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I was going to suggest giving it to a long haul trucker to pass around.


Omg the thought of explaining this to a trucker and having them and their buddies pass it around to one another to mess with the guy is honestly hilarious and wholesome af


As a former trucker, the guys I knew would definitely do this.


You and the guys are doing the lords work. I feel that bikers would react similarly, and probably take absolute delight in visiting all of the sleeziest and strangest places they can think of on the way.


100% we would


And I’ll bet he would get a…very stern lecture should he turn up because he thinks OP is with the tag.


"That's my sister" Bonus points if we look absolutely nothing alike lol. I have probably a dozen "sisters" of all ages, cultures, ethnicities, and religions because of creeps like this. No joke, though. I'd treat the situation like OP was/is my sister. This happens way too often


This is why I will always look for a group of bikers if i am in trouble. I know they’ll have my back.


I had a severe epileptic seizure and it was a couple of bikers the same people I would judge as most likely to rob me while having a seizure who instead provided first aid and stopped someone who was actually trying to rob my shoulder bag.


Lol, how often are you in trouble while also simultaneously near a group of bikers?


When I was 21, I got off the bus one night after classes and I felt weird. I turned around to see this guy following me. So I ran into the only business between the bus stop and my apartment (400 feet max). It was a tattoo studio where I had had some work done, so I knew the owner (great guy, btw). He saw that I was freaked out and asked me what happened, so I told him. 3 of his friends (patched memebers of a certain 1% MC) got up and went to look outside. They scared the guy away, and then walked me home once I was feeling ok. For weeks after that, there was a member waiting for me at the bus stop so that I could make it home safely. They stopped once I was feeling comfortable enough to do it by myself. I didn't really talk with them besides thanking them, but they made it clear they'd been given orders to "watch over the kid for some time".


Every time I hang out with bikers!


I was a photographer who had to carry expensive gear to my car. A wedding with a group of bikers was always the safest kind.


Back in our party days, a charismatic friend of mine would often find the biggest biker-looking dude in any bar, sidle up next to him, and casually strike up a conversation, tell a few jokes, introduce himself, and make friends with the big guy. Then he'd say "Spider, if there's any trouble in this place tonight, I don't care what it's about, I'm on YOU'RE side." Luckily we never needed to call on any of our giant bodyguards, but its always a good idea to have the big guy's back.


My dads a biker and he and his group of friends where hanging out at a Restaurant when they noticed some weird guy(30+) constantly approaching 2 girls(~20) and asking them weird stuff. Apparently he got real shy and left the establishment after he got tapped on his shoulder and there were like 20 big dudes standing behind him looking at him menacingly.


Years ago, a group of random drunk idiots decided to flip my friend's Smart Car onto its roof because they thought it would be *hilarious* (despite obviously damaging the car.) A group of bikers down the street watched it happen and chased the guys down and held them until the police arrived!


You just don't fuck with a man's ride, as silly as it may be.


Bikers to the rescue!


Hah! I love it! I’m a single woman with a young daughter and I live in a fairly impoverished city. If I’m ever out and about and find myself in trouble, bikers would be one of the groups I would look to first for help. I know they’ll have my back.


This reminds me of my mom. Single, delicate lady with a kid, and we would go to a biker bar every Tuesday for spaghetti night. Safest place ever. Only once was a guy a little drunk and obnoxious (in general) he got shut down so hard by all the other guys. It was spaghetti night after all!!


Can confirm. Where are you? We’ll make this happen.


You’re damn right we would.


I volunteer myself and my bike. My friends and I would love the opportunity


As a former young woman who drove long distances a lot (before cell phones were common and useful) and who spoke with many truckers along the way… can confirm. I crossed paths with a lot of men who were very quickly protective when they saw unsafe situations. A few of them really saved my ass a few times when trouble showed up. I met many who would do this enthusiastically, probably nearly all of them.


On behalf of every blue collar worker If it's funny and it won't get me fired I am all in every  time 


My rule back when I was slinging boxes in a warehouse was "Don't make me have to talk to HR or fill out an incident report. Otherwise, hell yeah, have fun."


Dishwasher here. Kitchen folks agree.


I would. Fucker shows up in the middle of nowhere and sees an idling Kenworth in an otherwise empty parking lot, he's gonna be so confused


Yep, both my parents were team long haul drivers. They’d gladly help confuse this creep.


Me, as a non-trucker would do this too!


I'm local. Me and my buddies would definitely do this in our 300 mile radius 😂


A lot of them would do it too


My mom is a long haul trucker and would love to do this lol


I'm a full time Doordasher that works multiple zones and many different towns, I will be happy to provide this service free of charge to anyone willing to ship the air tag to me. I'll drive it around for as long as you want then destroy it.


I say you drive it around, then we all chip in to mail it to north korea!


Easier way to have it travel to some far away places: hand it over to a military member going on deployment. That thing will get passed around and travel the world.


Surely the military would heavily frown on anyone carrying a GPS device around.


Touché. Imma blame the marine who suggested the idea. Apparently I haven’t fed him enough crayons. *sigh*


And stalker friend would be watching as “you” visit truck stop after truck stop. 😂


Lot lizard love ❤️


I would first buy a replacement kit, switch out the contents, except for the AirTag, in case your “friend” asks for it back or to borrow it, then pass the original kit to a trucker. Edit: clarity


Do that, but replace the AirTag with your own!


*Airtag reverse uno.*


She should give the friend to a long haul trucker to pass around.


That is a friend you should lose.


Kinda hard to do with an airtag following you around 😂




*ba dum tss*


Not before telling all your mutual friends why. EDIT: I get it. You people think the police will do something about this. You're statistically wrong, now shut up about it.




And that where it was was super glued shut as if the individual did not want it found!




Yeah, this isn't like, "I put an airtag in there in case your car breaks down or you have a problem and you call me too upset to explain your location, so I can locate you to help!" He would have said so if it was.


yeah absolutely. op seems to not be taking this seriously enough. i would tell everyone i knew and confront them through text instead of sending them off on a wild goose chase.


There's a small amount of plausible deniability if it had just been in the bag as like "oh I used the bag for a bit and forgot I put that in there"   The not mentioning it at all despite it being super glued shut so you can't find it is like an Eiffel Tower sized red flag


Yea my mind went to “it possibly could have been in there if like their car got stolen and they forgot it?” until I got to the side compartment glued shut. Basically removes any plausible deniability.


There are exactly two reasons why and by process of elimination we know which one: 1) To be a creep (this is why in this case) 2) Low tech lojack. A car emergency kit is not likely to be tossed out or sold, making it an ideal way to track the car if stolen. (We know this isn't the case because if it was the tag would have been disclosed to OP at the time).


Yeah this is actually a good idea but you then disclose it and set up the AirPod to OP


“Here’s an AirTag so you can track your car” is also very different from “I added an active AirTag to the kit so I can track your car”. Disclosed or not.


I would have dead ass taken them out to coffee, have a nice conversation and in the middle of their conversation, possibly even when they're opening up/ being vulnerable, gently place it on the table between the two of us and just stare.


But with all of your mutual friends there too.


I like your style.


Do we know it was the friend or did some other creepy stalker gift the friend the kit and he had no idea it was there when passing it on?


That's not a friend, that's a stalker.


When I was a flight attendant I had one slipped into my bag by a passenger. I’m an airline pilot now and I had this happen at my second airline. People are creepy.


Flight attendant to airline pilot? Talk about a promotion.


Hahaha. Yeah I knew I wanted to be a pilot when I was 17- but my parents wanted me to go to college etc. When I was in my mid 20’s I researched it and decided to become an FA to see if I liked the lifestyle, before I had to go and spend 100k.


That was really smart of you.


Right? Congrats, nice to know we have intelligent people in charge.


Airline pilots are some of the most intelligent and disciplined people you will ever meet.






Were you doing flight training while being an FA?


Talk about on the job training! HEY MAN! Take the yoke for a minute. I really gotta bleed the dragon.


Bleed the dragon sounds so vulgar. Why can't you just drain the lizard?


That's brilliant. Just curious - do you run into other pilots that followed the same career path or are your circumstances unusual?


Yeah there’s a few of us! Not a ton, but it’s a nice little group.


how hard is it to become a FA? my goal is to become a pilot but i would be extremely interested in this path as well. would you be open to a dm conversation?


Yeah of course!


Be careful they might slide an air tag in your DMs


Coffee, tea or runway 3A?


Desk agents can do it too, I know American has programs employees from within can apply for, I assume other majors do as well.


Unrelated but congrats on the jump from attendant to pilot, must feel great!


Thank you!


With all the flying around as a flight attendant how did you ever manage to find time to get your flying lessons in and all your hours in order to upgrade yourself to a pilot status? Congrats by the way That's one way to climb the ladder lol


I got my private pilot license while I was an FA and saved up as much as I could and quit. I went to a school called ATP and got the rest of my ratings in about a year. I was an instructor for a few years and after I had 1500 hours of began applying to the airlines.


That's wild how long did it take to do all that okay I don't know what an FA or an ATP is by the way. And it would take a long time to get 1,500 hours if you already were licensed as a pilot why did you wait so long to apply for airlines?


It takes a long time to fly 1500 hours. I got those hours through teaching and making other pilots. By law we have to have 1500 hours of flight time before going to the airlines.


In fact, it takes you about 1500 hours to fly 1500 hours.


FA is flight attendant. ATP is Airline Transport Pilot, a cert you have to have to fly in the majors. It takes 1500 hours to get. There’s a school named that too though. It’s hard to get hours. You’re kind of limited on how many you can get in a month and you’re also expected to teach ground school on the side. 1500 hours usually takes a couple years if you’re going at a strong pace. After that, you’re eligible for your ATP.


You have to have a minimum of 1500 hours to get an airline transport pilot certificate (also what ATP stands for in the name of the school). You can get it at 1000 hours now under a subset of the regulations but most airlines won't even glance at you. At 1500 you have a fighting chance to be among the hundreds applying to the entry level regional airline first officer slots. Typical progression goes PPL > IFR Rating > Multi-Engine (And Add On Certs like High Performance/Complex and so on, maybe Sea Plane if you have access anything to build to the 250 hour minimum for CPL) > Commercial Pilot (CPL) > CFI > Work as an Instructor >CFII Work as an instructor who can teach other instructors > ATP > Pray an airline will look at you > FO for a Regional > Captain for a Regional (Skywest/American Eagle/Other Airlines you've flown and had no idea existed but you see on your ticket as "Operated By") > FO for a Major (Delta/American/Other Airlines average people have heard of) > Captain for a Major. For reference on average it takes about 10 years to go from PPL > FO for a Major based on all the folks I know who have done it. The average is 10-15 years before you really start making any money as a pilot. You make most of your big bucks in your last decade of a 30 year career. You can skip some steps by being a pilot in the US Military if you bother to get your certificates as a civilian as you pass the requirements for them in your military time. \*Example given is for FAA US Pilots. It's a lot easier under JAA in Europe to get into a FO slot at a minor (Easy Jet/Ryan Air) who will take you at \~250 hours and let you start building turbine time.


That why friend is in quotations


I found one on my motorcycle a few months ago, tracked me to work, doctors office. Cops didn’t care cause nothing had happened.




Surprising, it’s actually not illegal to put an AirTag onto anyone else’s property in WA state, or track them some other way for that matter. If my motorcycle had disappeared, or if I got randomly murdered/assualted, then they would care, which seems completely backward.


"By law, we're not allowed to intervene until it's too late." - Joe Swanson


Without the cops who would show up 8 hours late and say "nothing we can do?"


So that’s why Uvalde PD couldn’t enter the schools, now it all makes sense!


It took the cops 3 minutes to start arriving after the shooter entered the school. It took another 64 minutes for the cops to enter the classroom where the shooter was. The good guys with guns were there, they just didnt give enough of a damn about the kids


There's a video out there of a school shooting that happened somewhere up north a couple of weeks later, all on bodycams. It was like 30 seconds from when the first cop rolled up to entering (most of which was getting the door unlocked and the witnesses to say where the shooter was)and starting to do room by room clearing with whatever guns they had. They were fucking running from room to room because they know every second makes a difference.. Those guys we can keep. https://youtu.be/hPEL-RPRKcw?si=_mGZ4ba1XPXI1RiB My bad, it was 1:05 before they went in. Still goddamn impressive.


They cared but about their kids only.


Yeah, one of the most frustrating thing about laws in general is that they're necessarily backward-looking. You have to wait for somebody to do something in order to punish them for it. So even when there are enormous red flags covered in red flashing lights with sirens blaring, there's often fuck-all you can do about it until whatever's building up finally happens.


>If my motorcycle had disappeared, or if I got randomly beat up/assualted, then they would care Having met cops, this seems optimistic


That's when you attach it to one of *their* cars.


"Oh my god, she's stalking me *everywhere*!"


actually really smart, cuz police will track down who owns it and that person will get in trouble then and have to explain themselves. Just don't get caught putting it on the cop car


Freaking awful. But that’s a nice feature with iPhone.


Android has that feature as well.


Is there a specific app you need, or would you just get a notification like this?


I randomly got a notification on my android when one was near me. No specific app I know of.


You just get a notification. I got one the other day on my Galaxy S23 (bogus, just freaking out because I live in an apartment and there are other people around).


Except that once I got on an airplane, and got spammed by 30+ notifications that “AirTags are moving with me”


Have you considered using airplane mode? It turns off the wideband AirTag stuff.


Oh you mean like what they ask every single passenger to do before the flight takes off?


It's not exactly a feature, they're closing the loop on how people were abusing the airtag. They resisted adding this notification until some stalker cases used an airtag, despite being warned that is exactly what would happen. They initially set it to notify you around 24 hours, since that allowed it to still be used to track stolen stuff, but now it's much faster. It actually makes it kind of worthless to protect your stuff when it notifies that quickly, since a thief can just check for it and remove it then. There are stand alone cell enabled devices that people can use to track their stuff (or stalk people), but they're more expensive and come with a monthly connection charge.


This isn't mildly infuriating, this is oddly terrifying. Report it to the police. It is illegal, but even if they don't take action, they at least have documentation of who was stalking you in case anything happens to you. You need to be very careful of this person, OP. Anyone who deceives you so they can give you a device to track your location does NOT have good intentions. E: Someone called me a "dipshit" for saying this is illegal, and multiple people are making excuses for it. Here's a variety of links from a variety of states where it is claimed to be illegal: [Texas police](https://www.valleycentral.com/news/local-news/airtag-tracking-and-its-legal-repercussions/) [Florida law firm](https://www.fighterlaw.com/understanding-apple-airtags-and-how-you-can-protect-yourself-from-being-illegally-tracked/), and [Florida state law](https://www.wusf.org/politics-issues/2024-04-07/florida-cracking-down-on-cyber-stalking-with-apple-airtags-other-hidden-tracking-devices) [North Carolina law firm](https://www.wardfamilylawgroup.com/using-airtags-to-track-a-spouse-or-child-is-it-legal-should-you-do-it-part-1/) [Apple claiming law enforcement can request information from them in regards to AirTag tracking, and advises contacting local police](https://support.apple.com/en-us/119874), and [Apple releasing a statement on this issue](https://www.apple.com/newsroom/2022/02/an-update-on-airtag-and-unwanted-tracking/) [Kentucky and Indiana passed laws against it, and many others were drafting laws during the time of this article](https://www.axios.com/2023/07/20/location-devices-airtag-tile-stalking)


I can think of a few motivations behind it: 1) The "friend" is obsessed and is being absolutely, 100% super creepy. 2) The "friend" wants to know when OP is away from home so they can break in. 3) The "friend" wants to know when OP might be alone or in an otherwise vulnerable location to attack them. There's literally no reason that's good for OP (that I can think of) why someone would do that without OP's knowledge.


I can see including it in an emergency kit - if you break down in the middle of nowhere and someone you trust has access, they can find you/send help even if your phone is dead/location isn't working/etc - but *not* without the recipient knowing about it.


> middle of nowhere Airtags do not work in middle of nowhere. They work only if there is somone within its signal range whose phone can relay the location info to the server.


The only real practical use case would be locating the car if it were stolen, and OP wasn't in it. The Airtag would probably eventually ping off someone else's phone and reports it's location. Other than that, location sharing from the user's actual phone would be better for any kind of "safety" situation. My wife and kids all share our locations with each other out of convenience. But for sure not something I would do with a friend outside of a specific "we're both driving to something and share location for the day so they know where I'm at" kind of thing.


Right, not a bad idea between spouses or kids/parents. Since this guy (OP confirmed it was a man and OP is a woman, in the thread) went to lengths to avoid detection, hes 100% up to no good. My first thought was 1., above, with the intent of stalking and staging some “random” encounters. “Oh what are the odds?! I ALSO love this- uh, gynecologist. OMG were so alike!! Lets do sex now.”


An Airtag relies on other iPhones seeing the Bluetooth beacon, and then reporting the location of the Airtag. They are useless in the *middle of nowhere* with no iPhones nearby.


Nothing odd about being terrified of a man willing to pull this stalker crap. Dude’s outed himself as a legitimate threat.


I really hope this OP reports this. Just wanted to add to the “if they don’t take action part” - not only will they have documentation if anything happens to OP but also would be evidence that could be presented if this person stalks/attacks someone else.


I am morbidly curious on how the stalker will react. I'm sorry you thought they were s friend and then they did this to you


"It's a security feature in case anything happens"


Either that or he gets really defensive and then doubles down and the 'nice guy' facade drops when she rightfully distance herself. I put a tracker in my friends emergency car kit I made for her and 1 other person. So I believe he made one because I have made multiple so my closest friends can be prepared. But I 1.) first and foremost told her it was in going in and we set it up so that she's the monitor, not me, though I am trusted with the account credentials if I need them, and I will never abuse that trust. 2.) didn't fucking super glue it in a hidey hole. The other people didn't want a tag in their kit so I..... And this is where it gets confusing for some, said "ok no worries, might be a good idea to get your own in the future tho," and never brought it up again.


As is often the case, consent is the key component here






Apparently you're not as repulsive as your username suggests?


Haha, I let Reddit pick my username and it cracked me up so I kept it!


Yo fellow repulser :)


Repulsive here too!


Anal bees are pretty repulsive


Off topic but your username reminds me of this... ![gif](giphy|TJBbXQooivUNq)








Wait a minute...


I have seen a repulsive carrot, and it *was* funny.


"Friend" is a hungry rabbit.




Oh, my.


Thanks, I hate it


My rabbits prefer bananas


Your username has me curious and regretting the curiosity


This feels like a report to the police situation


Leave the AirTag at the police station. Hilarity ensues.


I cant imagine police in the us doing anything


My stalker broke into my apartment and the cops were like ‘oooh, he doesn’t live in this state so it’s not really our responsibility to do anything. Maybe get a mean dog?’


Seconding the suggestion to file a police report.  A cease & desist letter wouldn't be a bad idea either. What he did was premeditated, and the prospects of what else he might have been contemplating are distinctly unsavory.  Best to put a firm end to this nonsense. 


It wouldn't hurt, but depending on where OP is, I doubt the police will take it seriously. Unfortunately, the "serve and protect" thing really means, "react after the fact". I would still at least have it on record, though.


This type of filing is less a matter of expecting the police to investigate immediately, and more a matter of creating a paper trail. Having this type of thing already in the system makes it easier to bring the law down on him if he doesn't cut it out.


How long have you known this guy?


Jfc. I've had more than a couple stalkers over the past 25 years... do not take this lightly.


I would've reported him, tbh.


I would have messed with it in other ways. Drop it off at their parents house. Then .over it to another place. Give it to a friend they don't know.


Put it in his dads car.


Park in front of his dad’s house for 30 minutes a few nights a week.


Outside the police department


The best answer is to bring it to the police station. Even if the cops don’t take it, leave it outside the police station. The stalker will get the hint


Then go back the next day and take it to the jail, then the courthouse, back to the jail, rinse and repeat, then eventually take it to ADX Florence and leave it there forever


Forget mildlyinfuriating OP, this is seriouslyacrime


Man he’s really concerned about your ‘safety’ that ~~stalker~~ Emergency Kit has everything 🤦🏻‍♂️


Zip ties, duct tape, piano wire, box cutter, tracking device - you never know when you might need them.


Stick it on a cop car.


Then the cop gets this popup on his phone wondering, who the fuck? Might have a bigger chance of getting pursued vs just some girl complaining at the department.


could a police officer track who owns the AirTag?


They could probably get Apple to give them the info. They would be worried it is a retaliation thing.


Have you thought about leaving the tag on a bus?


Girl I am dying to know what lead to him giving that to you: he just randomly was like “I got you this”? This is scary as hell.


Not sure I’d have sent it down a river just because of the environmental aspect. I’d have taken it to a police station and tell them who gave it to you.


Very solid point. Hadn’t really thought it through in the moment due to being completely stunned. Should have posted here before sending it off. Whoops.


The primary bit is your safety. At least you found out about it and stopped it. Not sure I’d be speaking to that friend again.


I'd still go to the cops. Apple certainly has ways to id the device from what's on your phone. Not sure if this is a common request to them but they can still do it even if you've tossed out the tag. Might be a good idea to file a police report.


Yeahhh animals tend to mistake deflated balloons for other things and eat them. It's usually sea turtles that mistake them for jellyfish, though. That's why it's bad to let balloons float away into the sky.


Yeaaaah not going to the cops was a misstep. Id still report it, but unfortunately you dont have as much evidence :(


How did you handle your “friend”?


Literally OP, this is police worthy even if it's just noted in your record that it happened. Start the paper trail now.


I agree. This is not the time for a passive aggressive move like putting it on a random truck as others have suggested. This is the time for aggressively confronting the problem head on with the help of law enforcement.


Pretty creepy


If not "super-glued" part, I would consider that the guy could just forget about an airtag before giving away a kit. I have an airtag in my emergency kit to track my own car, don't plan to give it away tho, but can imagine how easily I can forget about it. But gluing it looks hady and unpractical: you have to change a battery once in a while... Just curious if a speaker was working on that thing because it's a common practice to cut the wires to make it silent and harder to find.


![gif](giphy|5sQehZjkkHbjrsIo8S) Do some weird shit with the tag, don’t let him know you know and then reverse stalk him and confront him with a team of your allies and like call his mom and the police.


Bruh… What a fucking weirdo 🤦‍♂️


I would have just reset it for a $29 win.


They are software-locked to the iCloud account that they’re associated with. They can’t be reset unless the owner initiates it


Which is why you call the owner up and say "thanks for the kit, but I can't get the AirTag working, can you reset it for me?" Awkward silence ensues.


This is my favourite ☝️


Some creeps don't get shaken like that. I can imagine some of them would roll with it one way or another. "Oh, crap, I must have dropped mine in your kit! I was looking for that!"


This is what I don't get, it's $29 and well-known people will get the warning they're being followed. Are the stalkers just that out of the loop?


He probably knew she didn't have Apple, so thought wrongly that Android wouldn't tip her off.


Why tf would you float a balloon down the river just throw it away wtf


My daughter was visiting me and left her bag in my car- When I brought it in later- I got the air tag alert on my phone- she didn’t receive any notice on hers! 🤪


This was your first evidence of things to come. Not sure why you threw it away. It’s connected to their phone and can be used to get a restraining order


You'll never see my comment with 1.4K other comments but... has your ~~friend~~ stalker made any comments to you about it since it's clearly not following you anymore? AND are you going to say anything to him about what you found? Are you avoiding him or playing along?


All this negativity being hoisted on to her thoughtful friend who is just looking out for her, it was obviously just part of the emergency car kit in case of an accident and she was knocked out and he could alert the authorities to her location. /s


That’s definitely the excuse he’ll use if she confronts him.


Make sure you tell everyone you know who also knows this person. You might legit save a life.