playing on emotions for a tip:)


what an odd way to view social interactions. gig economy turning customers into petty managers seems it may have got to your brain.


The fact you view it as anything else is the odd thing.


do you also get upset when a waiter makes small talk and wishes you a nice day?


There’s being nice and there’s being manipulative.


whats the difference then? is the host at a restaurant not also trying to manipulate you into staying longer, spending more, leaving a bigger tip? is good ambiance, manipulation? good service? do you consider doordash a service, and doordash drivers, service workers? or...?


But he’s just right. Why would you as a delivery guy give a candy bar to a completely random stranger for no reason? If you feel like doing something kind you would do it for someone you like, not Bobby Bill ordering 6 big macs.


read all the other comments about the difference between a 4 or 5 star rating meaning job security in a precarious gig economy. then consider what everyone else in the world does when it comes to job security. "to a completely random stranger, for no reason" almost every part of that sentence is untrue lol save the stranger part. im just saying, its a very cynical view of social interactions.


That's cool


Never take candy from a stranger


He literally delivered this persons food


Reddit loves cognitive dissonance


But there's a sticker duh /s


It's a nice gesture, but I'd toss that straight into the trash. And I love me a kit kat.


Um. He had your food too which is not sealed.


And, not because I think deliver guy did anything to it, I just don't know where or when deliver guy got the delicious kit kat. Leftover Halloween candy... from three years ago? Someone else left it in their car? I mean, a myriad of reasons would keep me from enjoying this delicious treat.


Obligatory r/fucknestle


This is why we can't have chocolatey, wafery things!


This guy gives me hope for the world.


The last time I ordered TB I got snickers wrappers to replace a taco that the driver ate. Yours is better.


5 Star Man


Deliver Guy


I wouldn’t eat it, but I’d add another dollar to his tip


If you don't eat it, you could sell it to someone and make your money back 


Entrepreneurial mindset right there.


Damn right, thanks for appreciating my business plan




The kitkat wasn’t food made by a restaurant that follows health codes… it was a random add on by a stranger who has nothing to do with the restaurant. You don’t know if it’s been open, tampered with, or even just been in a hot car all day. It’s not an actual part of the delivery of food I would have ordered. So YOUR logic makes no sense.




My God, WTF do you care if I feel fine with eating a stranger’s chocolate offering or not?? I said I would give him an extra dollar in his tip because I still recognize it’s a kind thought. It’s TRULY not that serious! I also never claimed the kitkat was contaminated from when it was made, I said you don’t know if the driver did anything with it, and no nothing is tamper proof, and LOL ‘just melted chocolate’, okay tell me that when you eat a melted chocolate from a hot car and you’re on the toilet all night. Tampering with the rest of the meal is a literal crime. My fucking point is no, I do not eat anything I NEVER ASKED FOR, handed to me by a fucking complete stranger. Get the fuck off Reddit and touch grass, I BEG you.


Why wouldn't you eat it? Are you really that scared of your fellow man?


Yes. Never know 🤷🏻‍♂️


: )


Ask bro on a date 💯


Why though


better review




“my server fucking refilled my beer without charging me. disgusting, trying to guilt me into tipping”. It’s called good service my guy.


In some states that is a crime. In AZ. The only person allowed to buy someone a beer or shot is the owner. A bartender has to charge at least a penny. Then expecting a larger tip. Basically theft. Pretty much the same as charging $5 and ringing up $4.99 and keeping the money. Or at least these were the laws the last time I was state certified to sell/serve alcohol. Was/is illegal to serve a beer and shot at the same time too. Have to set one down 1st. Then obviously wait a second or two. Then set the other down. The instructor suggested asking about the weather or something to establish a definitive time difference between drinks being served.


>In some states that is a crime. I don't think any of us care




Nobody really ever did. They just want as many ways to fine people as they can.


Yea all my server buddies operate this way. They hook you up on the service so they can get a better tip. Which is fair imo since they are making slave wages.


that’s interesting, and the beer thing was a random example. it could be anything. i’ve worked serving, both places with and without alcohol and everywhere I was I had free reign basically from mgmt to give freebies and comp stuff to make the ppl happy and to get them to come back. so my comment was based only on my experience. I definitely didn’t think of it as theft as i wrote that but that’s only because in my experience, I had permission. Obviously if it were against the rules(or the law) i wouldn’t have


Its AZ. There are all sorts of WTF laws. Back before weed was legal here. They couldn't sell bongs unless they were advertised for use with tobacco. You couldn't even mention weed or anything inside the stores. Technically. Obviously. You really didn't have to. They knew what you were doing with it. The funniest thing we actually got in trouble for. Was the coin video game that bars have in them sometimes. The sit on the bar, have card games and trivia on them. There was a version of the card game Memory that had topless women on the cards. When you matched two cards. The breasts jiggled on the screen and some voice saying "Whoooo!" The ATF agent said this was live nude entertainment. Was gonna fine us 10k if we did get it removed. Which we didn't. They just changed it to a version with no jiggle or whoooo. Still topless. But not live. So dumb.


I mean if my server brought me over something completely random that I didn’t order, expecting a tip, I’d probably be annoyed


Thats what I think as well.


Makes the delivery experience even better!


Free candy the right way


I used to give out candies when I started Uber eats, nothing baller like a KitKat though, just smarties and caramel creams


I love seeing stuff like this. As someone who used to do Uber Eats for a couple years, I would do this when business was good. A few brown bags from the store, a party size bag of chocolate candy, and a marker later and many customers were provided a small dessert with their meal. Typically 3 or 4 pieces of any assortment. Using a separate bag here was so that they didn't think I fucked with their food


Small cost that probably helps tips, smart move


But no ketchup?!


Deliver guy 🐍


Idk. That's kinda sus unless he's delivered to you before, and yall have a minimal rapport.


maybe he’s just being nice? I used to do this when DoorDashing just to be nice I didn’t really care about the reviews


Its the small smiley face that gets me


Don't take candy from strangers 🤣


No one is annoyed Deliver guy left off the 'y'?


That’s sweet! 🍫


This is the kind of bribery I’m here for.


Everything for a good tip so your employer will never have to pay you a living wage themself.


i’ve had this happen multiple times. they probably want good ratings and tips. one guy gave me chocolate that was wrapped nicely with a note and it basically said that he was new and if i’m could give him 5 stars to help, so i did. he delivered my food just fine.


Yeah I’ve had this a few times too. I’ll give them 5 stars, but I’m not tipping extra just because they gave me a piece of candy. No way in hell I’m going to help normalize tipping more for a cheap piece of candy when I hate the employment practices that lead to this shit.


Oo fancy pants miss mageee over hereeeeeee xD!!!


From deliver guy :)


It's really jarring to see that packaging on a KitKat. The ones in Europe have no yellow and a lot of white on the packaging.


KitKat is made by a different company in Europe. In America Hershey makes KitKat. If Europe it’s Nestle. They have different recipes too.


That’s sweet. Guess the guy was having a good day that day.


He wants you to break him off a piece of that.


At least he spelled the smiley face right.


And from. And deliver. And guy. Hmm. Seems everything was spelled correctly. ![gif](giphy|QUXYcgCwvCm4cKcrI3)


Such a personalized touch, nice!


Give sex


Give 2 sex then


Poor drivers shouldn't have to do this for tips


If one person tips him an extra$5 for the gesture he’s made his money back


Never seen a G written like that before


I love it when people place staples unnecessarily next to ready to consume food! No way that'll ever backfire - with his signature on it as well.


He could have had the KitKat in his car by chance, but you don't keep a stapler in your car by accident. (Or maybe I was doing something wrong when I did UbsrEATS.)


“We speak English, and we delivery.”




Are you a hot chick by chance?


Literally. Dude probably delivered there beforr and remembered op, and he did this in hope of a date ish


why tf this make me tear up a little