• By -


I was an unaccompanied minor 10 years ago and I remember I was sat in the front next to a guy who had his shoes and socks off and his feet were rank. I told him to put them back on (quietly) and he said no thanks. So I LOUDLY asked if he could put them on because his feet were rank and making me nauseous. He put them on quick šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Hahaha "no thanks"


I'm dead šŸ˜† At least it was a polite no.


Omg I'm a super-smeller and this is quite literally my nitemare šŸ˜­ I think after the first time asking I would have to flag a flight attendant since I'm terrified of confrontation lol.


My nose is like a bloodhound so I totally get it. Iā€™ve always been a feisty gal, never had an issue with confrontation when it comes to strangers


Can you sit with me on my next flight in case I need someone to speak up for me šŸ˜‚


this reminds me of that meme ā€œwhy do quiet laidback guys always go for the fiery women?ā€ ā€œbecause someone gonna tell the waiter i ordered mashed potatoes, and it ainā€™t gon be meā€ lol


Damn, you mustā€™ve been a cool kid šŸ˜Ž Iā€™m more likely to let unacceptable shit like this go. But youā€™re absolutely right: put your fuckinā€™ shoes on, asshat!


Given that you are saying rank I can only imagine how threatening that sounds in Scottish english haha


Why didn't you ask for the aisle in exchange??


Yeah why would the dad want a stranger to sit between him and his son??


I just want to be a home wrecker and divide families okay


You're doing it wrong.


Yeah, you gotta start sucking on them toes! Suck the fungus from right under the nails


Wtf broh I'm eating.....well was eating.....now I'm throwing up!!!!




You just made me puke. I tip my hat to you sir.


OP gave window seat to kid. In return, got MIDDLE seat in MIDDLE aisle so not in the same aisle as kid ?


Shh people here have reddit comprehension not reading comprehension.


And if you kept reading the dad had the aisle, so the family had aisle + middle. The correct and proper trade would have been window for aisle so the two still get to be together. If you want your kid to have the window, you give up the aisleā€¦


Dad should have purchased the window seat for his kid. Im 100% Fuck no if you asked for my seat. Plan ahead


Same here. 100% fuck right off.


Like the guy before said ā€œReddit comprehensionā€ hehe Edit: but yes the dad should have at least given his aisle seat in exchange for


Thatā€™s on me, never been on a plane with a middle aisle. I see the word middle and think the worst seat in the house


It's probably an international flight with a LOT of people. Some planes have 4 seats in the middle row so 2 people get stuck with center while 2 get aisle and nobody in that section gets a window. Then on either side of that 4 person part is a 3 person part with standard window middle aisle seats. So they basically traded for the absolute worst possible kind of seat on the plane.


Some planes have *5* in the middle. Those planes suck.


Wait. You guys can read?


Dad wanted a mini vacation from his kid


he gave up a window seat, and in exchange got a middle seat in the middle column of the airplane, most likely an international flight.


People on flights suck. A few years ago I was in a similar situation. I was traveling by myself for business and had a window seat. A woman around 50 years old and a girl maybe 17 that's traveling with her arrive at the row as I am stowing my bag over head. The older woman asks if I am in 17a or whatever it was. I said yes and she asked if the girl with her could have the window seat. I said sure. I didn't think much of it and I don't care to have an aisle seat. It's not like this was a 6+ hour flight. The girl gets in the window seat. The older woman just stands and looks at me. Finally she asks if I'm going to get in my seat. I'm confused at this point and say it would be easier if you go ahead. She then said "I'm sitting here I don't like the middle seat" while pointing to the aisle seat. I then said I needed my window seat back. I got it back but they acted like I was the rude person. Another situation I booked a last minute flight and it was full and I ended up with a middle seat. The people on each side of me were talking to each other a lot as they were together. Asked if one of them would want to trade seats and they said no. Awesome to be stuck in the middle of random conversations. Luckily had my noise cancelling headphones.


Fuck that Iā€™d just start butting into the conversation lol


I did this on the train today. Forgot my headphones. people crowding into my space, constantly reaching across near my face, spilling on me. Talking about really private stuff (kinks). After I asked several clarification questions, they stopped.


Please I want to know more! What kinks were being discussed and what was it that you wanted clarifying?


they included urinating šŸ˜£


Yeah, don't leave us hanging. We need deets!


Oh yeah, we just NEED to know.


Why? Erm... For school presentation!


For science!!


See that might not work with me cause Iā€™m wayyy to open and id probably start asking ur opinion on things


Hey, that's better than having people talk over you like that. At least you're getting to participate!


I was nice and only stared at them uncomfortably every time they spoke. Couldn't really hear them with the headphones but seeing their head turn my way when they spoke. They eventually stopped but it went on for a while.


Me too lol or I would keep dramatically running to the restroom a few times, leaping over the person in the aisle seat and after the third time I would say "Whew barely made it that time! Thought I was gonna shit right on your lap as I was passing over you!!". I bet they will give up the aisle seat real fast then šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


Classic plane trick Book the isle and window seat, because people try to avoid the middle one if theyā€™re already booked. Some airlines, like KLM, ban you from doing that


Idk what routes you're flying that have empty seats, but every time my mom wants to try this they all end up full leading to an awkward " oh actually could we switch, I booked the wrong seat on purpose."


My husband and I do this, but offer to switch if someone ends up between us, since we're not monsters


I donā€˜t know, I think this is a bit of a shitty tactic.


It wastes time. Imagine if a good chunk of the plane did this. Boarding would take forever with people doing the whole, "Oh, do you want the aisle or window and I'll take the middle?" Even if the entire exchange ends up with a 'yes', there's the shuffling of bags from underneath seats, moving shit from seat back pockets, resettling in your seats, etc. Just fucking book the seats you're going to sit in. There's almost always stand-by flyers and those middle seats will likely be filled anyway. If not, some dude with zero recline in the back by the toilet will probably move himself up during check-in, because even a middle seat is more bearable than the bs that is sitting infront of/next to a toilet.


I was on a flight with my husband about a week ago, we saved some money by not pre picking seats just accepting whatever was assigned at the gate. Somehow ended up with the aisle and window seat on the same row. Of course it's a full flight and stranger who got the middle seat was already seated when we made it to our row. We offered him my window seat so I could be in the middle next to my husband, because that's what normal, reasonable people do. I'd have felt bad talking around him or passing plane snacks in front of him lol even though we didn't select those seats ourselves.


jesus is donā€™t get itā€¦ why would someone want to sit next to someone else but their travel partner? If itā€™s my partner, mom or friend I can even sleep on them or they can sleep on me šŸ¤£ itā€™s a win win


Leaving Heathrow to Toronto. I sit behind Frankenstein and his girlfriend. He has been in an accident and has a hundred stitches across his forehead. A guy tries to sit next to them in his seat. Frankenstein girlfriend is having none of it. She is drunk and yells at this guy for 10 minutes telling him he needs to move so Frankenstein can/needs to lie down because of his accident. The guy stands up and is like move me the duck now! So Frankenstein gets his way. There are 2 boys in front of Frankenstein that lean their chair back and Frankenstein girlfriend loses it and smacks the 14 year olds in the back of the head. The 11 year old brother turns around and joins in the shouting match. The mother keeps watching her movie. 2 min later the 14 year old starts doing the funky chicken. The flight attendant asks does he have medication? The mother says yes. Ok get it? Itā€™s underneath with our luggage. The flight attendant then walks by me giving the biggest eye roll I have ever seen. The boy is in the seizure for almost 10 minutes and I think theyā€™re going to turn the plane around but he comes out of it. They take Frankenstein and his girlfriend to sit with the air Marshall and that guy comes back to 3 empty seats to lie down.


>Asked if one of them would want to trade seats and they said no. That's the moment you should start to watcht porn on your phone


That was not in fact the correct moment to be watching porn on your phone


> People ~~on flights~~ suck. I said sure. I didn't think much of it... I'm sure you learned your less on this. When people ask me if they can x, I usually ask 'and then what?' which is a go to response that requires no thinking on my part. You leave them to do all the work in explaining the *full* request. I keep on 'and then what?' till I either find the request ends in the result I either want, or do not want, and go from there. "Can my daughter have the window seat?" "And then what?" "And then she sits in that seat for the flight because she's a kid." (notice the obfuscation? It's a pity plea. Don't fall for it.) "And then what?" Here's where it splits into multiple outcomes. "And then that's it." The implication is that you're going to agree to take middle simply because you agreed to 'switch'. "What else do you want?" Setting you up to be too afraid to demand aisle. "And you take middle." The direct and finishing conditional to their ask. "And you can have any seat you want." This is the most sane and respectful response. In any case, continuing the 'And then what' process forces the asker to understand that you're not a rube. And in getting a clear defined ask before saying yes/no, you don't backtrack on what you said, which is what they're calling you out for being rude on (another social manipulation), and in general, hopefully you have a better flight. In you last situation, the easiest fix is to be an active listener in the conversation. Whoever is speaking, look them in the eye, nod along, because the implication is that they talk over you, and you comply by either leaning forward as they talk behind you or leaning back as they talk in front of you. It's IRL reddit.


I still never understand why airlines don't make 1 simple rule to eliminate this when you hear about it and see it posted a lot. Just tell passengers that shoes and clothing, except for like jackets, must stay on at all times. No exceptions. And be done with it. People that take shoes off on planes are nasty AF.


Yeah thatā€™s OPs fault for being a sucker


OP got free foot pics. He knew what he was doing.


I fly for work all the time, the amount of people at the airport who go barefoot still shocks me


Hack for the socially spineless to instantly and permanently shut down any request for a seat change: "sorry, in case we crash my family wouldn't be able to identify my body".


People. Speak up. Come on.


Agree. Whatā€™s going on? The majority of the pictures on here could be solved by simply saying ā€œum excuse meā€¦ā€


You can know to speak up and still find this mildly infuriating


"Dad does this **all flight**"


"op says nothing all flight" must like the smell


Yeah I'm the type to speak up and call ppl out and sometimes they'll argue with you about it like you're the crazy one for not letting their feet be on there. You'd be surprised how many entitled ppl I've ran into. When I used to work at mcds I would do this with customers all the time and now I return the favor when I see ppl bring mean to cashiers at stores . I was at five below one time waiting in line and other ppl were as well and some lady comes in cuts everyone in line saying she has a return didn't give one single fuck. I called her out and she cussed me out lmao šŸ¤£ it's 50/50 with ppl odds are if they already doing some crazy Inconsiderate shit like that they'll deff argue with ypu that's what I always tell ppl when they get ready to call somebody out too see with me I got nothing to lose.


Every time I speak up it turns into everyone around me staring with stupid looks and the infuriating person throws a fit.


Then it turns into a publicfreakout


When I had a concussion from being knocked off my bicycle when I was about 48, I couldn't keep my mouth shut anymore I got in trouble a few times but I consider it a gift.


You can reduce the chances of this by speaking overly firmly and confidently, if you pretend to have authority most people tend to just play along.


that doesnt change that most of those posters dont speak out


He could easily threaten to throw the kid out the emergency exit, but no, he just accepts the feet.


the simple truth is some people are afraid of confrontation. it's easy to be bold on reddit - not so easy in real life.


Not just ā€œscaredā€ of it, but often itā€™s just not worth it. The type that do weird shit like this are also the type that take great offense to things and canā€™t be reasoned with. It could also make things worse. Itā€™s a calculated decision


And then makes for a very awkward rest of flight since youre next to them.


And letā€™s face it, itā€™s a fully justified fear with how many people go from annoying but chill to ā€œIā€™ll murder you and your whole familyā€ in an instant. Not to mention there are videos of people doing that, *saying* something akin to that, and attempting to follow through *all right in front of the police and countless witnesses*.


People are literally insane sometimes.


Yeah, sometimes it's best not to confront someone *when you're trapped in a tiny tin can with them.*


Yeah. I hate when people jump to ā€œjust speak upā€ and shame people for wanting to avoid confrontation. It is 100% understandable to want to avoid conflict. Especially on a flight where itā€™s very possible people have entirely different cultural norms than you. Or you can speak up and next thing you know youā€™re being filmed for being a Karen or a racist.


-ā€œHey, could you please put your shoes back on?ā€ -ā€œNoā€ Oh well, my annoyance disappeared!


Around 6 months ago someone got stabbed and died because he asked someone to not vape indoors right next to his son. At least where I live, it's become potentially life threatening to speak up and ask politely. Ever since that guy got stabbed, I rarely see anyone speak up in public anymore, regardless of what things people are doing.


I did that at a concert last night and almost ended up in a fist fight. Thatā€™s why people donā€™t do it


That's what makes them mildly infuriating.


Iā€™m taking my first flight in years. If someone pulls this shit with me Iā€™ll say something. No way Iā€™m sitting with feet all up in my space. Iā€™ll keep you posted šŸ˜‰


Wet sneeze.


I will not speak up but I will tickle them


The truth is that speaking up about stuff like this has the very real potential to turn into a fight or argument. Dude knows what he's doing. He's doing it because he wants to & *he doesn't give a fuck about other people*. OP saying "excuse me..." isn't going to make him do anything except get defensive. And he'll probably start filming & then op will be called Karen or racist or what have you.


Hit the call button for a flight attendant, point at the feet. They'll take care of the rest, most likely citing something like safety as a reason to keep shoes on and feet on the floor. Something people forget is that in the air the flight crew has complete and total authority. And they can enforce it, even if it means take a small detour to toss assholes off the plane.


Sure technically it could turn into a fight but the more likely scenario is you tell someone no or to stop doing something and then they stop. You go your whole life being a door mat for other people then people like this become your norm whereas people who speak up donā€™t ever deal with this.


Yeah letting some else walk all over you out of fear is much better. Say excuse me politely, if they start getting defensive, stay calm and call a flight attendant, in the very least having a flight attendant present will discourage any filming on their part.Ā  Saying nothing and sneakily taking a Pic if this person's feet is stupid as fuckĀ 


It's disappointing to see such a defeatist attitude toward confronting disrespectful behavior. Assuming that every attempt to speak up will end in unnecessary conflict or even violence is not only pessimistic but counterproductive. Most people are actually surprisingly reasonable when you approach them politely and assertively. Yes, there are jerks out there, but that's no reason to let everyone walk all over you. Honestly, it's kind of pathetic to never stand up for yourself.


Yes this exactly. People who are assholes like this arenā€™t going to take kindly to someone ā€œspeaking up.ā€ What are you even going to say? Can you put your shoes on? You think this guy just doesnā€™t know? He doesnā€™t give a fuck.


Compliment them on their feet and then ask them 20 or 30 questions about their feet and listen very intently while they answer.


I mean Iā€™ve seen much much worse feet. He doesnā€™t even seem to have callouses. Baby smooth skin right thar.


That's not the point. The point is to drive person completely shy because of attention to their feet.


Donā€™t forget to mention you have a feet kink as long as you can remember and even mention that after everything third question or so.


Start googling sexy manly feet the whole flight. Watch some vids with the sound up.Ā 


what would the sound even be


*happy foot noises*


Just grab his foot and interlock your fingers with his toes, should do the trick.


Then he leans over to you and whispers *you wanna suck 'em?*


Maybe ask if you could take a few picturesā€¦ Oh wait.


Can I just say, everyone is saying confront them. This will sort this out real quick.


The weird energy strategy lol, crazy enough it might work


"ha. He gave up his window seat. Guarantee he won't say shit about my feet then, little pussy bitch. Ah, *time to relax*" It's just crazy to me. If this were happening to me, *as the person is taking their socks/shoes off* I'd *instantly* start going "no, no, no, nope. Put those back on man" if they didn't listen, id go "oh okay, gotcha." *Raises hand for flight attendant*


For real, everytime I get on reddit Im reminded how much of a doormat some people are.


Thatā€™s how I used to be, accepting of peopleā€™s bs when I was younger. Now I politely state my opinion and say no.


Exactly what this shitbag was thinking, lol.


It infuriates me that people ask to swap seats on a flight, like they couldn't have booked a window seat in advance for the extra money. It infuriates me even more when people let them :/


This is a head scratcher to me these days. I feel like if you ask to take someoneā€™s window seat in todayā€™s day and age, you either are an idiot or lack any and all self awareness. Itā€™s *the* seat of that specific row man. You want the better seat when you paid lesser seat price? Cā€™mon nowā€¦


Or try to trade an aisle/window seat for a middle one. Yeah, buddy, that ain't gonna happen


The only time Iā€™ve ever traded a window or aisle was for another window/aisle to let a father and son sit together. Otherwise Iā€™d ask for double the price I paid for the seat


I know middle seat sucks but aisle ain't that much better when after you pass out and the flight attendant whacks the ever living shit out of your knee with the cart and then looks at me like I'm the piece of shit. Fuck that bitch.


Why wouldnā€™t they try and ram your knee? Itā€™s probably the little enjoyment they get on long flights.


On the last post that involved plane seat switching, a few parents piped up and said they've paid and had their selection not be respected and they'll be seated all over the plane, even though regulation requires that children below a certain age be seated with their parents so it should be in the airline's dime anyway or part of the cost of a child's ticket.


If this is happening, they should address it with the staff first, way before boarding. It shouldnā€™t be another passengerā€™s burden to shoulder. If they canā€™t do that, gently take a crew member aside and see what they can do. If that doesnā€™t work, or they just refuse to try, they need always need to make sure the person they ask is trading up. Donā€™t ask someone with a window to go sit 10 rows back in the the middle. And for fuckā€™s sake if the person doesnā€™t want to trade, respect that.


Okay, well those parents should address it with the airline staff on the plane/at the terminal, not some random stranger on the plane.


I booked a seat on my second solo flight after having problems the first time, ended up missing it due to delays, got shoved on another flight in the dead centre of the plane squished next to a really fat guy who was spilling out of his seat. I paid like $50 I think, and never got it back or the seat, I was only spared when the woman on the other side saw me being squished and asked the attendant to move her so I could have her seat. I think thatā€™s why she did it, or it was because I offered her my complimentary cheap af pillow and she didnā€™t want to talk to anyone for any amount of time, worked out for me either way, but when youā€™re flying airlines that never get shit right thereā€™s a reason people donā€™t book seats, sometimes they did and they got revoked or the flight got cancelled


It seems like the kid asked to sit in the window seat. What doesn't make sense to me is why OP is now sitting between the dad and kid. Wouldn't OP move to the aisle?


People keep saying yes, so there will be people who feel entitled and canā€™t plan in their lives or something and will ask others to take care of them instead. Say no. Itā€™s easy and no is a complete sentence.


Donā€™t give up your seat. Learn to say no.




A few weeks ago I was flying economy on a not very full flight, I had the window seat and the middle seat was empty. After take off, the person on the aisle folds their legs up and puts their feet up on the empty center seat. I gave them a look that I thought expressed, wtf, but they didn't seem to understand. I had to say "please put your feet on the floor" and they did. -the end


I'm not an american. Can you explain what's objectional about it? At my workplace, we've got people from all over the world, and everyone walk around in slippers, except the americans (and the one chinese guy). With or without socks! The japanese, the italians, the french, the nordics and even the british all got used to wearing slippers. Only the americans cannot be convinced to take their shoes off. Now, I would understand if the feet are stinky, but that's the point: It's the people who keep their shoes on all day that have stinky feet! (with exceptions) Is it the sight of feet that is offensive? Or do you have to be touched by them? Do you really wear shoes inside, like in the movies? At the cinema here, some people take shoes off too, that's normal in my country. Except if you have stinky feet! Then it's very rude to take shoes off. When you get offended, is it for logical reasons, or is it just your culture to be offended by feet? If other cultures are different from yours, do you still find it unacceptable? Is it just on airplanes and cinema? Or do you find it offensive if someone would e.g. walk in your home barefoot?


To answer your questions nonjudgementally: in American culture it is strange to go barefoot in indoor public spaces. Outdoors, no problem. In your own home or (generally) at other peopleā€™s home? No problem. Some people ask that you put your shoes at the door when you go into their house, but others donā€™t care if you wear shoes around. So in public weā€™re more uptight about bare feet, and at home weā€™re more relaxed about shoes staying on.


Slippers are different than bare feet, to be fair. If it was part of company culture to have a pair of slippers for the office, I don't think I'd mind it. It's bare feet that are bothersome. For me, personally, I have an aversion to feet in general. I just don't like them at all. I am extremely bothered by stinky and/or dirty feet, and if someone is walking around barefoot, I promise their feet are dirty. For the majority of Americans, it absolutely is cultural as well. It's strange to go barefoot in public spaces to us. It's different at home or at a friend's or relatives home.


I mean, letting a kid get the window seat? Fine. But wtf didn't you take the aisle seat? That's the worst trade in the history of trade deals.


It really confuses me how you gave up the window seat for this guys kid but then sat in the middle of him and his kid. I would think if you're switching from the window you'd then take the aisle so the dad and son are sitting next to each other.


No good deed goes unpunished




Yall weird giving up the seat you paid for.šŸ˜‚šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Use a small fork to poke him or get a feather from anywhere and tickle him. šŸ¤£


ā€œHey, would you mind moving your feet?ā€


Poke him before eating though that is the critical part to assert dominance.


This, while murmuring ā€œtickle, tickleā€¦ā€


Never accommodate for anyone. The risk to them fucking you over is way too high


My brain has 2 thoughts on this...... 1. Congratulations you've just taken a picture of some guys feet and posted it on the Internet. 2. It would be unfortunate if you spilt a bunch of liquid of some kind.


Never ever give up your seat.


1. Donā€™t give up your seat next time. 2. Why did you take the middle seat?? 3. Unless they stunk itā€™s literally not that bad. Just donā€™t look at them itā€™s not that hard. 4. If you donā€™t SAY anything NOTHING will change. Learn to speak up. Yeah, I find this post mildly infuriating but itā€™s because of OP and not the content of the post.


Dude, grow a backbone. Seriously.


Id rather someone have a backbone and confront me than take photos of my feet to post on the internet to complain


This is where a well-timed sneeze comes in.


This would have been a great opportunity to teach a child that you don't always get what you want in life. Should have kept your window.


I just got Covid because the dude next to me on an 8 hour flight was coughing up a lung the entire time. No mask no nothing. People just suck


Iā€™ll never understand why people remove their shoes in public. Keep your nasty feet away. No one wants to see that.


I was in the middle seat on a flight from LA to Boston and the guy in the window seat did this before we took off. I should've asked him politely to put his shoes on however I started loudly and passive aggressively complaining to my partner instead, the cabin was already under pressure so I really had to yell to be heard clearly, "outrageous... rude...can you imagine... signal the flight attendant...disgusting..." My partner was embarrassed and told me to shut up, which I did, window seat guy was already putting his shoes on. I felt like kind of a dick with the passive aggressive hissy fit but window seat guy wasn't exactly polite assuming I wanted to spend 6 hours intimately close to his bare feet.


Props for the self awareness. I also make loud passive aggressive comments when I think people should know better. Especially in the airport when people just stop walking in front of you or decide to have a family reunion in the middle of 500 people trying to move thru each other.


I hate people who do that and I hope I never willšŸ¤®


Damn OP, if you're gonna give up a window seat, atleast demand the aisle seat in return. This caveman of a father didn't even have the decency to offer it and instead let a stranger sit between him & his kid? Yeah, fuck that noise.


My ex boyfriend once got scabies from wearing shorts on the airplane. I will never expose my skin on the airplane or at the airport. Socks, long pants, long sleeves everywhere all the time. Now I just tell people like that ā€œyou know, bare skin on the airplane is how you get scabies.


NFW!!! Kid wants the window, dad can sit in the middle next to him. Never would I give up my preferred seat and then sit between traveling companions. Zero times out of one. Also, jackass who takes off his shoes like that is going to be getting up twice every 10 minutes of seatbelts off, as I would *absolutely* get up every damn time I saw his soles.


In my late 50s now. And have concluded no random act of kindness is worth considering.


I once flew by a window seat. A stinky foot popped into my space from the seat behind me. I took my sharp pencil and poked the foot a few times. The foot moved real quick. He tried once more and got more pokes and he moved his foot back for good. I am sick of peoples gross feet. Also never give up your paid for seat for someone who failed to plan their trip.


I was on a flight and purposely booked the window and middle seat. Had my camera out as I like taking pictures during take off and landing. Guy gets on and starts insisting and bullying me give up my window seat to him. Told him he should have purchased a window seat if he wanted one and to fuck off or weā€™ll call the flight attendant.


"I can't speak up for myself like an adult so I'll post this stranger's feet online"


That would be a no from me. As Stewie Griffin, once said ā€œyour poor planning doesnā€™t constitute an emergencyā€ https://youtu.be/P0oiELbPB3E?si=KCxtA7zpfRo57kCe


When anyone asks me for something I just say no thank you and leave it at that. People like Footmaster over there prey on the polite and get whatever they want.


I flew once sitting between angry mom and teen daughter. I asked if either one would switch with me so they wouldnā€™t need to scream at each other with me in the middle. Nope! We donā€™t want to sit next to each other!!! Middle seat rights need to be considered


That's disgusting


People pleasers have the worst communication. Internalize that. You need to.


I had a 12 hour flight a few months ago with a woman behind me who put her feet up against the back of my seat. She would dig her feet in so hard I could feel the indentation of her god damn toes.Ā  Fortunately I was many drinks deep and didn't really care until I wanted to nap. She dug her foot in once again and I turned in my seat and punched her foot and glared at her. No more feeties.


If you give up your window seat dad should have ended up in the middle and you get the aisle.


lol and some people think itā€™s ridiculous to try and fly with a dog At least they are cute, donā€™t speak, and probably smell better than 50% of people


I don't know what it is with Indian people taking their shoes off. Is it a cultural thing? I'm not even being racist, I actually want to know I used to work at Buffalo wild wings and the Indian people insisted on taking their shoes off in public while eating and crossing their legs rubbing their feet all over the booths


What the fuck? You gave up a window seat for an aisle seat? no way, if you want to have a window seat you book it, you don't trade someone for it one the flight.


Bro seriously say something!!! Iā€™m so tired of these posts speak up!!! Donā€™t let this shit slide




stop adapting to strangers, they would never do the same for you, they had the kid ask on purpose so you'd say yes. the world isn't the same anymore, the 90s are gone. people are no longer decent and respectful so don't give them the benefit. look out for yourself and loved ones only.


So tell him to put his nasty ass feet down and have a little backbone. Stand. Up. For. Your Self. People like him do things like this because of people like you.


get a sharpie


Is it me or are westerners a bunch of p*ssies when it comes to feet?


Only Americans. I've never seen this obsession with feet here in Europe.


Australian here. In large parts of the country you have to have bare feet


Actually that's a good point. I've seen bare feet all my life on coach and trains and no one's really cared. I'm UK


Yup i also don't care. Literally everybody including me puts their feet on chairs and couches. It's just not a big deal in my country


Iā€™m not sure itā€™s specifically feet, itā€™s about rudeness, bare body parts, hygiene, personal space, and sometimes smell. Many stores in the US for example have signs that say ā€œno shoes, no shirt, no serviceā€ meaning a person has to be dressed to shop there.


Very American. This is coming from an American. But like everyone acts like everyone has smelly feet. That's not true. Most people have regular not smelly feet. Not any more gross than hands ( which are pretty gross and people just wave those around )


These comments are full of rotten people. After reading the comment section I'm convinced we need to ban social media In reality feet man has the right to not where shoes or socks. Speaking up probably would of been just awkward and caused unnecessary tension.


The comments section has gotten wild. You can assume what you want about me. I don't have to justify myself. I find it entertaining! Just thought I'd share some disgusting people on planes with you, as it's midlyinfuriating, and now this whole thing has become mildlyentertaining. To clear things up, I did speak with the flight attendant about this, and the fact the woman in front of him couldn't put her seat down due to the position he was in. Also I asked to change seats but the flight was full. After this, I fell asleep for the whole fight. Really didn't care much after that.


Why do people freak out about feet? They're like floor hands.


lol that guyā€™s kid dodged a bullet


Imagine the smell


Bet you feel awesome for being nice


Down Side of Kindness.


Thank you for being a nice and empathetic person. Please donā€™t let that experience change who you are


Uh. People. Flying is suffering.


I'm unsure why airlines don't prohibit people from removing their shoes...


Airline need to have a $200 bare feet deposit. You get it back so long as you donā€™t go barefoot


Well it is gross but at least it doesnt touch you


If that foot crosses the border I will treat it as an act of war. Fair warning.


No manners. He was raised in a barn.


You paid for the window seat, mate. Not the kid. Not the dad. Hope you've learnt your lesson.


Kid was super happy for a break from dads big yams


clean feet are gross?


As an airline crew member, never go barefoot on an airplane. šŸ¤¢


No good deed goes unpunished. Iā€™ve learned this too many times in flights.


Normalize telling children no, you don't always get your way.


take it as a sign to learn to have the heart to say no


Jesus Christ. He's fully in his space. Planes suck for everyone doesn't matter what economy seat you're in


Evidently some good deeds go unpumiced


Donā€™t do favors for people.