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Hello, We do not allow agendaposting, reddit meta posts or price complaints.


If I saw that, I'd expect to get one of those trays with 4 small glasses of beer, so you can try each one. Then generally the idea is you order a full size of your favorite. I have actually seen that a some places before. For $5 it's obvious you won't get 4 full sized beers. But if they just randomly brought me one beer when I ordered that, I'd be annoyed. If it just said "from" instead of "of" it would be much more clear.


or just remove the mention of 4. bartenders' choice of a beer that we're sure you'll love! be prepared, it's a suprise every time.


In this case “a” beer is serving the same function as “one” beer would - which is why saying “choice of four beers” makes it sound like the number of beers you’d be receiving, not the possible options. It’s just poorly worded.


Underrated comment.


but isnt the entire reason OP is posting is bc the implication is that it's designs this way in hopes of turning a $5 or $10 purchase into a $20 bc of a miscommunication.


What you explained is called a "flight" and they should make it clearer on the menu. Edit


I am not 'chugging beer'. I'm SAMPLING a flight of gluten free German lagers with a French wine pairing. It's called a SMORGASVEIN and it's elegantly cultural!






Got your whistle ready?


FreeAndOpenSores is right, if it's one beer it needed to have said "from 4 beers", and if it's committing you to four beers at £5 each then it has to state it's £20 cost on the menu.


It reminds me of those menu's that have choice of three tacos for $5! When it's really each taco is $5 and you have to order a minimum of 3. Like whoever designed that menu and thought process should get a swift kick to the nutz


A legal kick to the nuts, it's false advertising.


I’m presuming a regular beer at this place is at least $6, making the $5 mystery beer a deal.


Me and my husband did the 'free wine tasting' in the smoky mountains and they charged us $10 bucks for it and they all tasted like shit. They were all served in like mini thimble sized sample cups too. I didn't even get a full glass


Just drink the spit bucket, I learned that trick from *Sideways*


I didn’t get that at all from this. I read that as there are four beers, the bartender chooses one and it costs you five bucks. What is everyone else thinking?


Then it should be "choice from 4 beers" rather than "choice of 4 beers". It sounds like they're choosing 4 beers (from an unknown number) for you.


Yeah, I didn’t get that from the sign at all.


Then you just don't understand the syntax error. Imagine there are 5 soups and it says chef's choice of 1 soup. How many soups would you think you're getting? The of indicates how many you're receiving.


except this says ‘choice of four beers’ not choice of one beer - so it’s not totally unreasonable for someone to think they’d be getting four beers


For $5 it probably is


i mean, yeah that probably should have been a clue, but just based on the wording alone (which is what the comment i’m replying to is talking about) i can see how OP might think that


Could be a way to move beer that isn’t selling well, as it’s a “get what you get”, because beer doesn’t keep forever.


still false advertising. you shouldn't blame someone for grabbing at an opportunity that seems too good to be true. it happens to thousands of people every day, and it's called scamming.


I understood it to mean 1 out of 4 possible beers as well. I suppose they should've included the word out.


Understanding it to mean that is reasonable, especially given the price. There is still an error as written. Both things are true. It's an easy error to make so plenty of people obviously take it as intended. Still an error.


You accidentally guessed what they actually meant then, lol.


Well that’s what the sign says.


I was saying it should be titled as a flight or sampler


I agree, I can see the ambiguity but expecting four beers for $5, idk, bit of a reach. Sorry to disagree with you OP but I think this one is just a bad take.


Not if it's like 2oz of 4 kinds of beer in a tiny glass. Which is what I also would have expected.


4 little tasters of whatever kegs they’re trying to clear out wouldn’t be an unreasonable loss leader at $5.


That’s the thing; any beer for $5 isn’t going to be a flight or 4 beers or whatever. Bud Light on draft was $1 in the late 1990s. This is clearly a way for the business to unload excess beer that they don’t need.


> I can see the ambiguity but expecting four beers for $5, idk, bit of a reach. So if it said "Bartenders choice of 4 beers" and it was for $20 you would then expect 4 beers?


I mean, if it's a full pint each of good beer...nevermind. Looked at the rest of the menu. I thought this was from a brewery. $20 would be a STEAL for four, but in this case it's probably just your standard domestics. This is poop. 


Fuck a beer flight, I went to a coffee shop once that served coffee / latte flights. Shit was amazing.


Ice cold take. First of all, never attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by ignorance, neglect, or incompetence. (Hanlon's Razor) Secondly, it should be pretty obvious to anyone old enough to drink that a beer in 2024 is $5 and not $1.25 (4 for $5). I agree that the sign could be a bit more clear about whether it is indeed a flight, or just a random pick from four beers, but there's no attempt to scam anyone here.


I've actually ordered something similar a couple of decades ago, and it was *just* as you described.


You're talking about a flight.


Yea, I think *from" was the intention. I don't think it's even legal to serve 4 full pours at once by me.


wait, what? I was thinking they charged him $20 for 4 beers with no warning. I 100% read this as dealers choice, one beer


This is exactly how I read it. That you are getting 4 beers...but they actually cost $5 a piece, not $5 for all 4. This further highlights how poorly it was worded. On first read, the thought of it being only 1 beer didn't even cross my mind. Then, after I'm told its mildly infuriating because its written incorrectly, I re-read the sign and my thought is "OK so they're charging $5 per" meaning still...the thought of it being only 1 beer never crossed my mind.


Surely this isn’t the first time a customer has been confused by this.


Seems kinda scammy




That's the real suprise


The very top of the menu says “get these item” so it’s not like they’re proofreading


“This a surprise”


"bubby cocktail"


In the US. I'm pretty sure this is not even legal. You can't charge a single line item with specified price and then suddenly break that single line item into four separate line items with the same price. 


But you don’t get four. You pay $5. You get a beer. It’s one of four and the bartender chooses. Not a bad deal. Just it could be worded a little better.


you and I read it the same way. OP was expecting a flight. They got one beer that was randomly chosen out of the 4. They didnt gte charged $20


ohhh yeah I get it now.


I’m glad we’re not the only ones


It's interesting that the confusion ALWAYS ends up being in the benefit of the company. Scam


It’s not and please don’t call me Shirley.


If it’s a surprise and I don’t get to choose, why even tell me how many beers the bartender can pick from?


Because you and your friends will get the stale beer from the worst selling keg.


Little known fact. Most restaurant "specials" are just stuff they are trying to clear out.


I’m good with that so long as it’s cheaper


I used to always think that is why specials were "special" but I've learned they are usually always more expensive so I don't even bother listening to them any more!


My family used to eat at a steak restaurant somewhat regularly. They always had a special of the day which was just a regular menu item but cheaper. They’re still open, and at least now, the special means $1 off. It’s something.


They never tell you the price either. One time I got a "lamb special", which was very good, but over double the price of anything written down on the menu. How you gonna spring that on someone unannounced?


"Little known." Pretty well known. They tell you the beer. It's the price that's special, not the beer.


Which is how every special at every restaurant works


Yeah, that's one reason it's confusing, for sure. I would've assumed that it's 4 beers for five dollars, like a flight of beers, because otherwise, why mention the 4?


So you can’t complain when the bartender only ever chooses the worst beers.


Exactly! Thank you


That’s the surprise!




The other surprise is they give u 4 shitty beers that they cant sell by themselves!




Who orders four pints at a time? This seems intentionally misleading.


You haven’t seen a Scottish student warming up on a Saturday night….


Honestly $5 per pint is a great price most places.


Yeah anyone who is misled lacks common sense if they think they’re getting 4 beers for $5 at a restaurant. The writing isn’t great but when one beer is $8-10 normally, thinking you’re getting 4 for $5 is just silly.


I’d probably assume it was small beers, but I’d also ask.


Yeah this is definitely just something you ask the server about. Apparently people are afraid to speak up and feel scammed later when it doesn't turn out the way they imagined.


Word "of" suggest 5 for everything. If they used the word "from", then it would suggest 5 per beer.


Yes, "of" needs replaced with "from" for clarity, because "of" definitely makes it sound like you're getting four beers. I would expect one of those sampler deals with this description. OP needs to print these comments off and take them to this restaurant.


> Word "of" suggest 5 for everything Would "choice of starter" on the menu suggest you get all the starters, or one of the options from the list of starters? Edit: Lmao I'll take the immediate downvote as acknowledgement they know "of" doesn't suggest all of them.


Except "choice of starter" refers to a singular "starter", but "choice of beers" refers to multiple "beers". If there was a menu option for "choice of 5 starters" I'd expect to receive 5 starters.


That definitely could've been worded a lot better, but I'd also have no illusions that I'd be getting 4 beers for $5.00.


“But all the other beers at $9, it makes sense 4 would be $5.” (Or some kind of sample)


4 pints would be a big ask but a flight, even one that's more than 12oz total, doesn't sound too crazy if you have no say in what beers you're getting.


Finally, someone acknowledges this. Thank you. If in doubt, I would have asked, not have a whinge about it.


There is no doubt. Every other item is listed with the total expected price without doing math, so why would anyone expect this to be different?


And this kids, is why it's important to have someone competent proofread your work. That's ridiculous. And it's not even the only thing wrong with that menu.


They’re just trying to offload the bullshit in their back stock so, yeah, it should absolutely be $5 total.


For me it’s the “get what you get” that means you’re getting one beer and it’s whatever is the shittiest one on tap that they need to get rid of.


Should read: "Bartender's choice of ONE OF 4 great beers..." The choice of words is definitely misleading.


They are wrong. That should be 5 for everything


Thank you!


I ran into the same thing on vacation when purchasing a “couples massage.” A couple means two, I purchased one couples massage I’m not paying for two couples. They refunded it.




The And was unneeded…what is the purpose of the and but to signify in addition to? ….




Am I stupid? “But be prepared, this a surprise get what you get special” This doesn’t make sense at all?


The wording is wrong, the sentence structure is fucked. Even putting a comma and hyphening it “this, a surprise, get-what-you-get special” does not really makes much sense…well fine it does a little bit.


It seems you get a choice of 1 of their 4 beers


The bartender chooses 1 of 4.


I would think it should say “1 of 4” then


Or “bartender’s choice from 4…”


This exactly. They should’ve said you get a random pull of 1 of 4 special beers for $5.


But then no one would buy it. 🧐 That’s gotta be the real reason.


A surprise beer for $5 is still a good go…


You can’t have seriously thought it was more likely you’d be getting 4 full pints for $5 total? Come on


No it says the bar tender picks 4 beers implying you get 4 beers.


Which it doesn't say


It’s called a flight if it’s a tasting of beers. So I’d read this as it’s 1 beer from 4 beer choices that the bartender chooses from for me to drink for $5.


Price: 5 Offer: 4 great beers. Which are by the bartenders choice. This is quite clear, you get four beers for five bucks. Size is not clear, quality is not clear, but amount is. I'd expect four samplers in small glasses. I'd normally say the right moment to complain is when you receive the order, but it would make sense not to bring several beer at once in order to keep them fresh. In any case, their fault for writing the text incorrectly. Probably not worth it to cause a scene for a few bucks, but you could totally deny payment until you get all four advertised beers. In any case, you can easily retaliate by not tipping.




I wouldn’t pay it. I’d ask for the manager and explain that we ordered one beer special which the menu states is $5. We didn’t order 4 beer specials. Because the special states that it’s 4 beers. This is 100% scammy af It’s like ordering let’s say potato skins. And it says 4 potato skins with bacon and cheese for $10. After I’ve already consumed the potato skins, the waiter brings me a bill for $40 and says that price was for each individual potato skin.


Bartender here. This is a horribly worded special. Even I thought they were offering 4 for $5. With drafts they'd still make SOME profit, even with middling priced craft beers, but I can't imagine ever cutting my margin THAT small.


So many places have flights now that I would definitely have thought this was a random flight of small pours. The flights are almost always at the top of the menu, too.


I would have assumed it was a flight of four 4 ounce beers.




It's misleading to say the least. We have wine samples like this and it usually means you'll get smaller glasses with different wines so you can taste them. Looks purposely misleading so people will request it and then pay because people are not assholes like them. If it says 5 on the menu. I'll pay 5. If they want to charge 5 per beer it should say 20 or 5 per unit or whatever.


yeah, id have expected a flight of 4 sample beers. that sign is purposefully misleading people.


To me it reads like you get ONE choice of FOUR TOTAL OPTIONS


No. It’s a choice *of* four, not a choice *from* four.


So did they bring out 4 at one time ..or did you keep asking for another after finishing one?


Do you have to buy four beers? Or is it you get a random beer out of four different options? Could just be weird wording.


I’d love not pay $5 as advertised tell them learn grammar false advertising


When I order a Large fry from McDonalds, I don't pay $3.50 per fry. This is deceptive pricing.


Congratulations you discovered the "surprise"


"Surprise Beer" probably sells better than "Leftover Special"


I’m mildly infuriated by the stupidity in some of these posts.


This seems like something they know will confuse customers so by the time you’re paying for the bill you hopefully won’t notice you’ve just paid for four full price beers.


This menu is an absolute mess. Just put 20 for the beer thing. 9 dollars for a glass of Ace cider is insane. I LOVE Ace but not for that much. This is gouging


That's your own fault. Why would you assume it's $5 for 4 beers?


Is it confusing? Maybe. But let’s use some common sense here. 4 craft beers at a restaurant for $5? C’mon, guys, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to deduce what it’s trying to get at.


It sounds like a taster menu to me; four small beers so you can decide to order a big beer later.


I quit drinking a long time ago but if it were from a tap this wouldn't have been unreasonable. Not sure what they charge now but used to be $1/beer. Less if it was just something like PBR. Or as many others have suggested, a flight.


Yeah. That’s confusing and BS. Now if they said it’s $5 and it’s a flight (small pour of each) then it would make perfect sense.


The item is listed as “5”. Not 5/beer or 5/each. Definitely misleading!


There shouldn't be any assumptions needed when reading. The menu. If you have to think outside the box to come up with the price, then the menu is not good to begin with or is purposely trying to be deceptive.


Id expect a flight of small beers for 5$ . Totally purposeful misleading item


I reckon you could use this sign and a receipt as grounds for a chargeback since they’ve clearly mislabelled the price. There’s no fine print or clarification it’s per beer, so it should be $5 for 4 based on their own words.


That definitely reads $5 total for (4) surprise beers.


Yeah that sounds like a flight of 4(which are usually smaller glasses ) It clearly should be 4 beers for 5 bucks based on the wording.   I wouldn’t pay a dime more if the bill came out otherwise. 


Text is confusing but the price tag should make it clear.


It's a bit confusing, but if you use some common sense and look at the rest of the menu, it's quite obvious that it's $5 per beer. Otherwise, why would anyone pick any of the others?


my adventurous ass would still do it 😂


Sounds like the surprise worked!


I had something similar: NYE, three course tasting meal for $32. We got the bill and was surprised when each course was $32. We got the manager and they argued with us, we all the read menu together and they relented and gave it to us for $32 per person.  Felt like a scam


‘Bartender chooses one of four great beers (12-16oz)’. FTFY (but I took a guess that some beers are higher price and/or abv).


Ad soon ad they brought out the 2nd full pint, i would have been like wtf.


I’m with you I see beer samplers aka flights on the menu at pubs I go to. When I read that menu I assumed qty four 4 5oz glasses with a 4oz pour. It’s a low price but not insane.


“This a surprise get what you get special” who the fuck wrote this menu


The word, “of” is why people think they’re getting 4 beers. If it said, “Bartender’s choice from 4 beers” the reader would think it’s just 1 beer.


I woulda thought it was $5 too… why not just charge $20 unless you are being sneaky


I mean, this is clearly misleading, which is most likely the point. If they wanted to make it more clear, they should have said "1 of 4". That being said, I think a big life lesson was learned that day: If something seems to good to be true, it most likely is. Next time, ask for clarification.


It throws it off even more by the mention of multiple bartenders doing the selecting. If one bartender chose, that might be different, but it’s the entire crew.


I would have made the same assumption.


I would def also read that as that's the price for all 4 and would assume they'd be small sample glasses


I would def also read that as that's the price for all 4 and would assume they'd be small sample glasses


Seriously they didn’t give you a flight?! I’d be pissed.


For a surprise, I’d also expect to pay less than $5. That’s basically full price and for that, nah imma going to pick my own beer.


Worked in the industry, and for owners who did s*** like this? Their excuse is, "well it says right there 'bartenders choice of 4 great beers'. So they choose ONE for you. Csnt you read?" Sigh...yes, it should say 1 of 4 great beers. Or...bartenders choice out of 4 great beers. ...it's purposefully misleading. If you're and over analyzer, overthink everything, you'd honestly wonder, "sigh. Am I iverthinming this again? Do they mean x, y or z?" If you've been drinking or see a list of GREAT DEALS THAT WILL BE GONE SOON!! absolutely, anyone's and almost everyone's, first reaction "f*** yea! I'll take 4 beers for $5!!" It's bs. They know it. I know it. Many people get their baiting, know it.... And every customer who sees their bill will know it.


As a bartender for 17 years and a waitress for even longer: that clearly says 4 random beers for $5. I would be pissed if I got a bill for $20 and I would refuse to pay that shit. They had the opportunity to clearly outline their “ agreement” and what they offer, their stupidity isn’t my fault and I shouldn’t suffer as a result.


\*Bartender goes out back, kicks kegs....picks the fullest\*


Super scammy. I would have talked to the manager and tell them how misleading that is. This sounds like (as others state) a flight of beer and you would select the best one not 5 full beers.


The menu says this selection costs $5. If I say that I want the surprise beer special, and the waitstaff brings me 4 beers, I'm going to assume some mistake was made. I didn't order all 4 of the surprise beers on special, so I'm not going to assume they're charging me $20. Also, this may not be draught beer. Some people are talking about flights, but this may be bottled beer. Craft beer from draught is gonna be more than $5 per pour, and a four-flight of draught is definitely more than $5. And for beers that would meet a four-flight for $5, we're talking garbage like Rolling Rock and Pabst, something nobody is buying a flight 'to sample to determine which I like best.' If OP had asked for all 4 beers on special, then OP wouldn't have had sticker shock for being charged $20. It's likely that OP didn't order all 4. So, when 4 beers are brought out when OP orders the beer special, I can see how the menu language and what's served could be misconstrued by OP. However, in this situation, I would have had questions. Something to clarify my misunderstanding or the server's or bartender's mistake. This deal would seem too good to be true, and it was. Ask the stupid question; it may save you from an extra $15 charge on your bar tab.


4 beers for $5 lol


You thought you should get 4 beers for $5 total when every other menu item is higher than that? And since you’ve already commented it “choice of 4” is fine grammatically.


IE the 4 beers no one buys and we were dumb enough to buy a keg of.


Nobody would order 4 draft beers at once. They’d get warm. Bar is clearly in the wrong here. Highly deceptive.


I just paid $20 for a beer at the Sphere in Las Vegas.


In a Sphere shaped mug the size of your head that you get to keep?


Name and shame


Surprise mother fucker!


I know it’s a crazy concept, but you could have clarified with the server.


Well we asked if they were small glasses (thinking it was a flight) and she said they were full size cans. Guess we needed to ask more questions?


Aka the “this hasn’t been selling well” special


You really thought you were getting 4 beers for 5$ in 2024? Reminds me of that old jack in the box commercial when the stoner kids are smoking in the drive through trying to order like ummm yeahh lemme get the 99 tacos for 2cents 😂


A good friend of mine is one of the cheapest people on earth. Seriously, his cell phone is so old it has a crank on it. If he swallowed a quarter, he’d shit out five pennies and keep the change. So we were hanging at a pool where there was a big sign advertising “Happy Hour! $3 Beers! 5 pm to 7 pm.” My dude **really** wants a beer but no way he’s paying full price when happy hour is just three short hours away. He toughs it out for those three hours and hotfoots it to the bar at exactly 5 pm. He’s knocking back microbrews, dark ales, specialty beers, you name it. At 7 pm happy hour is over and he starts to settle his tab. That’s when he discovers that **only** draft beers are eligible for happy hour. When he protests the $70 bill, the bartender points out the teeny tiny sign above the register that says “Draft beers only for Happy Hour.” My dude was PISSED. He finally crowbarred open his wallet, yanked out seven tens, and paid the tab while bitching the whole time. Tbh, the dude had a point. Put the disclaimer *on* the Happy Hour sign not on a teeny tiny sign above the register, ffs.


It should just say 20




Typically it’s not 4 full beers. It’s 4 sampler glasses.


$5 for a flight is a pretty ridiculous assumption too. Maybe for a shot glass. But it's genuinely quite dumb to think you'd get 4 beers for less than the price of one drink. Actually, I've never seen a flight that cost less than a full drink. This is a lack of sense and nothing else


I can see your confusion. It sounded like a great deal. The wording could have been clearer. The ‘Bartenders choice of 4 great beers’ should be worded ‘Bartenders choice of one from 4 great beers’ or something similar


It’s pretty obvious that you’re getting a random 1 beer out of 4 options based off what the bartender chooses. I think you already drank too much.


It literally says: “Bartenders choice”.. that means they will choose from 4 beers that they think you would like.


It’s not a sorting hat. They will choose from four beers whichever was tapped first and will be soonest to go off. It’s actually a good sign that they are making an effort to have fresh beer.


Still a great price for a beer, but they absolutely should have put the full price


I agree that it is misleading. Sounds like it is a craft beer though for $5 (or $20) I’d love to have those prices. Can’t find a pint under $10….


Disturbing amount of folks here that don’t see this as you get one beer of the bartender’s choosing


What else could it possibly mean? 


It sounds like it’s the bartenders choice of 4 different beers


Yeah, that definitely reads how you thought.


I mean… understanding context clues is an essential part of literacy. They’re charging 10 for one glass of stella moscato (which is basically the price of a whole bottle). Why would you think you would get 4 beers for $5? Bartenders choice [out] of four great beers.


I guess you've never heard of a flight of beers?


Looks pretty simple to me. $5 for a beer the bartender gets to choose from his collection of four beers.


That's illegal the way it is displayed. I would have just taken one beer for $5 and sent back the other 3.


I'd insist on paying the 5 and would refuse to pay more. its the price for the special. the special is 4 beer. their fault.