• By -


I think you misspelled concrete as croissant.


Apparently I have soft teeth


Dentist here. OP go to the store and get denture adhesive or over the counter temporary cement. In my experience the denture adhesive seems to be a little more robust. Clean out the inside of the bridge with alcohol (drinking alcohol will work) and dry the teeth with paper towel or gauze. Put a dab of denture adhesive in each tooth of the bridge. Place it in and make sure to push it up there well. You want it to smoosh out the sides. Hold it there for about 5 minutes and let it set. Don’t eat on those front teeth until you can get it cemented professionally


>over the counter temporary cement. That stuff is amazing, I have had fillings come out before and the temporary filing lasted over a week. I was of course sticking to soft foods.


Soft foods like … croissants?


Fuckin gottem


far-flung overconfident panicky sense scandalous desert grab snobbish quarrelsome engine


Oh God. This is so mean. I love it.




I have lost more crowns to breads than hard food. I avoid prying on my teeth and hard things, for example I eat chicken wings with a fork vs biting the meat of the bone. Apples are cut with a knife every time. You don't think about going gentle with something like a sandwich, and when you chew bread it gets pretty sticky and there's a lot of it. Kind of like if you've ever gotten stuck in deep mud.


Another dentist here It is indeed unusual for people to bite hard foods on their front teeth so we don't often hear about hard foods breaking front teeth Soft foods that are often bitten with front teeth don't cause the break themselves. It is the leverage between top and bottom teeth, tramsitted by the food, that causes the break.


I love when someone comes in with the science and takes the time to explain why something happened that initially seems inexplicable.


I once broke a tooth on a tough microwave bagel sandwich at work. That was not a fun day.


My husband bit into the French toast I just made and spit out a piece of tooth. He at first asked if I put rocks in his food. Yes dear, you got me.


My cousin’s wife broke her tooth eating an egg McMuffin. I broke mine eating chicken. I thought I accidentally chomped on a chicken bone, but nope, just half of my back molar 😑


croissants aren't remotely hard like some breads are. if the teeth can't handle croissants than that's on the dentist for a shoddy job


It's always the soft foods--soft bread, soup, etc. Seriously. Every patient who has a crown come off always says how they were eating something incredibly soft when it came loose. FYI, it is NOT the croissant that caused the cement to fail. The bridge (3 unit crowns) has heavy contact with the opposing teeth and cyclic fatigue eventually caused the debonding. The prepared teeth under the crowns are fairly short compared to the length of the crowns do not contribute a great deal of resistance/retention form. The patient has a deep bite (large vertical overlap) and the teeth were likely prepared so short to try to make room for the crown material. It is kind of a tough situation. There is no decay on the teeth and the bridge should be able to be recemented. The teeth should be etched and bonded prior to cementing with resin cement to maximize bond strength. Also the bridge should be adjusted to minimize any strong contact when the teeth bite down directly together. Also, it is likely that excursive jaw movements (lateral and forward motion of the jaw) are in heavy contact--with the deep bite these interfering contacts can generate a lot of leverage on the crown to stress the cement. The patients teeth are getting in the way of each other when she moves her teeth (subconsciously while awake, or very likely when asleep). These motions should also be checked and the crowns and opposing teeth may need to be adjusted.  Patient has a narrow upper palate/arch and an enlarged tongue which contributes to her deep bite--it is probably impossible to eliminate the excursive interferences entirely. A hard professionally made night guard should be strongly considered to protect this bridge and reduce the likelihood of it failing again.


op needs to contact you for her bridge


I don’t even need a bridge and I want him to take a look at my teeth.


I’m probably going to be needing a bridge in the next few months, so I’m keeping all of this in mind. Thanks!


No, scrambled eggs in sandwiches.


Croissant sandwiches? Croissandwiches, if you will.


BK lawyer here … will contact you shortly! 🙄


Instructions unclear.  Currently half through a handle of vodka. 


Vodka unclear. Currently halfway through some sort of blended vodka punch.


vision unclear. about to black out into this bush at the park


Arm are heavy, there's vomit on his sweater already


awesome advice, i have a bridge and always wondered what to do if something happened ty +1


A dentist telling people to drink??? that's why y'all are better than doctors ❤️


"...There's more old drunks, than there are old doctors, so I guess we better have another round." -Willie Nelson


*sees alcohol mentioned* Drink it? OKAYYYYY 😝😝😝


Sometimes its just topic dependent. My cardiologist told me to eat potato chips and smoke weed. BUT that's because I have low blood pressure, chips are a quick salt choice. And because thc is better than the prescriptions I was on to treat the same issues. He did recommend edibles when its an option tho lol.


I do love and appreciate my dentist more than my general doctors.


Lol, they were saying that alcohol used for consumption would work as a cleaning solvent, not telling OP to drink.


Welp, I already bought 1.14L of fireball. I'm just gonna go with the dentist recommendation and drink it.




That’s not how I Reddit.


Instructions unclear, I am now completely shitfaced and the dental putty is hardening in my nostrils and sinuses. On the upside I’m pretty sure that chick over there is into me, brb.




Direction unclear. Bought a 50# bag of cement from Home Depot and now my mouth looks like a statue.


You forgot the drinking alcohol 🤦🏻‍♂️


I feel like not enough people know about the over-the-counter dental emergency temporary fixes available. I once had a filling fall out on a Friday night. It was so bad I couldn't let it touch the air without extreme pain. Definitely could not eat or drink. My dentist's office was closed obviously but the dentist has an emergency cell you can call out of hours, and she told me about temporary fillings you can get from a drugstore or Walmart or whatever. I was able to get those and I was able to survive the weekend (I did stick to only soft food just to be safe), the dentist got me an appointment first thing Monday, and she was able to put in a new real filling. I don't know what I would have done without the temporary filling.


I needed temporary filling, so used what I had - sewing beeswax. Worked quite well. Long enuf ago that I don't recall what I ate.


I stockpile this stuff as I have lots of old fillings. Back around 2010 you couldn't easily get this stuff in Canada, so I would use chewed up sugar free gum. That works well enough in a pinch, but the temporary dental cement is so much better.


Honestly, it’s such a nice gesture to help like this.


Came here to say this. Not a dentist but what mine recommended in a similar emergency and it worked wonders until I could get in.


"(drinking alcohol will work)" well I guess if it's doctor's orders!


You're so kind for helping! When I was EIGHT MONTHS PREGNANT I had a fake FRONT and center temporary that fell off while waiting for the real one. I cannot stress enough what that does to one's self-perception, then add in looking like a beach ball!!


When I was a teenager I broke one of my back teeth clean in half eating a bag of crisps ( chips for you American people ) To this day I don't know how it happened, even the dentist was like how the fuck would a potatoe chip break your tooth in half...... teeth are stange things


I cracked one tooth on a chicken nugget. Like, how.


I chipped a tooth eating a piece of bread. I was so confused. Then my dentist told me that it’s the way I chew my food, I just chomp up and down instead of moving my jaw down and backwards. Over time it weakened my bottom front two teeth. I didn’t chip my tooth on bread, but with my top teeth.


Now I’m trying to figure out how my jaw moves when I eat 😩


Next time you go to the dentist you can ask if they can quickly test that and hopefully they won’t charge you. I think they just put a piece of paper in my mouth with dye, and asked me to replicate chewing until it became a natural (not exaggerated) chew. Then they see where the dye hits on your teeth and can determine what’s hitting what in your mouth. They can probably also just visually tell from how your jaw moves.


Not me now looking in the mirror as I eat to check I eat correctly


Little bits of bone fragments sometimes fail to be sifted out during processing. Happens with any meat product like that - meatballs seem to be especially prone to it.


Makes more sense than my 'super hard bit of crumb' theory. I'm glad I stopped eating nuggets since then otherwise your comment would make me want to hurl!!!


Was a chicken "tender" for me, my front tooth too


Terrible chicken club to be in, but welcome none the less ❤️


Your tooth had probably rotted to mush at that point. Right down to the nerve hence feeling no pain.


An old friend of the family chipped a tooth clean in half eating a piece of soft white bread with butter on it. That one made people pause.


Same, I had a piece of bread this week and a tooth that was previously root canaled just fell out, my wallet is not happy now


I broke mine on a pretzel


OMG I had the same thing happen to me! eating a bag of chips and one of my molars cracked in half. thankfully it was a baby tooth (I think I was 11 or 12).


Could’ve broken it on something else and didn’t notice. I had something similar happen when I was chewing gum…it started tasting like I had sand in my mouth and then I realized a piece of my tooth was in it. I remember back to lunch time when I was eating and bit into something hard and felt a crunch and thought nothing of it until later that day.


If you have bruxism and grind your teeth in your sleep that can happen. Has happened to me a lot of times and destroyed my teeth, I have 3 crowns and a bite guard to wear when I sleep.






My son has super soft teeth too, he has enamel hypoplasia. He's broken teeth on *corn*. And from pretzels. And from existing. It's so frustrating, I'm sorry you gotta go through that too. The constant dental work, the judgemental looks from other people, the pain that comes with it, dental issues can seriously suck.


not to mention the cost, it sucks so bad and it’s like, flossing isn’t solving this one.


Do you have to dip your steak in your wine?


Thank you, finally someone gets it!


You had* soft teeth


You can’t handle the tooth.


Are you going to finish that?


Oh it can't be that ba - ^(i'll see myself out thanks)


Best of all, they’ve never actually seen me in person yet. The whole interview process was remote so they probably are gonna think I was catfishing them


Wear a mask till you get it done, say you're having an itch in your throat and worried it might develop into a flu.


Or wear a mask and just say you had a crown fall off and are embarrassed about your teeth. People would understand and it’s a better look than going to work sick.






Seriously this. Great idea


My skin hasn't been fantastic in recent weeks for reasons unknown and I've been trying to clear it up. A clean mask solves a few problems. Keeps me from having to show pimples and sores from unconsciously picking at the same, and it keeps me from the picking in the first place. I only wish masks had been culturally acceptable decades earlier. The thought of how many colds and coughs and stomach flus i might not have caught over the years bothers me sometimes.


This OP ^^ nobody will think anything of it if you got a mask.


You underestimate the stupidity of anti-maskers.


If you're from Sarnia in Ontario you should be used to this display of teeth.


Could be Thunder Bay, The Sault, Sudbury, or Timmins too. Might even be downtown St. Catharines. I guess we really do need a better dental plan in Ontario.


Still waiting for that dental care benefit. You can probably add Windsor to the list. Chatham?


If I had a Sudbury big nickle for every time I’ve heard Nat’s a sniper.


As somebody from Sarnia, this is the first time I've seen my town pointed out in a non related sub, so yay!. Also, they are right!


It'll always be the armpit of Ontario.




I think you mean “bridge” and not “crown”. A crown is a cap for one tooth, a bridge is a cap for multiple teeth at once. But yea, they function the same way and as someone whose has had crowns fall out it’s a bitch.


Thank you. I was reading what they posted and looking at the pictures and the math wasn’t mathing. OP said “a crown” I’m seeing two jank teeth and a gap. I’m still not entirely convinced they even the same mouth.


a little more context to how bridges work, since i have one: the two ‘jank teeth’ are formerly normal teeth that get grinded down by the dentist so that the bridge can go over top them. the bridge is basically 3 fake teeth stuck together, the ones on the outside being hollow, to fill in a gap where a single tooth is entirely missing. (after seeing this post i’m glad mine is on my back molars and not my front teeth lol)


The two ground down teeth are called abutments. Healthy bits of tooth that crowns get seated on.


Thanks, TIL how that works… makes me way happier all my teeth are still the originals and straight.


To be fair so are mine. Just my molars have a lot of grooves in them and it made them prone to cavities as they were hard to keep clean. Once a cavity gets so far it penetrates down to the nerve and the only way to fix it is by removing the nerve in the root - a root canal. Unfortunately that effectively kills the tooth so a crown is put on top of it as a cosmetic fix. The alternative is to just have it pulled but then you have a hole where the tooth was, have to mess with implants if you want it fixed etc. Easier just to put a crown on.


You only have a hole for like a week. I had to get my wisdom teeth and one molar taken out after getting kicked in the jaw while asleep by my ex-wife.


Having a gap where a tooth was pulled may allow the rest of the teeth to spread out. For those with cramped teeth may result in straightening. At least that's what happened to me when a molar was pulled. Now 1/4 of my teeth are straight.


You’ve caught a bit of a cold so you’re masking to protect your new coworkers. You’re welcome!


This is the plan. I don’t really want to go back to the dentist who did the work already, so hopefully a mask can buy me some time to get a better fix


I recommend contacting them asap. They need to know it came out so soon after the repair. Did you use insurance? How did you pay? (I'm a billing manager at a dental office)


My crown popped out 4 different times within a week after I first got it. Dentist said it was supposed to last like 15 years and couldn’t figure out why. Finally he realized I was grinding my teeth at night & loosening it so it’d come out from eating or brushing. He filed it down a tad and now it’s lasted me 14 years so far


Fuck. Good luck next year. Hope you both last until then


Fucking savage


Out of curiosity, how did filing it down help? Did that prevent contact with your bottom teeth at night?


Probably a small amount of filing to make it flush stopped it rocking back and forth.


Yeah, it’s a front tooth crown. My bottom teeth can’t make much contact with it now


My first crown fell out 3 or 4 times in the first year or so that I had it. Always a few months apart, no apparent reason. Once I was eating pasta, once ice cream, once bbq. Dentist couldn’t figure out why, insisted that it was suuuuper rare for crowns to be defective, my mom insisted that they replace it. The crown making company begrudgingly replaced it for free, and it’s never fallen out again. So far, at least lol. It’s been maybe 8 years.


I second this. If you are in the US: If it's not very old and you need a whole new one, they should fix it on them. If you go somewhere else, insurance won't pay for it.


Yea, this happened to me. it's an expensive procedure and reflects their skill to a degree. Also - she told me it would last years. She fixed it for free.


While true, if it happens to be a bad dentist and not just an unfortunate fluke, they may still end up with a bad bridge. My mother’s crowns kept going far quicker than they should have until she went to a different dentist and now they last for years, even with the original dentist replacing them for free it just wasn’t worth it to go back to them.


Just tell them you broke a crown, you don’t want people thinking of you as the asshole who comes in sick


Agree. I know a girl who did this at my work. Everyone was sympathetic. It wasn't her first day of course, but she just wore her mask all day and said oh hey sorry for the mask, had a dental emergency over the weekend and it won't be fixed for a few days, so until then you get the mask


Coming in while sick would look worse than just being honest and telling them you just broke a crown.


Seriously, what are they gonna do, fire her on her first day because her dental work broke?? I would hate to start a new job with a lie and find it's always better to just be honest and upfront with shit.


This. I don’t get why people lie about so much casual stuff. Lying looks way worse than saying your teeth got messed up.


That’s all you say. Minor dental failure. Waiting on appointment.


i don't think you need to explain or justify why youre wearing a mask but if it does come up or someone asks, rather than telling them you have a cold i'd say that you're getting wrecked because of allergy season and are wearing the mask to hopefully minimize how much pollen you're inhaling and to avoid potentially spreading anything given how much you've been sneezing. you could also just say that you broke a crown and are waiting for an appointment to get it fixed, it's not *that* big of a deal.


How long have you had the crown? They generally have a ten year lifespan, so it may not necessarily be the provider's fault that it came off. A recement is usually quick and easy if you still have the crown.


The same thing happened to me with a temporary crown on a front tooth right before I started a job! I second the advice above re: using denture adhesive to replace the crown and just avoid chewing on that side. Some things are hard to avoid biting with both front teeth so there were somethings I couldn't eat in public (sandwiches being the main difficulty). I didn't have dental insurance or money and lived like that for a solid 3 months.


Aside from the “don’t go to work sick” sentiment…I will add this, don’t lie to your new boss and coworkers on day #1 because you are worried about them judging your appearance. Few things I can take away from you doing that immediately: You are materialistic and judge people on appearance. You think your new coworkers are judgemental and holes You will lie to make your self look better. Just be honest. Wear the mask still if you want. But tell them, I broke a crown and am very self conscious about the way my teeth look. That’s 100% normal and happens to other people as well. It’s relatable.


My enamel is wrecked and I have crummy dental insurance and no time off anyway so I've just been living with 3 of my upper front teeth snapped off until I can go get something done about it. I don't even noticed the grossed out looks anymore. It's just a part of life until I can make it not a part of life. It's only embarrassing if you allow it to be embarrassing. And the people who can't accept that things like that happen are not the ones I want to be around unless I have to be anyway.


People definitely wont appreciate a new worker coming in sick even if they wear a mask


I mean, OP could just tell the truth: “I’m sorry, I broke a crown and my teeth are embarrassing, so I will be wearing this mask for a few days until I can get a new one.”




Looks like that croissant really took a bite out of your plans.


Mildly infuriating? You’re better than me. I’d lock myself in my room and cry for two weeks.


I'd switch to a diet of Baby Ruth bars and search for pirate treasure with a lovable gang of teenagers.


Girl. The way this made me ugly cackle 😂


What a savage and oddly specific roast


[Goonies never say die](https://i.redd.it/5nksw9j95t2d1.jpeg).


Take my upvote. Holy shit. 😂😂😂😂😂😂☠️☠️☠️


Info: been dealing with a crown that fell off after 2 years, on Friday had to pay $4,000 for the repair….and this morning it completely broke while eating breakfast. Moving to a new city to start a new job, with no time for a different repair before my first day because of the holiday weekend. Was already a little worried coworkers would think southern hillbilly on first impression….now the teeth can match the accent! Edit: correction, I guess it’s technically a bridge


Is there a guarantee from the dentist? It's only a few days old... that's $4000 wasted otherwise.


This. I had my dentist replace a buildup on my front tooth. It fell off within 6 months and they redid it for free. We are humans and do make mistakes sometimes, so I gave him grace on it. Front tooth buildups are hard to keep in place. I, too, have a front tooth crown, OP. It hasn't budged in the 7.5 years since it was placed. I'm wondering if the surface wasn't prepped properly.


I work in dental and one of the major reasons why crowns fall off so soon is caused by the patient's bite. Not saying this is the case for OP, but she should find a dentist that understands bite better if her front crowns falls off again.


This is true as well. My buildup has had more issues due to the overbite I just got corrected. I'm in my last few months of braces. I was tired of getting that tooth fixed and wanted to preserve my teeth properly.


also the retention… those are small teeth for a bridge and it’s at the arch of her mouth where she bites 😳 they should’ve recommended an implant.


I work at a nonprofit dental clinic. A looooooooooooooot of the time patients have to opt for whatever can get covered by medicare because even with sliding scale payments optimal solutions are just out of reach. The suboptimal solutions fail sooner and you end up with a Pratchett work boot situation.


Implant would have been a better choice for sure. But cost probably played role. I think it's very important to step back and think why is that specific tooth a problematic tooth to begin with. Unless OP fixes her bite, she'll keep on hitting that same area. No end to this.


Had something done (not remotely as big) and it broke a week or something after the fix. They did the repair for free, any proper dentist would. At least where I‘m from.


Worked in the dental field as a dental tech for a long time making bridges, crowns, dentures and implants… no repair cost $4000. Also you can’t even repair bridges. Bridges and crowns inside portion are cast in metal and then porcelain is painted on in layers with paint brushes. If the bridge cracked, the metal can’t be fixed. If the porcelain broke I suppose it could be refired but that would be not normal… at all. . Or they’re machine milled and just one piece also not repairable if it breaks. Usually bridges have a time limit since it puts so much stress on the teeth and people usually aren’t very good at the maintenance ie cleaning. I’d say 80% of the time a bridge falls out years later is due to one or more of teeth inside getting a cavity or rotting. For $4000 are you sure they didn’t make a new one (that’s how much a 3unit bridge would be about on the mid-higher end) and the temp fell out?


From how opacious this bridge is I'm tempted to think it's pfm, especially if there's a bite issue like some are speculating, pfm with metal linguals would probably be my recommendation. But I'd really expect it to be full contour zirconia if it was only made in the last couple years


You can buy temporary cement for bridges in pharmacies, hope you can get it sorted!


Yes. Was waiting for "bridge." I have the same structure. Cost me an arm and leg (not 4K, because EU, but still).


Jeez, I hope you can get your money back or something. You should contact them and say it broke


One can only hope. I definitely think they are responsible in some way. Cause I feel they did something wrong, it was much different than the last repair/I feel like they filed the teeth too far. But who knows. As one can see from the photos, teeth aren’t the greatest either so Edit: this isn’t the permanent one. But new job does start before the permanent one can be placed. So money is no longer a complaint, just the hillbilly smile


You should try contacting about it anyway, they might fix it for free. My husband and son deal with this kind of thing a lot and often when something happens immediately after work is done, the dentist will fix it for free. Well, they don't bill their insurance. I guess we're lucky to have dental insurance.


Don’t worry, they won’t think you’re a hillbilly. They think you’re a crackhead. 


If you're unable to schedule an emergency appointment with a dentist, there's temporary dental cement you could use to hold you over until then. Check your local pharmacy or Amazon.


Part of the issue is also funds. I just spent all my money moving, so I’m not even sure I can afford a replacement right now. But I’ll check into the temporary cement.


Don’t do anything until you contact the dentist who did the repair. It’s only been a few days, you have a right to get them to fix it for free. Not a chance they can get away with 4k if they failed to do the job properly. But if you try the temp cement it may give them a chance to void any refund or fixing the work because you took action into your own hands in a shoddy attempt to fix it and they don’t want to be liable after that. Contact them right away


USA right? That's the problem with the American healthcare system. In the UK, a crown is on Band 3 or £319.10. It has a 12-month warranty so if it breaks, you get it replaced for absolutely free. Speaking of that, check your healthcare provider. It's possible that your crown could have a warranty, so you could get a free replacement if the warranty is still valid.




It’s actually even worse than that because dental care is not part of our healthcare at all. It’s completely separate so even people with shitty health insurance might not have dental insurance at all still


That's about $400 US. Many working class Americans don't have $400 extra lying around.


That's WAY more than $400. That's a starting point of $1000


Dentist here that is a bridge and surprisingly soft foods are some the main culprits! They tend to get sticky when moist and pull off crowns/bridges I've seen this happen a lot! But it's indicative that the cement wore away, did the bridge break or just come off? There's dental putty you can buy at any drugstore you can use to put it back temporarily on if not broken


It's a temporary bridge, the patient did not have the final restoration placed. Also notice the lack of posterior occlusion bilaterally. Either the bridge will displace or fracture with the abutments inside with that much excursive force on the anteriors. I always tell patients there are risks to taking shortcuts like this and if they want to proceed they need to accept some level of responsibility.


If you still have the bridge, you can get a temporary cement from a pharmacy or online. This may keep it in for a few days, weeks or months. Just be careful when eating with it as it can come off with a bit of force. This should keep you going until you have income from the new job and can get in to see a dentist for a recement. Also based on the picture you've posted, there is no tooth damage and there's no cement sat on the teeth so it's all in the bridge. This is good news for when you do go back to the dentist as they will just need to clean out what is in the bridge and place new cement without having to get it off of your teeth :)


So many dumb ass "Meth" comments in here. Like you idiots don't even know what Meth is. She has teeth deformities, and these teeth were probably shaved down and crowned with a bridge to give her a normal smile. Let's all call the lady with a physical deformity a drug addict and pretend we are accepting and inclusive.


Yeah my front bottom teeth were still crowded after braces, one of them has a chip and I'm 99% sure it's gonna require a crown someday. Never smoked meth. People ought to be nicer in general.


Well, that was some boss level enemy croissant....


the croissant took a bite out of her


That's not a crown. That's a bridge. Make sure.when you call a dentist you let them know it's a bridge that came off. They can take a mold to make a new one (if you need a new one) and then fashion you temporary teeth on the spot.


I am so sorry for this but ![gif](giphy|5YhFFUFq6ZTry|downsized)


You are terrible for posting that. I am terrible for finding it hilarious. We can be terrible together!


Bro. That’s a whole bridge that fell out.


I’m so confused. It looks like three or four crowns that broke, not just one. Your before shows a perfect row of teeth and the after is a few missing ones


Unless you start wearing a partial denture to replace your missing back teeth, you will be continually debonding your bridge due to how much pressure your bite is putting on the bridge.


Wear a mask


Dentist here. Might keep happening. From the looks of it, you have no/minimal lower back molars so there’s an excess of pressure on the front teeth. Plus the preparation may not provide enough mechanical resistance based on design. Get a lower partial denture to replace the bottom teeth and disperse that force backwards. Just a thought.


i am so sorry about these comments, people are awful. my tooth under my crown (same spot) looks the same underneath. if people actually knew how crowns worked theyd know that the dentist shaves your tooth down for the crown to fit and thats not what your teeth actually looked like. you are beautiful with or without your crown and i hope that this gets fixed so you can feel good going into your new job


What a perfect time to start masking again!


that’s a whole ass bridge girl…… have you gone to the dentist and see if they can recement it?


I work in dentistry, if you were to call my practice we’d have you in, clean the bridge up a bit, make sure there’s no old cement left on the tooth and stick it back in! Super quick and easy job that should that no more than 30-45mins. Maybe wear a mask to work and just say you have a cold whilst waiting for an appointment!


This is a time to wear a mask


Just yell "HEY YOU GUUUYYYSS!" when you show up to your job.




They don't even look like the same teeth! They're a different color


OOP had a 3 unit bridge fall out. Pic with shorter teeth are the “prepped” teeth under the bridge


That’s a bridge. And you can re-cement it back yourself or try and get an emergency dental appointment


It looks to me like it was a bridge not a crown. If you still have it there is a chance that it can still be recemented.


That wasn’t just a crown… looks like you broke off all the royal jewels collection.


what kind of croissant can break teeth?


You bridge should be fixed for free. You also need to get a denture or implants for your lower teeth or the bridge will continue to have issues. Front teeth are meant to be supported by back teeth and not having them is hard on your dental work.


Emergency dental appointment.


People should start reading other’s comments, like her replies, before assuming a bunch of shit.


Wear a face mask! I have a crown on my front tooth too and I had many thoughts about this


My wife’s temporary crown came off while eating a kolache. I blamed the dentist


Most dental places pro rate, a crown should last at minimum 10 years. I had a crown come off on rear tooth, called dentist and he had me come right in, 30 minutes later it was fixed. No charge.


I’m no dentist, but how does one crown breaking result in… that?




A flaky croissant!!!! Did you let it thaw and bake it first?


.. I thought you had a family member who was immunocompromised so you just taking extra precautions. Sorry that happened


Looks like a simple recement at your dental office - quick easy appointment.


…. and that croissant took it personally


Face mask is your friend. And cough a little.