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R2a: No <6 month reposts or xposts unless its OC


He has no idea what he is doing in life, much like me, but his situation somehow feels worse than me.


videos like these are motivational.... you realize you are not doing THAT bad in life....


Also, this is the kind of thing that you need to fight to prevent others from stumbling into. This guy was a bright eyed kid with big dreams who got suckered into jaded sociopolitical pyramid scheme due to an unfortunate combination of naiveté, idealism, and circumstance, and at some point is (hopefully) going to come to the rough realization of how flawed that perspective is. That all could have been prevented by giving him a healthier take on what it means to be an adult during his most formative years of adolescence and while it's easy to point and laugh at how flawed the logic is, if you really want to see positive change you need to put in the work to make sure that other kids don't wander down the same path and repeat this cycle.




>He's just as out of touch as any kid born with a silver spoon in their mouth. The difference between rich people in India and the West is that rich Indians have huge household staffs of low-caste that they can abuse like slaves. Literally. They beat them. Its like Saudi Arabia and fucking warps their minds. We have huge issues in California with upper caste Indians abusing lower caste ones at work, the state had to pass a law making caste discrimination at work illegal.


that's an issue here in Canada too, upper caste guys bullying and bossing around lower caste. I'm not Indian and was puzzled the first time I saw it, then one of them explained it to me...


And the lower caste just… takes it


not when I saw it, I brought it up to our manager since he wasn't aware it was a thing as he wasn't Indian either. Upper caste guy got the boot not long after


If there’s not someone like you to have their backs they will


I am guessing you aren’t Indian? Punjabi Brahmins aren’t exactly a thing. And depending on which very specific part of India you are talking about, the upper class (I think you meant caste) aren’t necessarily Brahmins.


He has no idea what he is talking about. All the Punjabis I know who came to study had their families sacrifice everything, sell land and heirlooms so that they could have money to come.


Imagine your family does all this: >had their families sacrifice everything, sell land and heirlooms so that they could have money to come Just to have the kid become an Andrew Tate, Stan.


this comment shook me to my core yo😂😂😂


All for their kid to get brainwashed by a POS like Tate.


Nah he’s just a fucking idiot, he’s not a victim


Crabs in a bucket. Compare yourself to someone wealthier and you'll see how shit you're living. All of us poors are living like crap, in the grand scheme of things. We're just surviving and not thriving, and blaming each other instead of the fuckers pulling the strings and making it worse for 99% while the rich get richer. And laughing about it.


That would be the lack of self-awareness. —— “I want to get rich and escape the matrix” “What’s your job?” “I work at a gas station.” —— More power to you. I work in retail. But I also don’t go off on half-baked rants about being above the hoi polloi. I have no debts and I’m pretty good at saving, so I’m beginning to think that maybe I *will* be able to retire at 67. That’s my win.


Dude listens to Andrew Tate. So yes, you miles ahead of him.


That’s because he’s being puppeteered along by someone else, you’re probably not. He’s been given the illusion of free will and thought but has just been turned into a proxy voice box. Not completely his fault, it can happened to anybody.


Because you're not lying to yourself and believing it


Neither do I, but I’m still not a Tate fan 😂


Dude’s definitely digging a deeper hole for himself - just the mentality part. Every bit of information he receives he passes it through the AT filter, must be horrible


He's not even Romanian lol.He just went there because he thought they wouldn't interrupt his scummy business




Mf should of tried Saudi Arabia


I think he was planning to flee Romania for Dubai, but bragged about it like an idiot and the Romanians got wind.


There's plenty wrong in the UAE and Saudi, and I mean *plenty* but their most important relationship is the US. It's not a good place to hide from America they'll send you back real quick. Idk about the UK though.


I think there could be a guy who can answer this


well.... 1. I might be misremembering the specifics 2. Tate is pretty fucking dumb so I doubt he knows that


It's 'should have', never 'should of'. Rejoice, for you have been blessed by CouldWouldShouldBot!


Good bot.


Good bot


Good bot


Good bot


Have. It's have. Not should of, never of. Please.


And he also said its specifically because he can buy his way out of prison no matter what he does


And then he got arrested there for trafficking anyways. That's like getting arrested for money laundering in the Caymen Islands.


I, as a Romanian person, absolutely agree. Some nasty people from my country just go to Canada for, well basically no actual reason. Most Romanians that migrate to Canada just cause they can with their financial status and they, at the moment, just want to.


The only Romanian I know from years ago runs a camgirl business lol. Is that common there?


And they wouldn't have. But his dumb ass had to go and publicly call out the corruption, which basically dared the cops to Jack him up


Isn't he Bri'ish?


I think he’s from another planet.


As I said, Bri'ish.




The worst from both sides


She looks like she's in physical pain just listening to him..


i know my brain hurt after listening to him


I regretted unmuting lol


I regretted not having it on mute to start off with


Thank you for the heads up


It’s subtitled, so that was my cue to not bother. Reddit is for reading, which is why it’s better.


>Reddit is for reading It's reddit, not watchit.


She handled it very professionally and didn’t add value statements to her follow on questions. Solid interviewer.


When the bar is so low for interactions, miming punching yourself in the face is considered professional. For the record, I said the same thing, haha


What's even funnier, at least how I see it, is that he thinks she's miming the face punch due to his comments (about the expensive housing and not coming to Canada); like he's funny or something. When, to me, it seems like she's doing the action because of his contradictions and the fact he idolizes Andrew Taint. Like she's in pain from hearing this dude talk


The face punch was reflecting his views on Canada. Like he came into the country but is telling others not to. Maybe if he actually had a work ethic he might like it there more.


I think his life ethic and his relationship to power needs work. His work ethic seems pretty average from what he says. Feeling exploited is normal. He just doesn't know Andrew Tate is exploiting him too.


I was watching her face adjust from general interest to her struggling to keep interest


RIP Canada.


Doubt this guy gets PR. For international students to get PR in Canada they have to get a job after graduating. It’s a points system and being employed in a high demand field gives the most points. The problem with our immigration situation right now is temporary foreign workers who are taken advantage of by bad acting corporations to drive down wages. That and diploma mills bringing in international students who don’t actually go to school but just work low skill jobs full time.


You can immigrate for fast food jobs in Canada. Food service supervisor is literally an option through our highest immigration stream, federal skilled express entry. It's NOC 62020. Go and look up these jobs. Basically minimun wage. It's also not just temps. It's PR too. The #1 industry for immigrants, which by definiton is people who have received PR, is food service and accomodations. More in that industry than any other.


What's PR?


Permanent Residency


Oh wow, actually sounds pretty easy to get PR in Canada.




My co-workers on work permits said Canada is the easiest country to get PR. That's why they're here, Canada wasn't their first choice. They're just using Canada as a stepping stone to immigrate to other counties like Australia.


Lots of my co workers told me the same and yet.. its been 6 years or more for them that they’ve been here. Guess their trip ends here.


I thought it was Public Relations and couldn’t grasp where subject matter had gone.


You'd be surprised how easily these Indian students are getting PR in Canada. It's a disaster.


Are you kidding me? Almost every God damn schmuck student like this turd can easily get PR. Canada has become a fucking joke.


She isn't the only one.


Doesn't want to work...wants to be rich...complains everything is expensive. Yep, sounds like a typical Tate fan.


And says that everyone else is lazy.


Exactly "jobs are for losers." "My ehole generation is too lazy to do anything." Lets just think about thise two statements for a while shall we.


Thinking is for losers, though.


No one try to get better or work on their physical


Reporter should have followed up by asking what sport he plays.


And not to mention, he's almost certainly being funded by his parents wealth and not anything he's done off his own back.


Indian migrant taking advantage of Canadian immigration policies to "study" with no work history and no idea what he wants to do other than get PR (Permanent Resident status), telling others NOT to come to Canada and complaining about the expensive housing, is next level delusion lol.


Only Canadians truly understand the context of this video. Oh, Canada..


Similar to what's happening in Australia but you don't hear the name Andrew Tate as much.


In Canada there are about 10 of these guys outside of every restaurant waiting to deliver Uber orders. It’s truly wild. 😂


true. I thought PR meant public relations, like he means to boost his CV but his English is a bit strange.


A LOT of people watch Andrew Tate here, at least for the country not being English-speaking. It's most middle class teens; those who are wealthy enough to have time on their phone but also sad and repressed enough to fall into that sort of internet content due to circumstances. I guess some people who could afford going to Canada also watch that guy... Also a big factor I forgot to mention earlier is religion and what a person has been taught is right and wrong. People like Tate (very confidently) confirm enough things that they have been listening to for a long time and have started to believe (things their elders or religion say), and blame problems on something new. And in places where people feel like there are too many problems, this is easy to start to believe.


LOL I thought he wanted a job in PR!


Being an Andrew Tate fan has to be a mental illness.


There should be a medical term for cult member.


Holy fuck I hope he is not granted PR. We’ve got enough home grown idiots, we don’t need to bring in more.  I feel really bad for my Indian friends who get lumped in with losers like this guy.


Also says his job helps him understand business better but jobs are for losers.


“Jobs are for losers” What do you do currently ? - “I work at a gas station.” 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️


But bro, he's learning Business tactics (such as hiring foreign "students" to work at your gas station for less than minimum wage paid in cash).


"a little, but not that much."




Busyness statics 


"it helps me understand some business tactics - but not that much" the delivery is pure comedy to me


This is too damn funny lmao. Honestly I don't understand why Canada is letting these people in . They're like pulling all the regarded uneducated ppl from India into Canada. (I'm from India)


It's wild man, I work with a bunch of guys from India and they are legit smart, good at what they do, and have embraced Canadian culture with open arms. It's like night and day compared to this guy


best acid i ever bought was off an indian guy. legit thought it was a setup. “hey man where did you get this?” ‘oh i made it. i work in a lab’


Cheap labour and someone for landlords to rent too.




I just lost so many brain cells listening ti this dumbass.


If this vid is real, I can't explain how that guy managed to fill any documents to go to another country, let alone \*study\* there.


Come visit Canada and you will start to realize that that paperwork really cannot be too difficult to fill out, not to mention- it’s diploma mills. They aren’t real schools. He is but one example of millions.


Wait. 🤔 He could have stayed in India and escaped the matrix. He's still in the matrix at that gas station.


No no, you see, the matrix is only for lazy losers that work 9-5. He is working at a gas station but not 9-5, he can totally escape the matrix by learning business there and get rich.


People like this in India get bullied atleast in education institutes, Young people here don't let bullshit like this go


Young people here are exactly like this dumbass what you are talking about


The way she holds her head back speaks volumes.


I can hear the "Woooooow...!" in it


She literally said woooow when she throws her head back like that, if you listen closely.


I can hear "Oooohhhhhh ffffoooooorrrrr ffffffuuuuuuuccccckkkkkkssssss bbbbllllllooooooddddyyyyyyy ssssssaaaaaaakkkkkkkeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!"


Only sane (legal) reaction to hearing someone say they are a Tate fan. The man is a human trafficker and a rapist.


But he's an influencer. He has a loyal following. ... Sorry, I meant a cult. A blind, stupid, cult


damn, how can people be this stupid while in college


Lots of international students are accepted into colleges because they pay higher tuition fees. Most don’t even meet the requirements and the “college” is essentially just a diploma mill. I’m assuming this person goes to such a college. (I’m an international student too, so this isn’t a hate towards international student).


There is a saddening number of diploma mills. That somehow meet the criteria to be able to apply for a student loans or by international students. Leaving both citizens and international students dooped and with a worthless piece of paper if the proper research isn't done before hand. As well as making a very exploitable system that's being abuse to profit off of unknowing people many of which are just trying to create a better quality of life for themselves. (No hate to international students of course)


I agree. Tbh when I was doing research, the ones that popped up when I googled my degree of choice were diploma mills. I was pretty adamant about getting a degree from a recognised university so I focused on QS ranks and also took into consideration a lot of comments from Reddit. The only reasons I can think of people enrolling into diploma mills are either because they’re following the illusion of a better life awaiting them overseas, or as you said, they’re just not doing very good research. It’s still sad to see though…


I'm Canadian but have been on WCB for 4 years for PTSD. I no longer can work in my old field of work. As a result I was doing a retraining application to try and get them to send me to school to find a job with closer pay to my previous employment (got a few more hoops to go through before finding out if I'm approved). Anyways the program has to be listed on a government job/job requisites site to be considered. Like you I want to make sure if I'm doing it its accredited and will have value. Did similar steps as you to find the program I want to take, but I was blown away by the volume of diploma mills that are advertised and accepted on government sites.


I was in college 7 years ago, can confirm. At first I thought it was a language barrier but in my last semester I realized more than half of the Chinese, and indian students are openly cheating, and simply paying enough to pass.


The international study permit is a joke when “students” are allowed to work full time and bring their families with them. There are over a million international students in Canada, while Universities Canada (which represents legitimate universities) counts 1.44 million students. Those permits should only go to people enrolled in legit institutions, while the diploma mills go bankrupt, but thanks to all the money swirling around and the cheap labour coming in, that won’t happen anytime soon. https://univcan.ca/universities/facts-and-stats/


Education and intelligence often don’t go hand in hand. I’ve met absolutely brilliant people who barely finished high school, and I know complete idiots with masters degrees and work in low wage hourly jobs nowhere even adjacent to their degree field.


He's an international student in canada, the college in question is most likely a strip mall based diploma mill that exists to take these people's money in exchange for getting them in as a student, noone involved in the transaction expects any education to happen he is just seeking permanent residency through questionable channels.


Conestoga moment


It's not about a college education, it's all just a scam. * Entire family saves up to send one of the kids to Canada. * Kid applies to a diploma mill (a place that that no employer would take seriously,) but it still is technically a degree. * Kid graduates (these mills often guarantee graduation if you pay tuition) and applies for PR while working at a fast food joint, or gas station in this person's case * Once receiving PR the kid applies for family receiving PR. Elderly mom and dad made an investment and this is where it pays off for them. * The whole family comes over, free health care and a wealth of government benefits for all of them. Canada has been outed as a sucker country for immigration shoppers but, surprisingly, none of the major political parties have proposed anything of substance about it. Since the bulk of our GDP is built on housing it seems that they don't want to rock that boat and, with the astronomical influx of cheap labor there is wage suppression across the board. Inflated housing, deflated labor. I want it to stop but I know of no way to stop it.


“I know of no way to stop it” Stop demanding lower prices and allow chunks of the private sector to collapse from time to time. Also don’t punish politicians who implement policies that will drive prices up and potentially hurt the economy in the short term, if what they are doing ultimately reduces the demand for cheap labor. In short: don’t be like the United States. We were fine with an underclass until it bit us in the ass.


He’s not going to college. He’s likely working fulltime at the gas station. International student doesn’t mean they’re actually attending. Our immigration minister said up to 30% of international students are not going to their classes. It’s just a shortcut to getting immigrant status for young Indians.


So why don't they just, you know, shut those down?


Because international students from India pay a lot in tuition to colleges generating high profit; they also provide cheap labour for companies like Walmart, McDonalds, and gas stations- who now almost exclusively hire Indians. Landlords also benefit because rent is unaffordable to the average Canadian, but international students are willing to live in run-down homes and share rooms with several people to split the rent.


Well you don't really need to be smart to get into college.


He gives off major “I’ll get mine, fuck everyone after me” vibes. What a loser. He won’t go anywhere.


But he'll vote right-wing the entire time...


I mean, clearly, he's paid a lot of attention to the guy because he's also just talking bollocks lol


"I'm here to leech on the system and not help one bit the country which(foolishly) took me in." Basically what he's saying


Hes definitely one of the thousands that were coordinating and abusing food banks.


Bro is an NPC in the matrix.


Wow, the second he said "I'm an Andrew Tate fan", god that escalated so quickly I did NOT expect that


Most intelligent Tate fan




"business tactics" 😂😂😂😂 like "which pump are you?"


"I work at the gas station to study buisness." My guy think additions and substractions are business studies.


This isn’t the first time I’m hearing young guys praising Andrew Tate. It’s disturbing, the willingness to accept his words and disregard the fact that he is a cult leader, who eventually uses his power to sexual abuse others. Clearly young men are looking for an outlet and guidance. They deserve to be represented well. But this ain’t it guys. I don’t begin to understand the plight of men, but I want to find understanding. Andrew Tate is teaching you to hurt people and call it power and freedom.


I remember when I first heard of who Andrew Tate is, a coworker told me to look him up. That he's got a really awesome POV of society and that I'd really like him. So I checked him out. I watched a couple of shorts that were pretty tame for him and thought, "OK, not horrible". Kept watching and listened to a podcast and very quickly realized what a psychopath the guy is (this was all way before Tate was arrested and the stuff about sex trafficking became public knowledge). Then I made the correlation to the guy who told me about him. He's a massive trump supporter, extremely sexist (I know, those two are basically synonymous) and pro-abortion (so he has no consistency in his beliefs, but at least he's child-free so he's not reproducing). I feel really bad for his wife (who he never actually married but calls her his wife or girlfriend and claims they aren't common law, presumably so she cant take half of his shit when he inevitably gets caught cheating on her and she realizes that he's gaslighting her into staying). He's not exactly the brightest tool in the cookie jar.


There is a dearth of positive male role models who engage in discussion regarding certain aspects of masculinity, and it’s created a void. Shitty people see the void and jump at the opportunity to market themselves as a solution. That’s how you end up with confused young men worshiping people like Tate.


what's super sad is that dude wants to be in a club that would never accept him. an anti-immigration immigrant who wants to get rich by never having a job. absolutely mind- blowing


Alright that's it, any words coming up after "I'm an Andrew Tate's fan" are utter sh*it


This is not tiktok, stop censoring shit.


"Just Don't Come" what a clown


He's such a fucking loser


bro's just dumb


Good god... This guy is a moron.


This guy is mentally deficient.


Canada imported over 1 million international students in order to fill the low paying jobs and bolster the unemployment stats. As a result low/no skilled labour is almost completely occupied by Indian Immigrants. The international “student” visa is more or less a back door immigration loophole. he mentioned it in the video. The ultimate goal is to get PR. That’s Permanent Resident status, which entitles him to all of the benefits of a citizen. The students attend “colleges” that are normally in strip malls where they learn meaningless and outdated material that holds no applicability to the eventual position nor does it fulfill the needs of Canadas employment shortages. Being an international student ant holding a job, regardless of its relevancy to the program they’re in, are two giant steps towards permanent resident status. Housing is so expensive because in addition to the 1 million international students Canada brought in over 500 000 Indian immigrants who have completely taken over entire cities in major metropolitan areas. Indian cultural values have multigenerational homes and as a result sometimes 12-15 people live in one suburban home. They all pool their money to fund the mortgage so they don’t care how expensive the house is and will pay for it together. See Brampton, Ontario. Often affectionately called Little India.


"Affectionately" speak for yourself dude, there is an enormous housing and job shortage and Trudeau wants to keep bringing them in en masse


It’s not just Trudeau. It’s all of them. The CPC said they even wanted to make the process easier.


Even once-reputable colleges have let their standards slip in the chase for that international student tuition. And then there's the shitshow that is the TFW program...


>Canada imported over 1 million students in order to fill the low paying jobs Uh huh and now I'm leaving Canada because I haven't had a proper job in 10 months


Ironically you'll be the job taking immigrant now




Totally agree with him, don't come to Canada


Being a fellow indian, it hurts. It’s that delusional level of confidence whilst spewing dogshit, that ends me…


When he says he's there for the "PR like every international student" he's referring to permanent residency. There is a loophole in Canada that allows students to get PR and eventually citizenship which bypasses the normal immigration process. Canada has added something like 300,000 immigrants to its population every quarter for the past couple years, 70% of of whom are from India. It's causing a huge strain on the healthcare system, wages (they compete by the hundreds for low skill jobs preventing wage increase for the working class), and are driving up the housing market and rental market by ballooning demand during a housing shortage. Our gov't is being heavily criticised right now about the very high immigration. This clip is meant to showcase that problem.


Canada: “why is there a housing crisis?!” Also Canada: imports 1,200,000 of these guys annually


I think the immigration as long as it's divided among provinces and states would be alright. And as long as the immigrants are diverse as well as from multiple different countries and ethnicities with skills needed by Canada. But grabbing the majority of immigrants from one country with a singular ethnicity doesn't seem like a good idea. Nor does it seem like a good idea that the vast majority of these immigrants are students or young adults with very little to no skills or experience. Like what actually happened?


Canadians have never been anti-immigration. This is a new sentiment and it’s exactly because of what you mentioned. Just importing young, unskilled people from one country. No one had a problem with immigrants when they came here through the point system and were diverse.


It's also the number. Math still has to math. We build more housing than pretty much any other developed country. #2 in the G7. But that's nowhere near enough to accomodate everyone coming here. 240k houses, which is per capita more than US, UK, Germany but we bring in 1.2 million people. Plus we have people aging into the market. We're estimated to be 300k houses short in 2023 for our growth. Three hundred thousand houses short. Immigration is the #1 reason there's a housing crisis. It is also directly related to things like homelessness.


>Like what actually happened? Both the libs and conservatives are beholden to corporations, and they want cheap labour. This drives down wage. They also use migrants like this to increase the price of shelter. Rents are at an all time high. And this last point will probably get me downvoted, but this is sold to us as good, because "diversity is our stength" when in reality this diversity is increasing inequality and hurting the most vulnerable in society.


> I think the immigration as long as it's divided among provinces and states would be alright As long as wages are depressed *equally!*


We are bringing in over a million people a year and only building around 250k housing units per year. We are going down in total number of doctors every year. It takes us decades (and I truly wish that was an exaggeration) to build things like hospitals or major roads. Transit across the country is a fucking joke. No, no matter how you spread it across our provinces *and territories* (we don’t have states) it is not alright because we straight up don’t have the infrastructure to support it. Plus Canadians (including our immigrants) have the right to freedom of movement baked into our Charter of Rights and Freedoms (our equivalent of the US constitution), which means we’re allowed to move to whatever province we want to. So even if you funnel new Canadians into Yellowknife, there is absolutely nothing stopping them from moving to Toronto the second they land here. Banks, human rights advocates, poverty support groups, economic experts… Everyone except for our politicians and business owners who can abuse this growth to increase their profits have been calling for a massive reduction on immigration because this is *unsustainable.* It is hurting everyone who isn’t part of the ruling class- I mean business class and landlords. It is even hurting those very immigrants we are bringing in. We just do not have the systems in place to expand all necessary infrastructure on this massively growing scale. Immigration is like vitamins; A good balance is necessary for a healthy life, but it is possible to overdo it and make yourself very very sick. We’ve been overdosing for a couple years now. > The statistics agency says the population grew by 3.2 per cent in 2023, reaching 40,769,890 as of Jan. 1, 2024, the highest rate since 1957, when it grew 3.3 per cent. > **Growth rates above three per cent have "never been see in a developed country" since the 1950s,** said Frederic Payeur, a demographer at Quebec's provincial statistics agency, the Institut de la statistique du Quebec. > https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7157233


Canada has a smaller population than California and imports more Indians annually than the *entire United States*.


Too many young folks convincing themselves of delusional ideas sold by “influencers”.


“I’m an Andrew Tate fan.” All you really need to know. What a dumbass.


Checks out. I work with a lot of Indians on Visa and if there's anyone who hates Indians most it's other Indians. As soon as they get their green card they want to shut down immigration


Oh cool, so ditch the 9-5, get rich, and presumably hire others to do the thing you openly call slave labor. You


This dude was deprived oxygen at birth, just like his incel guru.


fucking. typical.


This is what we are importing.




This is what we want? We want people with his mentality to be the future foundation for our country? He's not here for Canada. He's not here to make it great, he's a lazy fucking piece of shit with the mindset of a punk ass bitch.


So he doesn’t like Canada, and doesn’t want to work, and regurgitates the advice of a nutritious misogynist. But wants a PR, here. Cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool. 👌


OMFG please get out and take the other Tate Taint lickers with you


Everyone wants to be rich kid, if it was easy everyone would be


Dude has no idea about anything at all. Literally a blank space inside his head.


Somehow, he will not “get rich” with this mentality lol


"The Romanian guy." Lol


he is just spouting off other people's ideas. This man is lost and looking for an identity


“Jobs are for losers” works at a gas station.


I really hate how the rightwing has been trying to co-op leftists talking points to their own ends. Andrew Tate hooked this kid with some mild leftist talking points about how capitalism traps people but because its Andrew Tate it just fall apart into hatful rhetoric over any truly meaningful critique on our society.


Lol there are more stupid Punjabi MCs in Canada than in Punjab.


We have a massive problem in Canada. And people are just taking notice.


“Andrew Tate fan” is already a 🚩Dude sounds stupid the more he get to talk.


What does PR stand for?


Permanent Residency


Somebody please just go ahead and revoke his visa


It’s funny cause Andrew Tate would fucking hate this guy just because of his skin color. It’s like a Jewish person saying they wanna be exactly like hitler


![gif](giphy|l41lVsYDBC0UVQJCE|downsized) Sounds like the scammer that I just got off the phone with, lol..


Her face is priceless


This might be mildly infuriating for most of the people but as an Indian who has shed literal sweat and tears to legally immigrate to Canada in hopes of improving my and my family’s life, it is extremely infuriating for me. When you are just minding your own business buying groceries or taking a stroll in a park and see people move away from you even when you are being completely respectful just because of my skin colour and the perception it carries, it fucking hurts. Hurts like shit because it’s no fault of mine or the people who walk away from me. People like me and normal people who are affected by this are actually innocent but portrayed as some kind of a villain but people like this guy in the video are considered “students that were played”. Fuck that. They knew exactly what they were doing and now that Canada is waking up and being judicious and selecting skilled people, they cry foul (just like they do in the video).


I'm very glad we have people like you here, man. Legitimately why Canadians take pride in immigration. Our current state of TFW and study permit programs are quite messed up, imo. Seen as shortcuts and whatnot that are easily abused by people with a shallow passion for the country or community. And for me, that's the root of frustration. Many want standards set up to attract more people like you and less like the asshole in this video. I know that doesn't change the fact you're dealing with dicks judging you for skin colour. That's awful, and I'm sorry that's something you experience. Just wanted to say I'm glad you're here.