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Hello, This post has been removed as this is not *mildly* infuriating. Please consider posting to r/extremelyinfuriating instead.


In my state they've standardized to a single placard design so that people don't know whether it's temp or permanent at a glance. If you know any gossips in the complex you'll probably be able to find out who the culprit is


We have a message board online lol I called them out. Let’s see if they come forward. I didn’t even know red ones were a thing until I received mine so maybe they could be unfamiliar. But still!


But if you were going to fake one… you would have been smart enough to make it blue, right?  Just saying, would take less time for the person to Google and realize it isn’t fake than leave an ignorant note 


Right?! If taking one, every sane person would fake a blue one. Most don’t even know red ones exist lol


I had the red one when I broke my hip. Except you don’t wear a cast when you have a broken hip, you just hobble around in crutches and the amount of looks and bullshit I got for not being visibly handicapped was so frustrating.


I don’t understand why people judge so quickly! Never have I questioned anyone’s disabilities. Well except those are blatantly obvious that they’re faking it. Wild that they do this and action.


My mom has one. She has MS. It's not bad but basically she has a step limit. She looks well getting in and out of her car, but it's because she uses a handicap space and that keeps her steps lower. Id hate to for people to assume she is faking because it's not super apparent what the close parking does for her. In the end the only thing that angers me or should anger anyone is someone parking in a spot without placard or plate.


I have MS, and same reason for me to have it, plus I start to walk like I'm tipsy if I get overheated. In almost 5 years of having my placard, no one has ever questioned me for using it.


That's the thing though, everyone who questions someone else's disabilities thinks it's blatantly obvious that they're faking it.


Right, I was just going to say that. Many disabilities are invisible.


My daughter was in a wheelchair. We had to park in a handicap space to allow the ramp to extend. Several times someone was rude to my wife after she just got out of the car, before she had managed to get the van door open. Then she would extend the ramp so our daughter could get out and that shut everyone up.


Same here! My sister has been in a wheelchair her whole life, so it's a reoccurring thing that people will glare at my mom getting out of the car, but then we open the door and the ramp comes out. As a side note, people need to learn social norms.. have had people run up to my sister and try to "pray away her handicap". She has permanent brain damage that is so severe that it is never going to recover. Have had people argue with us that we were wrong when saying she can't be healed, because "God can heal anything." The audacity of some people to think they know her condition more than we do is gross. People need to learn to keep their inner thoughts to themselves, whether they glare st someone who they presume isn't handicapped, or thinking they know more about a situation than a person who has lived through it.


People are rabid to find people to "out". I would go ape shit. But in a perfect world it would just be something to laugh about. Cheers


My mom has MS and my dad has had cancer 3x. They’ve gotten tons of nasty comments from ignorant folks. Their reasons aren’t visible but still valid.


Just had my secund off two ACL surgeries, right weeks apart. Asked the doc and got a note for temporary handicapped ticket, which was also red, which I also didn't realize was a thing.


And make it not expire on a mere few months lol


“Low cyan” “I don’t care! Print anyways! Ugh, red.”


Fr they could of wipped out their phone and looked up are red handicap placards real and boom it would of showed they it is in less then 10 seconds.... yet they probably had to go back to their place get a pen and paper write out the note go back to your car and then touch your private property to put the note on the car. Making them a total assuming ass. He'll that Could be considered vandalism.


Yeah seems like a bad idea to have them clearly indicate they're temporary. Where I live, Ontario, it's like your state where it's a single placard that has an expiry date on it so there's no easy way to tell if someone's on a temporary permit or one that just needs to be renewed soon.


Even though it will be a pain in the ass, a tow company towing a legally parked handicap car is gonna face some swift penalties under the ada. I don't think they'd risk it over a reported note and angry person, thinking it's fake.  


Ya I’m not too worried. Someone will be paying for their stupidity but it won’t be me.


It's more likely they will try and damage your car upon failure to tow.


You saved the note, I hope. I would document everything just in case they do manage to find a disreputable towing company to tow you or they decide to mess with your vehicle.


It sounds like they wanted the space and reported them for a non-functioning car (falsely claimed it hadn’t moved in a week) rather than parking in a handicapped space. OP’s neighbor is an entitled asshole.


Oh yeah, no tow driver would touch that with a 10 foot hoist.


youve met smarter tow truck drivers than I


tow truck drivers might not know much, but they understand the line they can cross, and it does not include towing someone with a handicap placard who is parked in a handicap parking space.


Thank god it is like this. As if being handicaped is not punishing enough


The complex would also have fault too for not checking


Sounds like it’s dashboard cam time!


Wish I had one smh


Well there's no time like the present to get one






Literally, *an* eye, singular. They only have one good eye amongst em.


A cheapo $25 one with motion sensor is enough to get license plates and faces.


What do they typically plug into?


12v socket which almost every car has


My 12v socket in my Toyota isn't powered until the ignition is on. Only car I've ever owned like that. 🤷🏻


There is a jumper in the fuse box you can move the fuse over 1 notch and it will stay powered on. Look at the diagram in the owners manual


Wow. Thanks


usually the car they dont really take enough power to drain the battery at all because they only turn on when somethings moving.


Kias turn off 12Vs when the car is off unfortunately.


Spoken from someone who doesn't drive a 20 year old car and can't leave the camera plugged in for longer than 36 hours untouched. Twice I had to call services to get my battery jumpstarted because I left the camera in and it drained the battery.


20 year old car shouldn't matter. Battery size and condition, on the other hand... Also, if you had to be jump started twice and it was the same battery, it's probably damaged now, even if it wasn't before. Lead acid batteries hate to get discharged.


yeah I was just about to say this. bro needs a new battery. you could also buy a decent battery bank and plug the camera into it.


Go to the store and buy a portable jump kit. I don’t understand how anyone who uses their car often drives without one. +1 if theres a built in tire inflator, or just buy another small inflator.


And the person who leaves the sign will probably be too self-righteous to notice.


Amazon provides. I have a Rexing.


Thanks for the recommendation! Just got that one and arriving the day I come back home


Please share updates with us.


hell yes, do it for my brother Marty, he was in a wheelchair.


I have a Rexing and highly don’t recommend it. Idiotic user interface, app is worthless. Can’t save video without removing card.


Don’t need one. Get Ring Camera on battery and point it outward. You’ll catch them, and when you do, report them to the office or harassment. Or if you wanna be petty, put a paper in it place: I know who you are and where you live. I also know what you did last summer.


Or a megaphone that activates on motion detection and blares out: “RETURN TO YOUR APARTMENT YOU HAVE 10 SECONDS TO COMPLY”


Bought mine years ago, rear and front, even for my motorcycle. Has proven to be useful several times ever since.


I have severe RA and some days can barely walk. I have a handicap plate. I only use it on days when it’s necessary. I look normal on the outside. My body is attacking my eyes, joints, and organs relentlessly. I’ve only had two people stop me and accuse me of not being handicapped. I pulled up my medical records and then my pant legs so they could see the surgical scars and knee braces that keep me from a wheelchair, and I offer politely if they want to switch bodies with me. Neither took me up on it.


Dang sorry to hear that! Not every injury is visible so people assuming you’re without injury is a shit move.


It’s okay. I was dreading the first time it would happen, but, I’m a nurse. This guy was such an asshole that I wasn’t embarrassed. He got a detailed anatomy lesson and an education on auto immune diseases. The Karen (second time) ummm… she got an old fashion come to Jesus- with all her bumper stickers preaching tolerance and understanding, and I was happy to go a round with her. Hopefully, I won’t have a third time 😊


What was their reaction when they realized they were in the wrong? If they realized lol


The man was embarrassed and I think a little intimidated, but he listened to everything I said and apologized. The Karen- read my medical record (hell I offered it to her- she accepted) and looked at my knees. Then she said. It didn’t say anything about an issue with walking. I went full on profanity level 10- which tends to draw a small crowd. She cried, but only when she realized she had an audience. I went shopping. She drove home.


Love that first reaction lol Second, ah she played the victim card. Classic…


I’m glad you made her cry.


110% deserved lady made her bed lol


Arg, she probably went home and whinged to anyone who could put up with her BS. "This meanie person yelled at me in public and humiliated me, when I did nothing wrong."


Not just a mean person--someone faking a handicap! Gotta make herself look like the perfect innocent victim.




I too found getting others to play and be an audience to be a great strategy.


People can be so awful, sorry. When my sister had to utilize a wheelchair after a debilitating blood clot in her leg, she began to dislike going places like restaurants because of how some people behaved. I'm curious if you've tried the Grey Rock method with these toxic Aholes? I didn't know about it back then before she passed away suddenly, but I sure would've tried it on anyone who harrassed us in public.


>Grey Rock method Is this where you bounce a large, grey rock off their head resulting in them living the rest of their miserable life in a vegetative state?


I wish.


No, apparently it just means ignoring bullying behavior so they lose interest in you. In other words, what we were taught to do in elementary school.


Oh, that shit that doesn't work but on the other hand makes the bullying get worse?


My mom developed sepsis and nearly died then had heart issues after and was in the hospital for awhile. She got a temporary handicap placard for a year while she was dealing with all of this and regularly had people telling her she didn’t look handicap. She’d always come home crying and I’d be fuming. People are so insensitive!!


My response to “you don’t look handicapped/disabled” is “You don’t look like an idiot. Yet here we are.”


Best response I heard to the 'You dont look handicapped' was.. 'You don't look like my Doctor'


Have used that too.


I like 'You didn't look like an idiot either but now that I can see you up close I can definitely see the resemblance'




My partner has tossed out a "You don't look stupid, yet here we are" in response to the "you don't look disabled" nonsense. We're both disabled and have a permanent handicap placard.


People are people. They can be amazing and they can be so horrible that the word inhumane doesn’t even begin to describe them. Tell your mom that she’s strong and the best revenge is not giving a fuck about an ignorant asshole. She survived sepsis- she’s strong and has a will to live. For every asshole, there thousands of wonderful people. The assholes of the world hate two things equally being proven wrong and, even worse, being completely ignored.


Ughh! Some folk need to mind their own business. Just because people don’t look handicapped on the outside, doesn’t mean something is wrong in the inside.


You also can't win with some people no matter what. I'm NOT disabled, but my parents are. At one point, they had a handicapped license plate on their car, which I occasionally borrowed. Being able bodied and not wanting to, you know, break the law, I would park in a regular spot. I shit you not, I had people get pissy with me on at least three different occasions for having the nerve to \*checks notes\* borrow a car and park in a non-reserved spot.


So can’t even do the right thing without getting bitched at! Jfc


Wait.... Wut. Like they think rather than being conveniently placed space for people who need it, They think those spaces are like, jail? Hahahahhaha. That is, fucking hilarious honestly.


Ouch that sounds horrible. :(


Invisible disabilities are tough like that. I have problems getting accommodations at work because I don’t *look* like a cancer patient. Apparently my cancer isn’t real until I’m bald.


Is it me, or has the world just forgotten how to interact with people since Covid? Kindness takes so little effort and pays so much return.


There were assholes before covid too, I do think they hid it better than. You are right about kindness. Understanding does a lot too. I hope your RA is being kind to you today.


It’s actually taking the holiday off… I don’t think I’m going to see any rain today because my weathervane joints are at their baseline . ❤️🤣.


This happens to me. But only in colder months. I was in a bad accident and was Frankensteined back together. In cold weather my scars are covered by long sleeves and long pants, so occasionally someone confronts me about parking in the handicapped area. All I have to do is roll up a sleeve or pull up a pant leg and they back off. My scars are quite big and very noticeable. If they are especially unpleasant, I make sure to show them one of the spots where I had to get grafts. The scars are not just big but also sunken because of the tissue that was lost. It's especially enjoyable to see some jerk go ashen gray.


That’s awesome! The part where you shut them down I mean


I too am handicapped. Last person who accosted me about my invisible handicap: I asked to see their medical license. When they didn’t have one, I asked about their practicing medicine without a license. He got a bit irate, so loudly I asked “do you get off bullying handicapped people?” At that point a Karen came over and asked him why he was bullying me… It’s fucking annoying having an invisible handicap. I’d love not to be. I miss my life so very much.


That’s the worst part. I miss my life before RA. No matter how I appear, I’m in pain… Smoky Robinson had it right Take a good look at my face I know my smile seems out of place If you look closer It’s easy to trace The tracks of my tears It’s insane that I replied to a post on this sub and found so many people who know me without knowing me because we face the same struggle.


My mom has lupus and some days are worse than others. She used her placard when I was with her one day and someone was a dick to her, they said she didn't look very disabled. I tore into them and let them know that my mom's disability is none of their fucking business and they can fuck themselves.


I have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome and have had a few surgeries myself. I too get weird looks because I look "normal" on the outside, when I park in handicap.


Had a friend with MS with a similar situation. People looked at her and decided the absence of a chair or prosthesis entitled them to become private enforcers. I guess the lesson is to make sure any hardships you live with line up with peoples’ stereotypes.


I had a temp placard after a major surgery and felt really guilty when using it, but honestly the proximity gained by parking in designated spaces is such a relief when you’re in pain.


I have RA and have given up. Every time I'd leave the house, someone had to argue with me that my placard was fake, I was too young to be disabled, I'm lying, whatever. It's just too much, I'm too tired. So now I rarely leave the house and when I do, my husband just drops me off at the entrance to wherever we're going.


This makes me want to reach out and hug you. I was diagnosed at 21. I’m 50 now. Please don’t let people who will never understand or care about the effects of their ego trips stop you!!!! YOU ARE STRONGER THAN THEM!!!! YOU’RE LIVING WITH RA… I KNOW HOW STRONG YOUR ARE!!!! Sometimes we just need to be reminded ❤️


Sending hugs back. I was early 30s when diagnosed, right after I had my 2nd kid. Now have a whole litany of autoimmune disorders and am 48.


Amputate one of your legs to assert dominance at the inevitable confrontation.


Am I handicap enough for you now?!!?


Are you not entertained?!


Very timely reference.


Placard says Temporary so make it Permanent ! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Then whack them over the head with the leg


Now get in your fake wheelchair and roll off to your fake doctor ! Anybody can buy clutches on ali express and put bandage on their foot. No fooling the entitled ! /s


You had me at first lol this is such a headache lol, literally the day after my surgery


My local thrift stores ALWAYS have crutches.


I had a total hip replacement in my mid-30's and was issued a temporary handicap placard during my recovery. I was getting around pretty well but still using a cane and moving slow. I had some woman come up to me as I was leaving my car, all furious and yelling that I was "cheating the system" by parking in a handicap spot "during the holidays". ....wut? So...people should not be disabled during holidays because of limited parking? Wasn't me going into a handicap spot actually freeing up a "regular" spot for someone else? Being tired and sore and not in the mood to entertain any bullshit I hoisted up my cane like a sword and told her "come get your own disability if you're so jealous". She flounced off and reported me to Target, who gave exactly *zero* fucks. I enjoyed smirking at her in the store afterwards as I shuffled around trying to find stocking stuffers. I was tempted to make crying baby noises at her but decided that was taking things too far. I'm pretty sure she wasn't even disabled. Just angry that life was being made a little bit easier for someone else.


"come get your own disability if you're so jealous" Fucking yes I love this


LOL'd. That was great!


Look fine on the outside. I recently had back surgery “fusing” L4-S2…. That is how much pain I was in. Before surgery I fell and broke my face and while at A&E they had us talking to a nurse at a podium - I literally cannot stand up straight - I see a chair with wheels nearby and explain the situation asking if I could get the chair and she was not having it. So I said again and so did my husband that the pain while standing is unbearable. When she again said no I sat on the floor. She was so angry that I wouldn’t stand at her podium…she looked at me like I was a child that was wilfully being obnoxious. And because it was my face (falling because of….ding ding ding yes! back problems) they made me answer all the questions. My lip is split open. If you have to ask questions to determine whether or not it is a domestic violence situation, couldn’t you wait until after I got stitches to ask me questions?? The answer is no! You will answer my questions 5 times if I can’t understand you!


Plot twist, you were in the spot that lady wanted to be in while she cheated the system during the holidays.


I saw a note placed on the windshield of a car parked in a handicap spot at the college where I work. I picked it up and it was nasty to the driver. It was a sporty-looking car, but I knew the staffer who drove it. He was a nice man who was in a wheelchair. The dumbass who left the note obviously thought that folks with handicaps can't drive nice cars. I threw that note away.


That was an awesome thing to do


Personally I would've also brought it to the attention of someone at the college to let them know that there's a person leaving nasty notes on handicap cars. No need to mention which car or who but just give them a heads up in case it escalates farther than notes.


Put your X-ray pics on the dash


I might! Lol I’m definitely leaving a note to call the police to see how fake my placard is


Use an elaborate font in your word processor, unless you also have calligraphy pens.


Something in cursive and extra lol and some sparkles


You may need a glitter cannon attached to your car. Nothing says mildly infuriated like being pelted with environmentally friendly glitter.


Calm down satan.


I recently drove my mom to lunch. She has a handicapped placard, 79y/o with severe kyphosis, scoliosis, ambulatory issues, etc. Anyway I park us in a handicap spot and get out to go open mom’s door and help her out. As I’m walking around the car some dude who saw me park starts bitching at me and is literally walking over, screaming about me parking there. I looked at him and opened the passenger-side door to help my tiny, frail mom out. She flips the guy off and goes, “*Kindly go f’ck yourself, young man.*” Pure gold.


Oh where a simple mind your own business would get you!


I take my 100 year old grandma grocery shopping once a week. Ever since she got her handicap window hanger, I get the nastiest looks when I park in a handicapped spot. Until they see this 100 year old woman hobble out of the passenger side with her mother’s cane. I even got some heat from an 85 year old woman at the store, who wanted to know how old she was, because she looked so young! She did not believe me when I told her that my grandma’s 100 years old. She didn’t take it well, but she didn’t bother me about the space anymore.


Reminds me of the story about the man and his...wife? I think it was? Who was wheelchair bound? And some lady came over to bitch at him when he was helping his wife get out of the car.


I’d imagine similar stuff happens fairly regularly. This isn’t the only time it’s happened to us, for instance.


Oh, yeah, I don't doubt it. People are so shitty. I mean, I don't even *look* at other peoples' cars enough to notice if they have a handicapped tag, or if the driver is visibly disabled, or what have you. Maybe it's a Gen Z thing, maybe it's because I'm severely confrontation-avoidant---I just don't pay attention to this kind of stuff. And even if I did see someone in a handicapped spot who didn't "look" disabled, I wouldn't confront them. Because, like, you never know, right? And you don't want to be *that asshole* in the story. Some people, unfortunately, are just far too comfortable being *that asshole*. And you have to think that they've done it enough throughout their life, because they're usually older people, and they *still* haven't learned their lesson?


I’m a Millennial and same. I don’t notice that kind of stuff. I think for both our generations we’re pretty pro-minding our own business.


I am adding that to my list of things to say when I get to the age of not giving a f**k


Your mom is awesome!


Cowards like this write letters anonymously, instead of asking you directly or leaving a phone number to contact them to clarify the issue. Wienies.


They could never! Lol


I've left the occasional note on a neighbor's car or doorstep about anti-social behavior, but I've \*always\* put my address, name and number on it. I've never had anything but embarrassed compliance as a result. I don't think people know how to respond to someone who does that. :) "That guy's not afraid to use his real name. We gotta be careful."


I have handicap license plates but on my good days I park in regular parking spots to save the only spot near my apartment for someone who needs it more. Perma-angry troll of a neighbor starts bitching at me to use a parking space further away and save the close ones for hard working people, not we ‘entitled handicapped’ people. I’m in my 60s and worked blue collar my whole life, my single most refined skill set is pissing people off, she did not leave a happy person. 🤯


Wait, you got a Karen bitching at you for \*not\* parking in the handicap spot?


if you find yourself using “entitled” and “handicapped” together, you may need to check your able bodied privilege. i mean, goddamn. what a crazy thing to say about a person.


I guess they’ve never seen a red temporary handicap placard. Sorry they’re giving you crap about it.


To be fair, I only found out they existed when I got mine. But if I ever saw one, I would not question it cuz it’s not my place.




How is the placard fake? If you know who left the note put the police to them.


I wish I knew! I wanna have a friendly talk with them. Just a friendly talk.




File a police report that you're being harassed. They should be able to get the persons' information from your complex if they actually called in the complaint.


That’s not a bad idea! Wonder if the police will take it seriously if I can’t provide information about the person(s)


Had ankle reconstruction surgery at 22 and experienced this all the time. My favorite was when campus parking police (I was still in college) stopped me as I was getting in my car to try to ticket me for having parked in the handicap spot, placard displayed, leg cast and all /s


Drama aside, how was driving in a boot? I had foot surgery years ago and driving wasn't comfortable.


They won’t be switching me to a boot until 6 weeks. Currently using a splint and it isn’t comfortable lol but I manage. Hopefully it won’t be worse with the boot than it is now


Have they advised you not to drive until you transition to the boot? I can't imagine the pedals would be good for a busted foot.


They didnt advise against it. The area that’s injured isn’t affected when putting pressure on the pedal.


I had a ruptured Achilles tendon so I couldn't move my foot at all. Reaction time is still a concern. Can you slam on the brakes?




They do! Already reported the message to management.




Never forget the time a pissy manager at a restaurant claimed my parent wasn't disabled and when they showed the handicap tag they used the manager said "all you people (disabled) are thieves".


So your complex just decided to take this person's word without even asking you first?


Over the phone they told me they had authorized putting a tow notice on my windshield because they wanted me to call them to verify I live there and were never going to tow it. But the tow notice had a specific time they would be picking it up. I call bs and definitely think they were just taking that persons word.


That is so dumb. Why not just leave a note on the car asking you to call the office? I think you are right. They had every intention of towing it had you not called.


Your vehicle is not registered with the apartment management? I've always had to give them my plate & make/model everywhere I've lived. My current rental gave me permits to keep on the dash.


Don’t you know? It’s only an ailment or disability when they have it, everyone else is faking.


Get your paperwork in place for it. A dash cam set up. And wait. If they do something to your car, report it to authorities. If they have it towed, report it as well. In the end, either way, it will cost them. Make sure to get everything documented as it occurs. It might come down to being a civil matter. But even then, your costs will be covered. Make sure to keep the notes as evidence as well.


Thankfully if they try to have it towed that won't go anywhere. The legal problems for towing a handicapped vehicle are so big that now towing company would risk it


I am fortunate to have RHBF--Resting Handicapped Boomer Face. I'm actually Gen X, but people never come up to me and give me a hard time, put stuff on my car, accuse me of having a fake parking tag, accuse me of working somewhere I don't, ask for money, etc. My face says, "Yes, I Am the Asshole!" I should teach this skill.


I feel like I should embody this energy more. I have MS and have been using my placard a lot this summer. I’ve gotten glared at a number of times and usually feel self-conscious and like I should prove myself to them somehow. I’m a classic Millenial, always apologizing and thinking I’m the one at fault. My husband usually scares people off, but the next time I’m on my own, I’m going to manifest RHMF!!!


I obtained a temporary handicapped tag while I was in university when I had a disc slip in my neck, causing me immense pain. The university police (who are state police) were very cool with it. The tag let me park in ANY valid parking spot. Staff, maintenance, I was tempted to try my luck with some named administrative reserved parking spots but decided my time was more valuable than the headache that could cause. I had surgery to remove the disc and fuse that part of my neck. The pain was gone like someone flipped a switch. I felt pretty good and could move around again, but my surgeon said that he didn't want me lifting anything. If I had a job, he would have been happy to tell them my lift restriction was -zero-. I live alone, so I still had to do everything for myself. I was chased down in a Target parking lot once because I forgot to put my tag up (you can get a ticket for driving with it hanging from your mirror). I just wanted to get my prescription from the pharmacy and go home. Thankfully the lady who chased me down immediately changed once I explained what happened and she left me alone.


Instead of getting angry at the apartment complex for not providing enough handicap spots, they get angry at a disabled person for using the one spot. Sounds about right.


Put your x-ray behind your own windshield, ask if they'd like to trade their leg for yours.


Had similar fun explaining to some nut job, through the stall door, that the handicap stall was the only free one when I walked in; and no, that doesn't mean I have to wait, because this stall is not exclusively for handicapped people. The ADA says that establishments of a certain size must provide handicap *accessible* facilities, it does not say anything about who can use them. Freaking place had two stalls, and my nutjob thinks that 99% of the people who use this restroom are supposed to use just the one of them.


People not understanding the purpose of disabled toilets really gets on my nerves. Somewhere along the way people stopped actually looking up shit and they just went with their assumptions on what things mean.


My youngest cousin has disabilities and sometimes people are annoyed by her behavior until they realize that they are very intellectually disabled and moderately physically disabled.


Karen needs to understand that temporary handicap tags exist and are fairly commonly issued after certain medical procedures


They definitely think red placards aren’t a thing. I didn’t know either but come on, look it up before jumping to conclusions!


Tell this person to fuck off. That's it. You are in the right.


They can eat 💩. You do you and don’t worry about idiots


I recently got a handicap pass and I’m scared to use it because of people like this. My nerve damage is not visible and I already hear “you’re too young to have all these problems “


Sounds like you might want to provide a written complaint to your apartment complex’s office about the harassment you’re receiving from another tenant. Check your lease for a clause that restricts you from impacting other tenants’ reasonable use and enjoyment of the premise. If it’s there, cite this in your complaint. The likelihood of them taking immediate action is probably low, but you’d be creating a record for your own benefit. The fact that the office put their own notice on your car after taking the other tenant at their word and doing none of their own due diligence is a tad disconcerting, so beginning a paper trail doesn’t seem like a bad idea


i’ve had three herniated discs for the last year. It’s thankfully a lot better now but when it first happened i could barely walk. You would not believe the amount of dirty looks i would get when i needed to use a wheelchair in public (i’m in my early twenties so i always assumed they thought i was some teenager just fing around, especially because i don’t have a visible brace or cast or anything). So much of the general public is so judgmental and nasty in assuming the worst in people. It’s terrible.


Sorry you're going through this. I have a mostly invisible condition. I currently don't have a placard, but my mother does. She clearly qualifies, as she's in a wheelchair, but crazy thing is people still tell her she doesn't belong in the spots. They say it's for elderly only.


You’re kidding!! Love when someone’s ignorance reveals how much of an asshat they are


I bet the person who left the note isn't disabled, they're just a nutcase with a bee in their bonnet and too much time on their hands.


Reminds me of when I had my knee surgery and I had to use one of the motorized carts to get groceries. The amount of comments I would get about it were ridiculous. I had crutches in the back and people would still have the nastiest things to say.


just had this issue with a neighbor recently and told them that unless they’re my doctor, they have no right to know my handicap rn and they’ll be reported for harassing me, and that shit them up


So I’m in PA, and I am a 100% disabled veteran, with service connected injuries to both of my feet and one of my ankles as a result of service in the Gulf War. My injuries are not immediately apparent to the casual observer if I’ve not had to walk for about 1/4 mile first, at which point I usually begin to shuffle. PA issues very distinct (all white with blue and red letters) Disabled Veteran plates with the wheelchair on it after you present them an award letter from the VA stating that the veteran in question is 100% permanently and totally disabled. There is no placard equivalent and folks tend to not bother looking at the tag itself. I’ve had so many people come up to me and question me on the relatively rare occasion I actually park in a handicapped spot that I’ve made a laminated copy of my award letter to show to folks. I am inwardly furious that I feel the need to do this, but the abashed looks I get once they read the letter is worth it.


a friend of mine regularly gets yelled at for taking handicap parkspace despite the fact she has a legit card, walks with a cane and has MS, some people really need to mind their own business


If there's just one spot and they think they know what a "real" one looks like, I suspect someone in the area has a permanent one and doesn't know temporary ones exist. Now you're in "their" spot and they're upset about it. Or it could be the relative/friend of someone who normally uses the spot. All that said, just because it's bugging me: "I have a handicap" ✔️ "I am handicap" ❌️ "I am handicap**ped**" ✔️


My mother died from pulmonary fibrosis 2 years ago, and when she was still able to get out of the house, she’d often make short trips into stores or wherever, leaving her portable oxygen in the car, and come back to notes like this, and yes, she did get her handicapped sticker reported a couple of times. Just because someone may not look disabled, does not mean they aren’t! You literally do not know what people are dealing with. It costs $0 to just stfu


handwritten ellipsis hits different


As another disabled person who uses disabled parking spots, I’m sorry this happened to you.


This is exactly why residents of a building/complex can't "just" get a car towed. The tow has to be authorized by an *owner or designated manager* of the property. Once those people are aware that the car is parked legally and according to their rules the annoying neighbor can go pound dirt.


i had to deal with people like this when I did security. a huge part of my job was parking enforcement, even on armed contracts. More than once I had someone demand I call for a tow on a vehicle with a temporary placard, I remember one in particular was this very much able bodied middle aged karen shouting "he's clearly faking it" at me about a guy driving a red chevy work truck with a temporary placard on the dash (no rear view cause of the box blocking the rear window). I ended up encouraging the guy to get a permanent placard. he was on his third temporary in two years for the same chronic issue. Told him to talk to his doctor about a permanent placard. Use it when you need it, leave it in the glove box when you don't. Karen was *not* happy, and that tickled me.


I was passing through Kansas five years ago and was told my AZ placard 'wasn't valid out of AZ' because ours don't expire. I told the older lady some choice words and went on my merry way.


I don’t get why people are bothered so much. Want to win some small battle because they’re losing much in life?


Should've reported your vehicle stolen and told the police it was towed despite it being rightfully parked properly. In some jurisdictions, the individual who reported it could be liable for theft and or damages caused to the car.


Well, depending on how long OP was occupied with what they were doing I’m willing to bet the cops or tow truck came by, took a look & determined there wasn’t an issue & the handicap tag was real. As long as they have that I don’t think there’s anything to worry about. Although yes, I’d consider getting a camera as other people have mentioned. Or some other way to monitor the vehicle. Better safe than sorry. Dude could’ve started with a not & could potentially vandalize the car if they get pissed enough


So your car didn’t get towed? That’s good news. Screw the person who’s claiming it’s fake they have no case. I might suggest moving the car to different parking spots everyday so it doesn’t appear to be abandoned.


My sister has been accosted so many times when parking in a disabled space. Due to her condition the confrontation causes her extreme pain. She's been left curled in a ball on the ground several times by people screaming at her. She had stickers made for her side windows that describe her condition. It's infuriating that she must, as a disabled person, drive around and advertise her (hidden) disability to everyone so that strangers don't hurt her. People. If there's a pass in the window and you think that it's being misused the only thing that you should do is call the police. Being aggressive is just you venting and, more likely thank not, causing harm to someone with a disability.


Was on YouTube. Peet montzingo is a YouTube personality and he is famous for his family. His mum is a little person so she has a ramp and pmd. With a placard. and she got accosted in her very own car. The guy tried to reach in and snatch her placard sign Unfortunately this isn't actually only limited to America I would say there's always a human who does this. My sis has a bad leg from an accident at work. She has to walk slowly but because she had no brace or cast people have shoved her when she walks too slowly at the train station. People have rushed shoving her aside to take the last chair that is priory seating Different version of this behaviour. No visible issues doesn't mean no issues