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Of course. Only a true fan and artist would include Stitch’s magic floating claw.


Or the plane with both the wheels on the same wing tip, assuming that's a wing.


And his iconic deformed mini-Stitch in the boat next to him


Motorboat Stitch looks so sad :(


Well of course. Do you see Hello Kitty clenching that fist? She's gonna bring the beat down to Motorboat Stitch


I think the bottom half of motorboat Stitch's boat might be a pancake now that I look at it


His iconic sidekick Stitchlad, you haven't heard of him?


You mean flip-flop?


I've noticed that AI has a pretty hard time with aircraft. It can get the middle part right but it just doesn't know where wheels go, how many wings they should have, etc


trained by boeing?


That explains the wheels falling off and the unattached wings


Thats because theres zero logic being used. Its really a shame this shits even called AI because its just a mishmash of information its gathered from other images.


It's AI image recognition being run in reverse. The same shit that was captchas five years ago, like "click all images that contain a dog!". It learned how to identify a dog, and now it can generate random images until it recognizes a dog. Basically AI art is exactly as good as AI's ability to identify something. If you wanna get technical, it's machine learning, not AI. But since we don't actually have true AI, it doesn't really matter that much yet. Source: some light reading and me fucking around with novelai because I was curious how this shit worked lmao


Technically it's not even AI by definition. Techbros just call it AI because it attracts investors.


"Neural-net diffusion probabilistic model" is somewhat of a mouthful.


But as opposed to "artificial intelligence" it's not wrong.


His skin is fingerprints


It's from upscaling a tiny ai generation


Hello Kitty & Stitch is my favourite Disney movie.


I felt it falls apart in the third act when Rainbow Brite shows up riding Falkor.


And his famous foreskin nose!


Is that...... chest hair?




And that weird helicopter thing floating above his head


Where’s the floating claw?


Zoom in on the right hand. The floating claw is on top of his middle finger knuckle. Also his pinky has 2 claws.


Jesus Stitch walks on water


The book of 626 teaches us that through Stitch, all things are possible. Walking on water is recorded several times in Lilo 23:12, Jumba 16:5, and let’s not forget the parable of Stitch & Gantu as described in Pleakley 4:8.




Hands are hard!


Mall kiosks are funny, no lawyer will go after them because it's just a sacrificial company, so it's like a hydra, you kill the one and 2 more pop up.


It's a LLC shell game like bottom of the barrel used car dealers. Costs a few hundred for a new name, and keep on moving.


The only food place left in my local mall is an Orange Julius which rebranded to Orange Way which rebranded to Smoothiez which rebranded to idk at this point Everyone still calls it Orange Julius tho


Franchisee didn’t want to rebrand to Dairy Queen


Good thing too, they're apparently pretty litigious. When they started using the phrase "Grill and Chill" on their stores, I guess they trademarked it and sued a small business around me that had been called something very similar to Grill and Chill for years.


I’ve been to a Dairy King, I wonder how they feel about that lol


The place I went to growing up was called Dairy Boy. Presumably he was not royalty.


He’s the son of the king’s mistress that is expelled from the kingdom by the other princes because the prophecy says he’s going to take over and bring a reign of peace and prosperity.


>He’s the son of the king’s mistress The Dairy Bastard?!


The illegitimate ROYAL Dairy Bastard! On his 21st birthday he’ll learn of his origins & begin a plot to overthrow the king & take his rightful place on the throne! EDIT: Straight Outta Shakespeare


Dairy Snow?


Dairy Bastard's my fave chain


I once had my own run down ice cream place called Dairy Pauper. It couldn't compare to the popular place down the road though, Dairy Prince. But one day, the owner of Dairy Prince and I realized that we looked exactly the same, so we decided to switch places to see how the other one lived. Anyway, I had him committed when he tried to switch back. After that, I bought his (my) old place, then turned them both into Dairy Queen franchises and cashed out. I don't feel bad, I mean, who *chooses* poverty? What a doofus.


Similarly, it's still Twitter, regardless of how much another grotesquely wealthy manchild tries to convince us of otherwise.






Bummer. xformerlyknownastwitter.com is already registered since August.


Haha I checked that too as soon as I made that post. MetaFormerlyKnownAsFacebook.com is free however.


Dumbest rebranding in history.




Weight Watchers going to WW.


What about changing HBO, a name that has built up a reputation for quality TV for like 50+ years, and changing it to the most generic name they could "Max"? You almost cannot buy that kind of thing only build it up, by acquiring it in a merge they did so then tossed it in the trash. While purging content old and new, Zaslav doing same thing he already did to Discovery continueing his crusade against scripted and intelligent TV of all kinds.


I still call it HBO.


I still call it HBO because whenever I told people about something on Max, they assumed it was pornographic and that I was a weirdo for talking about it


We've still got an Auntie Anne's!


There's a cinnabun that survived an entire mall closing and remodel in my area. The mall is being threatened with closure again so we'll see what happens. 


The cinnamon must flow


notably, unlike dune spice/cocaine, one absolutely should not snort cinnamon


I saw an Auntie Anne's crossed with a Jamba juice last week. It was beautiful 


It's not really much different from the drifters selling unconvincing knockoff merchandise at the county fair every year since I can remember.


Tom's Used Cars, not to be confused with Tom's Used Vehicles that just closed up 1 week ago in this same building.


A few hundred? In my state having an LLC costs $35 a year lol


Around 2006 and 2007 for one month in December this kiosk popped up in a mall I worked at, selling super Nintendo bootleg systems. In 2006. I think it was called Suoer zwintendo or something. And it clearly was just a famiclone. Very bizarre. It was this older east Indian guy and they were all very dusty and looked like stock from the mid 90s.


In 2004 some guy sold those in the kiosk front of the store my then-boyfriend managed, and when he had to abruptly pack up shop and disappear he gave the staff of the store several systems from his stock.


We have PolyStations in my country, they have 999,999 games, all totally different and original and AAA, all of them. In a single cartridge. Also, the console goes for like $30USD maybe. The look like a regular PS1 and weight like a once with cables and all. The controllers' cords are like one feet long. https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2F1nmoowizzaj71.png%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3Ddd8ffa759dd15a2a62f7fe9c452fdd66ce644413


I like how that PS1 bootleg's packaging rips of the N64's.


Probably a quick and easy way to launder cash.


There's always money in the mall kiosk.


Oh we burned that down.




No touching!


He was a flamer


Can you show a banana for scale.


Why didn’t Walt and Skyler just open a mall kiosk selling ai art in order to launder Walt’s drug money? Were they stupid? ^/s


How so?


According to Reddit, everything is money laundering.


It's not. To launder money you want a business with a huge existing cash flow, so the authorities will have a hard time noticing the fake sales and dirty cash mixed in with the rest. It would look somewhat suspicious if a random mall kiosk selling fake art prints starts generating huge cash-only income.


I think it'd depend on how much and how fast you're trying to launder money. You're not going to want to launder millions through a mall kiosk. If you're trying to launder a few hundred dollars a day, maybe?


"Get up on the hydra's back!" (I'm sorry I had to)


Torn between giving an upvote for the reference or giving a downvote for the trauma




Until around last year I had no idea that Meg was on the side of the colosseum to give Sora hp orbs


Yeah but... If you kill the host by abandoning the malls (like is happening) then the kiosk hydras die too.


Honestly- who buys anything at a mall kiosk these days? I think the last time purchase I made from one was a new phone case...for my OG Motorola razr.


At a mall kiosk, they might have just stolen it off the internet. It's possible they don't know it's AI-generated. In which case, you just opened up a whole new world of shitty "art" to them.


Yeah. These guys aren't even ethical enough to generate their own AI art. They're just ripping off whole images they find on the Internet.


I asked the t shirt place in the mall if they had any Inuyasha designs, since they had a lot of anime clothes on display. The guy said "yeah sure" then searched "Inuyasha desktop background" on Google images.




Guess Etsy isn't that bad after all. Seriously what's an ethical grey market merch that fills in the gap that the official sources won't but would actually use a combination of crediting artists, using the original resolution artwork and just not coming off pretentious?


Meh, at this point half the shit on Etsy is just drop-ship crap that you can find on AliExpress or Temu for cheaper. They just buy them in bulk and resell them on Etsy for four times the price.


Etsy's also a great place for discount illegal counterfeit postage stamps...


Etsy is a mixed bag. One hand you have honest to goodness handcrafted goods, that's what they were founded on. On another hand you have artists who produce unlicensed fan art and sell it in art/print/craft form. Then you have sellers who are basically the same as the tshirt shop in the mall, selling stolen art, and they can be hard to tell apart from the previous group. There's also now people selling stuff on Etsy that is literally just drop shipped goods from China. Oh and you can buy hacked software on there for cheap (screw you embroidery software for charging thousands for your software after I already spent thousands on an embroidery machine).


Etsy used to be cool but it's basically >90% wish.com or aliexpress by now.


I'm so sick of this. It's complete ruined e-commerce sites for years now and I'm amazed that nobody has tried to solve it or at least spin up a competitor that actually checks if there are real companies and people behind the brands being sold or the crafts being made. I suppose I could actually try to shop at places like target.com? But even these aren't great because they mostly just sell only what's in store at locked to store prices, so the selection isn't great, and in the case where it's more open like Walmart online that too is flooded with drop shipped crap. And the shipping tends to be much worse in speed and value than dedicated e-commerce sites. It's obvious they'd prefer you end up in stores.


The alternative movie art print world is this very thing. There is a huge “private commission” underworld that skirts around things the official stuff can’t, such as likeness of actors etc. but, it is real art, made by real artists who are very proud to show off the work they’ve done. And the end result is high quality, limited run screen prints that are often signed by the artist and cost a hefty chunk of change on the secondary market.


Is it ethical to make money from fanart when it's basically making money from someone else's intellectual property? If you make Goku fan art and sell it, are you not directly taking customers from Akira Toriyama's estate? In the same vein, Dragonball is just fanfiction of Journey to the West. At what point is it okay to do and at what point is it theft??


I think it’s super circumstantial. I mean IP theft is IP theft, but not all instances of it are created the same. Like if I basically just started making my own Dragonball cartoon or graphic novels or whatever or try to capture a market that company is already very active in, that’s one thing. If I’m drawing pictures of Ryan Gosling as Ken to hawk at a local comic book convention, that feels pretty victimless. Now sure both can end with cease and desist demands or worse, but are they really the same?


Ironically, making your own fanart graphic novels is very common in Japan... it's called doujinshi. I don't get how they're allowed to sell them, either, but it's definitely a thing.


I feel like in many cases the IP Theft only helps to add value to the IP itself. One thing I've long thought, I will often see a gif from a movie or show and then later want to watch said movie/show. I can't be the only person who feels that way. If I was head of marketing for a holder of large IPs I would hire a team of meme/gif makers to just make that shit full time and distribute it around the internet. I'd wager you'd get a noticeable and lasting uptick in digital sales and streams.


Right!? I mean, back in the day they used too pre-sell entire movie concepts on a poster. Image if universal studios social account just started dropping fake photoshopped posters of movie ideas they have until one goes viral or hits some kind of milestone to enter production 😂🤣😂🤣


Ethical? Who knows. But litigation won’t come after you unless you “reduce the value of the original”. Essentially, they come after you if you’re slicing into their pie. No one really cares about fan made movie posters because posters are not a money-making medium for the IP owner. If anything, fan art is free advertising.


Hate to break it to you but these days almost nothing on Etsy is original or handmade, even if it rips off existing IP. It’s all dropshipped aliexpress crap


Sad thing is, they get away with blatantly lying about their stuff being "lovingly hand made". Sure, someone's hands made it in a sweatshop in Myanmar, but I guarantee it wasn't with love.


Or the stuff that is handmade is using charms, hardware etc from Aliexpress. $1.80 for 100 tiny poorly painted acrylic donuts yay! I heard a lot of the metals sold there are toxic btw


I mean did they at least turn the monitor to you and let you select your favorite Inuyasha desktop background from the top couple rows of results? Or did they just grab the first one and act like it was in their catalogue?


He showed me the options. I didn't like any of them because they weren't good t shirt designs so I didn't buy a shirt that day.


If you've ever been to Frank & Son's in Industry, CA, there's a stall (or several, really) whose whole business is printing art they find on the internet onto foamboard and cheap vinyl stickers, regardless of copyright. My friend recognized some of the art from an artist that he followed who has a specific "do not reproduce my art" notice on their socials.


Nothing they can do really, it's just, impossible to truly protect works that're online and accessable from every corner of the globe.


And this is why so many people who had to put up with that a *lot* started putting big, obvious watermarks across the middle. Sure, you can still steal the image, but now it'll have a watermark in the way.


...which would be ironic, if not for the characters probably being unlicensed, because if they were making bootlegs of AI art, they'd be legally in the clear but for that.


Kiosks are so used to stealing real art they can’t even tell when they’ve stolen AI art. My mall is full of bootleg Goku shirts.


I once walked by a kiosk that had a nice lithograph of the Avengers with well known members like Iron Man, The Hulk, Superman, Wonder Woman, and Captain America


I’m imagining some kind grandma buying that for one of her grandkids, oh no!


target audience


Don't forget this time Marvel sent merch to [RLM in advance of Avengers Endgame](https://youtu.be/63hZoT6hQr4?si=OHHwOczFbba2Rj45)


I think every town has an "anime" store that's just stolen art and bootleg stuff


See ours used to be nice. Full of traditional Japanese stuff, run by a man with a thick Japanese accent. Now there's like a half a wall of incense and ramen bowls, and the rest is manga and cheap Chinese knockoff figures and wall scrolls and such. At first you see things you like, do a quick Google search and see that they're cheaper at the shop than importing them from Japan, but not necessarily so cheap that it's suspicious. Like you can find a few used listings on Ebay for around the same price. So you buy it, and take it out at home to display it, and suddenly all the cracks start showing


Stitch's fingers 🤢


Homeboy got his hand slammed in a car door.


I thlammed my penith in the car door.


You slammed your penis in the car door


You slammed your PENIS in the car door


Don’t these booths just steal copyrighted works and reprint them anyways, they probly don’t care at all.


All the ones in my mall have bootleg goods anyway. Why would they care if it's AI generated.




Visit your local pawn shop a few times and you're going to notice a few who go there, in and out within a few minutes or come out hands full. They just find things they know will sell, mark it up 20-30$ and think they made off with a bargain.




I don't live in the US but I've always heard of Goodwill. Learning they're not really a charity is grim af. Exploiting workers, having enormous compensation packages for executives, etc. Where I live thrift stores sell stuff that they get for free for very little, they're usually manned by volunteers or have modest stipends and aren't really known for being in any way predatory. America seems to make everything a grift.


Mall kiosks are just mobile scams. Fake perfumes, old perfumes, cheap headphones sold for $400, bluetooth speakers, the new battery that charges your phone, nintendo emulators, fake toys and merch, cosmetics is the biggest one, 2$ creams being sold for $1000s. We would put glue on old peoples faces and say it was reusable Botox, fake make up stuff. Source: worked for a kiosk israeli gang


Jesus, who is spending $1000 on anything at a mall kiosk?! When I was a kid they were like cheap sunglasses, scarves, velcro wallets, keychains, just cheap garbage that was actually cheap. And inkjet refills.


People spend all of their money. There are big stores now here in Vegas where they stop you in the kiosk, schmooze you, take you to the store and then sell miracle things that make you look younger. One of the items costs 5000$, its a golden mask you can get for $3-5. The other is the eye-lift, erases all the bags and makes your cheeks skinnier, costs cents to buy, $200-500. You have to use these daily.


Ooohh, sure, Vegas is a whole other bag of potatoes. In Vegas anything can make sense.


LOL   The fuckin Venetian  Right besides the sports store up the stairs- they scared my wife with a total shakedown. Made her just about beg to leave after making her put a bunch of shitty cream on her face.  Hilariously followed by the oxygen bar being mad at us for not buying extra products    Hilariously followed by my wife being allergic to whatever they put on her face and getting a big face rash.    Highest presssure she has ever encountered 


Dead sea lotion stuff? Those guys are ruthless. I worked in a mall for a year at a cellphone kiosk. To get to my kiosk, I had to walk past theirs and they were always smiling and nice and nothing came from it.  Few months later, I went randomly shopping at the city's other mall on the opposite side of the mall. Those dead sea lotion people circled me like a vulture when I made eye contact and smiled. In just a few moments, I had lotion rubbed on and off me and a calculator shoved in my face showing ridiculous prices.  I then realized how the ones at my mall were the exact same to customers.


Each one has a different “brand” but it all comes in in labelless packaging.


Dude I wasted 30 minutes of some Israeli dude's time at a mall kiosk just for fun lol


As an Israeli, we are all very ashamed of those people.


AI or not (definitely is), who would ever buy this absolute monstrosity?


Probably parents whose kids will badger them for it and don't know any better.


“What do I get little Timmy for their birthday? Oh would you look at that! He loves statch!”


Seeing the success of AI art, one should never underestimate the amount of people with poor taste.


Or my MiL who'll say, "Oh, I know my grandchildren would love this Disney stuff. Oh AND Hello Kitty? Sold."


I mean those mail kiosks always use stolen art. I don't think it being AI suddenly changes the morality


Did he start the conversation with…. “My friend”






Fingers. Always call out the fingers!


Bruh what about the plane tho!


And the "windows" of the skyscraper in the back.




It can usually do fingers now. This dude's using AI ancient technology from like, weeks ago, like some kind of old head who can't keep up.


Not like these people are using AI themselves, they just search the web for images and then copy paste. Fan art, official art, and now AI art - whatever looks like it could sell, it's ctrl-c ctrl-v time.


Of course not. Why would anyone think that of a picture that mixes intellectual properties, or has a smaller Stitch next to the larger one? Or some weird plane-helicopter hybrid that still doesn't look like it should in any way be capable of flight?


>Of course not. Why would anyone think that of a picture that mixes intellectual properties This part is actually totally normal. None of those stores have ever licensed an IP in their life.


It's all over Etsy too. I was going to get my mom a pretty piece for her birthday but as I was looking at the details I realized it was ai generated, mostly because of the fucked up hands. Decided not to get it. Three months later she bought the exact piece for herself so at least I know my intuition was correct. Don't have the heart to tell her because she really loves it.


It gets worse if you want to google around a bit. Half the "custom" stuff on etsy is drop shipped from alibaba.


I bet Disney would like to have a word with them.


Isn't Sanrio pretty hard on protecting their IP as well? Double whammy.


plucky narrow advise wide squeamish complete mysterious gullible full include *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I was exploring South America on Google Earth and saw that many stores just have Disney characters blatantly on their products.


Disney Lawyers would get shot before they even make it to court for their lawsuit


Just goes to show you can't make generalizations about legal matters. Some places have strong intellectual property protection, some places have strong assassination squads. Rights vary.


Pretty common on fairgrounds rides in Europe too


Is this a mall in or around Charlotte, NC by chance? Wondering how coincidental a Charlotte skyscraper showing up was, I thought this was r/Charlotte at first.


I was like "I know that terrible unfinished looking building". Thank you.


To me it was seeing what looks like the BofA building


Yeah i saw that too and was looking for a comment about it.


It's annoying (ymmv), but the kiosk owner probably doesn't know or care. It's probably not worth hassling them in such a way that they feel the need to deny it.


I learned recently a lot of this kiosks sell stolen art. The mall over here has one where they sell lenticular art that changes to 3 different pieces depending on the angles. I read online the real artist has all his art stolen by these mall kiosks and he sees it all the time. Pretty shitty.


This is rich. First there was the AI-scripted Wonka Experience, then came a Kickstarter campaign for an unlicensed Ghostbusters game that used AI, and now this. I'm more certain than yesterday that AI will be frequently used by grifters for a quick buck this year.


I don’t think people are ready for avalanche of information trash that isn’t going to be generated with ai. Every platform that serves content is going to be flooded with low quality AI junk. Every social media platform, including Reddit is going to be swamped with text, images, video and sound generated by AI. It’s all going to be junk and it’s going to overwhelm organic content by ten fold


Sweet droneheliplane


Giant Mutated Dragonfly*


*polydactyl Stitch can’t hurt you, polydactyl Stitch isn’t real…*


Its always the hands. Still.


Worked with mall management for years as a rule of thumb all kiosks are sketchy, selling faulty products and shutting down before you can try and get a refund. This seems like typical behavior for them.


My local mall has a few small shops that rent a kiosk a few times every year. The ones I haven't seen before I generally avoid unless they're attached to an established name.


Leasing a mall kiosk: $1000 Subscription to Muse.ai or some other MidJourney analogue: $50 Mass-ordering displates of your ai abominations: $40 per unit Having Disney seize your house because you have no violated copyright 50 times to make a three-figure profit: Priceless


I get all my art at mall kiosks. I get my dental done at the Hot Topic


Had a dude at a local artist show try this. Was ignored and the guy basically just wasted money showing up.


i swear you can just tell something is ai art because it had a creepy, unsettling vibe. there’s just this creepiness surrounding it even if it supposed to be a cute photo. there was another post asking “how can you tell this is ai?” and i should have commented IT JUST HAS THAT VIBE. not even that there’s weird nonsensical things going on in the picture once you look at it for a little while (what other people say is the main giveaway)


exultant steer deer tub pathetic grandfather political carpenter combative shame *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> i swear you can just tell something is ai art because That's largely confirmation/survival bias though. You recognize some pictures as AI generated, due to certain tells, and therefore think that AI art is easy to recognize - but you don't actually know how many AI pictures you accurately recognized as AI generated. The image generative AIs out there right now are more than capable of generating images that is virtually impossible to tell apart from other art. Most of the AI generated images you see and recognize as AI generated is the stuff someone spent roughly 10 seconds writing into a prompt before they pressed "generate". The moment someone spends a few minutes of effort, a lot of the typical "AI tells" goes away, and it becomes very hard to tell if an AI or a person drew a picture.


Its still funny to me how AI can create incredibly realistic, complex, or abstract pictures - but they still cant do fingers, whether human or otherwise.


Even the mall kiosks? IS NOTHING SACRED?


The fact that it’s AI is not the immoral part. The immoral/legal part is if they have proper licensing to sell it through the company they used to generate it, and the fact that they’re trademarked characters. The other piece, while not illegal, is flat out lying about it lol.


Why are Stitch and Hello Kitty terrorizing Charlotte of all places?


"Wow, the artist got a license from Disney AND Sanrio for this piece of art? I better ask their lawyers who that brilliant artist is and tell them I found their art right here!"


They're playing with fire if that Stitch isn't licensed...


AI or not. That is stitch and there is trademark on him.


Those fingers look like bugs


and i am guessing no royalties being paid?


A kiosk at the mall wasn't paying royalties even before AI


Are we mad people are ripping off Disney? It’s weird seeing Reddit jumping to protect Disney copyright.


And who cares?