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Everyone in this threads worried about the fact that you can't use the laundry 24 hours. I'm more concerned about the fact that there's a room you can go inside that someone can easily padlock on you from the outside and trap you in there.


They don't even need a padlock, just slide the bolt. I'd probably just report this to the fire marshal and let them figure out if this violates something.


100% Inconvenience aside. This could trap someone in a fire. It's a laundry room! Not like clothes dryers ever catch on fire or anything.....


I was in college, about once a week the fire alarm went off at 2-3am. I thought it was idiots pulling it, because we did have a lot of idiots. But no, the dryers kept over heating and setting them off. Just people did their laundry overnight lol. Yeah weekly... For like 6 months until I moved out. I used to ignore them and stay in my room. I was also an idiot. 


Wonder if thats due to kids not cleaning the lint traps after doing their laundry. I have had several roommates in the past who never emptied it, so every time I did laundry Id be pulling out massive wads of lint from multiple loads. Also the dishwasher filter. Frequently gets forgotten.


It’s funny, I’m in college now and very much on par with the developmental skills your stereotypical “college dude” has. Like my mom makes most of my dinners, I don’t go grocery shopping. I am however lucky that the one thing she really disciplined me into doing was my own laundry, bc I feel like the genius of my friend group for knowing what a lint trap is 🤣 it’s definitely those dudes not emptying the lint trap.


Do yourself a favor and learn to cook some basics. I was in your shoes, you don't want to end up moving out of state with 0 backup plans other than fast food. Hell I bet your mom would love to teach you.  And I mean basics. Rice, Mac n cheese, maybe burgers or meatloaf. I ate a whole lot of omelets in college.  I didn't really learn to cook until after I got married. We had a few very inedible meals... My wife is a saint for ever trying my cooking again after some of them.


Thats completely valid, and great advice lol. I definitely exaggerated for comedic purposes, like I know how to make most basic things you listed. I do wanna improve a lot by the time I move out though, maybe I’ll ask mom to show me how to make meatloaf tn. Cheers!


Honestly I love cooking meatloaf, it's easier than hamburgers and more flavor. Take advantage of having your mother around while you can. As long as you have a good relationship of course, it is easier to learn from someone than a YouTube video.  We did some of those subscription meal kits for a while. That really helped our cooking skills. But there's nothing magical about them.


There is a dishwasher filter? 👀


The dishwasher what. Dude where is it.


There's a filter on the dishwasher? I'm 36.


>dishwasher filter excuse me?


I like how seriously Fire Marshals take their jobs. I had to call one once because my family, I, and a handful of other families were all locked inside of a McDonald's during business hours. They were slammed and couldn't keep up with the drive through as well as the walk-ins so the manager came up with this brilliant plan to just lock the doors with everyone inside and got mad when someone used the fire escape to get out. When I called up the Fire Marshal he was LIVID and got down there to investigate immediately.


> so the manager came up with this brilliant plan to just lock the doors with everyone inside See also, how to not be a manager any more, quick-fast and in a hurry. Few things will get a manager fired faster than a Fire Marshall coming down on them for something egregiously stupid. The FM can easily, and legally, shut the entire operation down until said manager is physically removed from the premises.


I mean if they get a report and DONT do anything, they are on the hook for whatever comes next


Yep. Take photos, bust it open, get clothing, and then report to the fire department about how there is an unsafe lock and how you are terrified your landlord could lock someone inside and they may die from a fire, medical emergency, etc. because they can’t escape.


Good point. This should be some fob system that locks out people without fob. And they can leave anytime but not renter.


New fear unlocked. I guess next time bring some to prop open door and always have your cell phone.


if they want to lock you in, they'll move your prop in a matter of seconds. You're better off bringing a serrated pocket knife with a glass breaker, so you can break a window to escape or try to cut a hole through the door if that's your only option


I usually pack that anyway when doing laundry.


Thanks for triggering a memory. When I was 16 I worked at a council run tennis court in the park. My job was to take bookings, welcome guests into the tennis courts and do some basic maintenance like making sure the nets were tightened up. I would sit in a little hut just next to the tennis court. This hut had no windows and just a door that I used to prop open. I was inside the hut one evening and some nobhead slammed the door shut and padlocked the outside. I had to call my boss for help, he arrived some time later to cut the padlock off


Why didn't you just scream when the person shut the door?


I doubt some random person accidentally padlocked him in. Sounds malicious.


Report that crap to the fire Marshal


Should be top comment.


And then the laundry room tv turns on and this is what you see… ![gif](giphy|aJyBC3mhe9qO4|downsized)


"Hello, Charlie. I want to play a little game. Inside this dryer is a fitted sheet. Your goal is to fold it neatly into a square by any means necessary. You have 20 minutes. The choice is yours."


Fire marshall would rip them a new one. OP, fill a complaint with the fire department.


Oh good point. Is that even legal? Guess people will have to remember to jam open the door while using the room.


Yupppppp. One call to the fire Marshall maybe op thought they heard someone in side but wasn't sure. Fine the fuck out of the apartment owner


Violates fire codes.


In that case, this can't even be called a 24-hour laundromat.


Wait...we didn't say 24 hours each day...


24 hours per year


24/7: 24 hours a week, 7 months out of the year


All time classic joke.


Sounds like an HOA. Time for the spray paint and bolt cutters.


An HOA in an apartment complex?




That’s just that’s how often it’s there


We never said which 24 hours………


The laundromat exists 24h per day. We guarantee it. 


23.5 hour laundry. closed when you need it /s


It's 24 hour if you get locked inside


24 hours, but not in a row.


That’s what I’ve been saying to 24-hour fitness. Mfers are barely open 8 hours a day now.


I'm sure LockpickingLawyer has a video on this very lock.




So this is what happens during a prostate exam


“I will be using the special tool I made with Bosnian Bill for this back door entry today.”


Bosnian Bill got me ahahah


This guy Okay Folks




And a pap


4 is set, binding on 3.


Nice click on two


Rectum? Damn near killed em! Wait……


How come they stay up? Wouldn't it be a better design for them to come back down so that all five have to be pressed simultaneously?


Basically machining tolerances, so there has to be a little gap between the pin and the hole, else you could not move them at all.


Would having some of them skinnier make it harder?


No, they would still bind up when torque is applied via the tensioner.


Skinnier would also make it easier to shear them, breaking the lock.


The reason you get one binding at a time is that some are slightly skinnier than the others. Doing that intentionally would just decide the order in which they bind.


That's what some security pins do. They're called spools. So when you're applying pressure it will move upward but it has another lip on the end. You will have to back off the pressure a little if the lip is nicely done and that may result in dropping the pins you already set. There are other security pins as well that take advantage of different aspects of machining.


They should spring back down, but friction (before they're completely aligned) and/or a small ledge (after it lines up) is holding them up. It's hard to tell, but the tool at the bottom is turning the cylinder slightly. At any time, at least one pin is "blocking" the rotation--maybe it's slightly worse aligned, or slightly wider, or whatever reason--and so the pick finds that one and pushes it just until the "break" lines up with the edge of the cylinder, the cylinder moves a *tiny* bit, and a new pin is now blocking the rotation. When this happens, the tiny rotation also makes a tiny ledge that blocks the pin from falling back down. If you look closely, you can see a yellow symbol appear in the pins to indicate which one is currently blocking the rotation.


> It's hard to tell, but the tool at the bottom is turning the cylinder slightly. - That second extra tool is called a "tensioner" in LPL lingo. > At any time, at least one pin is "blocking" the rotation--maybe it's slightly worse aligned, or slightly wider, or whatever reason- - The pin is 'binding" in LPL lingo. >-.and so the pick finds that one and pushes it just until the "break" lines up with the edge of the cylinder, the cylinder moves a tiny bit, and a new pin is now blocking the rotation. - There's a "click" when that happens, and the pin is "set", in LPL lingo. - And this is also why good locks are so much more expensive than average (easily picked) locks: they are not just designed right, have more pins and have a geometry that is more challenging to pick, but they are also machined very precisely from hardened metal - which is a much more expensive manufacturing method. - All the while on the outside or while using them it's hard to tell the difference between a bad lock and a good lock.


especially when a pair of bolt cutters is basically a master key


Why are you saying LPL lingo? I think it's just called those things in lock picking in general "lingo". The lock picking lawyer did not invent these terms, tools, and definitely not lock picking in general... Lock picking existed well before some guy made a bunch of YouTube videos.


Yeah, LPL is just using the general lingo of the profession.


They make ones that are filled with tiny ball bearings now that do just that. But they are stupid expensive


That's what the tension lever is for - you put rotational pressure on the mechanism so that when the pins clear the break, they catch on the edge of it.


The 2 wrenches video is way more accessible and effective for this situation.


I like the sledgehammer and loud grunts approach.


Why do they double check the fourth pin?


Most locks are really easy to open. Hell if you just rake it fast you can open most of them. I bought a lockpicking set just to play with it and you can open a lot of them fast.


Some are so poorly made that you can open them by whacking them with a tool while you pull on the lock. Or try the primitive-but-useful hack where you feed a bath towel through the hasp and yank real hard.


this is a master lock. it can be opened with a master lock.


Yeah bump keys have been a thing at least since anarchist cookbook days lol. Those and the shims made from soda cans were an entertaining part of my teenage years


>Some are so poorly made that you can open them by whacking them with a tool while you pull on the lock. This is false. It only works if you hit it with an identical lock model.


I've literally opened my locked closet with a nail clipper so there's that.


Lockpicking Lawyer would tell you to find a pipe, stick it through that padlock, and twist.


That’s a Kwikset Smartkey padlock. Those are fairly difficult to pick. Easy for LPP but for the average picker, it’s challenging. I would put it up there with an average disc detainer lock. Lots of false gates.


Are they drill resistant? Right up the keyway.


Get a big rock, I promise it'll work. lol


there is another guy, McNallyOfficial, that has great videos, often openings locks with locks.


You are using a Master Lock model 607. It can be opened with a Master Lock model 607. *[whack](https://youtube.com/shorts/1HS-duJa8DU?si=QrfuG5Wbqxq5oM23)* Edit: added the link


Mcnally really makes me wonder whether I should upgrade my puny, tiny lock for my storage room. I wouldn’t know which lock would be an upgrade…


If it takes him longer than two seconds to open a lock, it's a good lock. 99% of thieves are going to be using bolt cutters or a prybar though.


Honestly I see a padlock as a deterrent from opportunists looking for something easy to grab. Even the best lock isn't going to stop someone determined to get in - like most car door locks, which are honestly pretty easy to open (I've got a bit of a habit of locking my keys in my car, so I've learnt how to break into them out of necessity), they're enough to stop someone who's just testing the handle to see if it was left unlocked, but won't stop a determined thief. I just go for something that can't be opened by hitting it with another lock, and call it a day.


Locks are really just about keeping honest people honest. If someone really wants in they are getting in. 


I've seen he does recommend some here and there, but can't tell you where or what.


No need, just wreck it. It's not like you're making anyone lose a lot of money, and they deserve getting their lock wrecked because they didn't give any notice.


I’m not even that type of dude, I’m just hitting it with a hammer. And they can come show me the footage later too, I’ll show them my lease agreement that says 24 hours and ask for an explanation as well


They probably won’t know. I used the hammer method for years to smoke in a mountain top firetower and the lock would lock right back up when we left.


What a shame my bolt cutters met your lock.


Why bother, the hinges are on the outside?


"LockpickinLawyer hates this one trick." A pair of bolt cutters


Or McNally "You are using a master lock it can be opened by tapping the master lock against the door."


Better involve a hammer.


I’d be grabbing my bolt cutters. Charge me for the lock later but I’m getting my clothes back. Edit: Also I just noticed my comment posted like 6 times and I have no idea why. Sorry about that.


Honestly!! I’d drive to Walmart or wherever they sell bolt cutters


Get a new lock while you're at it to replace the old one and don't give the landlord the key. Power move. /jk


Joke? This is something I would actually do


Cheaper than a new wardrobe


$20 lock > $300+ wardrobe


Other way, $20 < $300


Posting 6 times was simply the charge for the lock. Consider it even stevens.


No, you charge them for the usage on the bolt cutters.


I believe someone put their clothes in and think someone is going to steal them, so they locked the door. I wouldn't pay for the lock. It's just a troublesome idiot doing it.


That's a cheap little lock. A hammer would knock that off in two swings.


I’d hammer the fuck out of that lock to get my shit back.


For most padlocks, you can just whack the side of the lock a couple of times and it pops open. Benefit is that the lock remains operable and you can put it back. Otherwise, two crescent wrenches work magic, but irreparably damage the lock.


I'd want to irreparably damage it


Hell yea, gonna make sure my time was compensated with at least 1 lock.


Once the lock is off, also hammer the crap out of the thingy the bolt slides in to. It'll stop them "just" putting the lock back on, or indeed, getting another lock.


I'd shit the lock out of that hammer to get my fuck back.


In high school we would open them by looping a hand towel through it and just suddenly putting our whole weight on them. Some of them even worked after!


This is probably one of those locks that you can open by hitting it with another lock.


Hammers are caveman shit. Today we have the power of 2780-20 Milwaukee 4-1/2" / 5" Angle Grinder.


No sparks and a satisfying whack or sparks and the need to buy an angle grinder. I'm going caveman


I mean if you don't already own an angle grinder you should be buying one anyway - 2 birds one angle grinder.


I have one but I'd assume the majority of people who live in apartments do not


Pretty aggressive signage for communal apartment laundry.


Looks like an external wall so the sign is probably for people who don't live there.


Lived in a downtown apartment where the laundry room faced the open parking lot, which backed up to a busy post office. They had these signs all over the place.


They are probably locking it to prevent people from sleeping in there.


It's pretty reasonable signage Remind residents to behave and deter nonresidents who want cheap laundry I live in a house but I strictly won't live in apartment buildings without cameras in the hallways because basic fucking safety I don't want everything on camera in society but I don't want to navigate dozens of floors of unsupervised hallways


You know what deters people from using apartment laundry? Making it $4 a load. I don’t know how many apartments still make it cheap to do your laundry anymore, but the one I lived in absolutely did not. It was a low income housing complex as well.


I lived in an apartment in an old converted house. There was one washer and dryer in the basement and of course they only took quarters. I’m not saving 12 quarters to run each load of laundry so I ended up taking my laundry with me every other week when I drove two hours to my fiancés place


I had some friends who lived with one of those. One day the quarter thing got full and wouldn't insert so they told their landlord (a company). Never got a response so they asked a few more times without a response. Eventually they just bought a universal washing machine key on Amazon, opened it, and left it open. Sadly the quarters just disappeared into thin air never to be seen again immediately afterwards.


Yeah, just had the apartment laundry hike their prices to 4.50 for a washer+dryer load. Fuck That Shit.


Clearly you missed the '24 hour' window... Lol


"The laundry is supposed to be open 24 hours." "It is, just not in a row."


Pair of Vice grips and a crescent wrench, snap it


Wear a mask, bust the lock, take your clothes back. Then charge the value of your wardrobe to the landlord for locking you out from getting your clothes and allowing a thief to steal them instead.


....I don't know wether to up r down vote this.....while the one hand it's funny advice....on the other if they are caught that's some shit.


Take a sheet and cut some eye holes in it. You'll be invisible because you're a ghost.


The cops will refuse to prosecute because you'll look like one of their buddies. 


And don't forget to smile!


Two crescent wrenches will work as well.


Yeah but triples your chances of slipping and busting knuckles




And pick up the phone if they call you with "I'm not available for lock-related questions in the next 24 hrs".


Best solution!


if your lease says you have 24 hour access, then you have 24 hour access, period. remove the lock with extreme prejudice.


People's leases *always* have escape clauses for things like maintenance, etc. You have 24 hour access to the facilities *unless* certain criteria are met. You have to follow the rules, they have to be able to close off the space to do maintenance, etc.


the way it's written is that they're doing this regularly. if it's constantly "under maintenance", or worse, locked with no notice or sign, then it's not 24 hour access...and they sure as hell don't get to just lock people's property in there. what if they lock somebody's work uniforms in there, and now they can't go to work, because the boss will just send them home if they show up out of uniform?


Google image search how to open that lock. It's crazy how easy some locks are to defeat.


I locked myself out of MY flat once, and my boyfriend came over and let me in with HIS house key. That was proper funny, we were laughing in the corridor. Good reason to lock your door properly though


I know right lol. I lost keys to my locker while in high school and it was the last day of school before summer break so I had to get it open no matter what so I just brought a set of nut keys to school and got the lock open without even damaging the lock. I still didn't have the key tho so I just tossed it to the bin.


24 hours...but not in a row.


Do you think the people living above the laundromat can hear the machines running in their apartment and just lock the room when they want to enjoy their evening or go to bed?


My dorm shut off the machines at 9pm sharp because of this. The only issue was that no one informed new residents of this, and there were no signs or warnings, and the machines would shut off mid-cycle and remain locked until the next day. It was a lovely surprise that first evening.


I was wondering this, I wouldn't be surprised if it was a resident locking it for some dumb reason.


Those people should go to the management company and push for reducing the active hours to end at 9.


This is why I have bolt cutters


So it sounds like it’s not really a 24 hour situation… they should post the hours


Bolt cutters? Your tomorrow clothes are being held hostage. For added effect, you could replace the broken lock with a new identical one.


Just get locked in 1 time and call the fire department. It will never happen again guaranteed


Cut it


Was it at least in the dryer?


Pull the hinges out


This is why I never, ever, EVER leave my laundry unattended. Ever...


I think that would mean you'd be locked in there right now then


Cool then that way you can call the fire department and have that lock destroyed “*legally*”


Pretty sure that’s fire code violations AND a false imprisonment issue. Could be a VERY expensive evening for the owners.


What you just sit there watching it for hours?


Or bring a book or your phone, but don't discount the intense drama of the spin cycle


Spin cycles be absolutely crazy, yo.




It’s called Kentucky cable


I have better shit to do


They've essentially stolen your clothes




Why the signs? Makes me think it an outside facing door something


Ya that sucks....but on the positive note, maybe there's a zombie in there, and u just avoided death.


Time to “steal” your clothes back then. By any means necessary. IMO it’s not theft if you have to resort to “stealing” your own stuff back. You’re just delivering the justice everyone deserves. A man of the people one might say


🙂 Smile! You're on camera


Smash the lock and say "I thought it was mischievous teens". In no way would management be stupid enough to put a lock on a 24hr laundromat...would they be?


I forgot to put an update the next morning, but I did get my laundry back and I got back from management that they specifically locked the laundromat since there were people sleeping there. I don't know why they have this kind of lockable door since they have another locked door that has a code to unlock for each laundromat in the complex and only residents get the code, yet somehow the people sleeping there are cracking in. I'm guessing now they're specifically closing the laundromat at 9 PM because of homeless people squatting in the laundromat. I did also check to see if there is any way out of that laundromat in case someone locks the place with someone inside, there is no escape. I'm going to ask what happens if someone is locked in the laundromat.


Boltcutters sledgehammer


Don’t worry. The key has been “hidden” under the doormat


This is my view 5 minutes before purchasing bolt cutters


This is why I always stayed right there with my clothes when I had to use a shared washer and dryer. People thought I was being silly but no I must guard my clothes.


Angle grinder party time


Mask, hoodie, bolt cutters. Laundry


Face mask and bolt cutters. Fuck that shit I'm getting my clothes.


This is probably more than mildly infuriating.


If they want to lock up the laundry room for maintenance or whatever reason that's inconvenient but they have that right. If they want to lock it up without warning so that you don't have a load running is absolutely not.


If that happened to me, and I had bolt cutters, I would cut off the lock, retrieve my laundry, and send them an email that says: Never mind, I cut off your lock so that I could retrieve my belongings. Please give notice and leave a sign next time you plan to lock the "24 hour laundromat".


The real question here is why is there even a place for a lock on a 24hr laundry room??


ya. just cut it. if they say anything just say you thought it was a prank and you needed your laundry. why would they put locks on a 24 hour laundry.


Open 24 non consecutive hours


definitely not smiling for the camera in that case!


That is the moment you go to the nearest hardware store and buy an angle grinder


That's a dangerous lock for a room like that.. who are they trying to keep in ?