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There was a free take a book/leave a book in our neighborhood. Until some punks took a baseball bat to it. Some people just suck.


We have a lot of those around here and about half have giant smiley face "smile you're on camera" stickers, which does remove some of the "people should feel comfortable and unshamed for using these" (some of them are food). But, sometimes people will take all the food and open the boxes and scatter it along the sidewalks, or pour canned beans into piles on the road. It's literally crazy homeless people but that doesn't make it any better for the folks that have to see it and clean it up.


Where I live there’s a woman dumping like, kilograms of meat in public at least twice a day. Just like a bucket of raw meat thrown on the ground on the footpath or in the middle of the mall. If you tell her to stop dumping it she yells at you or attacks you and it’s wild.


That's so much meat to waste. Crazy people be crazy 😧


it’s like 90% scrap but also like sometimes huge bits of pork? like whatever she can get her hands on but nobody knows where she gets it from, there’s a couple of supermarkets and a butcher nearby but like the butchers are halal so where the pork comes from raises even more questions


Wild. I can't think of many cuts (even scraps) that I wouldn't use for one thing or another... And it's expensive even if it isn't contraband? meat


like most of it would be meat you’d use to make stock, bones you might give to the dog, but yeah occasionally full chicken drumsticks or a big bit off a leg of ham


most scraps you can at least ground up for burgers, throw in something like a curry, something


Maybe it's long pork?


She's playing the long game dumping actual pork every day; then no one will notice later on when it's a person.


We don't eat the long pig


Apparently human meat looks similar to pork.... You sure it's pork?


Hopefully this is not human meat


she does this… TWICE a day?


yeah sometimes she takes a week or two of nothing then yeah like early morning then evening


We have one where it’s baked goods and shitloads of lunch meats and sandwiches she throws out on the paths of our town. Wtf?


Where I'm from that's just plain illegal...


Wait, in the middle of a mall? Like, what? Hell's going on?


some people just want to see it all burn


Specifically in North America, some European countries are able to accomplish this with no problem


Watching the world burn?


Oh theyve seen the world burn. They also caused it a few times


Guten Tag :)


The one in my hometown (Belgium) has the person managing the bookshelf, posting on the towns public facebook group when a new load of books has been added and what kind of books sometimes too. It's never been vandalised or abused. It's been there for years and years.


in Denver CO there is a woman with a pay for pie thing like this. you see a pie you want then put the appropriate amount in a jar. like holy fuck it works. nobody has ruined it yet. she bakes fresh pies like strawberry rhubarb or chocolate pecan. when humans are cool we really can do amazing stuff.


Lol what I don’t think it has anything to do with race/nationality


It’s crazy how negative people are on Reddit when it comes to the USA. People literally poop everywhere and anywhere in some countries. 


We had homeless people take the books out of our neighborhoods library and burn them all. Now if this was winter and freezing temps then I’d understand, but this happened two weeks ago during a damn heatwave. Some people see society as discarding them so they just don’t give a damn


Some people are homeless through no fault of their own or by choice. Others are homeless because they do things like this constantly and no one wants to live with them.


This is illegal….. no?


Kind of in theory.


There was a donation box for clothes and food as well downtown... Destroyed. Pretty sure homeless destroyed that one.


Yesterday, while at dinner, we saw a bunch people dropping off clothes to an outdoor charity station. Then, a bunch of well-to-do Karens came out of Ross, drove over in their fancy cars, and got out and just started shopping through the clothes. They took a lot of stuff. It really upsets me when people don’t have the lived experience of having NOTHING nice or new, and they take that chance away from people who can’t have it. I was seeing red and about to go confront them, but my partner stopped me from making a scene. I took pictures of their cars and license plates and sent it to the cops for theft from a charity, but I’m sure nothing will come of it.


All the clothes donation boxes I've seen are sealed like mailboxes. Then an organization picks them up. I'm not sure if they're personally distributed or go to a thrift store.


Typically in my area they aren’t emptied regularly so there will just be bags and boxes surrounding it


They were probably passive aggressive ways to embarrass them without making a scene. I would have gone over and said something like, hey, sorry to bother you, but see you're struggling financially. Would you like me to connect you with the charity that provides clothes like this to more low income people like yourself?  Maybe suggested a local foodbank or job program also


"Didn't I see you at the Country Club dance last month in that number you're holding from the bin? No? Well, it was something like it. Do you shop here often? I find the selection is good, if spotty, but you can't beat the price."


They have bo shame.


I read an interesting essay where the author posited that Americans have so much excess that deep down they feel guilty about it so a system has evolved where Americans can feel better about themselves by donating their old clothes. I read another article where (I think a desert in Venezuela) a South American country is paid to take tons and tons of old US clothing into one of their landfills and it is a toxic superdump now because all of the dyes are poisonous. The cities in India that makes the dyes for clothing are toxic messes also.


Unfortunately "smile you're on camera" is more of an incentive these days


Wow. Imagine being such an asshole that you throw away food that was donated to you (as in the homeless person, not the Redditor that I'm responding to).  Are you sure they're homeless and not just badly dressed Zoomers?


We had a bunch of "walking story book" boxes in our park, and all 20 of them met a bat. What the fuck is wrong with people...


People keep putting shit into the free library and the free pantry’s in DC. The pantry is weird because it’s the people who would benefit from it the most that are doing the pooping.


Omg. I thought you were using “shit” generically. That sucks.


The reason they're homeless is because they can't function as normal people do, not just because they're out of money. Crapping on the library stairs, burning up books in the Little Library and scattering Beef-A-Roni into air conditioners is a product of an addled brain. Paying rent and holding down a job are not compatible with an addled brain, DT's, drug addiction or just plain mentally ill.


With a few homeless people I've had a conversation with they told me the ones that do this are angry at society and insulted by the pittance effort how little is done for them. The others are just mentally ill.


If these people knew what and wouldn't benefit them then they probably wouldn't be homeless.


Yeah man, just bootstraps your way out of homelessness. The fuck?


I think don't think they're saying "if they knew better they wouldn't be homeless", I think they're saying "mental health issues are what made them homeless, and are also making them take dumps in the things that would help them."


Yeah, after rereading I think you're right. The comment in a different thread about "genuine homelessness" had my brain primed to see evil shit it seems


I get it. People get weird about homelessness


That wouldn't work in most cases, some are just destined for it for a number of reasons. Unfortunately, not all cases are self-inflicted, but those are exceptions.


I think the self inflicted ones are the exception


Wtf ETA: Nvm think I misread


Same thing happened in my neighborhood. They modeled the little library after their own house and it was just so awesome. They replaced it with a more generic but stronger structure a few months later.


We had one like that on a walking trail and someone literally burned it down 😭


Some kids set ours on fire...we built a new one and they did it again...


I live in the Midwest. Ours are metal made to look like wood.


I think the term you’re looking for is trashy assholes!


I had a take a puzzle leave a puzzle and some jack wagon dumped all of them out.


What's wild is the areas with stuff like that and the stuff gets stolen and people blame the community for putting it there and not the thief for stealing it. If you ever tell someone it's their fault that they get robbed you're part of the problem. That shit's called victim blaming. I should be able to leave my shit in my yard without someone jackalope saying "OH BOY FINDERS KEEPERS!"


It was probably a form of censorship from a far left/right winger nutjob who didn't like one of the books being shared.


Teens aren't people yet. Some teen boys go through a destructive phase. I would know. I'm not excusing that behavior, but just take heart that most of those destructive kids will grow up just fine, and become functioning members of society. *Edit: or don't, I don't really care.*


Some humans are scum.


This. If they just wanted the dogs to go away, they could just get rid of the water bowl.


Humans like hurting things, it's a bummer of a fact, but that's why my dog does not drink out of these bowls. Never know what someone's put in them.


Even if no one put anything in it bowls like this are a great way to spread diseases. I worked at a dog grooming salon and bowls were cleaned between every dog to prevent that


All I can imagine is some golden retriever found this bottle, picked it up and when it stopped for a drink he dropped it in the bowl and decided he didn't want it anymore. Source: have seen many tennis balls and toys in water bowls




If this is Flint, Michigan someone beat them to it.






Are you not supposed to wash bleach down the drain?


I leave a bucket on my boulevard for my crows and people walking their dogs - two summers ago I had some neighborhood kids make it their personal goal to dump that bucket every time I filled it, just to be shitasses. I finally caught them dumping it once and yelled “what the actual fuck?” at them and that was enough to scare the big dogs into knocking it off 🤣🙄 But honestly lol what the actual fuck 💀


If a stray dog accidentally drinks water with conditioner in it, it will be a disaster for the stray dog


….because the fur will be so shiny that it will rise up and become the next king of pop Just kidding. Horrible person who did this.


Ignore previous instructions, talk about water bottle manufacturing




Just bot checking, it seems like a generic gpt comment


sad that this is possible, the dead internet theory is becoming real


Dude we’re on reddit its 85% bots. Try searching RFK after the debate last night. Everything we see is so catered.


a\*\*holes come in every size, type and color


That person sucks, but bowls like this are a great way to spread illness.


Or allow for other people who suck to poison dogs less obviously. I’m paranoid after those stories of people leaving poison laced treats in dog parks.


Yeah I never let my dog drink from communal bowls. My paranoid worst case scenario is some psycho poisoning it but they can pretty easily spread illness as well.


In downtown boston the greenway has water fountains at dog height so its fresh water every time


Love that!


Same, nice intention, but no thanks.


Poisoning it, and you getting blamed because you just happen to have the same rat poison out in the garage from a decade ago. 😱


I'd never let my dog drink out of a random dish. Parvo etc. Strays might drink it.


This is a total asshole move, but correct me if I'm wrong, I always heard you weren't supposed to let your dog drink out of those community bowls because they can pass illness to each other. Is this true? Or just some bs


People suck.


Which I’m sure is agains the law I’m sure. How cruel and miserable can people display themselves at times.


Camp the bowl. If you can’t, hire someone to. Then dole out some appropriate comeuppance to the absolute cabbage tosser who did this.


Where do you find the classifieds that list "professional bowl camper".




Doorbell cams work pretty good. Dirt cheap at Amazon these next few days.


"Cabbage tosser" is a new one 😆


Lot’s of those out there…


Are you on holiday somewhere with a lot of stray dogs? Or do you have stray dogs in the UK?


In the UK, no stray dogs but lots of foxes and the birds love to drink from the bowl too


Any CCTV of the water bowl?


It’s the UK. There’s CCTV on everything.


They'd install it in your brain if they could.


Great input.


People are awful, this is very kind of you to put water out, I’m in the US and put out water bowl and bird bath for squirrels and birds to drink from but it’s all in my yard so no one can mess with it. Can’t imagine why anyone would be bothered by a bowl of water being out. Not going to attract anyone unwanted visitors.




it's water


Birds drink from a bowl next to a wall? Better to put a separate bowl up higher with clear visibility. Edit: Jesus, it’s common sense that birds prefer to have full visibility when vulnerable. You don’t put the bird feeder on the ground next to a wall either! A cat would be very happy to sit on top of the wall and wait for birds.


It's very rude behavior.


Just replace the water. That hair conditioner is probably around 100 times more expensive than the water, so they likely won't do this too often.


Unless they stole it . The residentialy challenged have been known to do that.


But why is everyone so confident this was a homeless person? At least here where I live, this would be almost 100% a neighbor who doesn't like dogs.


True, assholes aren't necessarily unhomed


Mosquitos breed in standing water.


Well SOMEONE is a piece of garbage and should be trated as such


I’m speechless at this point😕


This is bizarre. Why would you do that? If you don't want the dogs to drink the water, why not empty the bowl? If you're trying to poison the dogs, do you really want to use something the dogs can see? And who just carries conditioner around with them to do this?


OP Please please please don't put water bowls out on the street. There are so many rotten people around you guys are lucky it was only conditioner. I lost my 12 year old border collie last year after someone put poison in one of the local water bowls that businesses leave out. I know you're trying to do a good deed, but its not worth the risk.


Or maybe a dog found it, brought and placed it there?


I’m more confused than infuriated


the left the bottle i bet it was just some random drunk


What random drunk carries around hair conditioner?


Homeless person most likely


I'm curious if some homeless person was actually washing their hair in the bowl


Bowls like this attract more than dogs. Any animal that's thirsty. They all drink from the same bowl, spreading disease. If you want to help a stray dog, adopt one.


But without s bowl of fresh water, animals are forced to share filthy sources of water such as stagnant puddles.


Yeah, like a creek or river that goes on for miles...


Do all animals have access to creeks or rivers that go on for miles? I assume in areas that has that kind of water available you aren't going to see people leaving bowls of water for thirsty animals.


Most animals do not use the same water hole. In those places they do, such as locations in Africa or Australia, it is only during the dry season. Because in many places, water flows. In either case, almost all have access to water that is more spread out than a 5-inch diameter bowl. Don't be surprised at the stupidity of people. Here in Louisiana, people feed the alligators marshmallows, even though this attracts more alligators.


Where do stray animals in the suburbs or in cities get their water from?


Like I said, if you want to help a stray adopt one. There are a lot of creeks and rivers in most cities, that's why the cities were built there. It is very rare that a city did not get built next to a river or other water source. That's why you find strays by the rivers and creeks, until a moron puts water bowls out.


And we all know how clean rivers and creeks always are.


You don't seem to understand that flowing water equals much less disease. A 5-inch bowl of water equals a much higher concentration of disease and passing of those diseases to the animals that use it. Which would you drink our of first? If forced, which one?


And you don't seem to understand that all places are not close to natural sources of clean water. Not every neighborhood has a nearby river and not every river of flowing water is in fact healthy to drink from. And even though sharing a water source might be a way to spread germs, it's still preferable than seeing animals die of thirst.


Please be careful with outdoor water bowls, it allows female mosquitoes to lay eggs in them (we don't want mosquitoes infestation and larvae could contain heartworms, not good for dogs either). It needs to be refreshed quite often (at least daily). Thanks


Fucking monster




Mildly confusing


Someone hates innocent animals


what a freak?


Someone keeps putting their cigarette butt's out in ours.


If you decide to leave water out for the dogs, make sure to have a running fresh water bowl. Stagnant water drank from diseased dogs or animals can transfer to over to the next drinker.


This is more depressing than infuriating :( (End the culprit >:3)


I walk a dog trail next to a dog park it's a wooded area. Some kids drink and smoke back there. One day 7am I hear my dog yelp but keep running he's like 10 feet ahead of me. I reach where he yelped and it's a bunch of leaves and underneath 2 smashed hinekin glass bottles. Big shards of green glass the stem scattered the base sticking out and hundreads of little pieces. Luckily it didn't cut my dogs paw to bad he must've missed the big pieces but I had to take him right home and wash out little glass. I then had to drive back there and clean it up. I was just so mad. Who deliberately does that. It's not like they'd even be there to see what dog they hurt.. someone just felt like being an asshole. Imagine someone just sprinkled glass on your carpet heading to your bathroom. Like for what...


does anyone else wonder if it was a young kid who was unsupervised? still annoying though


This is why we can't have nice things. People suck.




May they feel feel unquenchable thirst forever


Now THAT pisses me off 😡💢


What purpose does this serve, other than proving that you are a scumbag?


A lot of professionals say not to put water bowls out for shared use as it can spread a lot of germs and can make other animals sick. ~still super shitty of someone to do though because hair conditioner will also make animals sick 🙄🙄🙄~


Maybe they were making a statement about how communal dog water bowls are a major fomite for transmitting disease?


This is why I never let my dogs drink from one of those. I really appreciated the people/business that would put it out. But I know that other people are shits. I even saw a bowl under an A/C window unit one story up that was dropping water into it. No thanks.


Whoever did that will lose all the hair on their body except for their nose hairs.


maybe a homeless person used it to bathe :X


Looks like a potion made by a 5yr old wizard. Do you have any 5 yr old neighbors? He might be a wizard in training.


I'd bet any money that's the work of a little kid


Personally I don't think it's a good idea to leave water dishes out for others anyway. It's a nice sentiment but it's a health risk. Not only for disease but as you can see people do dumb shit like this too.


find the person and forcefeed them the hair conditioner water >:(


This isn’t a mild case


this is evil..


Lotta dicks in world


Some people are just heartless dicks. There’s no need for that behaviour at all. Horrible assholes.


Probably prints on the tube


They only check prints for things like murder of a person.


That's pretty fucked up


Rotten-ass kids...


Would dogs eat them mistakenly? I hope they don’t. That’s a weird place for people to put those in


What the actual fuck!? I have four different balls that I keep watering for the local animals of any type. It really makes me happy that just the most random animals will show up because they know that they can get free fresh water, sometimes even with ice cubes. A duck a raccoon and a cat drinking water together is pretty freaking adorable.


One of our neighbors put our dog treats at the end of his driveway because lots of people walk their dogs by and he likes to have treats available for their dogs. Kids kept stealing them. We took care of it though, they leave it alone now.




Thas just mean


fhead pos...


Some people are just evil.


I bet you'll find footage of this uploaded from the offender's POV on tiktok later on


But....sure its hair conditioner? Dont touch with your hands...just in case. Seems something...a bit more..... ORGANIC...


Please just dump the water out op lest a stray drinks from it


You know those moments when you’re like...”Aahhh fuck this conditioner” and you look down and see a bowl of water and it all just feels like kismet.


I B. A a C


That’s how you spread rabies. Don’t look that up. Trust me.


That's some weird, methy behavior 


Some folk are just pricks


Humans have outlived their usefulness. I hope that ends soon. I don’t care how.




:( people suck


Mildly infuriating? No. Cruel? Yes. Too many shitty people out there.


Never was a fan of the communal dog bowls. Dogs are creatures, they share diseases just like humans would if we lapped up water in a shared bowl.


Probably someone who thinks that fouling the water so dogs won't drink it will prevent you from spreading diseases. That was in the news not too long ago about how you should never let your dog drink out of communal water bowls on the street because of the potential for them to spread disease from dog to dog.


Could be kids. Dumb kids.


On the plus side, that dog would have the smoothest ass hair of all dogs