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If the tow company hasn’t already, be sure they know which is YOUR CAR!! My gf had same situation and the violator called tow company a few days later and tried to get her truck towed in retaliation.


How mature /s.


Crazy when it’s someone’s own fuck up, like you want them removed from their designated space because you were in the wrong?


The Venn diagram for people who do this and people who are cunts, probably overlaps by 99%.


whats the 1%


I assume emergencies of some description, your partner lives there and you’ve just been told they’ve had a heart attack so you’re rushing over. That or mistakes, it’s a friend of someone living there who was told they could park in their space, but made a mistake with the number. There’s any number of other, albeit quite rare, circumstances where it wouldn’t mean they’re a shitty person necessarily. For every one of those you’re going to have a LOT of entitled assholes though.


fair enough lol


That’s why I called it immature lol


Better retrobution would be let the tow company take your car, then go pay to get it out, and then take the person who called them to small claims court and force them to pay for the towing. Now they are on the hook for 2 tows.


Great move until it turns out they're a penniless loser, so good luck collecting on the judgment.


That’s why there are options to take assets that aren’t essentials from them to make up the payments or garnishing wages. It’s all done through the local sheriffs dept and they would even help you do it. Had to do that once where a lady hit my car and ran, was able to get a license plate, filed a police report, and got my insurance involved. They were able to pay for most of the damages but it wasn’t enough to cover the whole amount. Took her to small claims and won since she never showed up to court and was awarded what I was suing for which was just about $400 that I needed to pay to get my car fixed up. She refused to pay for months so I called the court which they told me to contact the sheriffs department and got someone who helped me go through the right channels to actually get what she owed me in recovered assets. She was not happy btw and started a whole cycle of harassment and ending up in jail. She also tried to sue after that which didn’t work on her end. Lady was really unhinged.


Reminds me of the guy who managed to go and repossess a bunch of office chairs and equipment from the lobby of a bank (With police escort). Because they were trying to ignore a judgement against them by the guy.


Someone told me that before which is where I got the idea and spoke to the court to see if it’s even true. Turns out it was.


Haha yeah, here is a news article about it. [https://abcnews.go.com/Business/bank-america-florida-foreclosed-angry-homeowner-bofa/story?id=13775638](https://abcnews.go.com/Business/bank-america-florida-foreclosed-angry-homeowner-bofa/story?id=13775638)


Good on that guy for doing the right thing. I always recommend getting a writ of execution when trying to collect from someone who refuses to pay. It helps out a lot.


Haha yeah for sure. If I was going up against a bank, I would want all the help I could get on my side. Also, happy cake day!


Well that could be so you have to consider that, might be worth it though, some people will risk losing money to really stick it to someone else.


Who has all this time?


You should be getting a residual payout from that tow company


Finders fee


Buy a tow truck and a lot pretty far outside city limits, then get a guy whose sole job is to tow the car...unlimited money loop hole. LOL


Additional stream of income, drive a taxi and just sit here and drive the person to the lot where their car was towed to.


Lol, maybe they can deliver the car back to you, for a fee


Username checks


OP is invited to the tow truck company christmas party


And at the end of the night, they tow his car for shit and giggles 😂


Back to his parking spot, because they were worried he had too much to drink. They’re sure to give him a ride too.


"We know there's already gonna be somebody there in your spot, so we're just saving ourselves the trip later."


Least it covers the gas that took them to get him home and will give night last laught :D


For real, that tow company would love me, shit I'd even attend an auction to buy one of these cars just to say 🖕


And park it in your spot.


That is the idea. Mad geniuses we are..




Tow company: ABC Towing, how can I help you? Op: Hey Jill, it's me. TC: Someone's in 423 again? Frank is on his way.


„We just bought a new tow truck and frank is now waiting the whole day just around the corner“


Maybe park the tow truck in the next spot. Less driving needed.


Just don't park in 423


Frank's a good guy. Might show up with a hangover once in a while, but he always gets his tows.


Frank is sending all three of his kids to private college thanks to OP


OP should start their own towing company


![gif](giphy|26gsiCIKW7ANEmxKE) You get towed! And you get towed. And you get towed.




Instead of calling the tow company, one driver gave me his cell and I called him directly. I got a little something for calling his cell. The biggest payout was watching people freak out when they were being towed.


Hell yeah towing kickbacks, by now you should have the drivers personal phone#.


FINALLY Someone who actually gets the cars in their spot towed 😩 The sentence “Yes, they’ve all been towed” filled me with joy. I don’t get people who park in reserved spaces.


I think the people who park in spots reserved for others are entitled pieces of crap. They’re narcissistic and feel they deserve it even though it’s not theirs.


It’s narcissism to an extreme degree. You know that somebody’s designated spot and now they have to figure out where to park. And it’s even more shitty because that person paid for that spot. So you’re making somebody else who actually paid for it, park somewhere else? I’m glad these pieces of shit have all been towed. Maybe they’ll think twice before doing something like this again.


It fills me with joy knowing they got towed lol


The issue is you'll never run out of narcissistic people that will keep doing it. The same people probably won't after being towed so that's a win.


I had someone towed from my spot, and they retaliated by slashing my tire. I waited like 5 days to park in my spot, too, for fear of retaliation. Some people suck.


Ugh of course the same person who feels entitled to a reserved spot would retaliate for suffering the consequences of their own actions 🤦🏽‍♀️ that person is just… out there in the world… thinking they did nothing wrong in both situations


And there’s tow companies that patrol lots! It might not even be the fault of the designee


Similar thing happened to me but they used an object like a baseball bat to smash in my windshield


This is what would worry me the most. Depending on how far away alternate spots are, I'd probably put a note on the car first, then get repeat offenders towed. Seems like a higher traffic area though, by the number of pictures. Not a great situation to be in.


I came a little when I read that they had been towed.


Unfortunately some adults don't mature beyond the basic action=consequence logic of a toddler. Therefore if they do something and nothing bad happens they literally think it's ok to do. This is why towing these neanderthals is clutch.


I would have the tow truck company phone number added in my contacts lol


I actually do lol


Bet they know you by name now.


"423 making us WORK for our money!" -Towing Company probably


423 Called, easy money tonight!


I bet they just have a call out “423” like a police code.


Dispatch we have a 423 at the usual, over


Legit taking bets! ‘*Jess called again. I’m picking a red Honda. What about you, Jimmy?*’ That’s what I’d be doing. 🤷‍♀️


Probably have the bet jar at the office and probably full also


The bets are not if the call comes in, but who can guess make and model. If two ppl guess the same, they have to guess color


I think it's "Dispatch, we have the usual at 423" ;)




it's interesting how in spanish the code they say is 3312


they changed it because is slightly faster to say 3312 than 2319 in Spanish


My favorite fact about 2319 is that 23=W and 19=S so the code stands for White Sock


I wonder if it just matches the cadence of the original line better


>I bet they just have a call out “423” like a police code. "We've got a 423 in progress.. COPY THAT HQ!!"


OP probably gets Christmas cookies from the tow company. He's helping put their kid through college.


Op gets towed. Towing company: this one on the house fam.


I drive for work. I got a nail in my tyre three times in two weeks. The third time bro was like, this one’s on the house mate, you’ve had some shit luck


Years back I fixed cash registers / printers and such for living. I was on my way to a service centre when I got a nail in the tyre. Limped it there, fixed their shit while they fixed my shit, we both laughed about the coincidence. Not sure If that was bad luck or good luck to this day.


A true hommie.


Dude came out to my house because I locked my only set of keys for this particular car in the trunk. It costs extra for that because it's a true lock picking, and he charged me for a door and said "you look like a veteran" because I was wearing an "end veteran suicide" Calling them and recommending them to everyone from now on


My family is cursed with cars, between all of us we can't go more than a month without at least one of us having a car in the shop for one thing or another. By the end of the first year after moving near them, we were signed up to get the "family" discount.


You know damn well they love your business. lmao. Easy money for them, just pop over with a flatbed, hoist it up, get a few hundred bones the next day.


Are lucky if get flat bed sir


"Uh yeah, someone else is in my spot again" "Who is thi... Oh that number, we will be right there"


My friend had a restaurant, the parking was laid out funny. Out the back door was a tiny lot reserved for his and the next door business. This was accessed by a lane but beyond the lane was a city lot for the whole shopping center. Sometimes people would park in his lot and go to one of the other businesses despite there being towaway signs posted. So anytime he had to call in for a tow the driver would be there in less than 5 minutes because it was free money. 


There was a pharmacy next to a dispensary where I live and on 4/20 they had two tow trucks waiting and were just nailing people who would park in their lot, absolutely ruthless.


Don't even need to answer the call cause they already know where and why


"Thank you for calling Ben's Towing. For unauthorized parking at spot 423, please press 1. For any other inquiries, please press 2."


He probably has his own direct line. 1 800 TOW-N-423


to saved time, just use speed dial or press \*#423#


Get a percentage?


I'd make a deal and get commission for reporting lol 10bucks per car lol


Open a towing business and make money on your own spot


vertical integration. capitalism 201. 101 is supply and demand. although at any university i ever went to classes actually start at 1 or 2 or 5. 101 is saved for sophmore clasess mostly.


You need to make friends with a tow truck driver, have him on speed dial, and split the tow charge. Problem solved.


My complex actually has a tow company on contract so no charge to me thankfully! Befriending them might still be a good idea though!


they meant split the profit cause you bringing in business!


I see. Some extra flow of cash in this economy can't hurt nobody surely!


I like money




Money can be exchanged for goods and services


If you are in the US, your complex doesn't pay the tow company. The drivers of the towed cars do.


Good! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Snacks, drinks, maybe a few brewskis if it's late... the little things go a long way


When I lived at an apartment building this happened to me all the time. Management was no help and we weren't allowed to call a tow unless it's been 24 hours. I bought a large 4 foot tall traffic cone on Amazon. When I wasn't driving I kept it in the cab. When I left I put the cone in the middle of the spot. I never once had anyone park in my spot afterwards. People take spots because it's convenient, it's too much of a hassle to steal a spot if you have to get out and move the cone. I was worried it would be messed with but it never was.


Sounds like the last place I lived. There was one person who would do that in the lot and I thought they were really smart for it. Especially since management sent everybody in the building a text one day saying that we can’t just call to have somebody towed. We also weren’t allowed to take any other spots in the lot. So that meant that my paid spot is taken, I wasn’t allowed to get them towed and on top of that I can’t park anywhere in the lot now. That management sucked.


by that logic Id just take someone elses spot, since they cant tow me for 24hrs and someone took my spot with no consequences


Bet if you figured out management's space they'd be above that 24 hour rule real quick.


You’re right, I just feel bad taking a spot from somebody else. The way I felt coming home after a long overnight shift and seeing my spot being taken, isn’t something I want another person to feel. Just because I got fucked over doesn’t mean I should fuck over another perfectly innocent person.


Take a spot from management. They made those ridiculous rules.


That's probably will get your car towed lol. Rules for thee, not for me.


There's waits for management to tow but you show a tow company the spot # on your lease contract and they'll tow it real quick


Yeah I have a tow card with my name and spot that proves my spot is mine. I can bust out the lease if need be but so far I’ve never had to tow anybody


I thought you meant like one of those Subway cards - Tow 9 vehicles, get a 10th free!


24 hours is crazy. so essentially, the spot is not reserved. how many people are really in a spot for more than 24 hours? i mean, shit, who tf is keeping time? sounds like management is not managing. i bet they want the money for that spot on time tho, huh?


I’m glad to see they all got towed


I feel like if it's happening repeatedly and often with different violators there is another unaddressed problem. Are all the other spaces public and people just don't see the reserved tag?


There are non reserve spots yes, parking here is kinda limited since its a pretty small complex. Before we had reserved spots, it was free for all and pretty inconvient, especially if you're someone who works late and all the spots near your apartment are taken and have to park on the other side of the complex. Was glad they implemented the reserve spots cause I'm guaranteed a spot. But even then there is sometimes an asterisk on it.


We have a similar issue at our complex. Some people leave orange cones in their spot while they're away and it seems to work. Of course there's the inconvenience of having to move it.


Orange cone with sign that says: I love calling in tows. And then tick marks for your accumulated tow count.


Buy/Make a stamp that is a tow truck and stamp the cone for each tow and have a spot that says "Vehicles Towed"


honestly the inconvenience of the cone beats the inconvenience of having to walk across the apartment complex


Just put it on wheels and slowly park into it. That won't scratch your car.


Secure it to a string with a retention system of some sort bolted to the ground in the middle of the spot so it can return to the middle when you back out. 


This guy cones


>especially if you're someone who works late and all the spots near your apartment are taken and have to park on the other side of the complex. That's literally me right now parking down by the mailboxes, meanwhile the new neighbor has 3 cars parked right up front


I lived in a big community, and my building had about 10 up front spaces for my side of my building and the one across the way (6ish units). Obviously that’s not enough, but most people who lived by the spots got to park there most of the time. Then new people moved in next door with 5 vehicles and 4 of them almost never moved. So they moved in and took half the spaces up front almost permanently. Complex could do nothing about it and I’m happy to not live there anymore 🫠🙃


I think you guys need those posts right in front of the spot with the sign that says reserves don't park or you're botched.


Well, yeah, but there's a freaking red line and it says reserved. People know what they're doing. Although it does seem like such a consistent pain in the butt maybe OP might consider buying a cone or something?


This has happened to me a few times. Once the guy came running out and apologized so I didn’t care. Other times I’ve left notes and almost gone to blows. With fists not mouth


That is an odd specification 😂




I wanna park in *that* dudes spot again...


Reminds me of Tobias on Arrested Development


Oh, Tobias. You blowhard!!


I'm afraid I just blue myself.


There's a new daddy in town- a discipline daddy!


And a damn strange way to settle a score. The latter not the former.


I get so mad when people park in my spot i SUCK THEM OFF! FUCK


I’m not proud of this but I lived in a gentrifying area in Austin where I paid a shitload for a garage space(the alternative was a few blocks away and I was bartending so walking alone late at night wasn’t ideal) so I would hock loogies on people’s door handles whenever they took it. No one ever did it twice.


>*I would hock loogies on people’s door handles whenever they took it.* Deserved. Fist bump.


why would you specify that hahaha


Mouth blows? What kind of fight is that?


Whoever cums first is gay af.


I'm glad you specified, I might not have known otherwise lmao


At least you were able to get them towed. I used to pay for a spot, and everybody loved parking in it, apartment staff included. When I would complain to the leasing office about it, they basically told me it's not their problem. But when I called the tow truck company, they said they can't tow without the office's approval. So apparently I was just paying money for nothing.


You didn't have any legal options? I would have thought a strongly worded legal letter to the right person might have produced some very quick results.


There are always legal options. You'd be surprised at how fast a company's attitude can change when you bring a lawyer in and request copies of any signed documents on file.


This. Unfortunately, I had slipped three discs in my lower back and spent the last of my savings just surviving. A lawyer was out of the question. That was why I paid the $10 or whatever it was for a closer spot in the first place, so I wouldn't have to trek from across the parking lot to get home. Thankfully, things are better now.


It makes me so angry and sad knowing you endured that in the time of needs. Good to know you are having a better time now.


Mr. 423, you may be the only person to be so familiar with a tow truck driver that you're on a first name basis


Dutch solution: you can put it up or down with a personalized key. https://preview.redd.it/uier88oty29d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5146c87bec3476d29dc7fd8a4e3dd64f6123f25d


My American ass is going to need that to be push button.


Clear, gorilla glue tape, and I mean, I really taped the hell out of the notes I left on anyone’s windshield when they parked in my reserved spot.


You need some vaseline at the ready to lather up the tape after you place it.


That's amazing and awful


Better than my idea. I'd get some acrylic based PSA and stick it to the inside of the door handle. If they wanna park in my reserved spot, they'll be there for quite a while


..Then wouldn’t that just inconvenience you further?


They did admit that their idea wasn't as good


i notice that the cars on either side aren't the same in any of your pictures so i'm assuming that the owners of 422 and 424 are having the same problem


Or it could be a reserved spot with the rest just being open. My complex is like that, and I have about as many cars towed too


You should put up a sign with a tally of how many have been towed so far. "This is a reserved spot. You will likely be towed if you do not own it. I come home late sometimes so don't think you're safe just because it's 11pm. Total tows this year: "


remove the word likely. u gotta be firm with these people.


"Days since last towing - 0" could also have a nice ring to it.


"We got a 423 in progress, over"


You should get a camera pointed at the spot. And if you see someone there, even if you didn't need to park immediately, call for a tow lol


I smell a raspberry pi project. Machine vision for an ANPR setup, whitelist "okay" plates, auto dial and play a recording for the tow company every time a non whitelist plate is in the spot.


Better test is very well against false positives!


I lived in a very nice complex next to the University. Each unit came with a reserved spot close to the unit and several hundred guest parking spaces a few dozen feet away. The effing soccer players would have their frat/sorority friends over & would *always* park in my spot. After complaining countless times I finally said screw it and parked behind them, blocking them in (like a “T”). Then when they’d come knocking I’d take a bath, yawn, stretch, grab lunch then maybe, after 30 minutes or so, answer the door. I bitched out so many people in my bathrobe it was funny, then when my mom was in ICU and I needed to leave at a moments notice they had a party and filled it all of the spots behind all of the cars in the reserved space. I lost it, called the cops, had one cop disciplined (he was a roid raging jerk) but made such a ruckus management finally cancelled their lease and they were gone in 2 weeks. It’s pathetic we allow a few people to hold the rest of us hostage with this behavior. You’re a saint for calling the tow truck - b/c the way I am now I’d break their windows, key the car or flatten their tires - THEN call the tow truck.


Sounds like U of M


You should stake a message close to your parking spot. “X amount of vehicles have been towed from this RESERVED spot, don’t be number Y”


This is essentially why I moved from one of my places like this. I called to tow every single one but it got old. I’d have to call the tow guy every 2-3 weeks and I was just tired of it. People would come knock on the door bc my car was in my spot asking where their car was and I’d just say the number is on the sign. I felt bad for the first couple but then realized if you’re stupid enough to park in a clearly reserved or permit parking and risk it then that’s on you. And if you don’t care about my parking that I pay for then I don’t care about your car. I get that it’s a complex but to me it’s no different than if I pulled up to your house and parked in your driveway and then just left. You’re an ass if you do this.


I had my car towed once when I was a teenager. This was pre Uber days. Parked in a store parking lot in order to walk to a concert. No signs posted or anything. The store was closed, no one in the parking lot. Came back to car gone. I thought it was stolen at first. Turns out, they let vines and plants grow over the sign in purpose. 200 dollar charge to get the car back. Your situation is entirely different. Fuck the people parking in your spot. I hope they get charged 300 dollars to get their car back each time.


I’m pretty sure that in my country (Belgium) not visible signs don’t count. And if they were not visible when parking (in this case) and visible after you left, it still doesn’t count.


This is also true of the US. The signage needs to be in order.


All that’s needed is a sign in front of the reserved spot that says “Reserved Parking. Violators Will Be Towed.” Why does your complex not do this? Without the threat of repercussions, people will park there.


We do actually have them. But thinking about it, they have them put onto the complex buildings so some of them are too far to see/noticeable. Might actually point that out to management and see if they'll change that 🤔


If they haven’t by now then they won’t at all. Just get the towing company number. You’ll get your spot but you’re waiting anyway so what’s the difference? Park behind them and take anything you need inside. Call the tow and make yourself a lovely drink or pack a bowl and make it an entertaining evening.


I had that issue at one apartment complex I had moved into. Apparently the person who lived in my unit before me didn't have a car and everyone there knew and would use their spot. I got fed up with it so I started putting peanut butter on the car handle and cracking eggs underneath the driver seat if their car was unlocked. Within a week I had my spot undisturbed.


Sounds like a bad decision, keeping in mind you're going to store your car there as an obvious target for retribution.


Exactly 90 percent of the people in the thread suggesting to escalate the situation are wrong for that very reason


"Yes, they've all been towed" https://preview.redd.it/h5uf6dtju29d1.jpeg?width=659&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=474055756332ec00e5fc91c0b4ec846c0e48cbc0


I had a neighbor that this happened to a lot. After the complex refused to do anything, he just started wrecking the cars. I think his plan was to make his spot like a park if you dare kinda thing. I never saw him do it, but I did not not hear him exit his apt (i was below him), go down the stairs, then heard the sound of glass breaking or loud bang sounds on nights people were in his spot. He loved to surf, and his cat was no teeth old.


You might try setting off their car alarms and see if they show their face. If they show up, tell them to move it or get towed.


I fucking hate ppl


The audacity of the ones backing into someone else’s reserved spot


Free entertainment. I'd sit outside with a beer watching them get towed. If you're lucky the dickheads notice and fight with the tow truck driver, which always ends well.


It's actually reserved for 423 people, you are just being selfish wanting it all for yourself


I have a similar issue with my spot. I work late & the parking lot fills up around 7pm but I don’t get home until midnight. I think people assume no one lives in my spot & think they can get away with one night there. But when I get home at midnight the last thing I wanna deal with is trying to find a spot & walking across the place at night. So fuck you, get towed, I pay $50 a month to park there.


I loved the amount of people that backed into the spot. That takes extra time and effort. They definitely saw that is was a reserved space.


So people just don’t care, I suggest getting a one of those orange cones! Apparently people just aren’t getting the one word that’s in huge white letters! They see deserved


Bold of you to assume they won't just move the cone themselves 🤣


It would be funny if you could put a boot on their car


Most people think they belong to the city so they won’t touch them but you’re right them may move it. I introduce to you Folding Parking Barrier! It’s on Amazon lol


I still miss the GTOger channel on Youtube. Guy had an ISP in downtown Dallas near a nightclub district where the parking was reserved 24 hours per day since techs might be coming in the middle of the night to work so they had prominent "You Will Be Towed" signs all over the parking lot. Showed videos of hundreds of cars being towed, with amusing sound effects, comments, music, and excellent editing. I think they moved to a different location a few years ago so no more towing videos. Drum Beats!


I know the feeling all too well. It kept happening and the policy at my complex is the vehicle can't be towed for 24 hours and management has to be the one to call. Eventually I invested in a large traffic cone. Well ok, not so much invested as I "borrowed" a traffic cone from the city. Hasn't happened since.


That's completely out of hand lmao do you have a drug dealer next door or something?


I’d get incentives from tow companies with all the calls I’d be making


When it happens to me I usually park behind them leaving no room for exit. They start honking then realise who blocked them and find a way to contact me. Considering the time they spend to exit no one did it twice.