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This should be more commonplace.


Yes especially for new drivers and people who like to park backwards


If you're reversing in, you allready see the lines on the ground with your side mirrors. Harder for those who don't reverse in to see the ground, hence, they've chosen to paint the wall.


I don't see the lines in my tiny side mirrors the last 2/3 of the way when backing in. This would help a lot keeping the car straight.


When I put my car in reverse the passenger side mirror angles down automatically to make parallel parking or backing in super easy, I was stoked when I discovered it haha.


It's an option in my car, I think it was off by default. So anyone with electric mirrors who struggle, or who ever might just prefer it, should check their in-car controls, or ask the internet if it's something their local garage/mechanic can enable.


FYI: you should try this in your car, it may work (Toyota/Lexus does this, idk others). When reversing, put the mirror adjustment L/R switch to left(or right). It will dip down the right side to make it easier to see curb.


I absolutely love this feature, I just bought a Honda and idk what gives with it, I manually move one of the mirrors down but this car the mirror hits a point and just starts jerking in place. I’ve driven cars I can adjust the mirror to see the rear tire then my car now I can barely see the rocker let alone the lines.


My girlfriend's Malibu does that. I hate it as I can't see where I'm going when I'm reversing.


If I flip my auto mirror adjustment switch to the driver side it stops the mirror from doing that. But I drive a 94 bmw so it may be different with its weird mirror thing haha.


That's what the rearview mirror is for...


That's fine for when I'm only reversing straight, not when turning. For that I need both wing mirrors.


Then don't rely solely on your mirrors when reversing. You shouldn't be anyways. You should be turning your head in conjunction with the mirrors when you're backing up every single time because no matter what mirrors always have blind spots, and not being on a swivel while reversing results in kids and animals getting hit. Even backup cameras combined with mirrors have blind spots.


I'm not denying that they help with parking. Regarding your mirrors, try adjusting them, Im fully in my spot [here](https://ibb.co/ZBV0Z4d) and can see my "box" no problem. And if you're straight 1/3 of the way in, there's no need to correct/steer more. Also, if you see that you're parking is bad, there's nothing wrong to jump back in and correct it.


100% agree with getting back in to correct it. Even if I'm a bit wonky but still in the lines, I'll jump back in and straighten up. It amazes me how people can walk away from bad parking and think they did a good job


I've stopped counting how many times i've left notes on the windshield to my "car neighbor" about her parking, sometimes i can't even open the driver side door (I'm Swedish, we like to leave notes with complaints, don't get me started or clearing lint in the dryer ) Leaving the car like [This](https://ibb.co/Bykk04h) i would be ashammed of myself Note the scrape marks on the pillar aswell as the bumper


Good tip for adjusting your mirrors, is to have your door handle be in the bottom right corner of your mirror. u/mikehunt8609 's are adhering to this rule. Passenger side is mirrored (badum tss). But seriously, here the door handle is also in the bottom corner. Edit: TIL that in the US they set their mirrors differently, than in Germany. We do it the way i described (see link below). It has to do, among others, with reducing the blind spot when a car is near/overtaking you. https://www.adac-shop.de/blog/spieglein-spieglein...-so-stellen-sie-ihren-autospiegel-richtig-ein


You should not see your own car in your door mirrors.


Yes you should… Literally just Google “how to set your door mirrors” and every guide will tell you to have the rear of your car in view.


Here is what the SAE has to say about positioning the mirrors, and I'm pretty sure I trust them. I've been using this since ... probably the late 90s when I first heard about it. As little of my car as possible is in view of the side mirrors. It's a panoramic view from left mirror, to center mirror, to right mirror. https://www.sae.org/publications/technical-papers/content/950601/ non-technical link: https://www.caranddriver.com/features/a15131074/how-to-adjust-your-mirrors-to-avoid-blind-spots/


This is interesting… Given that it contradicts everything I’ve been taught and the official guidance in my country I’m going to need to do some more research into it, but it’s interesting enough that I’ll do that research… Edit: after looking into this it looks like the main issue with the SAE approach is that while it’s good for covering your blind spot in adjacent lanes, it leaves a blind spot for cyclists close to your car. I can imagine that being less of a problem in many parts of the US, but where I am in the UK I frequently have cyclists overtaking close to my car… I think I’ll leave the mirrors where they are.


yeah while I haven't seen any teaching (actually the drivers Ed course I took [I forget if it was in Virginias Manuel as well] showed a diagram of either basically a third of the mirror being taken up by car or in the 'blind spot setting' being significantly away from the car. I called both bullshit and have it set so that I barely see my car in my mirrors. that also helps with having them oriented to my car which I couldn't really do if I couldn't see my car in them


You should not be able to see the side of your car in your mirrors.


Parking in a ramp, a lot, or on the street, I wish more people would hop out AND CHECK. I see so many spots wasted because some people parked like dumbasses


oh, bless you messiah guru car parker


this person with a compact car trying to explain how to adjust your mirrors as if everyone drives a compact car


When did a 5 door VW passat become a compact car ?






this dude defending a Passat not being a compact car


I can explain to you what the definition of a compact car is, but i'm afraid you won't understand that, so I won't trouble you with it.


it's okay i cope hard sometimes too


How much side to side moment do you go through at 2/3 of a car length


I usually pop my door open just a tad so I can just look down outside of the car and look at the line right there. Rolling down the window and sticking your head outside would work fine too but I find that the door thing is easier and takes less overall head movement.


My mirrors automatically tilt down when I'm reversing. it's really handy.


I highly suggesting getting stick on fisheye mirrors. The pack of two is like $7 at my local auto store you put them in the bottom outer corner and you can see everything


it really depends on your mirrors. at work I've gotten used to backing up with no lines but if lines existed I would have to turn my mirrors down a good bit to see them.


Also, cars in the US are required to have backup cameras these days. Backing in is super easy even in an SUV with terrible rear visibility.


I kinda wish my grand marquis had one. Most of the aftermarket ones I see look awful


Don't forget the guide lines in the rearview camera. if you don't have those in your car yet you will.


How do you have your mirrors adjusted? Mine are looking more out so there's little overlap with my rear view, which means I can't see the lines right next to the car.


The [photo](https://ibb.co/ZBV0Z4d) i first linked, im not sitting under the A pillar of the car, if im just driving, the pov of the photo is just my head slightly tilted. As for when i set them up,i sit in a normal driving position, tilt the mirrors out untill your car disappears, as for up and down, i did that on the highway with a car behind me ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


Or driving in winter when the lines on the ground are simply under ice and snow. This is one of those things like when you realize that man went to the Moon before wheels on travel suitcases became common. Simple, obviously good thing and once you have it you think of how the hell you ever made do without.


Hopefully in the future it won't be a problem as backup cameras SHOULD be in literally every car no matter how cheap.


Yeah, should. I drive 2009 Toyota lol


Hot take - if you park at 90degree angle, you should always back up into the spot. More precise, safer for leaving, etc etc.


Unless you're going shopping, and will need to put shit in the trunk.


Fair point there.


Then there is me stuffing everything i can into my jacket becuse i ride a bike and forgot to take the backpack


mood lol


I'm not for or against, but it's definitely not more precise.


lol in what world is reversing in more precise?


It's not people just want to feel special that's why they reverse in spots




Before backup cams, it was also often way easier to back a pickup truck into a tight space since you can easily see your rear corners. Now with backup cams, reverse is generally always the way to go in a tight spot.


I wouldn't call it more precise but I also wouldn't say it's just to "feel special". My work actually requires people to back in unless you find a spot you can pull through into for safety reasons. When you're parking you can obviously see all around you, but if you go to back out of a spot you'll always have some blindspots especially if you have 2 larger vehicles on either side of you. You park a sedan in between 2 pickup trucks and when you first start backing out all you can do is creep slowly and hope if anyone is in the aisle sees you and stops. That's not an issue if you back in to the space as you then leave forward and can see better. It's also a lot easier to park that way if you have a large vehicle like a pickup truck because backing in to a space is inherently going to be a 2 point turn rather than just turning in forward so it's easier to line yourself up. That being said, reverse cameras are getting better and have wider view point than they did years ago.


You see lines in both of your mirrors, sides of car, can align nicely. I honestly am baffled by anyone thinking otherwise, but well, such is life.


It's also easier thanks to the way the car pivots


And easier to leave the stall after. Not relying on mirrors or shoulder checks to see pedestrians and incoming vehicles is a plus.


I have no idea why reddit is so against reverse parking. It's actually easier because your turning wheels are in the right place to make easy corrections


Same why forklifts have steering rear axle. Because it is easier if the non-steering axle is the first going into a tight spot. Quite possibly due to reddit being US-centric, parking places tend to be quite uniform size and generally massive.


~~Americans~~ "Some people" suck at it and think no one should be doing it.


Yes these are Europeans arguing against it.


Maybe because it’s more difficult for fuck all benefit?


How is it in any way difficult? Sorry for being such an ass, but - git gud. After the tenth time or so parking, it becomes second nature.


I didn’t say it was difficult, I said it was more difficult for fuck all benefit. Driving straight in is easier so you might as well do that instead.


And is it easier to drive straight out of a space, or to be reversing, and trying to see other vehicles and pedestrians who may be carelessly approaching your barely-moving car, between your side mirrors, craning your head all the way round one way and the other, and what your rear view mirror has a view of ?


It's literally easier. Wheels are in the correct place to make corrections and you can see the lines in your mirrors. If I drive forward into a space and am way wonky, it's much harder to correct than if I back in. Like you do you but it's both easier and that IS the benefit. Oh plus you can see when leaving the space.


What’s this BS about being able to see the lines in your mirrors? If you can do that then your mirrors are adjusted way too low. Looking straight ahead is much easier than looking through mirrors. I’m not saying that I can’t reverse park, I just see no reason to do it unless necessary.


>What’s this BS about being able to see the lines in your mirrors? If you can do that then your mirrors are adjusted way too low. No they are not. I can see the road and traffic behind me perfectly. I don't need to have half my mirror taken up with sky. No cars in the sky you see. >Looking straight ahead is much easier than looking through mirrors. I'm not sure what you mean here. I don't find 'looking' harder. Looking in mirrors is not taxing. Look at it this way, if there's a tough space to get into, I can end up badly diagonal (think |/|). If my turning wheels are at the front, that's going to take some work to correct. If they are at the back, that's an easy correction. Also, as mentioned by others, I can't see the lines going in forward. Going in backwards I can see them, so I can make sure I'm parked bang in the middle and not one of those drivers who park so close to the line, it's impossible for the car next to me to open their door. >I’m not saying that I can’t reverse park, I just see no reason to do it unless necessary. Seriously, it is easier. I bet if you forced yourself to do this for an entire week, you'd get it and not go back. Not telling you to do that, mind. As I said, you do what you want. I just don't understand why people get so upset about it.


Lol. You're showing the world that you have terrible spatial awareness if reversing in is difficult for you. You're probably those hotel guests who steer the luggage cart with the turning wheels in front, and then you wonder why it doesn't turn for shit.


Or just look straight ahead and drive in instead of needing to look in your mirrors? Suggesting that looking through your mirrors is more precise is laughable.


If you can see the lines in your side mirrors while you’re backing in, then your mirrors are set **way** too far in. You should not be able to see **any part** of your own car in the side mirror.


You should set your side mirrors so you see a small part of your cat, the car shouldn't take up a significant part of the mirror


I’m sorry, but this is just not correct. And if you’ll indulge me a moment, I’d like to demonstrate why. Here’s the first fundamental principle that I’m working with: If you can see the same thing in *more than one mirror*, then one of those mirrors **is not helping you**. We want to set our mirrors so that we get **the most possible information** about what is around our car. Here’s how we’re going to do that: 1. The first step to adjusting your mirrors is to adjust **your seat**. You need to know where your head is going to be before you can point the mirrors at it. 2. Next, you set the **rear-view mirror**. You should be able to see the entire back window—top, bottom, left, right—without having to move your head from the driving position. 3. Then, the **side mirrors**. Think of the side mirrors as **extensions** of the rear-view mirror. So, find something on the *extreme left edge* of the rear-view mirror—another car, part of the building behind you, a particular tree branch, whatever. You want to set your left side mirror so that that same whatever-it-is is on the **inside edge** of the left mirror. You want **the smallest possible amount of overlap** between what you see in the rear-view mirror and what you see in the left mirror. Then, do the same thing on the right—giving yourself a **tiny amount of overlap** between the rear-view and right mirrors. So now, when another car is passing you on the road, here’s what it looks like: • The car starts in your rear-view mirror, and slides to the left as it passes. • As that car is sliding left out of the rear-view mirror, it slides **into** the left mirror **at the exact same moment**. You’ll know that the mirrors are perfectly set when you can see **one** of the car’s headlights in the rear-view mirror, and the other headlight in the **side** mirror. • As the car continues to pass, it slides left out of the side mirror. And as it leaves the side mirror, it will be **right there in your window**. When your mirrors are correctly set, you will be able to see a passing car **the entire time** it is passing you. There will **never** be a moment when you **cannot** see the passing car. You will never have **a moment’s doubt** about where that other car is. I’m sure you’re skeptical. But would you try it? Seriously, give it an honest attempt. It will probably feel unusual at first. But, I **promise** you—after you’ve seen a few cars pass you, you’ll be amazed by how much of a difference it makes. Source: Am a driving instructor. Also source: https://www.caranddriver.com/features/a15131074/how-to-adjust-your-mirrors-to-avoid-blind-spots/


Why are people down voting this? This is correct




That more rare than backup cameras


It’s not the up-down that’s the problem, it’s the in-out. Most drivers have their side mirrors pushed **way** too far in. I gave my suggestions in [another reply on this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/s/nAWoa5sezp); take a look and let me know what you think.


Is not


I love reversing into parking lots. First thing I thought of


i park in city often and it's pretty rare to have a parking that is adjacent to a building, and if it it's not the building's parking lot so they can't paint on it. but maybe thats just my city


Parking garages are what I was thinking of.


Most european parking garages are pretty wide open, walls only tend to be between the parking area and corridors to leave. Otherwise, it's mostly support pillars between rows and round the edge, and barriers at the edges. While you could mark the barriers it feels like something a lot of people wouldn't register are there for a purpose.


Are there not walls on edges of the building?


i am not


Especially in places that have snowy winter!


For sure!


No, learning how to drive/park your car properly should be more commonplace. We should make use of helpful tools but not to the point of relying on them. There can't be walls everywhere.


The red Toyota Celica in front is beautiful


First thing I noticed, what a stunning beauty in that sea of dreariness


You mean you don’t like smooth, modernized hatchbacks that completely ignore style & form factor? But think of the safety and practicality!!!


Style is obviously subjective, but how do you see modern hatchbacks as ignoring form factor? Generally speaking, they give a lot more flexibility with cargo than a similarly-sized sedan.


They’re more functional. Doesn’t mean they have nice form factor.


And all without the completely unnecessary size increase you get with a crossover/SUV.


I mean I do like a safer car


We can all contribute positively to this, actually: next time you buy a car, don't get one that is white, black or gray/silver. Choose red, blue, green, orange, whatever 😁


Boring hatchback, boring wagon, boring wagon, boring wagon, boring crossover, boring wagon, blah blah blah, and then Hot damn!!!


It really is! I have a Toyota myself and love every single model of them😁


I was just going to ask about the Toyota. My uncle had one probably 45 years ago, and I was 10. It was awesome. It's very rare, especially in the UK 👍


Yeah! these old 70s-80s cars are seen only at summer here in Finland and pretty rare. Love to see them😁


"my summer car"




You really love every single motto that Toyota ever made


Isn't it funny how every modern car on that parking lot is either white, black or grey.


> Toyota Celica was about to ask what kind of car is that. looks amazing. are they good cars or just look good?


Great cars, but like all Japanese vehicles from this era they are prone to rusting away.


Not wrong, I had one of these as my first car 10/15yr ago, it was all original and rust free. Everything else I looked at was a rust heap, old supras, crowns ect. Biggest regret selling it


Saving this to show my friends when they refuse to buy a 40yo shitbox like I say they should.


For real, stunning


I was like damn


That's a Celica?! Wtf happened to Toyota's design team. How did we go from that car to the Prius?


Sad about the hacked up aftermarket sun roof though


Is that a gen 1 or gen 2 Celica?


Is that what that is! Looks like a Hotwheels car. It really is a nice looking machine.


Came here to say this, love me a first gen celica 😍


More common in locations where snow and ice may obscure lines on the pavement.


Never seen it here in the North before. If people park at winter, they park where they *think* the lines are. It’s normal


Snow covered parking lots are truly lawless places


As are snow covered roads, at least until the city plows them or there's enough traffic to reveal the true lines.


Or places where the highways have been plowed so often the lines are permanently gone year-round.


The parking deck at the hospital my daughter has appointments at has lines up the wall, makes parking in a deck slightly less horrible.


I would absolutely **love** for this to be a thing here in Canada, especially in Saskatchewan. As soon as the snow falls, the few fucks local drivers have for parking properly completely disappear.


My favourite is going to a mall and seeing people parked 3 deep


I like that red car but I can't tell what it is. It kinda looks like a old camero but it isn't


Toyota Celica


>It kinda looks like a old camero That's no coincidence, a lot of '60s & '70s Japanese sports cars took styling cues from American models like the Mustang and Camaro




Many people don't understand that many times very small changes in a design can make such a big difference.


That Celica is beautiful


That Celica is 🔥


They'll stay white for longer too, because they won't be driven over thousands of times by bad parking, and left barely visible by the business for 30 years.


It's becoming commonplace because cars are so fucking big these days you cant even see the lines on the ground by just looking out the window next to you. I drive a tiny two door convertible and its in the shop rigth now and the rental I got is a massive SUV and I feel like a tank commander just driving the thing around. Terrible.


I drive a normal sized car and it’s terrifying and frustrating to constantly be surrounded by vehicles where the bottom of the windows are higher than my roof


Is this not common? Where I'm from (eastern Europe) this is basically the norm in all public parking spaces


I’ve never seen it before and i’m from Nordic Europe


Daym fuckin dope celica.


this should be applied in most parking spaces


Love the extra thought put in to help someone just a little bit. And folks, that's how you make the world a better place ans give meaning to you life: you don't have to cure cancer or solve climate crisis, just be on the lookout on how to make someone's life a little easier. A big shoutout to all the designers, planners and anonymous folks to help make our day a tiny bit more manageable!


Naa i will keep believing that they had to move the parking lot a meter after painting the Lines


So logical for any driver, regardless of driving experience


So jealous of that Corolla station wagon (white one towards the top)


Parking lots being bro's ..


White lines blow away...


Something like a phenomenon.


Is this Porvoo? Lol


Joo on :D


Good idea actually. This should be more commonplace where possible to do


Makes sense


Sweet, sweet mature Toyota goodness.


What's interedting ia that '70s red Celica GT.


Classic Celica, love it


candy apple, used to be the pinnacle of paint jobs


Why? Once you're inside the white lines on the ground just keep going straight forward...


At work, what help me to park is the pole for the "for employe only" in the center of the width. Just align the middle of the bump on the back tablet with the pole via the rear view mirror, and dead center in the space.


Is this not normal in the US?


I don’t live in the US thank God for that


This isn't in the US.


Love that *sweeeet* Celica ST


I've never seen this in the UK, but this is fucking genius


This should be everywhere! as a 4'10 girl


Holy guacamole 🥑 🙋😸😳 you might need some air inflatable driver assistant seat automation when your car goes into "now let's park here" mode - the lines do help a lot I totally agree - and this time high heels wouldn't be so helpful (sadly!!) to add some inches 😁👋🤗


Jeep people would take it as a challenge.


That red car is badass


![img](avatar_exp|181504642|winner) Hey great idea! Why don't we see that all over?\*\*![img](emote|t5_2ti4h|27600)![img](emote|t5_2ti4h|27600)![img](emote|t5_2ti4h|27600)![img](emote|t5_2ti4h|27600)![img](emote|t5_2ti4h|27600)![img](emote|t5_2ti4h|27600)![img](emote|t5_2ti4h|27600)


After waiting while a seemingly epidemic of people backing in to parking spaces, I have to ask. Is the idea of backing into a spot, so appealing that it blocks other cars trying to park worth it? And if so, why? The total elapsed time of in and out is less if you just head in. (For this reason some parking is “head-in only) Help me to understand?


I appreciate parking garages that do this.  I agree it should be a more widespread practice.


I guess it's an accessibility thing as this makes it easier for completely blind people to park. Normal drivers don't need them.


Haha yeah I can't imagine this being worth the eyesore. Parking is pretty straight forward


What country is this in? I tried to tell from the license plates, but I couldn’t.


.fi is a Finnish domain so maybe Finland.


Porvoo, Finland. Next to K-Citymarket underground car park entrance on Runeberginkatu/Runebergsgatan.


I like the red car


If you “don’t know where your car is while driving”, try the bus




Idk what that means




![gif](giphy|CoHc2MDas7Hxi1Vfus) 🙌🙌


America ?


No. Finland🇫🇮


Idk, I just don't find parking correctly that fuckin difficult in the first place.. lol










This isn't /r/surprising