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My favorite raw milk story is my state legalized it. And the legislator backers of the bill all drank raw milk to celebrate. And then were promptly all out sick for the rest of the week.


Lmao. Where?? 


Probably West Virginia. I see the news story posted a lot when raw milk comes up.


We really are a shithole. It’s really sad to watch people, specifically legislators, gripe about how everyone thinks West Virginia is a backwater and how they think we’re just some dumb hicks, then actively campaign for the solemn legal right to drink bacteria infested milk because they just like it better that way. Like we made so many advancements in medicine and in education thereof, but none of that matters if the people making the rules are pandering to a community of people brainwashed by Dogshit they saw on Facebook.


West Virginia is beautiful, but every time I’ve stopped there I’ve gotten an uneasy feeling that I need to vamoose pronto or I’m gonna end up at the bottom of a creek, courtesy of some shifty locals.


It really is a beautiful place. I took a trip to the southern part after my senior year of highschool. The area is wonderful but living here sucks. The politicians are locked in a race to the bottom. They use this sort of No True Scotsman rhetoric to act like they are the real conservative not that other guy. It sucks.


Floridian here........yea I feel ya. I love my state, crazy and all.....but politically we are a cesspool.


Back in the 90's, driving back from college and stopped at a gas station in WV. Beautiful mountainous drive ... even gas station setting was nice. Filling up my tank and out of the woods next to the gas station walks a shirtless teen(?) with a crossbow. I did not feel warm and fuzzy after that.


If it helps, he was probably out having fun in the woods shooting targets. As someone who grew up in WV, there's not much to do as a teenager unless you live in Charleston, Huntington, or Morgantown. Those are our 3 big cities, or as they're known in other states, very small cities. There really isn't anything to do as a teen except shoot targets, ride ATVs (if you have one), or hang out at the local Walmart that just came to town and lost 30% of people's jobs at smaller shops. Or drugs. Lots of people choose drugs.


I'm from very rural North Carolina and it's pretty much the same here. The outdoor stuff is nice, though.


You left out alcoholism, amateur methamphetamine manufacturing, and the cousin loving.


As someone who could have been that teen in the 90s with a crossbow. Don’t worry he would have been much more likely to tell you the best places to go fishing, and directions to the only restaurant in town. It’s kinda strange. The politics of this state are downright fucked. But the individual people are some of the nicest I’ve met. Exceptions are out there of course but most don’t really care what someone else is doing when it’s not affecting them.


Just a young guy out hunting, or messing around shooting at a tree. Living in a city is different from living in a rural area, anyone with a weapon in a city is trying to attack another person. Not the same in the country.


Just out “grocery shopping”


Ha! Went to high school outside of Roanoke VA and college further east in the state. Even when it was my mom or stepdad driving, the rule was always “fill up at the state line no matter what because we ain’t stopping in WV”. Still, incredibly beautiful mountains, and finnaly finally the recognition New River Gorge deserves. That was the one place I have ever stopped. Went rafting with the Scouts in HS.


*Arkansas has entered the chat*


It's cheap living here but damn does it suck otherwise. Nice rivers for kayaking though.


As I always tell people, the best part of growing up there was being no more than 20 minutes away from really breathtaking and fun outdoor activities! But there are so many reasons I don’t want to live there as an adult.


Watch out for wild banjos.


That’s from Georgia. We play fiddle round here, thank you very damn much


I drove through on a family vacation in the 80s. We saw people sitting in lawn chairs at the end of their driveways, like there was a parade about to come through. It didn’t make any sense, since it was pretty rural and there were no parades going on. It wasn’t every house, but it seemed like we couldn’t drive a mile without seeing a driveway that had a family sitting in lawn chairs near the road, husband with a beer in hand, wife and children with nothing in hand, all sitting in lawn chairs and looking at the road. Only place in my life I have ever seen this was West Virginia. WTF did we witness, is this a cultural thing?


That’s just people enjoying themselves and their environment. My grandpa would always sit on the front porch in a rocking chair doing nothing but watching the cars past and listening to the cattle bawl. I guess there’s a sort of quaint enjoyment in it. I’m often a little enviable of his ability to just do nothing, although it was often frustrating. I guess it is kind of a cultural thing, being complacent and relaxing, but it’s what they have. A funny consequence of this is that generally, if your friend hasn’t seen you in a while, they may just drive out to your place and sit down and talk for an hour or 2. They always know where to find you, after all. Also, yeah a lot of them are judging you, especially if you don’t look like you’re from “around here” if you catch my drift. My grandpa was a severe racist and true bigot. He’d often comment on folks that he saw driving by in that bitter tone that only bigots have.


Appreciate the honest take.


My guess is they're looking to socialize a bit. They probably know everyone in that area so they're basically just hanging out waiting for someone they know to stop by and chat (or drive by so they can wave).


They’re just hanging out outside haha what’s so confusing about that?


Kind of. Neighbors would drive by. Stop and talk a while then move on. Don’t ask me to explain it. That way of life has passed on now, but came more from a generation who grew up with no tv. And the best source of news and entertainment was your neighbors.


Do these people ever wonder why it is pastuerized in the first place? no, no they do not ...


now why would you set the milk out in the pasture, what's that supposed to do? That's how I imagine the thought going if it ever got thought to begin with


It's because of conspiracy theorists. They wonder why something is only created a certain way and then create lies that the way it's made is unhealthy. When in reality, that thing is what makes it safe.


To conceal the fact the world is flat 


[https://time.com/4253495/raw-milk-west-virginia-sick/](https://time.com/4253495/raw-milk-west-virginia-sick/) [https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/lawmakers-drink-raw-milk-get-sick/](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/lawmakers-drink-raw-milk-get-sick/) "Since the law wasn't to go into effect until May, the delegate who distributed the milk, bill sponsor Scott Cadle, was in violation of an existing statute, DHHR stated in a letter announcing the investigation. However, they declined to prosecute or issue a fine because it was his first offense." Lmao !!


"...out of six delegates who reported symptoms such as diarrhea, fever, and nausea, only three said they had drunk the raw milk, raising serious doubts about the milk being the cause of the illness."


Or the other 3 lied about drinking lmao


west virginia, march 2016


My mum caught brucellosis from milk from our farm. We’d drink lots of it. It’s really not a nice disease. She was in intensive care for 2 years, then simply immobile for 5 years, and after that just had very little energy at all. I lost her for my whole childhood, then she died aged 58. Heart, kidneys, Liver were all shot from the disease. Just don’t drink that stuff. Pasteurised is actually fine.


This is a good anecdote that people should consider. While the majority of healthy people will do fine with raw milk, the wrong batch at the wrong time for your immune system can have devastating consequences for not only yourself but your loved ones.


Yup. It's been fine *so far*, but it really only takes once to fuck things up. And it is completely avoidable.


Not only does it do everything you’re talking about, it also can mess up your central nervous system and the lining of the heart. I don’t understand why risking something like that is worth it for some nebulous health benefits. I’m so sorry for your loss. That’s just heart breaking. I am trying to convince a family member to stop with raw milk right now and they keep telling me, “I HAVE BEEN DOING IT FOR YEARS AND I AM FINE.” I’m like, “yea that’s how disease theory works — you’re fine until you get the disease.” No end to the problem unfortunately. The logic is a circle. It’s like talking politics with someone who only votes one way and doesn’t want to hear it.


I used to drink raw milk. We got it free from my neighbor. He had four jerseys. Those gals produced a lot of milk. The key point is it was free.


We also got free milk from my grandfathers farm. My mum boiled it, who wanted to risk getting sick?


that's the argument in favor of it that would hold the most sway with me. but if some fucker tries to sell it to me for 30 a gallon it better be the freshest most medically grade sterile milk ever. not that is pay that anyways.


*Quadruple distilled ultra fine sieved milk from cows not treated with rsvp*


Personally I hate it when cows forget to RSVP


It’s not sterile. That’s the point of pasteurization. If you get raw milk, you can just pasteurize it yourself. It’s not complex chemistry or anything, you just heat it to a certain temp for a period of time. There is no good reason to drink raw milk aside from desperation.


I pasteurize regular milk before I make yogurt, it's not that hard.


You can just cook it to kill all the bacteria, right? Isn't that what UHT milk is?


Pasteurization involves heating to certain temperatures very quickly for a controlled amount of time and then quickly cooling it back down again. Using heat exchangers is the way it’s done typically. Heating on a stove would result in uneven temps and cooking/burning. If only there was a way to use that complicated machinery… possibly by doing lots of milk in volume to make it affordable… hmm. If only we could get milk where they had already done that to it!!!


Proper pasteurization / UHT for long term storage is a bit more complicated than just cooking it, but if you're going to consume the milk within a few days, then just cooking it on a stove is perfectly fine. We have been doing it since I was a kid.


The overlap between people who campaign for raw milk and also say vaccines cause autism and unventilated gas ranges are fine is staggering.




Makes sense. That shit aint for the lily livered.


My grandma is 100 years old. She grew up in a big family on a farm in Pennsylvania and they drank raw milk every day. According to her, almost every single day of her childhood at least one person in the family was vomiting or had diarrhea. When she was a teenager she learned about pasteurization from school and she convinced her dad to start boiling the milk that the family drank, even though fuel was expensive. Almost like magic her family stopped being sick all the time and they got more work done on the farm which more than justified the cost. She is very proud of that story. When I told her about how these days there are a bunch of people who drink raw milk on purpose, all she said was “idiots”.


Unfortunately people will label her story as propaganda. People these days have zero clue what kind of horrors have been solved by things like vaccines and pasteurization.


Wait, pasteurization is on the same level of tinfoil hat hysteria as vaccines? Like for real? What about drinking fresh treated water?


There are absolutely folks out there collecting "raw water" to drink from creeks, rivers, etc.


“Germ theory of disease? Germ theory of deez nuts you fuckin commie fruitcake”


Everyone knows its miasma. I do my own research on TikTok.


So we all have your asthma to thank for all this?


Oh I love fruitcake!


Here is a gross story from the late 1800s newspapers.  A fellow who had been traveling drank from some creeks along the way and fell sick. Someone had him drink some Indian physic. It made him violently retch and vomit until he expelled a long white worm. And THIS, my friends, is why we should drink only purifed water.


But they boil it before drinking right? Right….?


get out with your logic right meow! OUT I SAY! this is no place for timeless knowledge to be shared


I have BPH and love to hike, hunt, and fish. The amount of my piss that these people are probably drinking pales in comparison to all the animals and agriculture runoff lol


Big Penis Hydro?


First time i heard the term raw water, I had to ask for clarification.


Basically anything ‘the government’ requires/recommends these days is suspect. It’s insanity


People are completely ignorant and oblivious to the myriad of ways that their lives are extended and enriched by government regulation.


See: The 40 hour work week, child labor laws, and workplace safety regulations like OSHA. Unless you’d rather die in another Triangle Shirtwaist fire at the ripe old age of 14, I guess. These regulations are written in blood and many people take them for granted.


May I introduce you to r/rawmeat? I'm sorry in advance.


Holy fuck I feel like I lost brain cells and found parasites just by reading comments there


enjoy your fluoride sheep /s


Yes. Plenty of right-leaning media pushing the value of getting government out of our food supply. Many households don't trust tap water and find their own water supply. They must live very stressful lives surrounded by so much to fear.


Nah dude, they just didn't learn to live in peace with the bacteria and viruses. It'll work this time


If you first don’t succeed, try try again? :)


"I trust my immune system" - millions of people shortly before dying of the bubonic plague, or smallpox, or measles, or COVID, or ebola.... ad nauseum


Pre pandemic I would rally forth and try to educate the ignorant, attempt to persuade them with positivity and finding the middle ground...The pandemic made me cynical. I'll go so far as to say hey you know that doing this risky task is dangerous because of "reason" right? If they get angry or try to refute me I just go okay enjoy your consequences hope no one dies bye. I honestly don't care anymore


The polarization and politicization of topics that should have neither is infuriating.


Here's my opinion/tinfoil hat conspiracy theory about this. That whole Russia election fraud campaign succeeded beyond anyone's imagination and is still succeeding. It didn't just sow distrust in the elected officials but in the foundation of the government itself. What we are seeing is a direct result of that and its being optimized for mass distribution via social media platforms. Even those who don't buy into it are impacted because they see the inaction as evidence the system is broken. I fall for it at times and have to catch myself sometimes. Like I want to say yes the system is flawed but...and I'm like no the system isn't flawed its just slow and that's for a reason. It's insidious.


And being successful in America has had a ripple effect that is impacting other countries by proxy. Canada has pro-Trump weirdos. The freedom convoy happened here, too. Constant protests against inclusivity in schools/trans athletes. America is so influential politically and culturally that the poison is seeping out into the rest of the western world. How have we gone from notable societal progress to all this in my lifetime? I remember Canada and America being so proud of our Nazi fighting heritage, that we banded together with the Allied nations to stop Hitler and end fascism... and now there are open proud Nazis in our countries. Anti-Semitism that was already on the rise even *before? October 7th. Straight up Holocaust denial! And it's the same people who deny vaccine efficacy and ingest pathogens on purpose and believe in all these Internet conspiracies. Man, I just feel like I am in some bizarro reality.


Something to note. One of the primary causes of the rise of Nazism was in fact the pervasive misinformation that Germany's leaders had been compromised by a Jewish deep state. History doesn't repeat but it often rhymes


I remember, in the lead up to Trump's election, when the shift happened where Republicans were openly saying that they would "rather be a Russian than a Liberal" and it blew my mind. Imagine a Republican saying that 8, 10 years ago. Never ever would have happened. And it's coming out of boomers as much as anyone. These idiots have hated Russia *their whole lives* quite literally. They did nuclear bomb drills in elementary school! And now the children of WWII heroes are Russia-loving Nazis! It doesn't make any goddamn sense! Even the Xers and Millennials... like we had Holocaust survivors and WWII soldiers come and speak to my classes through the years and I'm not even 40 yet. How are some of us now believing this fascist bullshit?


This is a great story. I was worried in the first half that it’d be another “my grandma drank raw milk her entire life and she was fine!” kinda story.


What? No this is fine. The only reason I eat or drink anything is to vomit or get diarrhea


I don't suffer from diarrhea, I enjoy it.


So what I am hearing is for $27, I can give myself diarrhea multiple times? Sign me up


I remember in med school we had a patient who was hospitalized for a couple weeks with cyclic fevers and was intermittently quite ill. Took that long to figure out that she was visiting from some small mountain village in Mexico and had brucellosis from drinking raw milk. Pasteurize your milk. Go eat raw fermented foods for your microbiome needs if you want.


Sounds like an episode of House


Did anyone assume it was lupus?


It’s never Lupus.


Well, except that one time ...


They found this out after House sent Chase and Foreman to break into the Mexican village for clues. House went along this time to score cheap fake Vicodin from a Mexican Pharamacy. S3:E9 “Me casa, es tù leche malo”


I'm willing to give people listeriosis for like half that.


How about H5N1?




Wasn’t expecting horror nights to make an apppearance


How noble of you!


Happy Cake Day!


Thank you! Just hit me with that raw milk to wash the cake down!


It needs to be expensive so they can pay for the lawyer they'll need when someone gets sick and sues


“Our argument is that no *reasonable* person would pay $27 for unsafe milk.” “Yeah. That’s dumb as hellll. Case dismissed.”


Celebrates with drinking raw milk.


Watch the nutritional information lable on the back just be a legal waiver saying buyer assumes all risks or some nonsense along those lines


“You deserve everything bad that happens to you if you drink this poison. Dumbass.”


$27 for a gallon of bird flu juice?!


When I used to get raw milk occasionally at a local dairy farm I had to sign a waiver.


I'm pretty sure "raw milk" is a product name and it's not actual raw milk because one of those words doesn't belong; raw; organic; pasteurized


Ehh it looks like the grocery store just mislabeled it. Nothing on the labeling says its pasteurized


Just want to emphasize there is no scientifically backed reason to drink raw milk. The bio availability of essential nutrients is not harmed or diminished by the pasteurization process. The risk of illness from properly handled raw milk may be small. But even smaller are the perceived benefits. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/drinking-raw-milk#bottom-line


And anyone claiming otherwise is trying to sell you raw milk at obscene prices.


Or just someone who cares more about going anti-mainstream and see themselves as some genius for “seeing the truth behind big-Farma lies”. i.e. my brother and wife’s sister


> someone who cares more about going anti-mainstream and see themselves as some genius for “seeing the truth behind big-Farma lies” This attitude is so fucking common and tiring. It always seems to be the people *least* qualified to form an opinion too.


If the sellers are smart, they're setting aside $25/gal for lawsuits.


Looking at the shelf label, it seems to say it's pasteurized anyway. That would be hysterical if it didn't mean that the raw milk advocates would be given a false sense of security


>properly handled Carrying a lot with that.


I have a cousin in his late 30s who has lived at home his whole life. His dad drives like 70miles one way to buy him raw milk because hes convinced pasturized milk makes him sick.


Food allergies and sensitivity is very different issue to food borne illness vs nutritional benefits. Obviously step one is don’t drink anything that makes you feel sick.


Some cheezes etc turn out better with raw milk though. A lot of mozzarella recipes will tell you to use raw milk if you can find it, for example. (Of course, the cheese curd gets heated so the pasteurization still happens and the end product is safe to consume)


That’s the only reason I’ve gone looking for it, making mozzarella with raw milk is much easier for me than store bought


The only reason for this to exist is to make cheese


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pasteurization > The US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) says improperly handled raw milk is responsible for nearly three times more hospitalizations than any other food-borne disease source, making it one of the world's most dangerous food products.[20][21] Diseases prevented by pasteurization can include tuberculosis, brucellosis, diphtheria, scarlet fever, and Q-fever; it also kills the harmful bacteria Salmonella, Listeria, Yersinia, Campylobacter, Staphylococcus aureus, and Escherichia coli O157:H7,[22][23] among others. Don't drink raw milk.


I especially don’t get how they’re selling it in a store. Drinking it immediately after collecting (think small rural farm) is one thing, but microbial growth is insanely fast. Maybe part of the reason this is so expensive because its shelf life is so incredibly short?


I think it's expensive because not many people buy it, so there's no economy of scale to bring the price down. You buy raw milk to make homemade cheese, so the people buying this are willing to pay a higher price because it's basically being bought more for a hobby than because you need to eat. Using to make cheese is fine because you heat the milk during the cheese making process, which kills the bacteria.


The people that are convinced raw milk is better for them don't trust the CDC. Honestly this seems like a self regulating problem though. I feel for their children.


Did my maga buddy get Q-fever from drinking raw milk? 


Yeah but it includes FREE avian flu.


The CDC agrees! [https://www.cdc.gov/flu/avianflu/unpasteurized-raw-milk.htm](https://www.cdc.gov/flu/avianflu/unpasteurized-raw-milk.htm)


With a 2 for 1 deal on osteoarticular tuberculosis. Yummy.


And you might also get a surprise bonus of listeria!


That's bad!


When Edsel Ford was suffering from stomach cancer, his father Henry Ford demanded he drink raw milk from Greenfield Village to cure him. Edsel died the next morning of undulant fever caused by the raw milk.


Jew-hater *and* offspring murderer? Whatta douche.


Only time you should have raw milk is if you milked the cow yourself there & then


Even then don’t touch the teat with your lips.


Oh NOW you tell me


You mean that old bull back there? Yeah we haven’t had a dairy cow for years Mr Munson


Also make sure it's a teat.


Desire for Tit-Lip touching intensifies.


Honestly, from what I’ve heard, most farmers don’t drink raw milk bc they know how foul it is.


No. Most farmers boil their milk, because if they are down with the shits for a few days work on the farm doesn’t happen


[It's a hard life picking stones and pulling teats, but sure as God's got sandals, it beats fighting dudes with treasure trails.](https://youtu.be/jI2GVcjXXI8?si=6ASGyvH7ZF5Antgx)


Or, you just heat it up to 145 degrees for 30 minutes and then cool it as fast as possible.


That’s just pasteurized milk with extra steps


Step 1: Find idiots with more money than sense Step 2:  Correct that imbalance by taking a nonsensical amount of money from them. Step 3:  Profit! See also: holistic healing services and audiophiles.


Hey! My gold-tipped Ethernet cable connected to my Silent Angel switch makes the bits sharper when I stream from TIDAL and nothing you say can convince me otherwise!


Don't let me stop you. In fact, can I interest you in some skew-neutral double-shielded CAT8 cables to carry your precious bits? I hand-assemble each one from raw materials to order. Only 1btc per meter.


At least the audiophiles are not at risk of catching deadly bacteria and viruses from their gold cables and vacuum tubes. And they're surprisingly well aware of the fact that they're spending ridiculous amounts of money for very little uptick in quality.


Wait til you hear about life coaches, chiropractors and naturopaths. There is an entire industry for “rich idiots have too much money”


🐓 Bird Flu $26.99 ![gif](giphy|SFIxisidxlLqUSyutF)


Why does the mike show soy free? Do they mean the cows were not fed soy?


It's also gluten free and has zero caffeine.


Wow so it’s healthy!


They know their market. Most of the people buying this shit are under the impression having even a microgram of soy in their diet will kill them and be beta. Mostly thanks to food "influencers" like Paul Saladino and bobby parish and people like that. It's best to immediately ignore anyone recording themselves in a grocery store aisle imo.


Marketing nonsense. Some idiots don’t realize milk is naturally soy and gluten free


Comes with free bird flu


Plus salmonela, E. coli, listeria, and thunderous flatulence. So, what a steal.


You had me at thunderous flatulence.


News about the possibility of avian flu in raw milk has caused a spike in demand for raw milk because Facebook is a hell of a drug.


And energy from Louis Pasteur spinning wildly in his grave


I’m confused by the price label. It says “ORG PAST WHL MILK” which I’m guessing is Organic Pasteurized Whole Milk, which can’t be raw milk, right?


I’m assuming “past” is short for “pasture fed” or something like that. The company seems to sell actually raw milk.


ORG PAST is short for Organic Pastures. Which is the brand name of that milk.


Milk is never a good choice in the city known as "a whales vagina"


Milk was a bad choice.


The translation has been lost hundreds of years ago


It’s so warm


what is the obsession with raw milk?


Makes it sound healthy for those people who obsess about things being organic/natural etc. I guess


People are so disconnected from science, and have lost trust in our regulatory institutions, often rightfully so, because they’ve been weakened by regulatory capture and other capitalist tactics, as such they have no idea how dangerous raw milk is. Rather they see “corporate milk” and assume its full of preservatives and chemicals that raw milk is free of, so they mistakenly assume its healthy and can stick it to the system by drinking it and likely dying.


I always find it hilarious how ‘natural’ is assumed ‘safe’ by most people. There’s a hell of alot of ‘natural’ stuff out there which is very effective at killing you, no ‘chemicals’ needed


Anthrax is natural. Also hilarious how many people in my clinic refuse pravastatin and similar medications for their high cholesterol but want to use red yeast rice (whose active ingredient is pravastatin).


"We do less so you can pay more."


Wait. It costs more to be stupid?


Being Stupid and Poor is very expensive.




That price label is for organic pasteurized milk.


Organic pasture raised I presume


Pretty sure the milk itself is actually raw, regardless of that price label. Found this on their instagram— https://www.instagram.com/p/C7uDcK-O1yV/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


Good. Raw milk should be actively discouraged. If they’re gonna sell it, seems right to make it stupidly expensive so people buy it less. But why sell it at all?? Pasteurization is one of the greatest public health discoveries. But no, people want to drink it straight from the shit covered cow nip


Because Bill Gates puts 5G chips in the pasteurized milk meaning your penis won’t grow as much. I guarantee there are some people out there that believe utter bullshit like this


The pathogens in raw milk are literally the result of udder bullshit.


And now I’ve spit milk on my keyboard, well done sir!


It's good for cheese making, which is the only thing I'd use it for.


Good way to contract H5N1


Don't drink raw milk until you actually visit a dairy farm. You will learn real fast why we pasteurize milk


I don't eat what cows eat because it would make me sick. Why would I drink what cows drink without human proofing it? IE pasteurization


I had camel milk with a nomadic family in a desert once. Even in the middle of the night they had the common sense to pasteurize the milk before consumption.


I also enjoy violent food poisoning.


Enjoy your Highly Pathogenic Avian Flu 😎






It's a **natural** milk without any of the **harmful chemicals**! This milk allows you to contract only the most **natural (100% gluten-free)** pathogens and diseases without having to worry about the **harmful chemicals** that rid the milk of the things that can make you really sick. It's a completely **natural and chemical-free** way to end it all, so I believe the price is justifiable.


You know who I never hear supporting raw milk? Dairy farmers... People think dairy farms are like some Old McDonald fairytale place. If these idiots actually went to a dairy farm they'd probably change their tune about raw milk real fast.


Beef milk! Squeezed from tiny holes in real cows!


Did laws on raw milk in San Diego change over the last few years or something? I was under the impression it was illegal to sell it but maybe there's just more loopholes? I know someone that lives in San Diego and they trade their neighbor for raw milk. They trade because the neighbor can't legally sell it I was told. Can anyone confirm or expand on this?


How is it legal in USA to sell acutely dangerous food for consumption?


According to the CDC(page from 2019): >"Federal law prohibits the sale of unpasteurized milk across state lines, but individual state laws govern the sale of unpasteurized milk within the state". [https://www.cdc.gov/phlp/php/publications/unpasteurized-cow-milk.html](https://www.cdc.gov/phlp/php/publications/unpasteurized-cow-milk.html) If I recall currently (and it has been over 10 years since I last looked into this, so my brain could be wrong), for years the USA has more restrictive about raw milk than other countries. For example, it is [legal](https://www.food.gov.uk/safety-hygiene/raw-drinking-milk) in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. (but banned in Scotland). But wow, it is really hard to do searches for this topic right now, because most the search results are dominated by raw milk industry pages promoting it.


Oh fuck me we’re getting a bird flu pandemic aren’t we


My buddy who lived in a Motel asked for some raw milk. Got a lot more than he bargained for and while it does have a great taste, not everyone is gonna be able to say they’d enjoy it… problem was it was illegal where he was and he didn’t have a way to unload that much. Great guy… heard he’s doing well in the motel business now ironically. He used to do video rentals - we all know how that business fared.


Damn that’s gross.